Written by contributor Kari Patterson of Sacred Mundane
“All children are artists, and it is an indictment of our culture that so many of them lose their creativity, their unfettered imaginations, as they grow older.”
—Madeleine L’Engle, Walking on Water: Reflections on Faith and Art
We were neck-deep in The Story of the World history curriculum.
The Kingfisher and Usborne encyclopedias were stacked high on my lap, the kids leaning in close, interrupting every other sentence with, “What’s that?” “Why did they do that?” “What does that word mean?”
(Every lesson takes twice as long when the kids are actually learning something.)
I glanced at the clock; I was way behind schedule for the morning. We had finished the lesson on archeology, when both kids jumped up off the couch, a surge of creativity lighting their eyes:
“I know! Mommy, can we do an archeology dig right now? Can we dig for clues about what people used to live like? And can we put all the clues together and make a book about it?!!”
I glanced down at the list of “school” left for the day and knew what the right answer was:
“Absolutely! Let’s go!”
Within two minutes they were dressed for adventure—bandanas, notebooks, magnifying glass. The rest of the afternoon was spent outside, digging in the dirt. Sticks were dinosaur bones, rocks were bits of weaponry, some old weed-barrier cloth was surely primitive clothing.
Someday their cursive may be sorely lacking, but their creativity will never be.
See, the cultivation of creativity is one of our homeschooling goals. Why?
Because creativity enables us to live fully alive. As Madeleine L’Engle says,
“Unless we are creators we are not fully alive. … Creativity is a way of living life, no matter our vocation or how we earn our living.” ~ Walking on Water: Reflections of Faith and Art
Creativity enables us to empathize with others, because we easily imagine what it might feel like in their shoes. Creativity equips us to imagine solutions, inventions, innovations. Creativity prevents boredom, inspires leadership, and protects from a life of lemming-hood.
Creativity enables us to believe. (What is faith, if not informed imagination?)
Creativity enables us to live fully alive.
So how does this happen?
With curriculum as a catalyst. Discipline as a diving board.
For our homeschool days, cultivating creativity begins with using curriculum as a catalyst. Following a guide doesn’t box us in, it opens up new doors for us to walk through.
Through curriculum we enter new spaces we never knew existed.
And discipline is the diving board. As L’Engle says, “Inspiration usually comes during work rather than before it.” It is through steady, consistent discipline or routine that we learn the skills that free us to be creative.
Without some structure, curriculum, discipline, my days don’t feel creative–they feel chaotic. But when we have done the chores, recited the lines, practiced the penmanship, and dived into the books, we find ourselves on the edge of a magnificent diving board, high above a vast pool of knowledge, experience, wisdom, beauty, joy.
So this is what I picture in my mind:
Each morning we get up, we climb step-by-step up the diving board ladder, by discipline and order, structure and consistency, and then at the top, we face the beauty of the rest of our day–open and free to swim in the depths of experience and creativity.
We tip-toe carefully out to the edge …
And we dive in.
Cultivating Creativity in Our Children
Though I am no expert, here are a few simple ways to cultivate creativity in your children, for a life fully lived:
1. Start with Consistency & Discipline.
As stated above, we aren’t free to swim in the depths of creativity until we’ve mastered our habits.
A chaotic, messy, disordered environment does not necessarily mean creativity is being cultivated. In fact, gifted creatives can find life frustrating unless they’ve learned the skills of order and self-discipline.
2. Limit Electronics.
For little ones, the more a toy does the less they do. The less a toy does the more they do. Think blocks over batteries. Books over blinking lights. LEGO bricks over LeapPads.
Necessity is the mother of invention. If a child’s toys do everything for them, there is little left for his mind to do.
3. Love & Listen.
Nothing stifles creativity more than feeling insecure. When we are truly loved and listened to we find ourselves far more willing to dream and try new things.
4. Embrace Risk & Failure.
Demonstrate your willingness to risk and sometimes fail. Be a beginner. Cheer for good efforts not just for great results.
Reward every small effort at overcoming fears. Create a safe environment free of ridicule and sarcasm.
5. Laugh & Have Fun.
Creativity coach Susan Ann Darley says, “Creativity and humor are linked. Encourage it. Humor loosens the hold of the intellect, which can restrict playfulness and out-of-the-box thinking.”
Can discipline and creative fun go hand in hand? Absolutely!
My son and I chant (yell?) his memorization work while wielding light-sabers in the yard. And when I really want him to listen? Talking like Yoda works every time.
Nothing makes my children’s eyes light up quite like when I catch them off guard and initiate an imaginary adventure.
Here’s to creativity and a life fully lived.
Now, your turn: How do you cultivate creativity as you homeschool? Please, inspire us with your imaginative ideas!
My daughter is still preschool age and we’re not doing anything formal yet. But her days are filled with imaginative play and I keep thinking how much I don’t want formal schooling to stop that. Great suggestions that I’ll be keeping in mind for the days ahead.
Steph’s latest post: What We Keep in Front
Thanks, Steph!
Thanks for the wonderful post! We will be using a more structured curriculum (with my second- and third-graders) this year, and I have been worrying about it stifling our creativity. Your post encouraged me and gave me some great ideas for how we can combine the structure with free-thinking and playful learning.
Thanks, Jennie! So glad this could be helpful.
It is a very interesting point that you bring out about the discipline helping with creativity. My thing is kids art and I have discovered that it is true up to a point. When kids are a bit older and they need to learn certain skills in drawing for example, which will free them up to really draw what they want, that applies. Unfortunately people seem to think it means that kids should be boxed into the standard cookie cutter type of crafts when they are young which is totally represses creativity. You just have to know when to apply it.
Yes, so true. Wisdom–that’s what we all need! Thanks for commenting.
Excellent post! I’m a creative type who isn’t very good at creating “structure”. But you are right, without it I just bounce off the walls, unsure of what to do next. And my kids of course follow suit! We are starting our first year of homeschooling and I know we are going to have to find our balance. Thanks for the words of wisdom! 🙂
Jennifer B.’s latest post: How To Help A Mommy Out: A Post By Dash
I love this post, from the idea of discipline creating the opportunity to create to the acknowledgement that insecurity stifles creativity. Hmmm…these things might explain why I don’t consider myself creative 🙂
I feel like I should add that I’ve really enjoyed your other posts here as well. I’m considering homeschooling (though right now I’m probably in the “no” camp. I work 30 hours/week OOTH). Some of my questions have been “is it a good idea to be a beginner at teaching my kids?”–one post explored that, “how will I deal when my ideal homeschooling vision isn’t the reality (as it won’t be)”–you have another post about that covered that. I really appreciate your contributions as I ponder.
Being in danger of losing creativity and some control in our studies propelled us into the world of homeschooling a few years back. We have certainly not regretted it.
Instruction in a Yoda voice? Brilliant!
I love, love, love this article. Thanks for sharing.
Rob Cornell’s latest post: Free Urban Fantasy eBook – Darker Things