Written by Kara S. Anderson.
We were at a follow-up check for my daughter, who had surprised our ancient cat–and paid for it.
Her hand had become infected from a deep scratch, and for some reason, I was convinced this was a sign of terrible parenting. And so, I was already on edge when the doctor asked my 5-year-old how she liked school.
“Ummm, I homeschool,” she said looking to me for reassurance.
She is still not accustomed to people asking this. But I have an older son, and so I am used to it. I also know the inevitable follow-up.
“Do you have a group?” the doctor said turning to me.
“We do!” I answered brightly.
“Good. I just need to be sure they are being socialized.”
Being socialized? You need to be sure?
I felt my fists forming into little bony balls of rage.
But it was best to let this one go, because it probably seemed they were also being exposed to an old, crabby attack-cat. I needed this small parenting win.
It was the truth, though. We do have a group, one that we love — one that is the perfect fit for our family and how we homeschool.
But finding that group wasn’t an easy task.
We stumbled a lot. I stumbled, really. My children clearly inherited some sort of social gene from a relative who must have been part car salesman and part carnival barker. These two have never had trouble meeting people.
And yet, early on I thought it was my responsibility to help them along in the buddy department. We did the things many new homeschoolers do. We signed up for classes and activities. We stalked the local library for other homeschool families. And finally, we joined a group.
It was a group especially intended for younger homeschoolers, and it sounded like a good opportunity to meet other families. Members went to play dates at parks and visited the local twisty-climby kid spots.
Whew, I remember thinking — we were finally part of something. It was so handy to have that answer ready in my back pocket when the grocery clerk or dental assistant asked us how my kids socialized.
“We have a group!” I would say.
Problem solved.
Or was it?
My kids were interacting. They were invited to birthday parties. They had “friends.” (The use of those quotes is meant in no way insult the great kids and parents we met. It’s more to denote that although my kids were spending time with other children their own age, and although I was meeting other homeschooling moms, there wasn’t a lot of deep bonding โbest-buddies-for-lifeโ taking place.)
Our activities seemed to revolve around parent chit-chat and trying to get a handle on this new homeschooling gig. We were our own little Ellis Island, brought together by circumstance, some of us not even speaking the same “homeschool” language.
Because here’s the thing with socialization: We all know that true “socialization” is not just finding yourself in a group. For some of us (let’s face it, a lot of us introverted homeschool moms) groups can be absolutely terrifying.
And groups where you feel like the odd-woman out? Where you bring up something you read about unschooling or you reference your family’s circle time and you get looks of confusion and panic? Nothing about that feels very social.
For kids, I have to imagine this is even more confusing.
Imagine a child who has a passion for playing the ukulele, meeting a kid whose favorite past-time is mixed martial arts, and for those two kids to be told they need to be best friends based on proximity and the fact that neither has ever eaten a โhot lunch.”
It makes me start to think that the stereotypical paralyzed, socially awkward homeschool kid is really just baffled that his mom keeps bringing him to these weird events.
Our culture is accustomed to classrooms full of 30 kids. Have you ever tried buying a pack of just eight Valentines?
But are these 30 kids all really “friends?” Certainly not in my public schooling experience. They are more accurately boys and girls who the educational system says can all be taught the same things by virtue of their birthdates and zip codes.
And so, just as all second-graders at the local elementary school will not instantly be friends, the smaller sampling of homeschoolers in any given homeschool group might not be best pals either.
Maybe one or two of these kids will connect with your child.
Maybe, you will connect with a mom or two. Somehow, it seems, the mom you connect with will never actually be the parent of the child your kid likes. That’s just the way these things work.
Three years later, we actually have found a group that feels like home. It’s a mixed-age, very diverse co-op of families. Its focus is less on parent-organized social events and more on our weekly classes. It isn’t for everyone. I am now co-coordinator of the group and I will say that without hesitation — because no group is for everyone.
My children (and I) have made lots of friends — kids and parents who share like interests and as the book says, are people who like us.
It feels really good. I know just how good it feels because we walked away from that other group.
Realizing that it just wasn’t where we were supposed to be was difficult. We had to start over. We had to be okay with realizing that spending time with people in a similar situation was not the same as having friends. Was it socialization? Only by the standard American definition of sitting in a room with people your same age.
“Socialization” as a homeschooling family is tricky: you can try to force it, and know the whole time that you are living in a contrived state that will please your family doctor and weird neighbor.
But friendship is easier. You find people who like you. It may take a while, but I promise, the wait is worth it.
Have you found a homeschool group that works for both you and your children?
Originally published on May 28, 2013.
Part of me is tempted to say to the kids’ doctor, “Nope. We live in a cave never interacting with humans. That’s why my kids so easily struck up conversations with half the people in the waiting room.” ๐ I jest of course, but it would be funny to see the look on their faces! ๐
But just think of how much fun it would be? Wait? Is that my unsocialized part of homeschooling coming through?
Martha Artyomenko’s latest post: Though the Bud be bruised by Jo Wanmer
Oh my gosh — me too. That’s my first reaction — and would be borne out by 7yo telling the doc about all the friends he made in the waiting room.
This speaks to me. Good stuff.
We just moved across the country – in the middle of our first year of homeschooling….and oh, I’m having a very difficult time finding a group. I’m in a big city and I thought it would be so easy. I lean toward introvert – so this makes finding the motivation to stick my neck out there and find people….pretty crazy!
Great read for me.
Kate ๐
Kate’s latest post: A Post
Hi Kate! We recently moved across the country too – from MN to GA. We’ve been here 6 months. The early ones were hard but we are finding “our people” little by little! Take heart. ๐
Kate the funny thing is you don’t have to have a group, gasp I know. Get comfortable with where your living now, get setteled in. As you home school your children you’ll run into other famlies & eventually a ‘group’ will find you if a group is what you want. Socialization is Sunday school, extra curricular activities or sports they do… Your kids don’t have to have a group to be socialized.
I’m with you kari…I. don’t feel that a group is nessesary. Children can meet ppl very easily at a sporting event, gymnastics,”neighborhood” park ,and any other activity the child may want to join. I say neighborhood because THAT’S we’re you will meet the kids that live close by and your child can bond with. Children don’t make things complicated WE DO. ..lol.I don’t bother with the uptight “I homeschool my child” Kind of parent,you know the type….stuffy and Think that homeschooling means that you are in a special “I love my kid more than you” group. That can be a turn off as well. No one is better than anyone else because they are blessed with the ability to be a homeschooling parent. good luck and happy homeschooling.
Kids church is socializing!
& swimming lessons!
We ran into the whole socializing and friends issue when we first started, it wasn’t easy. There were homeschool groups but they weren’t very inviting, most were connected to churches. When our daughter was younger we would hit the county library for various activities unfortunately that really didn’t click for our daughter. Eventually she basically just stopped bringing up the topic all together at around 13 ( she’s currently 17) she fine. I think some people worry needlessly about the issue
I’ve looked for a group and never found one that fit. I feel like I want one more for myself than my children. They have friends everywhere! Neighborhood playmates, friends from activities like martial arts, etc. I want a group for moral support, to share ideas with, for help tracking down information – to not feel like I’m reinventing the wheel of homeschooling. When I look for that, I’ve had the experience you describe. If I connect, my kids are at loose ends. If they bond, I’m scratching my head off to the side. Its such a bizarre dynamic and really the only aspect of homeschooling I’ve struggled with. I’ve also had a tough time finding a group that didn’t want specific weekly commitment. I’m a producer so my kids spend time in the theater with me, traveling at times, and our schedule is all over the place. It works wonderfully for us, but makes connecting to more structured groups challenging. My children have made some fascinating friendships through my work though, with people of all ages and backgrounds.
Thanks for sharing this. It helped me process some of my thoughts about this topic!
Wow, great post! I quoted this in great lengths to my husband over breakfast this morning. ๐
I’ve had some things happen (or not happen, more specifically!) that have made it abundantly clear that I really haven’t made any friends in this area in the five years I’ve lived here. All I’ve found are some families who happen to homeschool (albeit with very different methods – a stumbling block in itself at times), happen to go to the same church, and happen to live in the same general area. But when I get beyond that, there’s just isn’t much overlap! They are nice people and all, but without that spark of common interests there just isn’t much hope of developing a real friendship.
I’m finding that it is lonelier to have acquaintances masquerading as friends than it is to not have friends at all. I’d like to have friends in this area, both for myself and my kids, but between living in a rural area and my introverted nature, I’ve had a really hard time figuring out how to meet people.
Amber’s latest post: 7 Quick Takes, Vol. 2
You just described my homeschool and my life, to a ‘T’. Wish we lived in the same rural town! lol!
I’m trying not to get bogged down with the thought that we have to find a group, have to make friends, have to “socialize”, have to please Aunt Margaret, have to be perfect. We are what and who and where we are, because the good Lord put us here. And He will also give us who and what we need to enrich our lives and allow us to gain the wisdom and educations my children will need to get them to the spots that He has picked out for them in adulthood. We only need to BE.STILL.
Thankyou for this!
I also in in the same boat. I could have written this. I also find it more lonely having aquaintances than real friends. Hang in there! I am hoping it gets better for us both.
Wow!! You must have had a look into my life! This year we are leaving a group that my family was part of since 2010. I talk to some of the moms on FB, however, never felt like we could connect with the familes and it wasn’t from a lack of trying. There seems to be so many “already friends” in the group. I am hopeful we will find the group that fits us! Thanks for this post.
Having a good group is tricky. We almost lost ours this year and I freaking PANICKED. Thankfully, some divine intervention or something saved us, and we shall carry on. But the socialization question continues to drive me batty. I guess it’s because no one ever asks a similar question of public school kids… like, “Hey, where does your kid fall on the popularity ladder? Looks as though he/she might be a total victim/target…” You know what I mean? It’s just not polite conversation.
tracey’s latest post: A Quickie, cuz I’m tired (that’s what she said)
My wife and I are just starting to homeschool our two kids, and the question of socialization is always the first thing people bring up. “Where does your kid fall on the popularity ladder?” is the best response to the socialization question I’ve ever heard. Unfortunately, I’d come across as a jerk if I said that. Would it be rude to say “That’s an odd question. Isn’t it like asking a public school family how popular their kids are in their class?”
I love your suggestion and will bow ask people that when they ask me about socialization!!!
We’re just getting going on the homeschooling or unschooling front. This will be our first year with our almost 5 and almost 9 year old boys. We haven’t even started yet and already we’re getting the socialization question from just about everyone – this is so timely. I’m willing to join groups – even being introvert with extroverted boys. Yet I imagine that there is the probability that it will be the same thing I experienced when we did play date groups for the boys when they were toddlers – having kids in common sometimes just isn’t enough – just as having homeschooling in common sometimes just isn’t enough. I’m not worried though – our home is always a bustle with the neighborhood kids coming over to play with the boys. They have a large group they interact with on a regular basis and guess what? Not one of those neighborhood kids are in a classroom with them… imagine that…lol. ;))
Dawn’s latest post: 21 Secrets Art Journaling Workshop
We don’t have a group because there are none in our smallish town. I have started “worrying” about the fact that my kids don’t have good friends. But that will come in time I suppose.
Who better to socialize with your kids than you? On the flip side, we should be worried that our kids spend more waking hours under the care of a public school teacher, socializing with kids who don’t share our own morals. If you want your kids to end up like you, have them spend time with you. ๐
Just wanted to agree with Bob, even though kids need friends too.
What an encouraging post!!! Thank you! This fall will be our first official year of homeschooling. Our 5 year old will be in Kindergarden and we pulled him out of public preachool for many reasons and have done preschool at home this yr. We live in a big city and I thought it would be easy to find a group…we are still looking but think we found a co-op to try in the fall. Although, he is involved in sports, and plays with neighboorhood kids etc… I am not thy worries about him being socialized. Just hoping to find a good group of other homeschoolers to be involved with.
Thank you for this post. My son and I are both very introverted types but very much would like to find a group to be a part of. I’m sad to say so far in our 5 years of homeschooling we haven’t found it. My area is limited with the groups. There is one very large group that just isn’t a fit for us. On top of it already being difficult to find a “group” to fit with we add Food Allergies to the mix. The very reason we started homeschooling. I have read the statistics and seen story after story of how badly food allergic children are bullied in school. I think I will pass on that kind of socialization for my son. I don’t understand the socialization questions from people either. Isn’t going to the grocery store or mall a social interaction? Baseball games? Basketball games? Spending time at the zoo or the gulfarium? Visiting with family and neighbors? Playing at the park? All of these places you are interacting and “socializing” with others. These are opportunities to meet people of all ages from all backgrounds. ( Definition of the word “SOCIALIZE ” -Verb -to Mix socially with others.) Well, the way I see it, we do that on a daily basis. ๐
My son and I are introverted too. We have tried “connecting” with local homeschool groups but we have not “connected” with anyone. My son is very quiet and doesn’t talk to people much when we are out, so I have worried about him being “socialized “. He’s happy at home but has no siblings and no real friends he plays with regularily. It’s mostly him and me, my husband, family once a week and people we see on errands. He’s 6.
Thanks for sharing. Knowing I shouldn’t feel pressure to be apart of a “group”…
I do hope he finds a good friend as I know it’s important.
On a slightly different tack I am always surprised at how many people think that the running of a different family comes under their ‘authority’. I find I really don’t gel with doctors, dentists, activity organisers, leaders of scouts etc because they seem to feel they can tell me how I should be raising my children and I seem to be incapable of not making it clear that it is none of their business! I have no problem with people asking questions but the tone that you need their approval for these kinds of decisions really gets my back up. I really enjoy the freedom and independence to set our own path that homeschooling gives us and one element is the freedom from the ‘experts’ that would otherwise be a much more frequent occurrence! Great post : )
I’ve never received any real opposition to our homeschooling – mainly just curious questions. The socialization question is normally put to rest once they talk to my children. ๐ That said, we wanted to be able to do some subjects with friends so our kids would have the opportunity to learn from and with each other. When we couldn’t find a local group that ‘fit’ we ended up starting our own. We finished our first full year of co-op classes (and some field trips) just today and it has turned into a wonderful group of families. I say, if your looking for community it can be done, even if you have to make it yourself.
This is really funny to me. I did not home school my kids and even though I myself had been homeschooled I dont think at that stage in the game I could have done it BUT…so many kids I know are so miserable in school, bullying, social problems, its endless the grief many kids have to go to in regular school situations. I think that it many, many cases this “socialization” in schools causes more problems then it solves.
mistake by the way I had not been homeschooled…I meant to say I WISH I had been homeschooled
Faigie’s latest post: Summer is coming and is a prefect time to learn how to tie dye (video)
Great post! I grew up being homeschooled as an introvert. I was somewhat forced to be social, but I have learned that that is not unique to homeschooling. My niece has gone to school most of her life and is the same way! I do have a great group for my boys, but it has been work to establish relationships within the group. I will just tell you that it is worth it!
Martha Artyomenko’s latest post: Though the Bud be bruised by Jo Wanmer
Ha! I was just asked this question by my pediatrician. She did ask it in a nicer way, but I knew she was getting at. Thank you for this post. I am struggling to find friends for my 6 year old daughter and we did join a group for that purpose. I think she will meet more girls when she joins the co-op next year. She is an extrovert, so I am doing my best to help her. She does have a best friend, but she’ll be attending public school next year and I am afraid she will see even less of her then.
Amanda Espinoza’s latest post: Weekend Links
I HATE the whole concept of “socialization”. I went to public school. my best friend throughout most of high school was four years younger than me, and my next two favorite people were in their thirties! Why are kids only considered socialized when they are thrown together with a bunch of other kids with whom they may have little to nothing in common? Nearly every kid I know in public school wishes they were homeschooled, and have told me so. My kids have never been to public school, and we’ve never had a group, mostly because we never felt like we were missing anything. But I certainly can see the value of being part of a group that you totally mesh with. My kids have good friends of all ages. Just being a member of our family requires developing good social skills. And they still have to practice how to handle conflict, disagreements, and undesirable behavior, both within our home and with their friends. They interact dynamically with adults and peers alike, and treat those younger than themselves and those who have special needs with kindness and tolerance. These are not skills that I learned in public school, and they don’t seem to be in abundant supply by those who currently attend public school from my observations. I think by today’s standards, Laura and Mary Ingalls would probably be considered horribly lacking in socialization, and yet the values that were seamlessly woven throughout their upbringing often proved them of much stronger character than those who spent far more time “socializing”. When did conforming become valued more than thinking, and clumping kids together become the gold standard of teaching social skills? No thanks, I’ll take real friends over “socializing” any day.
Such a great post! We have moved frequently, and finding “the right group” is especially difficult when you are always new. But through many moves — to both coasts, in between, and back — my 12y/o daughter has had the same best friend for six years. We are now living a 2 1/2 hour drive apart, but I make it fairly often so my daughter can be with her best buddy. She has found some casual neighborhood acquaintances, but it’s still not the same. And just yesterday I had to admit that the homeschool co-op I had such high hopes for just isn’t going to work out for us. Sigh…I guess I’ll be making that 2 1/2 hour drive more often than I thought. I’ve also had to give up on trying to convince my 5y/o son to be chums with another homeschooled boy who lives in close proximity. Why they didn’t hit it off, I don’t know, but it sure would have been convenient! Another sigh….(-:
We’ve never found a group, and I was terrified for a long time by the idea of “How is my son going to ever make friends?” Recently, though, he started meeting kids in the neighborhood who he really seems to click with, and he’s told me that all he wants is an hour or so a week with one of them (to go a little crazy :)).
I’d still love to find other homeschoolers close to us, but this will do for now.
Angela’s latest post: โA Day in the Lifeโ feature.
Oh what a great read, Thank you for this post. We have a few near and dear friends, and here I was fretting about not being part of a group. You are right, so much better to have friends.
Rita’s latest post: Beets
I loved this post. Socializing is never easy, at least for me. Not only have I recently started homeschooling, but just prior to making that decision, we moved across country. It has been so hard, but I have waited before for that “right” group.
By the way, I am still in utter disbelief that your doctor said that to you.
There is very little available where I live, so what we have is a group of about 5 of us who get together informally about once a month…BUT I really don’t feel connected to anyone nor do my kids. I don’t feel like we “click” so to speak with anyone. But it is better than nothing. There are no other groups (or other homeschoolers!) around to try something else with. I am hoping that something will come up sometime. For now I am also thankful my kids have each other!!
What a timely post for me! I work full time and started homeschooling DS (10) in January. His major complaint is lack of “friends” but what he has forgotten is that those were proximity acquaintances and not one of them has contacted us since he left his class! I hope to check out the homeschool groups nearby over the summer while I am off but we are unschooling and I have found that most homeschoolers here are pretty structured so I’m not sure if that will work out. This encourages me to reach out to the larger city nearby for secular unschooling groups… it would be a drive but it might be a better fit… Thanks for the support, especially here in the comments section.
Ruth’s latest post: Darth Homeschool update…
Finding the right group is so hard! We live in a very rural area & groups are few. We have been apart of 3 groups now since starting homeschool 3 yrs ago. We are still looking for the group we feel comfortable with. My kids have some friends at church, but not any what you call best friends yet. I am not really worried, but it would be nice to find some other homeschool kids that they could be buddies with. I also would like to find fellow homeschool moms to talk with for support & share ideas with. I keep praying & know that God will lead us to the right group of homeschool friends when he’s ready to.
This is so good and SO refreshing. ๐ We too joined a homeschool group when we first started and have slowly drifted away. SOmetimes I feel guilty, but it’s just what it is. ๐
Thanks so much. I happened to write at my site today as well about friendships as my boys enter the pre-teen/teen years. As homeschoolers. ๐
Very well said. Thank you for writing.
I love this post, but I have to admit, I’m really kind of concerned for us and our own status as a properly socialized homeschooling family. My son is 4, so according to the state, he’s not “officially” school age yet. We have a very active social life through our church. There are a TON of families our age with children my son’s age. We spend a lot of time with them all and absolutely LOVE having those deep friendship connections. However, I’m worried about when all of their kids will start school together and my son will still be home with me. Will those friendships he’s come to love completely fizzle out as they all bond deeper through their shared experiences at the local public school? Will he feel left out and excluded, or like a “freak”? And- the hardest part- the only homeschooling group near us is 30 miles away. And it’s the ONLY one. We’re Christians, and this group is Christian, but I’ve visited their website and they’re much much more conservative than we are. They even make you sign a contract defining family as “a group of people related either through blood or adoption with a heterosexual two-parent partnership.” We are foster parents! We don’t even fit into their poorly-worded definition of “family.” Based on this outside judgement, I don’t wanna join their group! I digress. What would you suggest for someone like me, committed to homeschooling but without many group or co-op options? Thank you!
Hi Kat,
It can be so hard to find a good group fit, can’t it? And if you are anything like me, it is really hard to not feel like you are responsible for finding other kids for your kids to spend time with. This was overwhelming for me, and the main reason that we stayed with a group that didn’t work for so long. But as someone said above — that can be even more lonely than being on your own.
I know some moms who have started groups in their communities, through Yahoo groups or Meetup.
We met some great families through library events and classes. For some parents, I know sports teams, or groups like 4-H have given them a chance to connect with other families.
One of my very favorite approaches was a mom who made up free business cards that said her name and email, and the phrase, “We’re homeschoolers, but don’t worry — we socialize!”
Just a few ideas! I remember feeling the same concerns, and I know it’s hard, but there are so many wonderful homeschool families out there looking to connect too!
Best of luck!
Kara’s latest post: The Sweet Moments
Initially, I think I thought very similarly to many who have commented; I tried to seek out other homeschoolers. It’s not so easily perfect, as many have noted. I have since taken another approach (minus the homeschool “beacon”)…we do what we need, what we enjoy, and what we feel led to…and in that day to day interaction we each find many different people in our lives: regulars, acquaintances, and even a very few dear friends. That is just about the best balance any of us have desired on most days.
We raised and homeschooled 12 kids. Some of the time we were involved in homeschooling groups; some of the time we simply did our own thing. At the beginning, way back in 1983, it was important to me to seek out other homeschooling families for support. We planned monthly outings such as trips to the Fire Station or the local newspaper. Some of those families became friends of our family, so we saw each other on a semi-regular basis. We planned Christmas Concerts and plays together, performing for other friends and relatives. It was great fun – more fun than being in a formal group.
As we got older and found ourselves living way out in the country, it was far too complicated to attend group events 40 minutes from home. It was also a waste of our time. Our children enjoyed interacting with other homeschoolers, but, truth be told, they liked their own company just as well. They were free to pursue their own interests at home. They were free to invite friends over from time to time. This seemed to be enough. They certainly are all articulate and personable members of society.
I really didn’t worry about it much. I figured that if the pioneer families (Think Little House on the Prairie) could raise children without going to town to see other kids for MONTHS on end, my kids were fine seeing kids at church and having other families over for a visit from time to time.
Socialization is really a non-issue.
My advice to younger moms? Relax, and do what seems best to you. ๐
Janet’s latest post: Whole Church, whole gospel, whole world
I was never homeschooled until I reached my junior year of high school. I ended up going to a co-op in my area got to know a few people there that were my age. 4 years later and I’m still good friends with some of them. It really is a great way to meet other people in the homeschool community.
My kids are in college now. But we homeschooled/unschooled for 10 years. And we not only found *a* group that we felt comfortable in, but several such groups! There was the main one – the one we got started with, where I got lots of advice when we first started. I met some other parents who became real friends, and my son, who is about as extroverted as anyone could be, made friends with everyone he met. My daughter, who is shy and introverted, found that all the girls in that group were either 2 years older or two years younger than she was, and none of them seemed to have enough in common with her to become her friends. So she “socialized” at the weekly park gatherings and classes, but did not make friends in that group. She had two friends in our neighborhood who were her “best friends,” and eventually one of them started homeschooling too, and that family joined our homeschool group, and my dd and her best friend were always seen together and not really mixing with the other kids much, after that. Until Best Friend moved far away. It took my daughter a couple of years to find another close friend. Meanwhile, she kept in touch with her distant friend through email, FaceBook, phone calls, and Skype. Interestingly enough, though, when the kids in our homeschool group all became teens, they formed a teen group that started having monthly get-togethers at the house of one particular family, and my daughter suddenly started enjoying being part of a larger group, and “friended,” on FB, many of those girls who were 2 yrs younger than her, whom she had known for so long but not really done anything with, along with some kids (both boys and girls) who were newer to the group. Most of the kids she hung out with during her teen years are in college now, and many of them are still friends. There are even a few steady couples among them. (A lot of them – including my daughter – go to local colleges and still live at home. I think that’s largely because of the economy. It certainly is in our case – although my son moved out when he started college, and has been supporting himself ever since – but that’s a different topic and now I’m rambling – LOL!) So – back to the topic …. Then there was the local unschool group, in which I had several friends, but the kids were mostly much younger than my kids, so we didn’t go to very many of their social activities;
and there was another diverse/inclusive homeschool group that had weekly park days and classes that my kids used to go to for a few years – that group was another one where my son had lots of friends, but my daughter was still very shy and tended to hang out with me and the other moms. I didn’t make any lasting friendships in that other homeschool group, but I still enjoyed hanging out and chatting with the other moms (and my daughter, who, I must admit, really is also my “best friend”).
I found encouragement/comfort in this article, but was wondering if there is anyone who can speak to the same challenge with the added ingredient of also having a disabled child? I’m afraid to even venture into finding a “group” because of our special lil man. I wrestle with guilt because I feel the other children miss opportunities because of the difficulty of caring for him while also watching/being involved with the other three. I have no one to watch him while we go out so we all must do everything together-but isn’t that “homeschooling”?
Our “tribe” consists of public school & homeschool families. My son went to public kindergarten. I was co-room mom with the mom of a boy with autism. His mom and I became great friends that year and our kids also became good friends. We both left public school after kindergarten. Our little group (as described in my comment below) is a mix of public and home school kids. We not only have my friend’s son with autism (high functioning), we have another mom who brings her son with autism (low functioning), and another mom who has a son with cerebral palsy. We have a sprinkling of a few more autism families (some homeschooling, some not) who join us from time to time (as my friend was the president of our local autism society). Our kids always play well together, no one is ever bullied or shunned, it’s a great group of kids. I hope that by now you have found a group to hang out with, both for your kids’ sake and your own. Homeschooling can be very isolating, and as I’ve learned from my friend, so can being the mom of a special needs child. Everyone needs their “tribe” and I hope you’ve found yours. ๐
Thanks so much for this post. This has been our struggle ever since we started homeschooling. It’s good to know I’m not the “crazy” one.
Great article!
Any more when people bring up the “S” word, I just say we are too busy with sports, co-op classes, trips, and spending time with friends to worry about it.
I know that doesn’t work for every situation. But usually when I say that people have to stop and then ponder what socialization really means.
Thank you! I loved: “Was it socialization? Only by the standard American definition of sitting in a room with people your same age.” Perfectly said. We are living in Germany – where, as you probably know, homeschooling is VERY illegal – with our pre-k son, who we are just beginning to homeschool. (Thankfully, we return Stateside this fall and don’t need to worry about compulsory school here in Germany.) Talk about hard to find like-minded, supportive people, haha! But we now have a core group of friends, which took monstrous effort to create. I’m so grateful. The lessons my son learns from that small, diverse group of true friends during our many outings and play dates are infinitely more valuable than being one of 15-30 kids in a room together. Once you find your core group, I feel like the “socialization” part of homeschool is actually one of the benefits! Hope I can relay that to my pediatrician when it comes time, hahaโฆ.Thanks for the heads up on that one!!
As we go into our 3rd year of homeschooling, my son and I feel really lucky to have our “tribe”. He went to public school kindergarten and luckily his best friend’s mom pulled her son out of public school, too, after kindergarten. She and I had been co-room moms and had become great friends during that school year. We have continued to build on the group of moms & kids formed in kindergarten. The kids all get along, most of us live in the same neighborhood, and 2 more families have left the same elementary school and are now homeschooling. So, we have this cool combined tribe of homeschooled and traditionally schooled kids now. We meet at the park at least once a week, the kids & moms get together at other times (not in a big group), and some of the kids are in homeschool classes together. There is crossover during the summer where many of the kids can take camps and swimming together. It’s sad to hear the complaints about the school/school system/teachers from the moms of the public school kids. They are so unhappy, but feel they either don’t have a choice, or don’t have “what it takes” to homeschool. The non-homeschooling moms are always curious about homeschooling and we help where we can, but it’s never an “us vs. them” mentality, it’s a great community of support and friendship that I personally feel so blessed to be a part of. The kids like each other and I believe there are some true friendships growing there. I know I depend on these moms so heavily for my dose of friendship and sanity.
Can’t wait to read all of the comments here. We will be homeschooling and I am totally freaked out by the lack of homeschooling groups in my city. The only one that I know that exists, requires parents to teach a class and I am introverted mama. So this scares me. I am excited to see that it’s possible to find a group that feels like a good fit.
Mel’s latest post: minimalism: a surprising solution to parenting woes
I’ve not been homeschooled and we don’t homeschool but I adore this post. I did an assessment for work and one of the comments in the feedback said that I need depth in relationships so will have fewer and that I don’t do well with shallow chit chat. It was amazing to see it in black and white because it helped me see why I don’t have a ton of friends and why it takes me longer to make friends. I don’t want one hundred acquaintances. I want a few kindred spirits – and I’m an extrovert! Socialization is not as important as emotional and relational intelligence.
One of my biggest struggles is that my husband is a clergy person in Christian denomination that isn’t known to be “big” in the homeschool world. So at church (much of our social life as family) our choice gets a lot of questions some curious and some more hostile. Of course, I must be polite. The flip side is that often times when I do meet other families that homeschool they are active in churches that have a tendency to view my church affiliation with suspicion (justly and unjustly in my experience). I just had this experience last Saturday. We are in a new city and the majority of homeschoolers are Christians. I want my children to have opportunities to make friends. It is actually much simpler for me to deal with those who consider themselves to be more secular. It is an odd challenge that I never expected.
I love this article. It really gave me something to think about. My kids totally socialize with other kids, but not so many in the “friends” department. my kids are close in age (4 and 5) so they have each other as BFFs, but making homeschool friends their age has been a challenge. In our area, not many families start homeschooling at age 5. So they play with the older kids at the group get togethers. They enjoy each other’s company but I don’t think they will be life long friends. But that is ok too. The time will come when we meet the right people we will call friends ๐
Katie | The Surly Housewife’s latest post: Dating Your Spouse
I remember reading this before when it was first posted. I still have the same feelings. For those of us in small, rural areas without any other areas closer than 2 hours with a group, what we have is what we get. What you describe is all there is…no options. I think its similar to being pioneers. I have learned that instead of wishing I lived in an area with choice, it really helps to just accept where we live complete with the very limited numbers of homeschoolers.
No real group here yet and we are starting our 3rd year homeschooling our almost 8 year old son. I’m very introverted and my son will initiate friendships quite easily. I don’t dig forced friendships. We have some friends that don’t homeschool with kids that my son really enjoys playing with. I have tried to connect with other homeschoolers in my zip code and will probably try some more, but have had only limited success so far.
We were at the doctors this week and since homeschooling is new to us, this was the first time it was mentioned to the doctor. Her first question was “are you part of a group?” Since we’re new to this,this whole “first time”announcement comes often with the same question. It starts feeling like maybe I SHOULD be n a group, but we’re not. We are introverts and quite busy as it is,without going out of our way to find a group. I’m not saying we won’t ever be in one,or that they’re bad, just not for us right now. When I first started homeschooling 6 months ago, I looked into groups and felt like “this is what we’re supposed to do first.” But then quickly realized, every homeschool situation is different, and there’s not always a lot in common just because we’re all homeschoolers. Are we isolated? No. We’re active at church, my kids are in various extracurriculars, they see kids and adults often. I feel like I need to get defensive when asked if I’m in a group these days. I know my kids get enough social time, so why do I feel so defensive? Anyway, I need to remind myself that the question isn’t always the judgemental question it sounds like. Before I homeschooled, I knew nothing about it, except that sometimes people went to co-ops, so sometimes, ignorantly, when I met a homeschooler, I’d ask “are you in a group?” Because I really didn’t have any idea what else to ask! It wasn’t a comment about socialization, it was just curiosity about homeschooling. However, I do think. When the doctor asked, it was within the context of “does he get enough socialization.” My son is actually much happier now, escaping the public school socialization that was so fraught with exclusion and cliques. I should’ve said that to the doctor, but the words didn’t come to me.
I would have responded to the doctor, “the voices in my child’s head provide all the socialization she needs” and would be sure to dress her like Wednesday Addams from then on! ๐
Seriously, though, I appreciate the honesty about social groups. I have homeschooled son since fourth grade. He is starting high school this year and we have yet to really click with a group. One problem is that I am an introvert and I find forced socialization excruciating at first, though I can usually manage some small talk with at least one other mother. One year was promising when my son made friends with a boy–whose mother is a total flake, IMO. I soldiered on and tried to make sure my son got to see his friend, but various events in the mother’s life (I won’t go into detail) caused them to fade from view. Most of the other kids in that group were much younger than my son and though my son likes the company of older kids, he has never enjoyed hanging with kids more than 3 years younger and I’m not sure its the best for them either. Fortunately, we changed churches a few months ago and my son is making friends in his new youth group so I’m not worried. Wish I could say the same about everyone else. I get tired of having to defend our choices.
We don’t have a “group”. Just friends from every day life (soccer, church, other activities). My kids actually asked NOT to go to our local charter school any longer, because they just weren’t interested in the classes or the kids. They were perfectly happy doing school 100% at home.
I’m also not sure why it’s your doctor’s business making sure you’re in a “group” or anything else. I would find a different doctor, and have a little something to say to that one when I told her why I was leaving!
I have a question. The doctor said, “I just wanted to be sure they were being socialized, what was he gonna do if they weren’t in a group being properly socialized as defined by him?
Yep, that statement irritated me. My 3rd child is a shy introvert. She has a total of 2 friends right now at age 12. As Sam Weir said in Freaks and Geeks, “I don’t need another friend. I already have two. I mean, how many more friends does a guy need?” I have to remind myself of that when feel the urge to meet 12 year old girls myself and try to push my daughter into ‘making friends’. And we might look for a group one day based on interest, we are in Georgia and she is hooked on Anime right now, if anyone is interested. ๐
April’s latest post: Ecuador #10: The people
Hello. I have been part of big groups and small. I did not join some because the women were generally to snobby (at least I got that impression) and because they would only accept Christians (I am a Christian, but that just bothers me). I really prefer small gatherings. When it is a big event the kids tend to just play, but not really talk to the other kids. As an introvert I always talk to another mom who is looking left out. Once I connect with a mom (in some way or other) I will invite them to my house (I have never has anyone say no! People want to connect so I don’t be shy about it anymore). Playing in the home with one other family (or two) really helped my kids to develop close relationships. Once that is developed they enjoy doing stuff in the park and field trips, but they need something a bit more intimate to get the bond going. It can be true that the kids are great and the mom is ok or the kids are horrible and the mom is the coolest thing ever. Sometimes it is about the kids and sometimes it’s about me. ๐
I would love to home-school my kids. I have three, and my oldest is a kindergartener, but I am so terrified of not doing it well. Like I will fail them somehow. I applaud you brave women!!
I might have something to help the problem. I am creating a site for Christian homeschoolers. You can read about it here: http://www.socialize24.com
I have homeschooled my son starting in 4th grade when his Christian School shut down due to low enrollment after 3rd grade. Homeschooling was a choice when my husband was out of work and we knew friends who used the
“A Beka Academy Video Curriculum”. My worst complainers about socialization are my Christian parents, sister, nieces, nephews, brother and my husbands relatives both close and distant. I was a public school student my entire life other than 2 years in a Christian School. I have to say my closest friends are from public school whom I keep in touch with long distance. When my son was in his private Christian School, the class sizes were 12 at most. He had problems due to his maturity not connecting with the other boys. He did connect with the girls and enjoyed them the most. I am still scared of what to do for his future. He has been to Awana thru 6th grade and did not connect with any boy in particular. He tried to. I look around our crowded church with literally hundreds of kids in the same age group. We go to a very large church. I don’t see really any boys connecting with each other. They play group games. I think boys don’t connect that deeply seeing each other once a week for an hour or two. My son has found 3 friends outside of our neighborhood but still within bicycling distance he likes an resonates with. I hope this continues. The other public school kids in our upper middle class neighborhood are downright extremely mean, not because we homeschool. They are “mean jerks” to most kids. It seems to be getting worse. The other problem with finding boys to connect with that are not in 2 or more sports at one time and busy with practice or games. Look around wherever you go, there are no kids playing in any of the streets. I drove down the streets just observing. No kids outside anywhere hardly. They instead are on electronic devices or are over involved in sports. What’s with parents that put their kids in 2 sports besides school. I don’t get it! Pick one and let your kid be a kid and have time to play outside. It is getting grim in our world. Parents keep the kids busy and unavailable. My son is so tired of “have to go to practice” or a “game”. Keeping kids busy has become a sort of “god” to people as a way of hoping my kid will be the best or better than yours. Too much competition. Things are turned on their head today with kids being elevated to fulfill parents dreams. I just want my son to make some friends he will know forever and connect with. Two very close friends and feel he had a good upbringing and childhood. One friendly side note here: Make sure your kids are dressed up to date with the latest clothing where it is not obvious your kids are wearing garage sale clothing that looks it and “floods” short pants with white socks. If you dress your kids like they are “out” other kids will spot it and be turned off. You have to do this!!! We see this problem. Are your kids walking up straight with their shoulders back or hunching forward with their shoulders pointed inward — another sign of a “sheltered kid”. I’m saying this out of love for your kids. Make them fit in and don’t go cheap and out of date on clothes.
Do anyone know of there a website or somwhere i could go to assist for help in finding my grandchildren friends there age to play with in the Vancouver Washington area.???
I am thinking of homeschooling my 11 year old he has autism… loved reading all your meet with friends socializing posts I haven’t started home schooling yet and I’m getting that over and over already!!! wondered if anyone knows if it is required by law that my little boy has to sit exams or GCSE as I cannot find any info on this Thanks
I’ve been homeschooling for 6 years and just about to start my 7 year. I have yet to find a group, and I do long to find a group. I’m not an introvert and my children too love people and make friends easily, but being a large family of 7 makes it hard to find a group that can fit all my kids. We have been on a waiting list for 6 years. Ugh, I miss people and feel like we NEED people of like minds. Oh well God knows our needs.
Hi, I am looking for playmates for my 7 year old granddaughter. She is usually with me 2 or 3 days a week and we live in the country near Hockinson and Brush Prairie just off Davis. She is being homeschooled…very loving and fun but really only plays with her cousins. The other part of her week is spent with her Mom and mostly adults there. She is wanting to join something where she can meet other kids. She still has some speech impediments because of loss of front teeth when she was young. But you can understand. She absolutely loves other kids and I would love to find her someone to play with.
The best part of 2020 was I found my people, but now gas prices have gone sooo far up, Iโm finding the need to make a new circle, of people closer to us.
I hope you find what you and yours need most for this season! xo