The Intensity of Homeschooling a Gifted Child ~ Written by Colleen Kessler of Raising Lifelong Learners We often think of giftedness as just that, a gift. While it certainly can be, it is not uncommon for academically and/or developmentally advanced children to also have a range of intense and …
9 Ways to Raise Resilient Kids
9 Ways to Raise Resilient Kids ~ Written by Colleen Kessler of Raising Lifelong Learners Your children might be skilled, talented, funny, and brilliant. But if they're not resilient, persistent, and gritty, they won't be able to make the most of those other characteristics. One of the greatest …
3 Myths About Homeschooling Gifted Kids
3 Myths About Homeschooling Gifted Kids ~ Written by Colleen Kessler of Raising Lifelong Learners Homeschooling a gifted kid is totally a walk in the park, right? After all, they're super-smart, pick things up easily, and are always ready to sit still, listen, and learn. Isn't that what gifted …
Homeschooling My Gifted Child: Here’s Why it Was the Best Choice
Homeschooling My Gifted Child: Here's Why It Was the Best Choice ~ Written by Colleen Kessler of Raising Lifelong Learners Eleven years ago I began homeschooling my profoundly gifted son, and admit that I was a very reluctant homeschooler. But the longer I have homeschooled, the more firmly I have …
Homeschooling My Gifted Child: Here’s Why it Was the Best ChoiceRead More
Colleen’s homeschool day in the life (with an 8-, 11-, 13-, and 18- year-old)
Colleen's homeschool day in the life ~ Written by Colleen Kessler of Raising Lifelong Learners Dun dun dun dunnnnnnn.... My alarm. It's 8:00 a.m. I press snooze. Again. This continues for the next hour, and I finally drag myself out of bed around 9:00, gulp down the cold coffee …
Colleen’s homeschool day in the life (with an 8-, 11-, 13-, and 18- year-old)Read More