Written by Kari Patterson Teaching multiple ages at once is hard. This is one of the most common homeschool complaints I hear (usually from myself!). The struggle is real: We'll have a 14-year age span between the oldest and youngest of our children when our next son is born this …
a mom's education
How World War II fiction is helping me navigate this pandemic
Written by Kara S. Anderson When I was a little kid, I used to read in closets. Mostly Nancy Drew. My mother worried, but of course no one talked about introverts much back then. It was years before Jamie’s book and community would be born. So I read in closets, and my mother fretted, but she …
How World War II fiction is helping me navigate this pandemicRead More
Are your kids ready for the news?
Are your kids ready for the news? ~ Written by Melissa Camara Wilkins When I was a young adult, I remember a string of weeks where one particular salacious news story was featured in every five o’clock, six o’clock, and eleven o’clock news hour. There were never new details to report, but the …
Summer and the struggling reader
Written by Shawna Wingert of Different by Design Learning It's June. The end of another school year. The beginning of summer. For my family, it means transitioning to a "summer learning plan." At least that's what it means for us this year. The truth is, in past years, summer was a less …
Considering homeschool? 5 things I wish I knew before I began.
Considering homeschool? 5 things I wish I knew before I began ~ Written by Kari Patterson If you're considering homeschooling and have a heap of questions, please know: You're not alone. We're in strange times, and never before have I heard from so many parents who are considering homeschooling …
Considering homeschool? 5 things I wish I knew before I began.Read More