One of the most common complaints I hear from new-to-homeschooling moms is, "There are so many choices! I just need somebody to tell me what to do and I'll do it." Well, I've got news for you, Mamas. Choosing a curriculum is just the beginning. Several curricula actually offer choices within …
Piecing Together a First Grade Education (2012 Curriculum Fair)
Written by contributor Hillary Boucher of infinite learners Ages of my children: 7, 4, & 1 Educational philosophies I pull from: Unschooling, Literature-based, Enki, Montessori We are a young homeschooling family and have only recently started to explore formal curriculum. In the early …
Piecing Together a First Grade Education (2012 Curriculum Fair)Read More
Transition from Interest-Led Elementary to Middle School Years
Written by contributor Renee Tougas of FIMBY. Ages of my children: (almost) 13, 11, and 9 Educational Philosophies I pull from: Leadership Education, Literature-Based, Charlotte Mason, Unschooling Our family has gone through a lot of change in the past year. We moved to a different country …
Transition from Interest-Led Elementary to Middle School YearsRead More
Trail Guide to Learning (Curriculum Fair 2012)
Written by contributor Kris Bales of Weird, Unsocialized Homeschoolers. Children's ages: 16, 12, and 10 Educational Philosophy Influences: Classical, Charlotte Mason, Eclectic I'm really excited about the 2012-2013 school year! That's because we'll be continuing with curriculum that we found …
The good, the bad, the Internet (2012 curriculum fair)
Written by contributor Amida of Journey into Unschooling. Ages of my children: 13, 10, 5, 1 Educational philosophies I pull from: eclectic, unschooling We’ve gone through a lot of curriculum in our house. There are a few favorites that I’ve offered for all my children (the Good) and then …
The good, the bad, the Internet (2012 curriculum fair)Read More