When it comes to teaching math, some homeschooling mamas and papas have to stifle an inner groan. Many of us had bad experiences with this subject when we were in school, and we're reluctant to pass on that attitude to our bright-eyed kids. This is why it's especially important that the math …
Curriculum Choices: 5 Phonics/Early Reading Options
(Disclosure: This post contains five popular reading resources. I haven't used them myself, unless I share otherwise. This is not a paid review, and Simple Homeschool has not accepted any funds in exchange for this post.) I don't know about you, but the idea of teaching my children to read struck …
Curriculum Choices: 5 Phonics/Early Reading OptionsRead More
Curriculum Choices: Sonlight Explored
Stories have the power to teach, comfort, and transport us to faraway lands. As someone who majored in literature during college, I've always loved and enjoyed learning through both the autobiographical and fictional accounts of others. That's why when I discovered Sonlight, I could hardly wait …