Written by contributor Jena of Yarns of the Heart May is a time of endings and beginnings. Graduation, summer vacation...the world tends to follow a public school clock, and even though we homeschoolers aren't confined by these boundaries, we still find ourselves relaxing more as May comes …
methods & philosophies
How to help your kids fall in love with history
Written by contributor Kris Bales of Weird, Unsocialized Homeschoolers. History is boring! Okay, not really, but that's definitely how I felt when I was in school. Now, history is my favorite subject to learn alongside my kids and one of their favorite subjects, as well. What's made the …
Take home lessons from a Waldorf preschool
Written by Kara S. Anderson. For three years I had been wondering about joining a particular local weekly homeschool co-op. And, then, last winter, I got my sign -- they were offering a Waldorf preschool class, taught by a trained Waldorf teacher. We try to be Waldorfy, I thought, as I …
When home is school
Written by contributor Jena of Yarns of the Heart We all know the feeling, right? School schedules versus family time. Housework versus textbooks. Who wins? Who should win? After homeschooling three kids to high school graduation, here are my thoughts on the subject. #1 Life is learning. Try to …
The myth of the uninvolved unschooler
Jamie Martin, editor of Simple Homeschool also writes about motherhood at Steady Mom I remember the first time I heard the term unschooling. I was standing on a street corner chatting with a homeschooling neighbor, who used the term. "What's that?" I asked. While I can't remember her exact …