Written by contributor Kris Bales of Weird, Unsocialized Homeschoolers. Once a year, our local museums - children's, history, art, and one aquarium - have a night in which, if you're a member of one, you can rotate through all the museums. They have a shuttle that takes members from one museum to …
Creativity in Your Homeschool
Written by contributor Renee Tougas of FIMBY Creativity is a dominant theme in our homeschool and is one of our family values. Earlier this winter I wrote about my creative philosophy and shared the story of my own blossoming in this area. I didn't grow up thinking I was creative and I am not …
Painting Wet on Wet: Waldorf Watercolors for Children
Written by Sarah Baldwin of Bella Luna Toys and Moon Child Wet-on-wet watercolor painting is a technique taught in Waldorf schools and enjoyed by many homeschoolers. It’s a satisfying artistic experience, and the beautiful results can be turned into lovely gift cards, book covers, paper lanterns, …
Painting Wet on Wet: Waldorf Watercolors for ChildrenRead More
Art and Creativity in the Great Outdoors
Written by Heidi Scovel of Mt. Hope Chronicles. Summer. There is something delicious about that word, especially for a mother of three young boys after an even-rainier-than-normal Pacific Northwest spring. Children need to stretch their lungs, their legs, and their imaginations. The great …