Written by Jamie Martin of Simple Homeschool I didn't even feel when it happened. The step down from the rolling door of our barn is a steep and awkward one, and when exiting two weeks ago I came down hard on my right foot. Not paying attention, I hurried inside to check something in the …
A chance to share your homeschool day in the life
Written by Jamie Martin of Simple Homeschool Our 7th homeschool day in the life series has come to an end, but we still want to hear from you! So today is your chance to share with our community. Do you have tips or tricks that really work for you? What are your favorite things about …
Jamie’s homeschool day in the life (with an 11-, 12-, & 13-year-old)
Written by Jamie Martin of Simple Homeschool When we first began homeschooling eight years ago, the idea of continuing to do so in the teen years freaked me out! But it turns out that as littles become bigs, mamas still have a hunch what those growing bodies and minds need most--just like we did …
Jamie’s homeschool day in the life (with an 11-, 12-, & 13-year-old)Read More
10 things every new homeschooler should know
10 things every new homeschooler should know ~ Written by Jamie C. Martin of Simple Homeschool I never know exactly how to answer when someone asks me how long we've been homeschooling. "Since the beginning," goes over pretty well. "We always have," gets a fair response. My holistic view of …
Heal the World Book Club
Written by Jamie C. Martin of Simple Homeschool The idea came to me a few days after the election. I don't think that's a coincidence. Because no matter how we voted, one thing we likely agree on is that this past election season hurt on some level. Another thing we agree on? Our world needs …