Candle making with kids ~ Written by Jamie Martin of Simple Homeschool You guys? I did something amazing. I. MADE. FIRE! Well, hand-dipped beeswax taper candles at least. If you know me at all, you know that I don't "do" crafting. I try to stick with my strengths, which happen to be in …
3 ways to raise kids with a mission
Written by Jamie C. Martin of Simple Homeschool "The first time I really thought about what I wanted to do in life was a few months before high school graduation." My mom spoke those words on a recent visit, after reading through the kids' compasses we'd completed in our homeschool. She was …
Share YOUR homeschool day in the life!
Written by Jamie Martin of Simple Homeschool It's been so encouraging to take a peek into the days of several families during our 6th annual homeschool day in the life series! We've heard from homeschool moms who embrace various styles and methods--and if you're like me, you've discovered a few …
Raising our kids one book at a time
Raising Our Kids One Book at a Time ~ Written by Jamie C. Martin of Simple Homeschool Twenty years from now when my kids are grown, married, perhaps with children of their own...nothing would thrill me more than if they looked back on their childhood through the lens of the books we read …
THE best vs. YOUR best
Written by Jamie Martin of Simple Homeschool and Steady Mom Instead of focusing on giving our children a complete education, or a perfect education (neither of which are necessary or possible), let us strive to awaken in them a love of learning. If we can help them to develop an attitude of …