This giveaway has ended and the winner will be announced soon!
Welcome to our second annual Queen for a Day giveaway! Today we’ve got six gift baskets full of treats to celebrate the mom in your life, just in time for Mother’s Day on May 13th.
Motherhood is not an easy job, but it is one of the most important ones on the planet. That’s why I never shrink from allowing my family to make a big deal about me each year on Mother’s Day. My work is a big deal! And so is yours. You deserve to be honored for the continual investment you make into your family.
This week, the six blogs in our network (you heard about Simple Design, right?) are celebrating mamas by blessing six of them with a basket full of amazing goodies! All of these items would make excellent Mother’s Day gifts–and most are in the $20-$50 range.
At Simple Living Media, moms are valued! Keep reading to find out what’s included in the Simple Homeschool gift basket.
1. Bath & Body Collection from LuSa Organics
Rachel Wolf, one of our newest contributors on Simple Homeschool, is also the mama behind LuSa Organics, a family-owned business creating organic body and baby skin care products.
Rachel sent me one of her Delight Mama Gift collections, and I’ve enjoyed trying it all out! This set includes many of the company’s products: a bar of soap, a lotion bar, a lip balm, and an organic sugar scrub (my favorite!). The entire collection comes in a reusable zippered muslin pouch.
Also check out LuSa’s awesome soap of the month club. This is pampering at its finest for the mamas you love.
Rachel is including one delight gift collection for our winner today!
Between now and May 15th, you can type “simple giveaway” in the comments field at check out to receive a free bar of naked soap on any LuSa Organics order over $35. (LuSa will choose a favorite scent for you and include it in your order.)
2. Whole Grain Cookbook from King Arthur Flour
King Arthur Flour began in 1790 and are still going strong 200 years later. Known mostly for their variety of flours, the company also has a passion for education. At their headquarters in Vermont they offer a range of baking classes; you can learn online as well. Homeschooling groups are also eligible to take part in their Life Skills Baking program! Head here to find out more details and apply.
I have had my eye on their Whole Grain Baking cookbook since I recently saw it at a friend’s house. Clocking in at over 600 pages, this book lets you go from a whole grain baking novice to an expert.
The recipes cover everything from scones to crackers, pastry to breads, quiche to cookies–and much more in between. My kids and I made the banana crumb cake yesterday, which tasted fabulous!
King Arthur Flour is giving today’s winner their own copy of Whole Grain Baking!
3. Earrings from Peggy Li
Peggy from Peggy Li Creations generously sent me this pair of windchime earrings (pictured above), and I’ve worn them every day since they arrived. They have a delicate and feminine look, but are still simple and classy.
Peggy specializes in handmade jewelry using beads, gemstones, vintage findings, charms and chain–earrings, necklaces, and more.
Her work has been featured in O Magazine and on television shows like Grey’s Anatomy, Private Practice, and Buffy, the Vampire Slayer. Cool, right? I also appreciate that whenever possible, Peggy works with US-based manufacturers and sources that believe in green eco-friendly practices.
Peggy is including one pair of windchime earrings in the Simple Homeschool Queen for a Day gift basket!
Peggy is also offering a discount for readers: From now through May 4th, use the code “SHSmom” to receive 20% off your order at Peggy Li!
4. Camera Bag from Epiphanie
Lugging my camera around used to be a hassle, but the last few days I’ve wanted to take it places so I can try out my new camera bag from Epiphanie! I chose the Lyric bag, and I love how it is both functional and beautiful. Camera bags traditionally lack personality, but not Epiphanie bags. They scream femininity, elegance, and fun!
Epiphanie bags are made of water-resistant, high quality synthetic leather. Plenty of padding inside keeps expensive equipment safe, and velcro strips allow you to customize the bag inside.
These bags easily double as a purse and can hold not only your camera and an extra lens, but also your wallet, iPad, phone, and more. You can keep up with Epiphanie on Facebook and Twitter, and be sure to check out the entire Epiphanie collection!
Today’s winner will receive an Epiphanie camera bag!
5. Family Poster from Life Manifestos
I strive to bring items into our home that match our family’s values. This 16″x20″ family manifesto poster from Life Manifestos (frame not included) certainly fits the bill. I have it in our dining room where I can be regularly reminded of its important words about family.
Here’s an excerpt: “In our home you are loved, wanted, appreciated, and cherished no matter what. We believe in you. We’re on your team. In your corner. Your biggest fans. Cheering our hearts out for you to reach, strive, leave it all on the field, become who you were born to become.”
Don’t you want your children growing up internalizing words like these? You can even personalize it with your family’s name, and the poster looks great dressed up in a frame. Stephen at Life Manifestos has mastered the art of crafting words, and has developed an entire line of inspirational manifestos.
Our Queen for a Day basket will include one family manifesto poster!
From now until May 4th receive 10% off your purchase of a family manifesto. Enter the code “SIMPLEHOMESCHOOL” at check out. Orders purchased by the 4th are guaranteed to arrive before Mother’s Day.
How to win
One Simple Homeschool reader will win all the items listed above, so that you can bless the mother in your life. Incredible!
Everyone has three chances to win. Here’s how:
1. Comment on this post, telling me one of the most important lessons your mother (or another influential woman in your life) taught you. (If you’re reading this via email, you must click over to the post to leave a comment.)
2. For an extra entry, “like” Simple Homeschool on Facebook. Then come back here and leave an additional comment letting me know.
3. For an additional extra entry, tweet about this giveaway, mentioning @simpleschool, the hashtag #mothersday, and the URL of this post ( Then come back here and leave an additional comment letting me know.
This giveaway has ended and the winner will be announced soon!
My Mom is amazing. She has endured so many difficulties in her life. Through her example, she has taught me to keep trusting in the Lord through adversity and sorrow and what true forgiveness and grace looks like. So thankful for my mom!
My mom taught me many things. I think the most important thing was to always be myself….and thing will always work out for the good.
What an amazing giveaway. I have already picked which friend will get which gift 🙂
She has been a great model to me of faithfulness and steadfastness.
My mom taught me that just because you’re an adult doesn’t mean you can’t have a good time.
Steph’s latest post: On knowing yourself and therefore messing up your kids less
my mom taught me to cook, something i use every day.
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morgan’s latest post: the everyday: part 3 {march 9, 2012}
Just keep laughing.
Kate Berry’s latest post: Project Simplify: Week Four
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Kate Berry’s latest post: Project Simplify: Week Four
My mom taught me that the most important accessory you can put on in the morning is a great big smile!
Sally’s latest post: Public School Dropout
My mother taught me to stop and enjoy the things around me. To find beauty in everyone and God’s creation.
I like on facebook! Thanks!
Jessica’s latest post: April 26 – Legos and Learning
My mom insisted that we do our best, and try to smile at people, even for no reason.
She taught me to always keep trying, even when life gets hard, never give up.
I already “liked” on FB
She taught me to always be open when meeting new people or hearing new ideas, to always listen and only give advice when asked.
RaisingZ’s latest post: My Blessing Bag
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There are so many things I learned from my mother that its hard to pick just one thing that was the best or stands out most. One thing my mother taught me was how to love, we never left the house, hung up phone or go to bed with out saying I love you to each other, and she showed me everyday being my mom, as I do with my sweet boy. She also taught me to give your all at what you do, just do your best and be yourself. She taught me that my family is whats most important. I love my mother so much!
There are so many more things I could go on with, but I wont.
Thanks for contests they are cool.
I liked your facebook page a while back, and I tweeted to.
MzBaker’s latest post: We took a trip to my moms house!
A very important and practical lesson my mother taught me: never let your mortgage or your rent cost be more than 25% of your take home!!
Shoulda’ listened to that one with our first house. Ouch. Now it’s a golden rule around here.
Sarah M
Sarah M’s latest post: {This Moment}
My mom showed us to support each other in our dreams and needs, even if those dreams are a little far-fetched or surprising!
Caroline’s latest post: Book Review – You Are a Writer by Jeff Goins
I tweeted about this giveaway here:!/Keep_Tha_Faith/statuses/195838681880342529
Caroline’s latest post: Book Review – You Are a Writer by Jeff Goins
My mom taught me to be a hard worker.
Rachel’s latest post: How to Learn About the World from the Suburbs
My mom schooled us… and is now helping me navigate schooling my daughter!
My mom always said it was better to have no friends than the wrong ones. It meant some lonely seasons, but it was great protection against negative influence!
I like on FB.
MzBaker’s latest post: We took a trip to my moms house!
i think the most important thing she taught me was how to me a mom…now that I have my own daughter I’m so much more like her than I ever thought I would be.
My mom taught me about loving God wholeheartedly with a child-like heart.
Hilarie’s latest post: And the World’s Worst Blogger Award goes to…
My mom taught me thrift and how to trust the Lord in all things.
I like Simple Homeschool on Facebook!
think of others first.
My mom taught me how to take good care of her family. Valuable lesson in a selfish culture.
Amber DeGrace’s latest post: Drink: Beer Garden at Taste of Pennsylvania Wine & Music Festival in York, PA
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Amber DeGrace’s latest post: Drink: Beer Garden at Taste of Pennsylvania Wine & Music Festival in York, PA
My mother taught me the importance of hospitality: making people feel welcome and appreciated and important when they are around you. It was not merely about having the house clean or a nicely set table when they came over, but an attitude she has around everyone she spends time with.
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My mom taught me never to waste and that you can always make a way.
Rachel at Stitched in Color’s latest post: personal things
My mom taught me perseverance and faith in God.
My mom taught me to be generous.
I like simple homeschool on facebook.
Now that I’m a mom, I find myself thinking a lot about my parents’ hands-off style, how it worked so well, and how it’s totally at odds with how we raise kids today.
My neighbor was my mother figure. She taught me the importance of making a child feel special and loved unconditionally. She fixed trays of little goodies, she told me she trusted me to watch her younger daughter and paid me to do so, she told me and tells me to this day when I am 51 that she treasures art I made for her. I often remember her special touches when I mother my own daughters and remember how much it meant to me – I hope they remember it their whole lives as well.
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The most important thing my momever shared is her faith in the Lord.
Lawana Gray’s latest post: Name Changes
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Lawana Gray’s latest post: Name Changes
My mom taught me how to be loving and compassionate with my own children.
Kimberly B.’s latest post: Life’s most recent moments.
I tweeted this giveaway
Lawana Gray’s latest post: Name Changes
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Kimberly B.’s latest post: Life’s most recent moments.
My mom has taught me the value of just spending time with people and investing in them by listening.
Rae’s latest post: Synthesis!/RaeDaze/status/195849646957015040
I already like Simple Homeschool on fb.
Treat other people how you want to be treated.
My mother has taught me to trust in God’s plan and that He will provide for my needs.
My mom taught me that when all else fails…LOVE!
My Gram. She told me, “I may not love what you do, but I will always love you.”
My mother has always modeled generosity and hospitality, and those are so much more important than deep-cleaning!
I Like on FB.
My mother taught me that the little things that we do for others will have a tremendous impact.
Aimee @ Menus and Meals for Moms’s latest post: Southwest Corn Dip
Mom taught me patience and love and the importance and influence of prayer. Still working on the patience, but the others have had an amazing influence on my every day life, contentment and peace.
The people and experiences in our lives are so much more important than the THINGS.
My mother taught me–and continues to teach me–the importance of spending quality time in the Word of God each day. She is so faithful to her devotional time with the Lord. I remember even as a younger child and teenager seeing her with her Bible at the beginning of the day. I so enjoy talking to her about the things of the Lord now as an adult. What wisdom she has from growing with her Lord!
My mom has taught me that it’s never too late to change. She rededicated her life to Christ just a few years ago…it is amazing to watch the changes in her life since and the joy she has had despite the challenges she has faced. And it is a joy to watch her be a loving grandmother to my kiddos
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Aimee @ Menus and Meals for Moms’s latest post: Southwest Corn Dip
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I like simple homeschool on FB 🙂
I vividly remember my mother telling me as a young girl that when I pray to God, I need to BELIEVE he is listening to me. That took a girl with anxiety issues and help hone a very important, healing relationship in my life.
I recently learned that my mom beats herself up about parenting “failures” I don’t even remember! It was a great lesson to me. I shouldn’t obsess over every little thing I do “wrong” with my kids.
Cate’s latest post: Housekeeping
Be gentle with yourself and others.
my mother taught me to fully enjoy each day and to laugh!
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The advice my mother gave us when we got married was: compromise.
My mom taught me to pick your battles. the relationship is important.
Best line from my Mother in law: it’s not love that keeps the marriage alive, it’s the marriage that keeps the love alive!
My mom taught me–by example–the sense of security in having a patient mom…still working on that, as a mom, with my daughter.
Her quiet and steady faith in the Lord as she faced cancer. Sometimes her example spoke louder than her words.
Jo’s latest post: Hanging Out With Daddy
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My mom taught me by her example the importance of kindness, and how to show compassion to people.
My mom taught me to cherish time with my kids now.
I think the most important lesson that I learned from my mother was to make every moment count, especially those with your children.
My mom taught me to make the right choices for me. They aren’t always what she would choose, but she supports me anyways.
Katherine’s latest post: Grocery Shopping Audit
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I don’t have a Facebook account, but I posted a twitter comment here:!/Fritzemama/status/195855535462031360 @Fritzemama
My mother taught me to trust & rely on God when things get tough, whether it’s the REALLY tough times in life or tough phases in my children’s lives.
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She made sure I knew that God loved me and made me for a reason.
The most important thing my Mom passed on to me was her faith. My mother and I are quite different, but without her bringing me to church as a child I would never be where I am today….
Amy Ellison’s latest post: Hermella
My mom has taught me that family is so very important.
I just “liked” you on Facebook. 😉
As a tearful kid, worried about starting school, I remember asking my mom what to do. Her reply, “Just be nice to everyone,” has served me very well in school, at work, and in life.
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Always search for answers to your questions. They are out there somewhere.
I liked Simple Homeschool on FB! Thanks for the giveaway!
She taught me to invest in friendships.
This looks wonderful! I already like you on fb!
Love all of these! But that camera bag is amazing!!!
Oh yeah…my mom taught me to pray for family and friends!
Liked on Facebook too!
My mother taught me to always keep a positive attitude, even when a situation seems to be nothing but negative.
My mother taught me the importance of my role as mother and wife to my family!
My mother taught me how to care for others with words and actions!
My Mom taught me at a young age that life isn’t fair, and although a tough pill to swallow at the time, it is advice that I know use with my own children. (This is just one of the many wise things that she has taught me.)
Deirdre’s latest post: Latest & Greatest: GAP Canvas Shorts
My mum taught me the importance of family support, and that we can get through anything as long as we are there for each other.
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Facebook post complete! Thanks:)
j22lynne tweeted #mothersday on Twitter! Thanks again! Have a great day!
My mom taught me to persevere. No matter what, keep on swimming.
Carol J. Alexander’s latest post: New Publications
My Mom taught me to always be kind and smile and treat everyone os if they were my mother. Susan
My mother taught me to open up my home to others, just as she does. She always says, “don’t entertain, just have folks over.”
Haley’s latest post: This Week’s Miscellany: Vol 9
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Haley’s latest post: This Week’s Miscellany: Vol 9
My Mother taught us how important family is, and that there would always be a shoulder to lean on if we needed support, as long as we respected and were kind to each other. To this day, I know I can rely on any of my siblings to be there for me!
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My mother is my greatest role model…she has taught me how to be a wonderful, present mother!
My mother taught me to stand up and be proud of who I am.
I tweeted.
I have liked Simple Homeschool on FB
My grandmother (who raised me and so was my mom 🙂 taught me to always keep my chin up and keep moving forward!
Marie’s latest post: #1 Most Decadent Chocolate Raspberry Crumb Bars
My mom taught me to be independent, strong and resilient.
I know a couple mom’s who would love these special gifts!
I liked Simple Homeschool on Facebook — Venus Marie Lay
Marie’s latest post: #1 Most Decadent Chocolate Raspberry Crumb Bars
My mother taught me that I can do what ever I want in my life. Nothing should hold me back from achieving what I aim for.
I “liked” you on Facebook.
My mother taught me that mothers watch, wait, plan and stand up for their kids.
That camera bag is looks great and I LOVE that print!
From my mom and her mom and her mom I’ve learned to trust God because He is Faithful!
My mom always says to be on my knees praying continually for my kids.
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My mom taught me that less is always more:)
Be yourself.
My mother reminds me often to not get caught up with the tasks of being a homemaker – to the detriment of being present with my children – who will only be here a short while.
Chris Seiler’s latest post: What’s Been Happening Lately?
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She taught me how to love…not necessarily worldly love, but true heavenly love.
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My mother taught me unconditional love.
My mom taught me by example that no matter how hard circumstances are you always keep your word
My mother taught me resilience and perseverance. She stuck it out when most women would have given up. This has taught me the value of love and self-sacrifice and the rewards that come through those virtues.
My mom taught me that family always sticks together — and I learned to love travel and adventure from her.
My mom has taught me to have an audience of One – God and only God.
Jill Foley’s latest post: Little By Little
My mother taught me what true love looks like
My mother always told me I was beautiful, even when I didn’t feel beautiful. She helped me understand that beauty is not about having the right clothes or being the right size; true beauty is what’s on the inside.
CC Jen’s latest post: Angst
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CC Jen’s latest post: Angst
My mother taught me to hold possessions loosely and to be generous. She did this most clearly by the way she modeled generosity to all those who came across her path, even when we had little to give.
My mother taught me to give my best in everything I do.
My mom taught me to always go out with a smile on your face, no matter how bad you feel or how bad you think your circumstances are. Jesus is in your heart and that is always a reason to have a smile 🙂
To never waste time.
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My mother taught me to include my children in the everyday tasks of cooking, cleaning and being part of a family. We were always in the kitchen and having a blast. I was always welcomed and never told to mind my own business. She truly cares about me and wants me around, even if I did slow her down and cause more messes.
My Mom taught me how to be extremely strong when my husband is away. My Dad traveled a lot for work and my Mom seemed to never miss a beat. I’m so thankful for her strength.
Hoping I win this giveaway to treat her!
My Mom taught us all the household basics, cooking, laundry, cleaning, etc… and she also taught us to value family and to have fun!
What a generous giveaway! Thank you for the encourage you offer to moms.
My mom taught me how to always be there. No matter what we needed then or need now, she is always there to help.
catholichusker @ gmail dot com
My mum taught me the value of contributing to my world by working!
I just went to facebook and liked Simple Homeschool. 🙂
One of my Mother’s best words of wisdom:
Never do anything you wouldn’t do for the rest of your life.
unconditional love, listening, and support…thanks for the giveaway!
already like on facebook:). thanks!
My mom taught me that time spent laughing is far more valuable than time spent cleaning.
My mom taught me to be proud of who I am.
I just liked simple homeschool on Facebook
My mom taught me to work. It’s come in handy through life. 🙂
Tammy’s latest post: ~Sewing Up a Storm~
My mom taught me how to pray, to see the good in difficult situations, and to love eating my vegetables!
I like Simple Homeschool on Facebook.
I’d say the most important thing my mom taught me was the importance of prayer. There were often times when I would find her in the furnace room of our house (it was the warmest, quietest room of the house and she had put an arm chair in there) with tears in her eyes as she sought God’s help for the needs that burdened her heart.
My mom taught me the importance of family dinners & creating traditions for our family.
I just tweeted about the contest
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fabulous – LOVE Lusaorganics!! thanks for the chance
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My husband’s mother has taught me the importance of sharing the gospel with others. I had always let everyone know that I was a Christian but she taught me the importance of telling others why and having them want that in their life too.
Brandi’s latest post: Marriage matters: an upcoming series
I’d love to give my stepmom a gift basket. Although my natural mother died 6 years ago, Charlotte is truly a mother in Christ. She awesome!
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One of the most influential things that my mother taught me was to seek Jesus always. That in Him was life and hope. I am so grateful for my mom. She is and has been such a strong and peaceful presence in my life and is an amazing example of sacrificial living. Wow. I love her! 🙂
my mom always encouraged me to “just be myself”
Liked on facebook too.
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My mom taught me to love to read. Whenever she had a minute, she had a nose in a book, and would read to us on winter evenings. I’m so thankful!! Thanks for a great giveaway. I know the mom who wins will feel special and pampered! 🙂
That I was never allowed to “quit” something just because I didn’t like it or didn’t want to do it.
I’ve liked Simple Homeschool for a while now…both in real live and on Facebook. 🙂
My mother taught me that real love truly is selfless and unconditional.
Danielle Drown’s latest post: Goodbyes
My mother taught me that it is better to do the right thing than to do the popular thing. She is my constant support and inspiration in my own journey of motherhood.
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Danielle Drown’s latest post: Goodbyes
I posted this on twitter
Danielle Drown’s latest post: Goodbyes
My mother taught me the importance of creating family traditions and loving each other, no matter what.
One of the most important lessons my mother has ever taught me is how to be graceful and not bitter, how to smile in the face of a storm.
Evon’s latest post: Fieldtrips, Horseback Riding and Pizza
I “liked” Simple Homeschool on facebook.
Liked ya! Looks like there is some good discussion going on in the facebook page!
My mom taught me to be present in life and cherish it
Anna@The DIY Mom’s latest post: DIY T-Shirt Blanket or Quilt
Biggest lesson that I got from my mom was to keeping going even when life is hard. She made it through some pretty hard stuff.
Celebrating my birthday and Mother’s day on the same weekend. This would make it extra sweet.
My mom is a very selfless person. She has taught me to put others first and to give generously. I have so much more to learn in that regard.
Christine’s latest post: The Importance of Adding Cod Liver Oil to One’s Diet
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Evon’s latest post: Fieldtrips, Horseback Riding and Pizza
I am a fb fan of simple homeschool.
Christine’s latest post: The Importance of Adding Cod Liver Oil to One’s Diet
She taught me to be strong. She taught me to not just think/believe what everyone else is but to research it for myself.
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Never settle.
Melissa’s latest post: 2012 Homeschooling Conference and Curriculm Fair
My mom has taught me that we all have the need to give ourselves grace. And that we should be aiming toward growing & not staying the same.
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Julieann Thompson
How to love and how to forgive. Thanks!
My mother taught me so much, but her heart for giving is what I cherish most. Thank you for this lovely giveaway opportunity.
I always knew my mother loved me thorough her words and actions. Nothing she ever did contradicted that and her family was most important. That is the greatest lesson she instilled in me and I have strived to give the same gift to my children. Thanks for this opportunity!
That Jesus is our only hope.
One of the most important lessons my mother taught me was how to work. I hated every minute of it as a teenager, but it has helped me throughout my life in countless ways, especially as a mother myself.
Cari’s latest post: Tracy Aviary
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Cari’s latest post: Tracy Aviary
She taught me to respond but not react. 🙂
I just tweeted about your giveaway. I’m @Tranquilb.
Evon’s latest post: Fieldtrips, Horseback Riding and Pizza
She taught me to see the good in people.
Leigh’s latest post: Review of Harriet Beamer Takes the Bus by Joyce Magnin
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Leigh’s latest post: Review of Harriet Beamer Takes the Bus by Joyce Magnin
A dear friend reminded me that moms get well too busy with their kids and sometimes their spouse gets forgotten about 🙂
She taught me to be faithful, to the Lord, to my family, to my responsibilities.
Katie D.’s latest post: My Need for Jesus
An “adopted” mother of mine taught me the importance of a time for everything, that friend come and go, and then often come again.
I think the most important lesson my mom taught me was to choose happiness and contentment
I tweeted @parsonagefence
Leigh’s latest post: Review of Harriet Beamer Takes the Bus by Joyce Magnin
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My mom taught me that with kids, you have to let go of the little things (like dusting) and focus on what’s important – time with the kids!
serve your family first
My mom taught us all to be kind. Her example of service and love was amazing.
I learned from my mom to really “be there”
100 percent for my kids. it’s important that they know
they are number one!
One of the most important things my mother taught me was my way around a kitchen. No, seriously. For my Mom, cooking was an act of love. She planned healthy meals, she cooked on a budget, she always had us come to the table for dinner, and we always prayed before eating. In the one simple daily act of bringing us together for dinner, my mother transformed her family!
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She taught me how to cook!
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My mom taught me what it means to sacrifice for your family…she was always so giving with us!
Amy’s latest post: our ultrasound {boy or girl??}
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Amy’s latest post: our ultrasound {boy or girl??}
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My Great-Grandmother taught me that if you stop using it you lose it! She was in her 80’s living in the hospital and was still walking and doing deep breathing exercises everyday to stay strong.
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Just listen, it builds trust.
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My mom taught me how to give, give & give some more to your family…but not make them feel like it was a job. She didn’t complain or whine or make us feel like we owed her. She was (and still is) the kindest person I know! I hope I can teach through my actions, the same thing to my girls!
Brookiej’s latest post: our little swimmers
My mom taught me not to stress over the little things. Not everything matters! 🙂
she taught me that it was important to be friends with the man that i would marry. she was right! i’ve been married to my best friend for 12 years. 🙂
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My mother taught me sacrifice without complaint. She lived it every day. Great generosity.
My mom taught me the importance of being a spiritual example to her children and family.
Wendy’s latest post: yarn along ~ april 25
My mom taught me to forgive and forget. This has never been an easy thing, but when I have chosen to do my life has always been better. My grandmother tended to hold on to her hurts and offenses and I saw how that robbed her of joy. I never want to walk in that place.
My mother taught me that children grow up way to fast, and to enjoy every stage of their life. Also patience will be your best friend always! I strive for patience daily and my mother reminds me of this often.
I likes on fb.
Jessica’s latest post: Tumaini Children’s Home Update
My mom taught me that when I’m complaining about life, to stop and think about the choices I’ve made that got me where I am, and how I wouldn’t have it any other way. (Being married and having a baby are so worth the work/effort!)
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My mother taught me the importance of spending daily time reading the Word of God.
Love Jesus above all.
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My mom taught me the importance of feeding your spouse BEFORE having important conversations. Gamechanger, that tip. 🙂
Jessica @ Quirky Bookworm’s latest post: Vlog: Bedroom Book Tour
One of the lasting lessons from my mother is “Haste makes waste.” This was after I washed my doll clothes and hung them to dry in front of our standing heater where they caught on fire. A sad lesson to learn.
I have been blessed to have an amazing Mom, Grandmother and most recently Mother-in-law. They are each unique and very different but in their own way they have each taught me to value others and the importance of make sure others feel valued and loved. They have modeled this for me and I am so thankful for their influence in my life. I am a very blessed woman!
What I learned from my mom is that life isn’t always easy, but that with love & hard work you can get through it!
Diana B’s latest post: Pizza!! A Review & Giveaway!
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The lesson that stands out most for me was from my grandmother, my mom’s mom. She asked if she could teach me to read when I was 3 as she thought I was ready. I can still remember sitting on her sunporch at a card table, playing my voice into a tape recorder, looking at letters and simple readers, and finally having this mysterious activity become clear for me. My family is a huge group of readers and it was nice to join the ranks of those who knew the secret. I’m eternally grateful to her, and have made this a big part of my own life since now I teach learning disabled students reading amongst other subjects.
I tweeted about the giveaway!
Diana B’s latest post: Pizza!! A Review & Giveaway!
One of the most important lessons my mother taught me was to stand up and trust in my doing and hard work pays off as well
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Diana B’s latest post: Pizza!! A Review & Giveaway!
My mom taught me to love unconditionally! I am so thankful for such an amazing mom!!!
My mother taught me the importance of serving and truly listening to others. That and the healing power of a smile!
My mother taught me the importance of being true to my calling, no matter what others think or say.
My mom taught me to love to read and to never stop learning.
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My mom taught me babies grow up quickly and enjoy every moment. But if you’re having a tough moment, walk away and come back later. Babies will do better with some time alone and a happy mom a few minutes later.
Ashlee’s latest post: Diaper Bag-"The Annabelle" – A Messenger Style by MomBabyMe
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Ashlee’s latest post: Diaper Bag-"The Annabelle" – A Messenger Style by MomBabyMe
My mom taught me that homemade cookies are always better :o)
My mother didn’t teach me this; I learned it when I said it to my son and then realized I didn’t apply it to my own life: “What you do it NOT who you are.” In other words, if you make a dumb mistake, that doesn’t mean you, yourself, are dumb. We’re always learning and trying to become better people.
Angela’s latest post: Hiatus…
Tweeted the giveaway! (@mombabyme)
Ashlee’s latest post: Diaper Bag-"The Annabelle" – A Messenger Style by MomBabyMe
My mom taught me the importance of serving.
Grace’s latest post: gluten-free cinnamon roll cake
My mom has taught me to dream big and go after that dream with all my heart. Sadly, teaching me this means that we live so very far apart. She’s taught me tht letting go can be hard but very rewarding.
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My mom taught me it’s never too late in life to follow your calling.
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One of the best things my mom taught me was that staying home to raise your little ones is a wonderful and fulfilling time of life.
Love your blog and especially the current give away!
Opps for some reason the rest of my post disappeared. My mother taught me to be strong and stand up for what I believe in even though we don’t see eye to eye on lots of things she loves me for being so willing to be outside of the box – something she is too scared to do. I love my mom even when she drives me crazy.
My mother taught me to read. Sounds simple, but there’s no better gift. I spent my childhood with my nose in a book and now I write them as well, thanks to a mom who knew the importance and love of the written word!
melyssa’s latest post: How Did We Get Here?
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Tweeted your posting…hope I win looks like a great mother’s day gift for myself.
My mom taught me to be tough and it has helped me through many difficult things.
Keep your hands clean! (literally and figuratively)
My mom taught me the importance of being there for one another. thanks for the great giveaway!
Unconditional love is the biggest lesson my mom has taught me. She is so gracious and loving!
My mom taught me to be a giving person.
I love those earrings (I just pinned them), love that bag, and absolutely adore that poster. Thanks for the chance to win. I think the most influential thing I learned from my mom is making family a priority.
Andrea’s latest post: Striped Crocheted Beanie
tweeted about your giveaway!
Standing up for yourself is not being a bitch
My mom taught me that it’s okay to take care of myself!
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My mother taught me the importance of being grateful!
be organized! It has blessed me in all aspects of my life.
I am grateful that my mom taught me about respecting authority. As an adult of young children now, I realize the importance of teaching children respect … my mom sure had her work cut out for her when I was little. I eventually got it though 🙂
April Emery’s latest post: Update On Giveaway
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April Emery’s latest post: Update On Giveaway
I tweeted!/hhomemaking/status/195901738849538050
April Emery’s latest post: Update On Giveaway
Putting family first often takes worthwhile sacrifices.
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My mom taught me how to serve others.
The love and respect I have for my mom has grown since my son was diagnosed with autism. She has been my biggest support and encouragement, because she’s “been there and done that” raising my sister with Down Syndrome. I am in awe of her patience and life of sacrifice.
My mother taught me to be strong, but to also know when to ask for help
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Brooke’s latest post: Our fruit is here!
One thing my mother taught me, treat others how you want to be treated. She said I had a heart of gold as a young girl, but I think it’s because she taught me to be sensitive and love others well.
Brooke’s latest post: Our fruit is here!
My mom always taught me the value of a sincere apology and forgiveness. We all mess up sometimes, and being willing to make amends is a necessary skill to keep relationships healthy.
My sweet step mom”s first husband died young. She has said that before you complain about your husband, think hard if you would say that if he died tomorrow. Is it important now to complain? She is a wonderful and wise woman.
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Ginger G.’s latest post: . . . an inch is a cinch . . .
Other than the many wonderful lessons she taught me daily, and especially the ones about the Lord, she taught me how to one day deal with my little kiddos in the toddler years. She would say, “The answer is always YES unless it is absolutely NO.” That keeps us from saying NO all the time and keeps a positive spin on life with toddlers!
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Jennifer@TheHighHeeledHomeschooler’s latest post: How to Get Your Kids to Help with Dinner
Thanks for the opportunity to win! Love your site. 🙂
Jennifer@TheHighHeeledHomeschooler’s latest post: How to Get Your Kids to Help with Dinner
I would love to be entered in this give away.
My mother is an incredible person. She never quite got the life she was expecting although she would never use those words to describe it. Despite this, she has steadfastly exhibited loyalty, commitment, and uncompromising love no matter what the undertaking.
I learned these things from her and much more.
How does one learn to show love if they never had it modeled for them?
My mother never felt this was shown to her when she was growing up although through logical deduction, she is pretty sure she was loved but it was never said and as the youngest of a very poor, very large family, there was hardly time to show it.
Many would use this upbringing as an excuse for their personal failures but not my mother. She learned from them and vowed to herself that her children would KNOW they were loved beyond a doubt and beyond just logical reasoning.
I am her only child and I know I am loved.
to enjoy the moment now
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One of my Moms taught me that it’s important to stand up for what I believe, and that if I want something I need to work to achieve it.
my mom taught me that god never gives you more than you can handle.
I tweeted about this!
The most important lesson I learned from my mom is to follow Jesus.
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When life gets crazy and I feel discouraged with the state of the world, my om always tells me to light my own candle. I have repeated if so often as it soothes both in the saying and in the imagery and it makes me realize that walking your own path is a challenge but also empowering.
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She taught me to trust my instincts regarding children and homeschooling.
My mama taught me that it’s better to be decent at a lot of things than to be a star in one (sometimes pretty useless in real life) thing. The more things I learn, the more happy I am, so to me this is a good reminder to step away from perfection and choose joy instead! Thanks for the opportunity!
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That should say Mom not om!
I sent a tweet:!/HSlater351/status/195909026003943425
I remember when my mom told me, “Even if I had the money, I wouldn’t buy you _____,” because it wasn’t good for me to have everything I wanted. It’s a lesson that really stuck with me.
My dear Mother taught me the importance of having a strong marriage and always making time to invest in your spouse. She raised 7 children with the love of her life and is still going strong with my Dad who was diagnosed with ALS 3 years ago. They are best friends and still so in love. They truly laid a foundation of the need to have a good marriage to raise healthy sting kids. Happy Mothers Day!!
*strong kids
She taught me to think for myself and not just go along with the crowd.
To be independent and make sure I can take care of myself and business before I can take care of others!
Sorry – “liked” you too!
My mom, mainly by example, has taught me to think of others and serve others. I think my compassion was learned from my mom.
I have learned through the years of mothering to take care of myself more and worry less about every little detail. Not easy, but necessary.
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definitely the importance and joy of reading
C.C. @ I’m On My Way ~ my journey as a Christ follower, wife, mamma, & fibromyalgia fighter’s latest post: Farm Rich Products Review & Giveaway
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C.C. @ I’m On My Way ~ my journey as a Christ follower, wife, mamma, & fibromyalgia fighter’s latest post: Farm Rich Products Review & Giveaway
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C.C. @ I’m On My Way ~ my journey as a Christ follower, wife, mamma, & fibromyalgia fighter’s latest post: Farm Rich Products Review & Giveaway
My mother taught me appreciation for simple beauty, flowers, and nature.
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To enjoy the everyday moments.
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My mom taught me to always give your all to all you do. Never do less than your best.
Sarah’s latest post: 5 Years
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Sarah’s latest post: 5 Years
I learned that you need to give children room and experiences where they will probably make mistakes and grow from it.
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Mom teaches me hospitality.
I tweeted about the giveaway on Twitter. Thanks!
My Mom taught me to not put off the unpleasant tasks for later. Such practical, and hard to follow advice 🙂
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My mom taught me the value on investing in your marriage.
Naomi’s latest post: A Review: "The Truth About Forgiveness" by John MacArthur
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Naomi’s latest post: A Review: "The Truth About Forgiveness" by John MacArthur
My mom taught me to love God!
To always be a woman of conviction
My mother taught me (by her absence) that “to mother” requires a daily commitment of selflessness, resolve and love.
CHOOSE happiness everyday, despite what everyday may present you. My childhood felt happy because SHE chose to be!
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My mother taught me never to give up, one of the most important lessons of my life.
My mom taught me to relax and not worry about all the small stuff.
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That being who you are is more important that who you think others will want you to be.
Trust in God is one of the most important things my mom taught me!
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my mom taught me how to value raising children by always trying to be around for us, fitting work in around our schedule not us around a work schedule!
My mom has taught me the lesson of selflessness: she never once let on to us kids that we were inconveniencing her or requiring a sacrifice on her part, although now I know how much she was truly giving of herself.
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To trust in God to provide.
Amy’s latest post: Who is the parent around here anyway?
The biggest lesson my mother taught me was to work hard.
Cynthia’s latest post: I’ll take it
I was taught, among other things, that your body is a temple.
Sha taught me that if I want something bad enough, it is never to late to go out and get it. Age doesn’t matter. Just hard work and determination. So dream big!
To laugh!
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To let go to love more.
J.J. Killins’s latest post: Ten on Tuesday: Wednesday Edition.
My Mom showed me how to be a strong woman, and how to trust myself when parenting my kids. She’s an amazing woman.
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My mom taught me the importance of family dinner every night to catch up and see how things are going with everyone in the family.
To be humble and admit when you make a mistake.
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My momma has taught me that God is graceful when it comes to the mistakes that I make as a momma.
Keilah’s latest post: Simple Questions
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Thanks for the giveaway!
Keilah’s latest post: Simple Questions
My mom believed in me and taught me that I was a strong and intelligent young woman who could do anything that I set my mind to.
To stay positive!
Jenny’s latest post: just chasing rainbows
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My relationship with God is the mot important thing
My mom taught me to love God and pray! 🙂
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Carrie’s latest post: Choosing to Count
my mother taught me to be true to myself and look for the good in the world
Courtney B’s latest post: Oregon Coast Engagements
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Courtney B’s latest post: Oregon Coast Engagements
My mom taught me the importance of patience.
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My mom continues to teach me to “Be Myself”. Not let others influence who I am, to truly find myself and be true to myself.
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Melanie Tanner’s latest post: Happy 10 Year Anniversary
“Did you think to pray?” was what my Mother would rhetorically ask when I was facing a tough situation or challenge. Invaluable.
To love and trust God always.
My mom taught me the importance of having some quiet time with the Lord at the beginning of the day. Thanks for this great giveaway!
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My mother-in-law has taught me so much about selfless service to others. She is a joy and spreads that joy to everyone she can, mostly her kids and grandkids. I am so blessed to have her as an example.
My mother taught me to always keep my sense of humor – as a mom, a wife, and a friend. I never knew how much I would need it!
Thanks for the chance to win and for making us mother’s feel special.
oops. Clicked too soon. My mom taught me that if I need to recharge that spending a little time in nature will do the trick. Works every time.
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To love and never count the cost!
Christy’s latest post: Seven Quick Takes vol. 13
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Balance – in everything
My mom taught me the value of believing in yourself and going for your dreams.
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My mother taught me about God, and led me to the Lord at a young age! She has always been a good role model for me.
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Having and developing a personal relationship with God, is the best thing my Mom ever taught me.
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Through her example my mom taught me selflessness and patience with others.
My mother taught me many things, and I carry her lessons with me throughout my parenting journey. One of the most important lessons I learned from her was to love, respect and accept your children for who they are as they mature into their own unique person.
I “tweeted”/twittered”? Any way, I posted giveaway on twitter!:)
my mom taught me so much – still does! But the most important is (and always will be the most important for all moms to teach their little ones) was her gentle leading to God & his word.
It’s ok and normal not to have friends sometimes. Just keep being yourself and you’ll make the right kind of friends. She taught me that in 2nd grade in the midst of horrible bullying and it’s still one of my favorite life lessons : )
Sarah G @ JoyontheJourney’s latest post: Spring in Our Backyard
My mom taught me how to serve others selflessly.
The most valuable thing I have learned being a mom is that I am not in control. (and I am a TOTAL control freak!) God is always in control even when I’m not (or think I am!)
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Sarah G @ JoyontheJourney’s latest post: Spring in Our Backyard
My mom taught me to live for the experiences and never fear failing.
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In her own way, my mom taught me to appreciate nature.
practice hospitality
One of the best things my mom taught me was perseverance! Never give up and keep the faith in what you value and believe in and you will succeed!
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My mother taught me that life is about the friends and family you keep- they are more important than almost anything else!
be yourself!
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She taught me to pray without ceasing, especially for those who don’t know Jesus and to love others no matter what.
Stacie@HobbitDoor’s latest post: Twinkle Twinkle
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No task is impossible, regardless of how daunting it may seem.
My mom taught me that, as a mother, all the hard work and sacrifices are worth it.
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My mother taught me how important it is to make new people feel welcomed.
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My mom taught me to be compassionate to all
living things!
Many thanks, Cindi
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Many thanks to you…
Cindi Hoppes
My mom taught me to put God first and put my family second. She taught me how to love well.
Merci bien, Cindi
My mother taught me to find strength in the Lord through being in the Word. And to sing…it brings a light heart in troubled times.
I liked!
My mom taught me to put God first. I don’t always do that well but she was a great model for that and something to strive to do on a daily basis.
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She modeled for me what it was to have an authentic relationship with Jesus! But also, she once told me that if I didn’t learn to get along with my sibs, the Lord would just bring someone else into my life just like them until I learned the lesson I was meant to learn. Truer words have never been spoken!
What a fantabulous give-away! I’ve been drooling over the Epiphanie bags for a while now!
My mom gave me the gift of not over-parenting the little things. It set a good example for me in my parenting, since I tend toward the control-freak side of the pendulum. 🙂
Heidi @ Mt Hope’s latest post: Laughing Out Loud
My mom taught me to believe in myself, no matter what
To be true to yourself
Julia’s latest post: How Do I…? Natural Parents Network Volunteers have the Answer!
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I like Simple Homeschool on fb!
to have God as our foundation
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my mom taught me consideration for others
That every day begins new. It is o.k to make a fresh start!
I would love to win this for my sister – she is an incredibly sweet, hard-working single mom. She does so much for everyone in her life. It would be an honour to celebrate her with these wonderful gifts on mother’s day!
the biggest lesson i have learned from my mom is to always be truthful – especially to oneself.
thanks for the chance! happy weekending! xx
My mom taught me that you can be ‘strong’ without being ‘hard’. No one doubts my mom is a strong woman, but she’s still gentle, loving, and sweet. She’s always willing to help someone who needs it, but will go to the mat for her family and friends.
My mother taught, by example, how to make faith an active part of your life.
Do what makes you happy and everything else will fall in place.
I don’t often win things . . . but I wanted to say how great this giveaway is anyway!
My mom was loving and patient. I’m still working on the patience. 🙂
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Your actions affect others. Act accordingly.
To thine own self be true!
Yes, please enter me!
What advice impacted me as a mom? I think it was the unspoken advice of my own mother who nourished and cherished her babies and treated preschoolers with care and attention – – for the little people that they are.
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carole’s latest post: all the senses come alive
Happiness is a choice you make.
That it is important to spend time with your children and not get too caught up in the business.
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To treat others as you’d like to be treated.
I liked Simple Homeschool on Facebook.
My mom taught me how to take care of myself and not wait for others to do it.
Keep my home simple and open it up often for friends.
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My mother has taught me to depend on God…for everything.
My mother taught me the importance of making family a priority. I will never take for granted the time spent with my family!
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My mom taught me two very important lessons about love: no matter what, she loves me. And, in any relationship, love is not enough.
never give up, she said (says!)
Roxy Schow’s latest post: my girl
My mother taught me not to worry about what other people think of you, because they’re too busy worried about what people are thinking of them, to bother about you!
My mother always taught me to endlessly love your children. Even when they make mistakes and wrong choices. They always need to know they are loved by their mother.
Shawn @ I Wash…You Dry’s latest post: Chocolate Malt Cupcakes with Chocolate Malt Frosting
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Shawn @ I Wash…You Dry’s latest post: Chocolate Malt Cupcakes with Chocolate Malt Frosting
Tweeted the giveaway! @iwashyoudry
Shawn @ I Wash…You Dry’s latest post: Chocolate Malt Cupcakes with Chocolate Malt Frosting
My mother taught me to completely devote my life to Christ, and that everything else will work itself out.
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put your children first
To never give up
My mother is amazing (aren’t they all?) My favorite thing I have learned from my mother is how to always… and I mean always…look at the bright side of what ever life throws at you.
Jennifer Castro’s latest post: Finding Like Minds
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Jennifer Castro’s latest post: Finding Like Minds
Do big things.
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priest’s wife (@byzcathwife)’s latest post: 7 QuickTakes- Kids & Church
I teweeted about the giveaway on Twitter
priest’s wife (@byzcathwife)’s latest post: 7 QuickTakes- Kids & Church
My mom and grandmother both taught me the power of having a generous spirit. They are incredibly giving women!
My mom taught me to laugh- life can get way too serious, and sometimes the best thing to do is to step back and have a chuckle or a good ol belly laugh. Then you’re ready for anything.
I tried to “love” Simple Homeschool on FB, but it only let me like it. Maybe when we know each other better. 😉
My mom taught me to treat others the way you want to be treated for we are all created in His image.
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My mother taught me that real ladies don’t gossip.
My mom taught me that things don’t matter. Life is about relationships and the most important relationship of all is the one we share with our creator and Father, God. <3 Love my mom!
Tori’s latest post: A Homeschool Day in the Life…
Love it! what a wonderful Mothers Day delight!
My mom was a stickler for being on time. To this day I hate to be late for anything.
My mom has taught me the value of relationship (with God, family, friends) over things and perfection.
Sara R’s latest post: quote for the day
My mom taught me that if it’s not going to matter in 5 years, then it’s not worth stressing over.
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Take time to talk to others.
The best advice I’ve received on being a mom? Cleaning, work, and everything else will always be there, but your kids are little only once.
Amy’s latest post: A Little Peek into this Week {Insta-Friday 4/27}
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Amy’s latest post: A Little Peek into this Week {Insta-Friday 4/27}
My mom always let me try new things, even if it was inconvenient to her and supported me with all she was. She is an awesome mom and I’m so blessed to have her!!!
Here is my tweet!!/AmyLNorton/status/195986615804493824
Amy’s latest post: A Little Peek into this Week {Insta-Friday 4/27}
My mom taught me to be strong, and take care of myself.
My mother taught me to always seek and trust God in all things!!
What wonderful gifts and i would love to win them! Those earrings and that camera back are so beautiful! The most important words of wisdom my mom spoke to me were that I am enough and would be unconditionally loved by her. I love her so much!
Lesson from mom: be good friends with your siblings because it is one of the longest relationships you will ever have
Joyce M’s latest post: Our Week in Photos (Week 17 of 52)
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Joyce M’s latest post: Our Week in Photos (Week 17 of 52)
Trust in the Lord…
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My mom taught me to always help others, an amazingly valuable lesson!
Jamie’s latest post: Purple Sweet Potatoes: 2 Ways
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Jamie’s latest post: Purple Sweet Potatoes: 2 Ways
tweeted about the giveaway
Jamie’s latest post: Purple Sweet Potatoes: 2 Ways
I tweeted!/iamjoymoy/status/195991734889627649
Joyce M’s latest post: Our Week in Photos (Week 17 of 52)
My mom is an example to me of putting God first!
My mother’s strongest lesson to us (7 kids total) was to stick together and be willing to stand up for one another. We are all very close because of it. She wanted us to put each other first above friends, peer pressure, etc. It worked!
Angela’s latest post: Harley’s High School Plan
I like you on FaceBook! Have for a long time.
I tweeted about the giveaway @angeladerossett
Angela’s latest post: Harley’s High School Plan
The importance of staying home with my kids. She was also the first person to tell me I should homeschool, it was just the push I needed.
Marci’s latest post: Tower in the Kitchen
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Marci’s latest post: Tower in the Kitchen
If you can’t say something nice, don’t say anything at all. SO IMPORTANT.
Kim’s latest post: My baby is almost One.
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Kim’s latest post: My baby is almost One.
My mum taught me to love people through all of their faults and weirdness! She is amazing at patiently, genuinely loving all people, and she taught me through doing it.
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My mother taught me to always put my family first, no matter what. The other important lady in my life, my daughter, has taught me to treasure every moment.
Alycia Jensen’s latest post: Baby Led Weaning
My mother taught me that people are more important than things and that relationships among family are worth nurturing. Hope i win!
Tweeted (@the_row_show). Love your site!
Alycia Jensen’s latest post: Baby Led Weaning
My mom taught me to learn from my mistakes instead of making the same ones repeatedly.
Such a great giveaway!
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I learned how to wash walls and carpets from my mom.
jensteed dot 08 at gmail dot com
Jen @ Happy Little Homemaker’s latest post: Non-Negotiable Prayer Time: Seven Devotions and Practices for When You Don’t Know Where To Start {}
I tweeted from @happylhomemaker
jensteed dot 08 at gmail dot com
Jen @ Happy Little Homemaker’s latest post: Non-Negotiable Prayer Time: Seven Devotions and Practices for When You Don’t Know Where To Start {}
My mom taught me (and is still teaching me) to walk by faith in Truth.
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My adopted grandma taught me to stand up straight. She said “if you’ve got it, flaunt it!” Awesome!!
I think I would say she taught me that family is important, that all for one and one for all.
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Billy’s latest post: Jupiter 9.6.05 – 3.4.12 *
Sacrificial love, hospitality, selflessness, and so much more!
Johanna’s latest post: Educational Philosophies: Classical
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Johanna’s latest post: Educational Philosophies: Classical
That ‘this too, shall pass!’
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The most important lesson I have been taught is from a mother-figure and spiritual mentor in my life, Debbie. She taught me to seek God with all my heart, to believe that what God says about me is true (I am his child, loved, etc.) and that in seeking him I will find my purpose and calling.
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My mom taught me about Jesus!
Sarah’s latest post: Teeter Totter (or Our World as It Should Be?)
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Sarah’s latest post: Teeter Totter (or Our World as It Should Be?)
My mother taught me how loved and secure I am with Jesus.
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I tweeted (@halfasmany).
My mom taught me to be kind to everyone.
My Grandmother was always there reminding me that I could do anything if I really wanted it. She believed in me more than anyone else. 🙂
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My mom taught me to live life to its fullest.
My ww2 Mom recognized that the world was changing and emphasized to me to get my college education so that I could be independent to make my own choices and choose my own direction in life. She was a very smart lady.
My mom and dad both modeled the importance of marriage. They always said the best thing I could do for my kids some day was to make my marriage a priority – and it is SO true, because my husband and I are a team and when we make the time for each other we are a much better team. Plus, when the kids are grown and the house is quiet, it will just be us again – and I want to still know and enjoy him in our old age. And I want our kids to seek that kind of relationship for themselves someday.
Stephanie Hanes’s latest post: Bigger Picture Moments & 5 for 5: Age
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Stephanie Hanes’s latest post: Bigger Picture Moments & 5 for 5: Age
My step-mom has continually taught me through actions that it is never a bother to help someone…whether it be a listening ear, a car ride somewhere or a loan until payday!
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I tweeted. 🙂
That it’s okay if friendships don’t last forever, relationships have seasons. Huge help in not feeling guilty about moving forward with life.
Do the right thing no matter how you feel about it.
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The most important lesson was to “stay calm”. 🙂 With 3 little ones this is definitely important!
i liked you on facebook *before* the giveaway, not just because i want something from you.
My mother taught me that the love of a mother needs to be willing to go against the grain – to love and insist on the greater good no matter what the cost.
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advice from my mom? hmmm, that’s a tough one because i have a poor memory and my mom and i aren’t very close. if i can include advice from another influential woman, then it’s this: “above all else guard your heart, for it is the wellspring of life.” (proverbs 4:23)
I tweeted about the giveaway! (@ejfalke)
My mom has modeled and taught a life of devoted faith; I am so thankful!
Mom taught me that anything I ever wanted to learn could be found between the covers of a book, instilling in me a lifelong love of the library, words and language, and reading in general. In this internet age, she’s still right– even if I am prone to using an e-reader. 😉
Miss Merryheart’s latest post: Post 21: Floral Fun!
Don’t let others get you down, just keep your chin up.
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It is up to you how you react to people. Smile at the person who just said something mean and you instantly change the situation.
One of my mama’s wise words that stuck with me: “When you walk into a room think about everyone else and what you can do for them instead of about yourself and what they can do for you.”
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My mother taught me to also seek the best and to always give your best.
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One thing my mom “taught” me is that men are only good for one thing. That one thing is different for each man, but that’s about it. LOL
My mother taught me the importance of family. She also never yelled at us, which I think is so important.
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I Tweeted at 8:12 PM CDT!
My Mum taught me how to be a good Mum – to love my kids and teach them to serve God and love others.
I learned dedication from my mother.
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Pay with cash, not credit!
My mother taught me to show love to people by asking them how they are and really listening to whatever they have to say.
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My mom taught me to laugh at myself (and everyone else…but mostly myself 🙂
It was an amazing gift that has certainly helped me persevere in homeschooling – and life.
Debbie @ Cheaper By the Bakers Dozen’s latest post: Time Management and Tomatoes, Connected?
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Debbie @ Cheaper By the Bakers Dozen’s latest post: Time Management and Tomatoes, Connected?
My mom has really shown me how not to sweat the small stuff. She’s a type A personality like me, but she has been able to release control and not be so anxious about everythhing – and I strive for that daily!!/leighforpres/status/196050375667757057 – I tweeted!
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One of the most important lessons my mom has taught me is the value of a soft word in the middle of a conflict. Peace and patience!
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A soft answer turns away wrath. Heard her say that a million times.
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To always stand up for myself.
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Now that I’m a new mom, my mom always reminds me to take time to take care of myself. It’s very easy to get run down from trying to do everything all of the time, and it helps to be reminded how important it is to take care of my own health every now and then!
She taught me how to be loyal to those you love.
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My mom has taught me the importance of being a good hostess!
The best advice I’ve been given is don’t take yourself or situations too seriously. Enjoy life. Love. Things will be okay.
Alisha Jaybird’s latest post: The Best Reason To Get Married — From a 6 Year Old
I also liked Simple Homeschool on FB. (Alisha Johnson)
My mother taught me that faith in Christ and living my life for God are the two most important things that will make my life meaningful.
Crystal Santos’s latest post: My Soundtrack to 2011
My Mom taught me that it is still possible to be a stay a home mom if you want to be. I appreciate that she did and worked hard to bring in an income too.
Yahoo! I just liked you on facebook. I’m excited to see what you’ve got going on on your page!
My mom has taught me to listen to my poet’s voice….I have things worth writing….I am a POET!! Thanks, Mom! 🙂
The one lesson that my mom taught me that I remember more than anything is “God doesn’t give you anything you can’t handle.”
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I tweeted about the giveaways!! Thanks for the chances at some great items! 🙂
My mother always said that “a happy mom is a happy family” as she went off to the beauty salon for the afternoon.
My mom taught me that if someone makes you miserable then you probably shouldn’t be around them. I tried so hard to please people that I just couldn’t please. She encouraged me to be free from trying to please everyone.
My mom taught me about unconditional love!
Work hard and make the most of everything.
Mom taught me that you can rule with love and freedom and enjoy life
You should always be available to talk with your children. My mother was there for me so many times with a listening ear and words of comfort or action.
My mom had multiple sclerosis my whole life, yet her whole life was about giving. She taught me how to put others first, and how to be tough through trials.
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My mom taught me to put Christ above all else.
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My Mom taught me to try to find joy in every day because “today only happens today”
It’s okay not to have a perfectly clean house or perfect life. Kids are messy, so is life. Go with the flow and enjoy every moment.
My Grandma … Yes she taught me how great God is, She taught me how to put love affection n perfection into every little job you do 🙂
During hard times, know that things will get better.
Krissa’s latest post: Eating in Season: Spring!
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My mom taught me that family is the most important relationship in life! We had such a close knit family as I grew up…and my children are experiencing the same, now. We are blessed!!
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Krissa’s latest post: Eating in Season: Spring!
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I think one of the most important things my mother taught me was the joy of sharing food with others.
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Seek joy.
One of the most important things my mom taught me was to trust God in all things!
Prov. 16:9, and Jer. 29:11
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to be comfortable with myself. Whatever you are–that can be okay.
My mom always taught me (with her actions more than words) that motherhood is a joyful blessing, not a drudgery.
Liz @ The HomeStyle’s latest post: {Salad of the Week} Cranberry-Walnut Salad
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Liz @ The HomeStyle’s latest post: {Salad of the Week} Cranberry-Walnut Salad
My Mother always taught me how to find true beauty in myself and even when I couldn’t see it, she could.
Never be afraid to say I’m sorry
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My mom taught me how to laugh at the ridiculousness of life.
My mother taught me to be forgiving and kind.
How to laugh.
My mother taught me to be observant.
My mom taught me the importance of being home with your children and actually being “present” with them. Thank you mom for giving me the gift of real time with my children.
She taught me to be appreciative.
My mom taught me not to use curse words.
She taught me to wear red lip stick and gems in my hair.
Good grammar. 😉
Magic and Mayhem’s latest post: Minnesota Post reports on worrisome legislative news for homeschoolers
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You don’t have to be everyone’s friend.
She taught me to love Jesus. 🙂
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My mother taught me to be compassionate and considerate towards others. She served without complaint and is a living example of Christ in my life.
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Katie Little’s latest post: Katie Little Photography; Pearland, Friendswood, Houston Area Newborn Photographer; Baby “R”!
Sleep when you can.
Melissa’s latest post: six word fridays + five for five: listening
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Melissa’s latest post: six word fridays + five for five: listening
I have liked Simple Homeschool on Facebook
My mom taught me that I can do anything that I put my mind to.
My mom taught me to love and cherish children.
I like Simple Homeschool!
Shirley’s latest post: Family Movie Night
She taught me to be honest and always tell the truth.
What a collection!
One of many things my Mama shows me by example is that you don’t have to always agree with your husband to show him honor and respect. You can even show him honor and respect in the very moment in which you disagree! Thanks, Mama.
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My mother taught me I can’t control everyone else but I can control myself.
my mom showed me that patience is a virtue
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My mom has taughtme that all people should be treated equally, with love and compassion to all.
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Me (several hundred times): “I don’t think I can do it”
My mum (replying patiently several hundred times): “how will you know if you don’t try?”
So I always gave it a try
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My mum taught me how to be a godly mum, by being a wonderful example. She taught me to love my son like Jesus loves his children.
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My mom taught me to (1) Feed people you love well and (2) Listen while they eat.
My mom taught me “pretty is as pretty does…” 😉
And I tweeted!
My mom taught me to always say THANK YOU!
One of the most important lessons my mother taught me was to focus on the good in others.
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I give my mother all the credit for my work ethic.
Amy @ A Little Nosh’s latest post: In Which We Try Something New: Star Fruit
Life is about living, not about a clean house.
Jessica Brammer’s latest post: Live Blogging the Birth of Our Son
Be who you were created to be and walk confidently in the Truth.
When things seemed especially dire as a teenager, my mom would say “This too shall pass”. At the time I always thought she was being flippant but now I know she was trying to help me understand perspective. Our lives are long (hopefully) and we must breathe deep and stay calm to get through the bad times.
My mother taught me to work hard, care for the well being of others, and to travel whenever the opportunity arises.
My Mom taught me the value of hard work!
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My grandmother taught me it is important to dance/play in the rain, it helps wash the bad away.
My mom taught me to love my children and cherish them while they are young!
Pamela’s latest post: Menu Plan March 19 – 23
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Pamela’s latest post: Menu Plan March 19 – 23
my mother taught me to never take yourself too seriously and to always give yourself a break.
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I tweeted about Simple Homeschool
My mom told me that it’s more important to be kind than to be right!
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My mother taught me never to be afraid to let people know your age or see your grey hairs. You have earned every one.
Taught me about love!
Always take advantage of the small teaching moments.
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My mum taught me to be myself~ there’s only one you!
the importance of forgiveness!
charis’s latest post: how to pray with boldness
not judge people.
That my husband was a keeper(back when we were dating 20 years ago)!
My mom taught me to strive to show God’s love everyone I meet, regardless of how unloveable they may seem.
One of the most important things my mother taught me was my love of reading.
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I like Simple Homeschool (on FB)
Everyone always told my mother that she couldn’t do this or that, but she didn’t listen and always worked hard to prove herself. She created strength within herself and she taught me to do the same.
I liked Simple Homeschool on FB.
My mom demonstrated selflessness and persistence even in the face of difficult things. I love and admire her so much.
I think I learned some of the most important lessons from my mother as an adult. I realized that my mom overlooked a lot, instead of nitpicking us constantly. That was a gift. I had no idea how much she must have done this until I became a mother myself, and I realized now hard hard (and important) it is to do!
Sarah @ Amongst Lovely Things’s latest post: An April Daybook
She modeled for me a life secure in the love and grace of God. Priceless.
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My mother taught me the power of prayer.
How to be self-sufficient (cooking, cleaning, studying, etc).
She taught me how influential spoken words are!
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My mom taught me to serve others and to take care of those I love. 🙂
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And I tweeted! 🙂 Loving this giveaway. Thanks so much!
My mom taught me that life can continue and thrive after a major crisis.
I tweeted @crystalbella77
It’s not whether a child is loved, what matters is that a child feels loved.
Kristy Ewing’s latest post: The Three Factors Behind Great Creative Work
I never win anything, but I’m feeling lucky!
My mother taught me to love deeply!
Always find the positive in every situation.
My mom was always a listening ear for her friends, so I guess that’s something I’ve learned from her: be there for others when they need someone to talk to.
Bobbiann’s latest post: The Lost Prince
I liked Simple Homeschool on FB. (I didn’t realize I hadn’t already “liked” it.)
Bobbiann’s latest post: The Lost Prince
The most important lesson my mom taught me is that gossip is insidious and can poison yourself and others.
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The most important lesson my Mother taught me was with her life. ALWAYS work hard at WHATEVER you do!!
I liked Simple Homeschool on FB!
My mother taught me how to play and have fun. We grew up together.
Fabulous giveaway. Thanks for the chance.
Southern Gal’s latest post: Random Friday with Photos
I Tweeted about this giveaway!!
One of the most important things my mother taught me was to think of others. Love that about her.
thanks for the giveaway! I’m drooling over a camera bag… 🙂
It’s okay to make mistakes and have disagreements as long as you apologize and make up.
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I also tweeted. (lyzaloo)
Mom taught me the importance of establishing and maintaining your own interest, friends and dreams outside of your own family.
Believe in yourself and work hard for your goals.
My mom is funny. She says that she wishes for just one day everyone would write down or say everything that everyone thinks. She thinks it would be so interesting to hear everyone else’s ideas. (She hasn’t discovered FB yet–little does she know her dreams have come true!) When you are with her, she practices her idea–nonstop articulation of her thinking! It makes me laugh and sometimes it makes my ears hurt, but it has taught me that everyone needs someone to listen to him or her. Listening is a powerful gift. I try to listen to my children when they talk to me–and sometimes even when they don’t.
Emily from’s latest post: Ready or not
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Emily from’s latest post: Ready or not
Emily from’s latest post: Ready or not
My MIL taught me that anything is possible. She’s so creative at problem solving and overcoming the ‘it’s not possible’ mindset.
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Jennifer P’s latest post: I Might Be Tired
My mother told me on my wedding night to never go to bed mad. Scriptural and so true!
Jennifer P’s latest post: I Might Be Tired
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Diane’s latest post: What a difference a year makes
My mom taught me to be patient and faithful… for the long haul.
My Mother taught me….”If you don’t have anything nice to say, don’t say anything at all”. Also, if you have someone who is being mean or contrary “Kill ’em with kindness”. I totally use both of those still today.
Lisa’s latest post: Muffin & Cinnamon
My mother taught me to give love the same way I received it, constantly and unconditionally.
Diane’s latest post: What a difference a year makes
The biggest lesson my mom taught me was to be myself and to follow my dreams.
Terri’s latest post: Kids Co-op
one of the most important lessons your mother (or another influential woman in your life) taught you
drink more water and get more sleep
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amy rouse!/dropastitch/status/196296887941345280
My Mom taught me the importance of honesty and forgiveness. My Grandma had given my Mom a beautiful sparkly necklace and I asked my Mom if I could wear it to school. She said no. I snuck out of the house wearing it anyways. It broke and I lost it 🙁 I told my Mom what I’d done and she prayed with me thanking God for my honesty. AMAZING!!!
My mother taught me to speak in public, to think things through and to confidently approach new things. Blessings
That giving up a career to rear your children is not a sacrifice, but the most rewarding work you can ever do.
Tracey’s latest post: Saturday Salutes
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I tweeted –!/GirlstoGrow/status/196300347285843970
Tracey’s latest post: Saturday Salutes
It sounds silly but looking back I think the number one thing I keep with me is that it all matters. As a kid I would wonder why what my mom scrubbing the oven or cleaning the closets just as company arrived, no one would worry about those little things but those little things she did show how much she cared. How much she cared about me, my brother, the company that we had. I feel it now. When I do things in the house as small as it might seem I do it because i love and care about my family. When I debate with my 10 yr old about the importance of good writing or picking up his clothes then I know that those little things will help him later in life and will eventually matter.
she taught me to have fun with my girlfriends because boys will come and go, but my girls will always be around
Lindsey’s latest post: "Mother"/Daughter Dance
The best advice my precious Momma ever gave me is to love like JESUS loves…to every human being…ooh boy, that’s not always easy..some people have big ole’ stingers…but I never regret or feel guilty for loving others…it’s only when I don’t heed that advice that I feel pangs of remorse…yep-love-it’s the thing!! Blessings and a big thanks for the cool giveaway!
Do the work that needs to be done. (still working on fully learning it)
Erin @ Small and Simple Things’s latest post: a few meal plans
My mom (who homeschooled me and my 7 younger siblings all the way through) taught me to chase my dreams and never give up on what I wanted. She taught me confidence in myself, the thrill of learning, and the love of the everyday.
I like Simple Homeschool on FB. -Sarah G. Ortiz
The most important lesson that my mama taught me was to love Jesus.
My Grandma taught me, through how she lived her life, that it really doesn’t matter how someone treats you, you show them the love of Christ at all times…love, patience, kindness….I never did see her mistreat a single soul…miss you Grandma
My mom taught me to remember to do the fun and kind things with my kiddos and not just the necessary.
My mom taught me to be the best you can be-regardless of circumstances. She had a lot of tragedy in her life when I was young, but I always remember her smiling and being the best mom she could be to us girls. I love her!
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My mom taught me, and continues to teach me, to give time to those you love, and to give generously of yourself. She also taught me to bake amazing things with yeast dough, and I hope I can someday make my stuff taste as good as hers!
My mom taught me to be strong and to be who I am, not wish or desire to be someone else.
My mom taught me to be calm. Don’t sweat the little things.
My mom taught me to care deeply for people.
My mom taught me to marry someone who I can communicate well with.
Bethany’s latest post: Elsa’s Newborn and One Year Portraits
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Bethany’s latest post: Elsa’s Newborn and One Year Portraits
my grandmother taught me that i can always find humor to ease every situation. this helps with homeschooling days!!!
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One of the most important things my mom taught me is to always do your best work and then you will always be happy with what you’ve done.
My mother taught me to always trust in God.
The best lesson I learned was to organize my week so that one day was dedicated to running errands. It has helped me to achieve more at the home and be more focused in the home.
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My grandmother taught me about strength and how to be stubborn in all the right ways 😉
Mama taught me how to be a great mother.
Mom taught me to pick my battles and not to sweat the small stuff!
Important Lessons from Mom – always kiss and hug your family. Lots.
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Jessica’s latest post: Raw Beet Salad with Sauteed Beet Greens
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Jessica’s latest post: Raw Beet Salad with Sauteed Beet Greens
The most important lesson my mother taught me was this: “No matter how hard you try or had badly you want to change someone else, the only person who you have the power to change is yourself.” It’s something I’ve held near and dear to my heart. Not only has it allowed me to strive to be a better wife, mother, friend, sister, and daughter, but it has also allowed for me to learn how to accept other people just as they are. I don’t always do it perfectly. But, it’s always a good reminder.
Thanks for the great giveaway!
Christan Resz’s latest post: Easy Peasy Recipe: Ham and Beans
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She taught me to never give up and to depend on the Lord in all things.
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Over and over again, my mother taught me forgiveness.
My mom taught me how great a clean house feels.
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My mother has taught me to always be honest and vulnerable with my family…there has never been a topic I can’t talk about with her, and I’ve always trusted her with my life experiences because she has always trusted me with hers.
My mom taught me to value family.
My Grandma taught me the value of putting family first, in every way. Also, how to make a really nice cup of tea. 🙂
My grandmother was the first one to take me to church when I was a little girl. She planted a seed that is blooming in full today. Thanks so much for the opportunity of this blessing basket!
Lisa F.’s latest post: Even on an Ordinary Friday
My mother taught me to have faith that everything happens for a reason.
No matter what, she will always love me.
My mother taught me that happiness is a choice we make every day.
My mom is continually reminding me, in words and actions, that she’s here for me when i need her.
My mom taught me how to give.
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one of the most important lessons my mother taught me was to not wait to do something until the timing was perfect. the timing will never be *perfect*. whatever that big step is that i’m contemplating, i just need to step out in faith and do it!!
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i like you on facebook! (laura gates speece)
I tweeted about this giveaway.
My mom taught me to be who I am, even if it brings me to unexpected places.
tweeted! (!/kyrie24/status/196348876003880962)
My great grandmother taught me how to smile and be in the moment.
My mom taught me that integrity is more important than popularity.
I like Simple Homeschool on FB.
The importance of family!
Don’t base any decision you make on money.
My mom taught me the importance of prayer in all that you do.
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To always try to find the silver lining.
that’s a luxurious giveaway! thanks and an early Happy Mother’s Day to you.
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My mom taught me to love, love, love your kids, whether they show love back to you or not.
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Kelly S’s latest post: where did the blog go?
My mom taught me to enjoy learning and to explore my interests.
Ordinary Sarah’s latest post: There All Along
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Ordinary Sarah’s latest post: There All Along
My mom taught me to follow through on my word.
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My mom taught me to do quiet acts of service.
Angie’s latest post: Mommy Blog: Obligatory Halloween Post
Ordinary Sarah’s latest post: There All Along
A special female friend taught me that whatever happens, I am the pulse of the home. I need to set the tone and the rhythm and keep the home a haven of peace from the craziness of the rest of the world….always a safe place to come in to. Also to always connect with the heart of my child……to observe the behavior, reserve the judgment, and to preserve the relationship.
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To get into the Word of God.
My mom taught me to laugh and to stand up for myself!
My mom taught me not to leave the special things for “later” but enjoy them today. Today is all we have.
I was really influenced by my best friends mother. I didn’t take much notice then. I ended up cloth diapering, baby wearing, bed sharing and gentle disciplining, just like her.
I “like” Simple Homeschool on FB.
I now realize that when my mom told me “be yourself” what she was really telling me was that I was enough! That’s a great message.
I can still hear my Mom say, “It’s just a dish. You’re so much more important than a dish.” That has stayed with me year after year. A reminder to value people above stuff.
Teish’s latest post: To Breakfast, or not to Breakfast…
The best lesson my mother taught me is to always be myself!
To alway be thankful and be present in my children’s lives
My mother taught me to forgive.
I learned from my own mom to make certain that my own little one knows that I love her, see her, care for her, applaud her, treasure her.
My mom taught me to respond in patience even if I want to blow my top, and to go to bed with a clean kitchen. Both kind of awesome when I get them right.
I learned that I need to just be me – the me I was created to be…
She taught me to value being together as a family
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Best lesson my mom taught me was unconditional love
I already like Simple Homeschool on FB 🙂
One of the best moms I know taught me (by her example) to always look kids in the eye and speak softly when addressing them. It really does work better than yelling over your shoulder!
Dana@AdoptionJourney’s latest post: Diary of a Crazed Homeschool Mom
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Dana@AdoptionJourney’s latest post: Diary of a Crazed Homeschool Mom
My mom taught me about unconditional love.
mom taught me that only I can make myself happy!
My mom had taught me to always be myself
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My mother taught me how to survive and break the cycle of abuse.
My mother taught me that it is indeed possible to be a mother AND a friend. I can’t think of a single time I was embarrassed to be seen with my mom, she was always the “cool mom,” and yet, I think I actually had stricter rules to follow than my friends. And now, I still love hanging out with my mother, as does my daughter!
Queen of Chaos’s latest post: I tried it!
My mom taught me to always open my home to others. People won’t care if it was the biggest or best, just that I cared enough to open the door.
Give myself just a bit of the grace God’s given me.
A very influential woman in my life taught me to slow down and really take time to be with my children each day. The dishes and laundry will always be there, but my children will one day be gone.
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My mom taught us that enjoying family was so much more important than other things we could be doing with our time and energy
My oldest sister taught me the only limitations you have are the ones you put on yourself, and you shouldnt think/believe you have any limitations.
To be honest
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To put God and Family First.
My mom taught me unconditional, sacrificial love.
My mom taught me to always do your best and be happy with that.
My mom taught me many things. One of those was about and how to garden and preserve. Now I want to do those things with my children.
Suanna’s latest post: Great Entertainment for a Variety of Ages
My mom taught me the importance of knowing and loving Jesus.
I “liked” Simple Homeschool a while ago – hope that still counts! 🙂
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My mother taught me to be strong.
My mother taught me that to love someone for who they are (and where they are) is wise love.
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Tweeted the giveaway!
My mom is now a recovering alcoholic, and the best lesson she ever taught me is that overcoming is possible.
My mom has taught me how to have grace when facing trials. She has had many difficult days but always has a face of grace and love.
My precious mother lived in peace, regardless of her circumstance. She knew the value of swinging on the porch, lingering over dessert, and playing instead of cleaning. I strive to do the same.
Wonderful prizes! I tweeted about them.
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I already liked you on Facebook
My mother taught me that taking care of your children and family is a wonderful and meaningful vocation. She did it beautifully and is a wonderful Nana to my two children and continues to be an inspiration to me.
My grandmother taught me that I can do anything that I put my mind to.
My mom has taught me generosity (of wealth and of spirit) in BIG ways!
Erin’s latest post: In a Word (or two)
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My mom taught me to be quick to love, quick to forgive but slow to judge others.
I like (love) Simple Homeschool on Facebook (Erin Lehman).
Erin’s latest post: In a Word (or two)
My mother taught me that dealing with life isn’t easy. Sometimes things are thrown your way and adapting to change may be distasteful, but it can be done.
My mom taught me that life is short — so show love to the people in my life every day.
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Mom taught me that “when someone – particularly dad – offers you money, say yes!”
Alicia @Green Lifestyle Consulting’s latest post: Elizabeth Warren on the Importance of Renewable Energy
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Alicia @Green Lifestyle Consulting’s latest post: Elizabeth Warren on the Importance of Renewable Energy
She dreamed big for me before I knew how to, and she gently guided me toward my dreams while they were still forming.
To “love hard” meaning to love with everything you got.
Angie’s latest post: hacking life and challenging norms
My Mom taught me how to survive breastfeeding early on. She had tips I never read about in books.
Emily @ Random Recycling’s latest post: We finally got a rain barrel!
My mother taught me to not be afraid to pursue my dreams and to work hard for what I want.
She taught me the importance of volunteering and giving to others. And the importance of unconditional love.
My mother was not all that she could have been for a variety of reasons, but God in His sweetness has given me a “mother” in the body of Christ. My mentor is a woman who has taught me by her example what it is to love faithfully and patiently and to stick by someone when they are hurting because God uses people as bridges to Himself. She taught me that it is safe to be vulnerable with trustworthy people. She taught me the freedom of being open and feeling my emotions. She taught me how to trust her and through that I learned how to truly trust God.
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My mom taught me(wasn’ t afraid for me to know), that moms are human and make mistakes, too. She, also, taught me that moms say, “I’m sorry”, when they do. (And, sometimes, it’s hard for them to say it, too.) This has given me sanity, so many times, in this hyped-up frenzied world, that says I have to be ‘supermom’.
Making food from scratch is worth the time and effort. I’m so grateful!
My Mom taught and continues to teach me how to love others and put others first. She’s the best!
aliben7 (at) gmail (dot) com
My mom taught me to be present and be available for your kids.
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She taught me to follow my dreams.
My mother taught me to be friendly & interested in other people.
My mother has taught me what unconditional love is which was especially hard considering her childhood and mine.
The importance of unconditional love.
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Do what God wants you to do and everything will be just right.
My mom taught me to remember that everything in life is a stage. The trials and the blessings all come and go and need to be endured until the pass or appreciated before they’re gone.
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My mom taught me to be myself and to embrace my differences.
She taught me not to back down. I channel that moxy whenever I need to stand up for myself.
My mom taught me that sometimes life gets rough but as long as you don’t lose hope things will get better.
Rebekah’s latest post: Adventures in Geocaching
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Rebekah’s latest post: Adventures in Geocaching
My mami taught me how to listen to my children as she patiently listens to me talk, talk & talk.
If I don’t listen to them now that they are small how in the world will I ever make a connection that will last for many years to come.
My mom taught me how to love sacrificially.
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I’m ‘ liking’ you, on FB. 🙂
I ‘tweeted'(albeit clumsily), about this. Hope it worked.
My mum always encouraged me to treat others as you would like to be treated.
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My mother taught me that the difficulties in life are the things that help build character and make us stronger than we were.
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to love people not dependent on their status in life.
Kamille@Redeeming the Table’s latest post: What Vacation Looks Like
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Kamille@Redeeming the Table’s latest post: What Vacation Looks Like
It’s a lesson I didn’t learn until several years ago, but I learned my mom is stronger than I thought!
Kelly’s latest post: Treasure Hunting
I now like Simple Homeschool on FB. Just making the switch from reading via email to reading thru FB.
Kelly’s latest post: Treasure Hunting
Mom taught me to always speak kindly about others, even if I didn’t want to.
BrownThumbMama’s latest post: What’s Wrong With My Vegetable Garden?
My mother taught me that unconditional love must be genuine because people (especially kids) can tell when it is not for real. She taught me that there is a balance you have to set between being completely selfless and also mindful of yourself – this leads to the true unconditional love. Tipping the balance one way or the other leads to resentment.
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That I am precious and valuable in the sight of God and my parents, regardless of my accomplishments or mistakes, but simply because it is true.
Jamie’s latest post: Saying “I love you”
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Jamie’s latest post: Saying “I love you”
My mom taught me to just keep smiling.
Andrea’s latest post: Happy Friday!
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Andrea’s latest post: Happy Friday!
Mom taught me that no matter how hard things are, God is in control and He will take care of you.
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My mother taught me, by her not so good examples, how I wanted to raise my own children. I am thankful that God placed a lot of good, strong woman in my life growing up with my father, who was a single parent, to help me find my way into growing up and being the woman and mother I am today.
~Kris’s latest post: {this moment}
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I tweeted about this giveaway 🙂
My grandma taught me that there’s always room for more love a d even when you think you have no more room for love, a new little one arrives and you have even more room to love them. She taught me that there is nothing more important than love for God, your family, and others.
My grandmom taught me to always ask questions and to be bold. My personality is not that so it has helped me immensely.
My grandmothers taught me about the importance of family, and they had so much love that it stretched across the states and to many, many people.
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The most important lesson my mother has taught me, thusfar, is to never not do something because you’re scared. I would have missed out on many, many wonderful experiences if I wouldn’t have stepped out of my comfort zone.
I like Simple Homeschool on FB.
If you can’t say something kind, then practice silence.
My mother (in a very indirect way) taught me that children are worth being kind to and treating with respect.
Mama B’s latest post: Pin Mining – Rhubarb Edition
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Mama B’s latest post: Pin Mining – Rhubarb Edition
Tweeted too.
Mama B’s latest post: Pin Mining – Rhubarb Edition
Hm…that’s a hard one – my mom taught me so much! I think it’s most important that she taught me that all people are equally loved by God.
The most important thing my mom taught me was how to be a mother.
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Life may not always unfold the way we plan, but persevere and you may discover the new path is better than the plan.
My mom has taught me the importance of being a good listener and being available whenever my kids need to talk, no matter the subject.
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to love
She taught me that you can make people feel comfortable with light conversation.
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Wow! What a wonderful giveaway! The most important lesson my mother never taught me (!) was to take care of yourself first, your marriage second, your children third. I saw my mum giving it alllll away, then collapsing with a migraine. It’s the hardest thing, for me: filling my own cup first, but the most important, too. Thanks!
I ALWAYS “like” you ;o) but have double liked now on facebook. thanks!
My mom taught me to serve others.
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Tweeted about the giveaway
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Unfortunately my mom passed away when I was young but taught me the importance of living life in the moment.
How you feel about yourself is shown by how you act and carry yourself
To love and know Jesus.
My mother taught me so many things, but probably the most important was how to love and love abundantly.
Ashley’s latest post: {recording life} Currently…
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My mom has taught me so many things, but best I think is how to generously and graciously take care of my family.
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As my mom tends to her dying mother, she teaches us all the lesson she has taught us before; To be caring and loving to our families until the end of our days and theirs. My mom is a humble servant to the sick and low. She is an angel to all she meets. I love her.
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I tweeted this article! Happy Mother’s Day!
My mom has taught me patience (even though I struggle to practice it as well as she does). 🙂
The most important thing I learned from my mother is to love and respect my husband. I’ve seen my parents go through some major struggles, and she stuck with it and kept serving God and loving my dad right through it. I admire and respect her, and am thankful for her teaching me that gem.
I also liked your FB page! 🙂 Love it!
the best is watching this tiny little baby continuously grow into being his/her own person; their action are of genuine, sincere love.
My mom taught me the value of homemade, especially when it comes to gardening and sewing!
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I liked Simple Homeschool on facebook
The one thing I learned is that we are all individuals and need to be loved as individuals. My mom used to take the crab out of only my dinner because she knew I didn’t like seafood. She did many things “just for me” in spite of the fact that there were SIX of us.
My mom taught me how to lovingly take care of my family.
She told me not to sweat the small stuff!
My mom has taught me to never give up. If you want something bad enough then you can make it happen.
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In regards to dressing my mom always said “Leave a little to the imagination” Great advice that I plan to use with my daughter come the teen years 😉
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If you believe in something, fight for it. And she would be right there beside me.
I liked you on Facebook and tweeted about this great giveaway?
Forgiveness is the best lesson I’ve ever learned… For myself and for others.
My grandma loved all of us unconditionally — truly unconditionally. That is a lesson I am still learning everyday and I thank her for it daily.
What a great giveaway! One thing my mom has taught me through her example is perseverance and trusting God when life is hard.
My mom taught me that I can do absolutely anything I want to do. I am so thankful for her.
Hannah Mayo’s latest post: A Snippet.
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Hannah Mayo’s latest post: A Snippet.
Mama taught me the importance of quiet time every day.
To always be kind.
To be forever faithful to my family.
When I first became a parent (to a 6 and 2 year old), my mom practically forced me to institute rest hour. Now, almost 4 years later, it’s still a critical element in our day!
MrsH’s latest post: Empathizing with “10″
My mom taught me to forgive. She was able to offer forgiveness in a situation that not many others would. It is an example that will forever impact my life.
Lynette Chang’s latest post: Reply to an Anesthesia Resident
My mother taught me how to sew.
Mom taught me the importance of lifelong learning
Among many other things, my mom has always been good at writing notes and sending cards to people for encouragement (something I’m horrible at!)
She taught me the importance of never leaving your family. And how to make flour tortillas.
The two most important lessons my mother ever taught me were to never give up despite what others may say and to always remain true to myself because I am a good person.
My mother was an excellent example of how not to parent. Though childhood was painful, it has helped me to be more conscious of the kind of mama I am to my own littles.
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I didn’t even realize this lesson till I was in college but my mom and dad never spoke badly about any of their friends or family in front of us. I always thought they got along with everyone till I became an adult and realized that wasn’t always the case. They just accepted everyone and kept all mean comments to themselves or said them behind a closed door. As a mom of three, I try and continue that and keep all thoughts that don’t build people up to myself or to my husband when the kids are not around.
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Indecision is a decision in itself. Make a choice and live with it.
my mother taught me to take good care of the body God gave me
I have a painful relationship with my mother so the question is a difficult one. Through the pain I’ve learned to always be true to myself and my family- there are many blessings in that.
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Cheri’s latest post: I will remember
I am so lucky to have such amazing women in my life. My mom had me at a young age and taught me never to give up. I got to live with my grandma for 7 years and she taught me so much about how to be a loving wife. I got to be around my great aunts and they taught me how important sisters are, and my grandma’s neighbors (4 women who were sisters) taught me to find joy in the little things like home cooking and watching birds out the kitchen window…. I could go on and on…
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One of the most important lessons my mom has taught me is that people are more important than projects. This is still a struggle for me sometimes when I’m trying to get something done with my children around but it runs through my head often of what she taught me thru her actions.
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My mother taught me to make joy in life, to not be burdened by self pity or boredom, but to create my own happiness. I hope to do the same for my kids!
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my mom taught me to value my own individuality and to love learning.
The most important lesson I learned is to take time for yourself so you can give yourself to your children. Otherwise you lose yourself and aren’t happy.
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My mom taught me about healthy eating.
Discard judgement – try to imagine you are in her shoes. Thanks Mom. xoxo
My mom taught me how to think. She taught me to ask questions and have reasons for what I was doing, not letting me just do something because everyone else was doing it.
Trish’s latest post: here comes the sun
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My mom has taught me to accept people as they are…without judgment.
My mom taught me to spend as much time with my kids as I can while they are young. Otherwise I will regret and miss the lost time when they are older!
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My grandmother taught me the value of good gifts.
Jamie’s latest post: our two sons
Awesome giveaway! My mom taught me that family always comes first!
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Jamie’s latest post: our two sons