Teens Are Scary, and Other Lies I Once Believed ~ Written by Jamie C. Martin of Simple Homeschool and Introverted Moms I was terrified of homeschooling teenagers. I mean, who wouldn’t be? All I saw on television and in movies confirmed it as a dreaded age - when once sweet and loving little ones …
a mom's education
The Intensity of Homeschooling a Gifted Child
The Intensity of Homeschooling a Gifted Child ~ Written by Colleen Kessler of Raising Lifelong Learners We often think of giftedness as just that, a gift. While it certainly can be, it is not uncommon for academically and/or developmentally advanced children to also have a range of intense and …
3 Things That Totally Changed My Homeschool (for the better!)
3 Things That Totally Changed My Homeschool (for the better!) ~ Written by Cait Fitzpatrick Curley of My Little Poppies When I first began homeschooling, it was under duress. In fact, I call myself an unexpected homeschooler because I never thought we would homeschool our children. Prefer to …
3 Things That Totally Changed My Homeschool (for the better!)Read More
Because things ARE different now
Because things ARE different now ~ Written by Melissa Camara Wilkins Last spring, just as we were wrapping up our learning activities for the year, one of my kids had an orthodontist appointment. “Where do you go to school?” the receptionist asked him, just making conversation. “Oh, I’m …
Art for the Homeschool Mom
Art for the Homeschool Mom ~ Written by Erin Vincent of Nourishing My Scholar Art has always been special to me. I remember sitting at my mother's knee as a child coloring in my sketchpad while she sketched a landscape. I don't know what I was coloring or how it looked, but I remember what I was …