3 Myths About Homeschooling Gifted Kids ~ Written by Colleen Kessler of Raising Lifelong Learners Homeschooling a gifted kid is totally a walk in the park, right? After all, they're super-smart, pick things up easily, and are always ready to sit still, listen, and learn. Isn't that what gifted …
a mom's education
3 Ways to Connect with Your Middle Schoolers
3 Ways to Connect with Your Middle Schoolers ~ Written by Purva Brown of The Classical Unschooler Something has changed around here lately, and I'm not sure how I feel about it. Overnight it seems my older two children have grown up. And the trajectory of my mom life has changed completely. Where, …
An introverted homeschool mom’s superpowers
An introverted homeschool mom's superpowers ~ Written by Jamie C Martin I sat with my daughter at the dining table, the homeschool work in front of us forgotten. Instead she shared a part of her heart with me, one that had not been expressed before. Prefer to listen? I listened, we cried, …
5 things I learned about homeschooling from a puppy
5 things I learned about homeschooling from a puppy ~ Written by Melissa Camara Wilkins I’m just going to come out and say it: we got a dog. We didn’t even just get a dog—we got a puppy. We’ve never had a pet before, unless you count a fish in a bowl on the bathroom counter. (Why the bathroom …
5 things I learned about homeschooling from a puppyRead More
What Happens When Homeschooling Ends?
What Happens When Homeschooling Ends? ~ Written by Shawna Wingert of Different by Design Learning A note from Jamie: This is Shawna's final post on Simple Homeschool, after sharing her thoughts and experience with us in this space for nearly seven years! I'm so grateful, as I know you are, too, …