Written by Melissa Camara Wilkins I am going to guess that this year has not been exactly what you expected, that it might not be your definition of a "simple homeschool." Maybe I’m wrong. Maybe you have a crystal ball, knew just what to expect, and are patiently waiting for the rest of us to …
a mom's education
Resilience: 5 ways to make your homeschool disaster-proof
Resilience: 5 ways to make your homeschool disaster-proof ~ Written by Kari Patterson For many families in my area, the first day of school included evacuating their homes. Due to COVID-19, schools in our area are online for the time being, so just as families were preparing for the steep …
Resilience: 5 ways to make your homeschool disaster-proofRead More
The 3 step guide to managing your time as a homeschooling mom
The 3 step guide to managing your time as a homeschooling mom ~ Written by Purva Brown of The Classical Unschooler When I first started homeschooling, my child was too young. I readily admit that now. But I did it for the sole purpose of getting into a routine. I wanted to know that I could do it …
The 3 step guide to managing your time as a homeschooling momRead More
Prioritizing mental health in your homeschool this year
Prioritizing mental health in your homeschool this year ~ Written by Kara S. Anderson I’m going to go out on a limb here and say that this year, it’s more important than ever to prioritize mental health in our homeschools. As I write this at the tail-end of July, already I am getting frantic …
Prioritizing mental health in your homeschool this yearRead More
3 ways to overcome back-to-school overwhelm
3 ways to overcome back-to-school overwhelm ~ Written by Melissa Camara Wilkins This will be our family’s sixteenth year homeschooling. That is a sentence I can’t quite believe, but math and history tell me it is true. This year we’ll have two elementary schoolers, two high schoolers, one …