Written by Cait Fitzpatrick Curley I don't know about you, but I'm having trouble concentrating lately. I head upstairs to collect laundry and, the next thing I know, I'm standing in the hallway, wondering what on earth I was supposed to be doing. Or I'll put a bagel in the toaster oven and find it …
a mom's education
The 5 love languages of homeschooling
The 5 love languages of homeschooling ~ Written by Jamie C. Martin of Simple Homeschool and Introverted Moms A few weeks ago an issue with one of my children kept me up late into the night. You know, one of those little things that you can't quite figure out. After pondering, praying, and a bit …
4 ways to calm worries during stressful times
Written by Colleen Kessler of Raising Lifelong Learners These are strange times, friend. Strange times, indeed. Your state may have just issued a "shelter in place" edict. Maybe all of the restaurants near you are closed down. Your kiddos can't see their friends and all their regularly …
The Most Important Thing You Can Do to Reset a Bad Homeschool Day
The Most Important Thing You Can Do to Reset a Bad Homeschool Day ~ Written by Caitlin Fitzpatrick Curley Homeschooling has its seasons, and some seasons are harder than others. Take, for example, February. February is the longest shortest month ever. And this year was no different for our …
The Most Important Thing You Can Do to Reset a Bad Homeschool DayRead More
How to create a transcript as relaxed homeschoolers
How to create a transcript as relaxed homeschoolers ~ Written by Kara Anderson A few years ago, I had a panic going on. My son was starting middle school, and I felt like we had to get serious. After years of interest-led learning, and the gentleness of Waldorf, I convinced myself that we …
How to create a transcript as relaxed homeschoolersRead More