This giveaway has ended. Thanks for entering! This weekend I'm happy to introduce you to one of our family's favorite recent discoveries: Green Kid Crafts. Are your kids as excited about receiving mail as mine are? Each month when they discover a Green Kids package in our mailbox, there is much …
Weekend giveaway: Oak Meadow
This giveaway has ended--thanks for entering! I am especially happy to welcome you to this weekend's giveaway as it is a resource and company that has enriched my family's personal homeschooling journey--Oak Meadow Curriculum and School. Their uniquely creative curriculum includes: · …
Weekend giveaway: Not Your Mother’s Make-Ahead & Freeze Cookbook
This giveaway has ended--thanks for entering! Freezer cooking and busy homeschooling families go well together, wouldn't you say? My friend Jessica Fisher thinks so, and her new cookbook--Not Your Mother's Make-Ahead and Freeze Cookbook--recently released to rave reviews! Jessica is a …
Weekend giveaway: Not Your Mother’s Make-Ahead & Freeze CookbookRead More
Weekend giveaway: Sparkle Stories
This giveaway has now ended--thanks for entering! Seven-year-old Martin and five-year-old Sylvia are the main characters in one of Sparkle Stories most popular audio storylines. This homeschooled (woot-woot!) brother and sister live, love, eat, learn, argue, and work together--just like most of …
Weekend giveaway: Great Homeschool Conventions
This giveaway has ended--thanks for entering! Welcome to this weekend's giveaway--hosted by Great Homeschool Conventions! Great Homeschool Conventions will hold its 2013 regional conventions in South Carolina (March) and Ohio (April). Each convention features a huge Homeschool Curriculum exhibit …