How to help your child learn to read ~ Written by contributor Jena Borah My little guy was six years old and we had been casually talking about letters and their corresponding sounds. I put a phonics page on my refrigerator and used it as a guide to talk about letters and sounds over a box of …
methods & philosophies
The truth about preschool
The Truth About Preschool ~ Written by Carletta Sanders of Successful Homeschooling. I absolutely love reading blogs written by well-organized, energetic moms who are creative enough to dream up fun activities for their preschoolers, and disciplined enough to follow through with their …
ABC books for elementary and beyond
Written by contributor Kris Bales of Weird, Unsocialized Homeschoolers. ABC books are just for young children learning to recognize their letters, right? Wrong! Homemade ABC books can be a great learning tool for elementary and beyond. ABC books are a versatile tool that provide a simple …
Presentations: Assessing Your Student’s Progress
Written by contributor Kris Bales of Weird, Unsocialized Homeschoolers. Like many homeschool families, we don't use tests as a measure of our children's progress very often. The math program that the kids use does regular quizzes and tests, as does the computer-based program that my older …
Playful Learning: An Interview (& Giveaway) with Mariah Bruehl
This giveaway has ended. Thanks for entering! Mariah Bruehl is an educator at heart. After receiving her master’s degree in elementary education from Bank Street College, she taught at the Dalton School in New York. She then worked as the associate director of the Ross Lower School in …
Playful Learning: An Interview (& Giveaway) with Mariah BruehlRead More