This giveaway has ended; thanks for your interest!
Welcome to today’s giveaway–sponsored by The World’s Most Fascinating Rock Collection:
From Kelli of The World’s Most Fascinating Rock Collection:
“Maybe you find rocks in your wash every time you do laundry. Maybe you can’t walk through a parking lot without your child stooping to study the scattered pebbles at your feet. Maybe you have a child who is fascinated by rocks.
Lucky you! You might not know it, but rock collecting is a great base for studying many earth science principles in a concrete and hands-on way.
The World’s Most Fascinating Rock Collection uses children’s natural fascination with rocks as a foundation on which to develop a deeper understanding of earth science principles.
Each specimen represents a specific educational principle. For example pumice, fascinating for its ability to float, serves as the grounding element in a lesson on water displacement and floatation. Some other covered topics include: crystallization, atoms, the rock cycle, lapidary, magnetism, space rocks, volcanic processes and fossilization.
Because children SO love to receive mail, the collection is delivered as a monthly subscription to keep excitement for learning fresh!
However, this collection differs from the typical subscription box because each delivery is one installment in a carefully planned rock and mineral collection designed to increase your child’s understanding of rock-related science in a fun and engaging way.”
“Each monthly package includes:
- Featured Rock or Mineral Specimen (Tektites, Fossils, Geodes, and others)
- Stackable Collection Container that grows each month
- Fun and Fascinating Information Card packed with educational material and illustrations
- Instructions for a Hands-On Activity that illustrates the lesson (experiments, recipes, crafts, and more)
- Paper Activity that reinforces the material (crosswords, mazes, origami, etc.)
- Photo Identification and “Rock Humor” Stickers
In addition to the monthly collection, you can add-on a Collector’s Box which includes:
- Carrying Box to contain the entire collection including information cards
- Personalizable Label
- Decorative sticker (the box is a great place to display all the collection stickers!)
- Welcome Card
- Kid-friendly Magnifying Glass
- “Geo” character rock (the collection’s playful mascot)
If you prefer to teach your rock science as a unit, there is a Teacher’s Pack available. The Teacher’s Pack is the entire collection packaged in the Collector’s Box and delivered in one shipment.”
Giveaway details
This giveaway has ended; thanks for your interest!
Today one lucky Simple Homeschool reader will win a FULL 1 YEAR SUBSCRIPTION, including shipping to your home each month for 12 months!
This subscription is valued at $120.00.
(Giveaway open to those in the US and Canada. Due to customs requirements, any Canadian winners will be sent the entire collection at one time as opposed to the monthly installments.)
“The World’s Most Fascinating Rock Collection can supplement your earth science curriculum, spark an interest in geology, or just get your whole family looking at rocks in a new way! If your children weren’t already fascinated by rocks, they will be!”
How to Win
This giveaway has ended; thanks for your interest!
To be entered to for a chance to win, leave a comment on this post, answering this question: How old are your children and have you ever found a rock in their pockets?
(If you’re reading this via email or reader, you must click here to leave your comment on this post at Simple Homeschool. Comments or emails left elsewhere don’t count as entries.)
For an extra entry, “Like” The World’s Most Fascinating Rock Collection and Simple Homeschool on Facebook. Then leave another comment here letting me know you’ve done so!
Special Offer
The World’s Most Fascinating Rock Collection is offering a special discount to Simple Homeschool readers. Use coupon code SHS10 for a $10 DISCOUNT on one year subscriptions ordered before November 7, 2014.
For an added bonus, receive a FREE COLLECTOR’S BOX including shipping with ANY subscription ordered by November 7, 2014, by sending us a note to seller requesting this free bonus worth $13 during checkout!
This giveaway has ended, and the winner is Courtney, who wrote: “Ha! Rocks, rocks everywhere. Yes, the laundry, the socks, the pockets of all things worn. We are rock collectors in this house. My kids are 11, 9, 7, 6, 3, 1, and another little blessing due this month. Five boys and two girls. Rocks are EVERYWHERE in our home with all of these curious little boys.”
Rocks in pockets, all the time, as well as collections all over the house. Little man is 5, almost 6 🙂
Thanks for the chance, this looks awesome!
Rocks (and pine cones, acorns, and feathers) are why pocket were invented 🙂
My kiddos are 8, 7, 4, 2, and 8 mos.
Thanks for the opportunity!
Theresa @ OrdinaryLovely’s latest post: Onions from the Archives
My children are 9, 7 and 6. My 9 year old has been fascinated with rocks his whole life and I’ve found many rocks in his pockets!
My children are 6, 4, and 2. I have never found a rock in their pockets, but they are very interested in them and are always picking up “cool ones.”
I also liked SH and Rock collection in Facebook.
I like both on facebook!
Kids ages 2-14 and rocks, rocks, rocks everywhere! My 7 year old would think she’d died and gone to heaven to win this package!!!
Anne’s latest post: A Day in the Life–September
I have 3 boys, 12, 9, and 7, so we’ve had many wash loads with rocks!
What a great giveaway!!! Thank you ! My kids are 13, 11, and 8. My 11 year old, especially, always has rocks in his pocket- he would LOVE this!!!
My kids are 13, 8 and 8 (yes, twins!)
They pick up rocks everywhere we go. I do find rocks in their pockets and of course in mine. They find special rocks as a gift to me so often my pockets are more full of rocks than theirs. We’ve be working on a “heart shaped” rock collection. Thanks for the chance! Sounds like an amazing gift.
My kids are 4 & 6 — yes, we find rocks in pockets, in the car, on the floor, in jars — we paint rocks, collect rocks, sort rocks. They are a favorite toy around here!
My kids are ages 4 and 6. I don’t find rocks in their pockets but I have a largish collection in my purse that they’ve given me with instructions to “keep this magic stone in your purse, Mama”. Of course I keep every single one. 🙂
Amber DeGrace’s latest post: Tellus360, an Irish Pub and Live Music Venue
My sons are 5 and 3. I have found many rocks in their pockets. I have even found them in my own pockets. 🙂
My sons are 10 and 12, and I have found rocks in my 10 yr old’s pockets too many times to count!
My boys are 10 and 13. We love rocks … all of us have filled our pockets with rocks plenty of times. We even brought bags of rocks home from vacation this summer!
I have liked Simple Homeschool and TWMFRC on Facebook.
My children are 11, 8, and 5. Rocks are found in their pockets often! They even started a rock exchange in the neighborhood with other children. They are always looking for that special rock treasure.
My children are 7, 5 and 2 and we have a draw full of ‘special rocks’. 🙂
Liked on Facebook!
My son is 8 years old. Rocks in pockets? We’ve found them in pockets, in bookbags, in his shirt drawer, they are everywhere!
My girls are 11, 8, and 3. I have found rocks in their pockets, in my purse, in their coats, and in my washing machine.
Hahaha! This one resonates with me, for sure. I find rocks in the wash, in little piles at the door, on a bookshelf, next to his pillow(!), etc. My son is 4. Protect your vacuums, parents!
I have liked both pages on Facebook.
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Yes, we find rocks all the time – even in bed! 😉
Our boys are 8 and 9. This would be a fun project to do with them!
My 6 year old son always picks up a rock where ever we go and adds it to his collection at home, makes for a super heavy pocket!!
I have liked both pages on Facebook!
I have 5 yr old twins, a 4 yr old, a 2.5 yr old & a 11 month old. I find rocks in all but the baby’s pockets constantly!
Wow! This is really cool! My kids 8, 6, & 3 & 1 love rocks! I am always finding them in odd places! What a great way to learn!
I also followed on Facebook.
They are 8 and 10. Why put rocks in your own pockets when you can put them in your mom’s purse? That is where all important treasures go for safe keeping.
My son is 7, and we find rocks in his pockets, on the floor of the van, on our front porch, etc. all the time!
I have a 10 year old and not only do I find rocks in his pockets, I find them in the car, on the table and occasionally fine them in my pocket too! Great giveaway, thanks!
Oh yes our 11 year old daughter can be “weighted down” with many rocks whenever we take a trip or go camping especially!
Thanks for the opportunity! My kiddos are 8, 6, 2 and 6mo….rocks ALL the time. My youngest stops about every 3 steps to pick up another one and my other 2 bring containers every time we go somewhere ‘out’ so they can collect :)!
8,6,4,1…I’m sure i have found rocks in pockets but I can’t remember! But they do love collecting them!
Lots of rocks at our house. Jars and bowls filled with rocks and shells are our chosen decor. 🙂
My kids are 9 and 11.
I have seven children, all who have had rocks in their pockets! My father also collected rocks, and when he passed away, we inherited a bag of rocks that he particularly liked! My artistic daughter still likes pretty rocks, as does my seven year old son.
I liked Simple Homeschool on FB a long while ago and I liked World’s Most Fascinating today.
I have a 10-year-old son and a 4-year-old daughter. Surprisingly, I find more rocks in my daughter’s pockets than I do my son’s, although they both firmly believe in using their pockets as treasure chests! 🙂
My kids are 12, 9, 6, and 18months and I find rocks in their pockets alllllll the time! They would love this prize!
Alicia @ Investing Love’s latest post: KIDS + CHORES
My kids are 11 and 8 and of course rocks in pockets, and it’s not always the kids that have the rocks.
Natalie’s latest post: I Rode a Horse of Milk White Jade by Diane Lee Wilson
My boys are 6, 5, and 1. The 5 year old loves interesting rocks, and tries to bring a new one home every hike we go on. Once the rock was so big and heavy I didn’t think he could carry it back to the car, but he did–3 miles!
Already like Simple Homeschool on FB 🙂
Alicia @ Investing Love’s latest post: KIDS + CHORES
Do you know how many times I’ve washed a pocket of rocks? My four kids are constantly collecting rocks! Thanks so much.
Liked on FB.
Liked Fascinating Rock Collection on FB!
Alicia @ Investing Love’s latest post: KIDS + CHORES
Already liked your Facebook but went to add The World’s Most Fascinating Rock Collection. 🙂
My daughter is almost 9 and loves collecting rocks. This would be a super addition to our homeschool!
My Kids are 14, 7 & 6. The 14 year old used to come home with rocks in her pockets ALL THE TIME. LOL! My little haven’t gotten into it much yet, but oddly I hope they do.
Jamie-this giveaway is GREAT! Plus I appreciate that you secured a discount for your readers so that even if we don’t win, we win. 🙂 My boy is almost 8 and rocks in his pockets, on his bookcase, on his desk, etc. Also, his dearest friend made him a rock bracelet—smooth, flat rock, drilled through to then thread a leather string through it. Would love to win! Thanks!
I have liked both sites!
liked simple homeschool on facebook. 🙂
Rocks, rocks, rocks. My big boy, almost 7, has been a collector since he could walk. My little boy, 3.5, is following in his footsteps. Better than rocks in pockets, is rocks in washing machine AND dryer – all that friction adds a nice, downy softness to my clean laundry! 😛
Also liked both on FB. Thanks for this offer!!
My boys are 3, 6 and 8. I have found rocks in every pocket, all the time. Thank you for this giveaway.
I already like Simplehomeschool on FB! You are amazing!
Hi! My kids are 8, 6, and 4. My two boys (8 and 6) have a “rock collection”. They just love rocks!!
Thanks for the opportunity 🙂
I liked The World’s Most Fascinating Rock Collection on FB.
Our daughter is 11. She loves rocks and has been collecting for years. Our house is covered in rocks, as well! This collection would be sure to bring great happiness and endless hours of fascination.
What a great start to the day, to read about rocks!!! Our 7 year old son not only fills his pockets when we are walking, but mine too. We have some rock loving friends and go on rock hounding adventures together. It would be wonderful to have more rocks coming in the mail every month. Thanks for the great offer.
I have a seven year old and a one and a half year old. Both are avid rock finders and their pockets are always clanking with treasures
My daughter is 7 and I often find rocks in her pocket. 🙂 She has an extensive and heavy collection and would love this!
I like Simple Homeschool on Facebook.
My children are 6, 3, and 1. My oldest in particular is fascinated with rocks. In fact when my husband and I just took our anniversary trip her only request is that we bring her home some special rocks.
My kids are 13, 8, 8. Before we homeschooled, they attended private school and they brought home rocks every day for their “collection”. No rock was too ugly to spark their interest. Even now, if a rock catches their eye, they are going to bring it home.
I love this idea! Thanks for the giveaway!
There are rocks in pockets, rocks on shelves, rocks in boxes, in purses, in beds. Rocks all over this house and have been since the oldest child could crawl. They love rocks!
My beautiful girls are 11 and 7. We have been collecting rocks as a family for as long as I can remember. It is one of our favorite past times. We have however never taking the time ti learn about these rocks. This would be a great resources for us!
My daughter is 8 and I’ve found lots of rocks in her pockets along with my husbands pockets 🙂 We enjoy rock hunting and love to head up to Lake Superior in search of agates.
I already Liked SH on FB, just clicked Like on the Rock Collection page. 🙂
I “like” both Simple Homeschool and World’s Most Fascinating Rock Collection on Facebook. Thanks!
I do indeed find rocks in the dryer. My 7 year old daughter is constantly finding cool rocks and leaving a trail of them in the car, on shelves, in pockets, etc. This looks like a great resource!
In addition to commenting above I have also liked both pages on facebook!
I have always been a geology lover and want to share that with my girls 10 & 7 – what a great subscription!! Heeding over to like both sites on Facebook
I liked both pages on Facebook!
Oh! And yes, I have most definitely found rocks in pockets…the washing machine, clanking around in the vacuum canister…
Hello! My children are ages 13,11,9,6! All of my children love collecting things ! We just recently moved and as we are opening boxes we find ziplock bags of rocks! No wonder these boxes are so heavy! If I attempt to remove or size down their “collections” it’s as if I’m stealing there precious treasures! So, they stay in the boxes. My 9yr old daughter is fascinated just by the rocks in our driveway. She seems to see some unique characteristic in each one finding them hard to set aside. This prize would be such a blessing in my household! Thanks for posting such great articles !
Finding rocks in pockets and left in the dryer has always been an issue.My children have a rock collection outside that they have found all over the yard and other places and brought them back.Would love a chance to try this resource.My son is 9 and my daughter is 6 years old.Thanks so much!
My 9 yr old would love this! My boys are 16 & 9, and no, I haven’t ever found rocks in their pockets.
Adrienne’s latest post: Homeschool Mom Confessions: I’m a Conflicted Mother
My daughter is 3. 5, and I find rocks in her pockets, my pockets, my purse, her dad’s pockets, everywhere they can be carried!
I like both pages on facebook.
Facebook “like” love sent! 🙂
Adrienne’s latest post: Homeschool Mom Confessions: I’m a Conflicted Mother
My son is 7 and loves learning about the natural world. Many treasures find their way home, from rocks to acorns to an owl pellet (still saved in its styrofoam cup, 2 years later). Thank you for this opportunity to study rocks in-depth!
My children are 7, 5 and 4. We live in the desert southwest and most definitely find rocks in pockets, in “collections” (especially in the oldest’s room) a lot! Sometimes I wish we could just leave them in the, already rock, yard!
My kids are 2,4,6, and 8. And I’m pretty sure I have found rocks in all of their pockets at some point!
Rocks in pockets, bowls, jars, baggies, displayed on bedroom shelves….we always have rocks. We had moved 3 times in one year and the rocks were packed carefully and brought along by my youngest daughter. I have rocks from everyplace we have lived 🙂 my children are 8, 10, 16 and 2 grown ages 21 and 23.
I have 5 homeschooled children -14, 12, 10, 8, and soon to be 6. We find rocks everywhere! When my eldest son was little he started a tradition in our family, every time I had to leave them, he would find a rock and give it to me, “So you remember me, Mama.” Rocks are all over our house and yard.
I’ve liked Simple Homeschool on Facebook
I “liked” the pages!
I’ve liked The World’s Most Fascinating rock Collection on Facebook
My girls are 4 and 8. They are forever picking up rocks. They sre all over my house. I even won a baby shower game that gave points for items found in your purse- 25 points for a rock, I knew I’d have it before even looking:-)
What a fantastic product!!! My kids are 9, 5, and 3. Like many others, we have rocks everywhere! Rocks in pockets, backpacks, the cup holders and floor of my car, the bottom of laundry baskets, shelves lined with cups and bowls and baskets of rocks; I have had a kid take off a sock while hiking to carry more rocks! You really wouldn’t think I would want to pay to have more rocks delivered to my house, but I do!
Hi! My 6 year old daughter has been collecting rocks most of her life! One of her favorite things is to gather up and buy a bag of colored rocks that they sell at gift shops, like Shady Maple in PA, and put them in her little painted treasure box. Thanks for sharing this offer! It’s a great idea!
Yes, I have found rocks in their pockets (and in the washing machine). Even though they are now 13 and 15, just yesterday I was trying to get them to move a pile of their “special” rocks off the front porch!
This looks like so much fun! Love your site!
My youngest child is an avid rock collector…yesterday she used half a bottle of soap to clean one rock!
I pull rocks out of our 8-year-old daughter’s pockets all the time when I’m doing laundry! Sometimes I miss one until I hear the telltale “clunk” in the dryer. She had the best time last summer in Maine collecting beautiful specimens for her collection. She would adore receiving rocks in the mail.
My girls are 7 & 9. Yes, I have found rocks in their pockets many of times. They always been fascinated with all the colors and shapes of rocks. Love this giveaway!
My kids are 11, 8, and 22-months. Yes, they like to collect rocks!
Hi, My kids are 3 and 6 and we have found quite a few rocks in pockets and backpack. Thanks!
Kids…B 7, G 6, G 4, G 2. I have found SEVERAL rocks in their pockets 🙂 we would LOVE This!!!!
I liked both ‘Simple Homeschooling’ and ‘The World’s Most Fascinating Rock collection’ on facebook.
Good morning! Wonderful giveaway here! My 9-year old daughter and 7-year old son are both enamored with rocks. We just got back from a rock store putting this weekend and were shocked at the prices of rocks. Oh, how I took for granted my childhood bowl of polished wonders! We regularly hike and collect special rocks from the various places we go. We have found great quartz, granite, mica, and petrified wood just in our rock beds around the house. Plus, we moved to a new state a year ago which has allowed us to compare what we found at our last home and now here. It’s a fascination, and I wish I could say it’s all my kids’, but really I never grew out of it myself. And oh – I find the rocks in coat pockets, pants pockets, backpacks from school (playground finds!), laundry basket, post-traumatic washing in the machine, on the kitchen counter, in one of several bags or containers my daughter uses to hoard (collect) treasures, no joke – in my kids’ sheets as they fall asleep with them in their hands, and rarely (but it happens when the planets align) in the bowls on their dressers that they are supposed to be in! I can’t get mad though, or I’d have to erase my childhood. In truth, I do love that they have find such wonder and interest in rocks. They hold many secrets to our planet’s history and are a terrific gateway into those sciences and histories. Would truly love to win this supply of rocks so that the learning continues with more tangible pieces. Thank you for sponsoring and supplying such a great give-away!
Kids are 7 (boy) and 9 (girl). I find rocks in his pockets all the time (usually AFTER I’ve done the laundry), especially in the summer.
My children are 2, 5 and 8. Yes, we’ve found lots of rocks in pockets and lots of other places around the house!!
Mine are 4, 2, and 2 months. No rocks in the baby’s pockets yet, but the other kids have been instructed that all of the special piles of rocks need to find homes before the little guy starts crawling!
My kids are 7, 5, and 3 and they all love rocks. They are always outside digging for them and looking for the most unique ones they can find. They put them in buckets, cups, in their pockets, on the kitchen counter…and everywhere! They even give them to each other as gifts 🙂 I know they would enjoy this!
My boys, 7 and 5, are always picking up rocks. This is such an awesome giveaway.
Excellent learning opportunity! Always thankful, Kata 9, Hunor 8, Magor 2!
My kids are 7,7,6,4, and 2 and I find them in their pockets and in my laundry… They bring rocks home from everywhere and we have a collection… We also paint them 🙂
Hi, my kids are boy 7, and girl 6. I am constantly telling my kids they really need to stop stealing rocks from people’s driveway and gardens. Haha! They have a rock collection (large zip-loc bag with rocks), I don’t know much about rocks and would find this package very interesting!
Jodie’s latest post: Weekly Wrap-Up Sept 22nd-October 3rd
My boys age 7 and 3 have an extensive rock collection stuffed away in a drawer in their dresser. They are so observant of the world around them, and it always surprises me the treasures and unique rocks they find every where we go. Don’t y’all just love boys. So fun. 🙂
My kids are 11, 9, and 4. We have quite a collection of rocks. The youngest brings them in every day, from the driveway, the park, the beach, anywhere he finds a “special” one. The older two are a little more discerning now, thank goodness, and only collect the nicer ones. The window sill and dressers are getting full. 😉
Thanks for the chance! 🙂
5 and 6 yr olds and I don’t find rocks in their pockets… they bring it to show me and then expect me to put it in my pocket! Lol.
Hello! My boys are 3 & 5 and they enjoy finding cool things outside including rocks. I always do a quick check when I do the laundry lol. Thanks!
Kids are 5 & 3. Both love exploring for rocks and often give them to mom to store in her pockets!
I like Simple Homeschool on Facebook. 🙂
My children are ages 7, 9, 10, and 13. I have found rocks in their pockets, especially in my youngest’s pockets. She is always looking for new rocks and trying to figure out what they are.
Like both on FB!
I have a son who is 11. He is an only child so he does a lot of exploring on his own. I think I find rocks in his pocket all the time! They go through my washer often!
Heart of a Philanthropist Blogger Kim’s latest post: Woodwear Bamboo Sunglasses Giveaway
I have three children ages 6, 5, and 3. Yes I often find rocks in pockets, bags, or just lying around the house. My youngest two for sure are collectors.
I have liked both pages on facebook as well 🙂
My kids are 10, 8, 6, 4, 2, and infant. I’ve definitely found rocks in pockets!!! 🙂 Would LOVE to win this; thank you!
I “like” Simple Homeschool on Facebook!
I have liked World’s Most Fascinating Rock Collection and Simple Homeschool on Facebook.
Heart of a Philanthropist Blogger Kim’s latest post: Woodwear Bamboo Sunglasses Giveaway
I have several littles and we have all sorts of pet rocks around here- yes, we find rocks in pockets, in bags, in hands, anywhere they can fit 🙂
We are studying geology this year and this would be a wonderful gift to help us study. We have a few field trips planned also. My kids are always bringing home rocks. Mine tend to bring home ones that dont fit in their pockets though. They are more likely to fill a backpack than just a pocket. My kids are 14, 10 and 7. Thank you for this oppurtunity.
Hello. My girls are 10 and 4. I find rocks in pockets and everywhere. My oldest has a rock collection and would like to be a geologist. We have conversations and lessons about rocks on a daily basis at our home.
I liked the world’s most fascinating rock collection and simple homeschool on facebook.
My 4 and7 year olds don’t think pockets are big enough. We take bags or buckets on our hikes!
I have a 5 and a 6 year old. Cannot say that I remember a trip to a park or playground where we do not have rock treasures in our pockets. Of course, if I forget to check, the clink clink clink sound in the washing machine will notify me of new finds.
My girls are ages 9,7 and 6. They love collecting special rocks as mementos everywhere they go. Rocks of all sizes, texture and colours are easily found in our home and stepping on them is the not so fun part. Getting this set will help them have deeper understanding of the origins of theses rocks. It will add knowledge , fun and meaning to our homeschooling!
B6, G4, G2. Rocks in pockets, buckets, backpacks, bike basket, anywhere they fit.
My kids are 6, 4 and 2, and they CONSTANTLY pick up rocks! I look at rocks they find all the time. They would love this!
My kids are 11, 9, 7, and 5. The 5 year old loves to collect rocks especially pretty ones. She is very curious about all the different kinds of rocks and would Love this rock collection.
My son is 7, and my daughter is 9. I regularly find rocks in their pockets…and in their Daddy’s pockets, too! The love of rocks is genetic, it appears…
My children are 15 & 16. I am most likely to find rocks in their Dad’s pockets. All three love to pick up rocks.
My kids are 5, 2 and 9 months. The older kids cannot pass a rock without picking it up! We have little rock collections everywhere!
My children are 6, 4, 3, and 1. And oh yes I have found rocks in their pockets many times over. They would absolutely love this reason to talk about and look at rocks 🙂
My kids are 6 and 9. I have found many many rocks in there pockets over the year my youngest loves the ones that sparkle! Great give away – thank you.
My girls are 8, 5, and 3. I find rocks every where in their pockets, under pillows, some are “pets”, we can leave home with out Rocko and his girlfriend , then they both have sisters, brothers, friends, pets, you name it… My 5yr old is especially fascinated by rocks!!
My children are 8, 5, 1 and 2 months. My older two children are obsessed with bringing home “special” rocks. They would love this!
Jocelyn’s latest post: 2 Months Old!
I liked both ‘Simple Homeschooling’ and ‘The World’s Most Fascinating Rock collection’ on facebook. – See more at:
My daughters are ~ 21, 17, 14, and 12. I have never found not one rock in their pockets. lol 🙂
My children are 8,7,5 and 2 and yes i have found countless rocks in their pockets or purses when we’re out and about. Sometimes i want to keep them to myself, they’re fascinating.
I just pulled a large gray rock out of the dryer last night. It happens here multiple times a week, despite how hard I try to check pockets carefully before washing. The love of rocks is genuine in this house! 🙂
I have 3 boys…12, 9, 4. They would all love this set, but especially the youngest. There are always rocks in his pockets!
Hi, We too would love this set and glad for a discount if our name is not drawn!! I have one 8 y.o. boy who studies rocks and minerals. I find rocks in his pockets, his bookshelf, mixed with his toys and in the back seat of the car. Thanks so much!
I was that child!!!’ I remember my mom complaining about rocks in her laundry from my pockets and now life has come full circle and now I’m the mom pulling them out of the laundry.
The funny thing is, I get it. I watch my six year old pick them up, study them and keep them because they are special… And I get it.
This would be such a treat. I have three rock lovers: 8,6 & 3
My kids are 6 and 3. I am constantly finding rocks in their rooms, pockets and all over the house! They would love this study of rocks!
My kids are 10 and 3. I often find rocks in pockets or around the house! It seems we can’t go on a walk without picking up one!
7,6,4,2 and 10 months. They ALWAYS have rocks in their pockets…to the point the need belts sometimes.
G 7, G 7,- I am constantly finding rocks in their pockets! We even decorated special boxes to keep their collection in!
My boys are 9, 6, and 2. They always have rocks in their pockets!
I like Simple Homeschool on Facebook too !
OOh my goodness Rocks OH Rocks! My children are 9. 7. 6. and 4 …Yes I find rocks in the washer & around the house always!.
My children (and me included) adore rocks. I have fond memories as a little girl collecting rocks everywhere I went, then hoarding them under my bed! Every walk my children & I go on, we are bound to have a good pile of rocks by the time we get back home. Rocks are grounding, another connection we have to the amazing gifts of the earth! So happy to find this post! 🙂
My 2 sons are 10 and 3. Finding rocks in their pockets is a regular thing!
I’ve already liked Simple Homeschool on Facebook. Would love to win this!
I have a 7, a 5 and an almost 3, whose collective rocks I have found in their pockets, my pockets, their socks, hats and backpacks, the baby’s diaper bag and even carseat. They are not discerning – rocks come home from every walk we take, from parking lots, from displaced decorative gravel, mountains from beach vacations – they will buy shiny polished rocks if these are the only ones around to find. There is a coding system for the rocks based on their relative shininess / pointiness / resemblance to a potato, that determines whether they will be placed in a pyramid of rocks in the yard, an aquarium, the rock polisher or one of the many jars, drawers, baskets and boxes dedicated to the care and maintenance of rocks. The latest find was so heavy that my oldest could barely pick it up – it is still riding around on the floorboards of the car (see how flat is?), with numerous small kin keeping it company in the cupholders. On second thought, we probably don’t need any more rocks…
My boys are 3 and 6. They both love rock collecting! There is not a shelf, or window ledge, or toy basket in our home that is not occupied by rocks, pebbles, or crystals. My older son especially loves them, and has a large collection gathered from anywhere and everywhere we go. Many of his girfts are cool rocks, because family members know how much he loves them!
I have four boys ages 10. 13, 17 and an autistic 20 year old. My youngest is the one who would love this, although my 13 year old regularly collects rocks, too. My 10 year old however asked for rocks for Christmas!
Phyllis at All Things Beautiful’s latest post: Lego Challenge #37: Halloween
My kids are 9, 6 1/2, 4 and 2, and they all love collecting rocks. And we have rock collections in the house from when both their dad and I were kids and collected rocks. We would love to win this give-away.
My boys are 4 and 7, avid rock collectors who would love this!
Our children are 9 and 3 and I find rocks all the time in pockets!!! My 9 yr old is a girl and she’s my little scientist! I love it!
My girls are 6 and almost 4 yrs old. And yes, we always have rocks in our pockets. We have a rock table at home next to our nature table! Fun give away – thanks for the opportunity!
I have boys ages 9 and 7, and I love finding rocks among other things in their pockets!
My boys are 5 and 2.5 yo. I find rocks in my 5 yo bc hetells me it looks like something.
I have 6 children, ages 4 months to 13. My 11 year old son is a rock collector. We often find his newest treasure in the wash! He would love this rock collection!
Our children are 5, 4, 2, and 1. Perfect rock collecting ages. We collect a lot when we walk on the beach. Many end up in pockets and purses.
Just liked world’s facinating ricks on facebook. Was a fan of yours already!
We all LOVE rocks at our house! We call rocks, ‘gifts from God’ My son is 12 and is a rock collector! His pockets have held some of his greatest treasures and it is such a joy to reach inside a pocket while doing laundry and find one of these gifts. A few years back he started collecting heart shaped rocks to display inside on a window shelf.
May God bless you as you continue to serve Him,
My kids are 11, 8, 5 and 3. My daughter (8) is a rock hound through and through. She would love this.
Heather’s latest post: i get to trust
My son is 8 and he’s always had a thing for rocks. He races BMX bikes and the other day during a big race he looks down and finds a rock. He hands it to me and says “mom, it has a nice spot for your thumb. It will be my worry rock”. He would love this kit.
12, 9, 7, and 4 1/2 and rocks in their pockets all the time!
I liked you on FB
Heather’s latest post: i get to trust
I liked Rick collection on FB too
Heather’s latest post: i get to trust
My son is three and is always picking up rocks and putting them in his pockets when we are on walks. I have to place limits on how many he can take home to add to his collection!
My children are 7, 6, 3, and 2. Not a day goes by without one of them having at least one pocket full of rocks. 🙂 This giveaway is awesome – thanks!!!
Ages 9 & 6, and yes to finding rocks everywhere!
My son is 6 and my daughter is 4. My son is obsessed with rocks and minerals. I’ve found rocks in pockets, in the washer, scattered around the car and left around the house. EVERY rock is worthy of ‘the collection’.
One child 8 years old. Not often found in his pockets but many found in his backpack – it has a greater capacity!
Oh, how cool! My kids are 6,4,2, and 5 months. We joke that our 4 year old is a geologist in training because she can’t go 2 feet without picking up a rock when we take walks. Everyone’s pockets are stuffed by the time we get home. My 6 year old loves to try to identify our collection of rocks guidebooks.
My daughter is 8 and I have found rocks in her pockets many times 🙂
Liked Simple Homeschool and The World’s Most Fascinating Rock collection on facebook.
We ” Rock” at our house…smile. My daughter is 11 and an avid rock collector. Finding rocks in pockets and the washing machine is not unusual.
Renee Washington’s latest post: Giveaway: $120 package from World’s Most Fascinating Rock Collection
YES! My daughter has been finding and collecting various rocks since she was about 12 months old. I’ve never heard of this company, so thank you for that!! And thank you for the opportunity to win.
I have liked both Simple Homeschool and The World’s Most Fascinating Rock Collection on Facebook.
My daughter is 6. And yes!! Many times! They Agassi end up in the washing machine 🙂 she loves to study gems as well. She has a huge collection! This would be a wonderful gift for my daughter! We would be so grateful!! Thanks for the giveaway 🙂
Always* sorry typo 🙂
4 & 2 we have rocks in the laundry, scattered on the floors, and in special collection spots all over the house!
I like the world’s most fascinating rock collection and simple homeschool on Facebook 🙂
My kids have all been interested in rocks. They range in age from 3-17.
My kids are nearly 6 and 9 and I find rocks in their clothes and in the washing machine every week! My little boy, in particular, would LOVE this curriculum! Thank you for hosting the giveaway.
My kids range in age from 2 – 15… and we always seem to have rocks on counters or tables or in pockets 🙂
My boys are 11, 8, and 5.5. We have rocks in pockets, in my purse, on the floor of the van, in multiple containers around the house — they’re overflowing everywhere!
My daughters are 9 and 12. My nine-year-old is fascinated with rocks, and I often find rocks in her coat pockets or bags. She really wants to expand her knowledge of various rocks.
I’ve liked Simple Homeschool and The World’s Most Fascination Rock Collection on Facebook. 🙂
Typo: The World’s Most Fascinating Rock Collection — sorry about that!
I have 2 boys, 6 and 2, and they are OBSESSED with rocks! My 6 year old has jars all around his room filled with rocks!
Girls 8 & 6. I have a whole jar of rocks from their pockets. Great give-away!
I liked The World’s Most Fascinating Rock Collection on Facebook! (Tia Bertinelli Martin)
I like Simple Homeschool on Facebook! (Tia Bertinelli Martin)
My girls are 12 and 9! I have found plenty of rocks in their pockets! Esp my 9 year old! She love picking small things up and keeping them! She’s our little tomboy.
My daughter is 3. I always find rocks everywhere, in her pockets, in her purse, especially In her ‘secret’ box. I mean there EVERYWHERE.
10 and 6. So, so many times have I found rocks in their pockets, in the washer, in the car, and in the dresser drawers. Unfortunately, living where we do, the rocks are most often chunks of asphalt rather than actual rocks. Most of our “good rocks” have come from grand dad’s house in Indiana, or as purchases from the gift shop at our science museum. We’d love to have more rocks to look at!
My kids are 6 and 8. My 6 year old loves rocks but my 8 year old went through a 2 year phase when he always carried rocks with him. Always. Our chiropractor’s office could always tell when he had been in , as there were little piles of rocks hidden in every corner and shelf. Thanks for the giveaway!
My daughter is 6 and not only do I find rocks in her pockets, I often have them in mine.
Yes, I frequently find rocks in my laundry, because I forget to check pockets first. My kiddos are 3,4,7,8,8
My girl is 8. Rocks in the pockets before i was her clothes. But my favorite has to be the rocks that i find in her room, lovingly placed on a desk or shelf.
What an amazing idea! I love this… my three kids are totally into rock collecting!!
My son would love to build a collection like this.
My kids are 14 and 11. They are very fascinated by rocks of all kinds! When we take our walks, they make it a point to look all around for any kind of rocks, that are unique and very colorful. They love the study of it and can’t get enough of it! It’s wonderful.
My boys are 8, 6, and almost 4 & I find rocks in pockets, carseats, cup holders, etc! My oldest is obsessed with finding rocks & learning what each one is, he would absolutely love this!
I am the proud Mama of 6 beautiful children, ages 13, 10, 8, 4, 3, & 7 mo. I find so many rocks in pockets that I actually have a small basket dedicated to them in my laundry room. My 4 yr old loves to collect and put them in her many purses. This sounds like such a fun way to study rocks!
My daughter is nine… she LOVES rocks! I find them in pockets, on the dresser, in the bathroom, by the kitchen sink, in stacks, piles and little designs EVERYWHERE! 🙂
I “liked” the world’s most fascinating rock collection on Facebook too!
Not only do I find rocks in her pocket after a nature walk or playing in the yard. They are in my front pockets, back pockets, handbag anywhere she can fit them! We have piles of rocks and play purses filled with rocks from all our field trips and vacations! From California to Florida rocks from everywhere!
I could be wrong, but I think my five year loves rocks!
I’ve liked both groups on FaceBook. Thanks, awesome giveaway!
My children are 5, 7, and 9. I am constantly finding rocks all over my house! They are called diamonds around here and each one is as precious as the next. I have received many as gifts from my children and I love seeing their faces light up when they have found the “perfect diamond” for their momma! 🙂
My daughter is 10 and my son is 8. I have unknowingly washed my sons rocks in the washing machine because I did not check the pockets. He has quite a rock collection in a container in his room. He would keep every cool rock he finds if I let him!
What a great giveaway! Both of my kids would love this! Liked Simple Homeschool and The World’s Most Fascinating Rock Collection on Facebook!
he is 5 , and we find rocks every where , pockets , every where he can think of
I always find rocks in my kids’ pockets and I often find them in my pockets!!
My boys are 3 and 6 🙂 I find rocks in their pockets… in their bed… in my purse… in cup holders
My girls are 10, 8, & 3. I find rocks everywhere. There is almost always a rock in my 3 year olds car seat, hand, and/or pocket because she has to search the parking lots for “her special one.” I cannot tell you how many rocks I’ve washed in the washing machine.
My step-dad started my girls on their rock collecting. He brings them lava rocks & petrified wood from his treks in the desert.
My kids are 7, 4, and 2. They LOVE rocks, especially my 7 year old. He is always bringing back favorite rocks that he found at the beach.
My washing machine is no stranger to various rocks tucked away in my 13-year-old’s pockets.
I “liked” both pages on FB.
7 and 5. Yes! And rocks in the laundry too if I don’t get them out if their pockets!
I like both on Facebook!
Isaac is 10, and loves rocks. He has a collection of flower rocks from Texada Island that he lives to show off.
I liked both pages! Thanks.
My kids are 12, 10, 7, 3, & 1 and I have found rocks in all of their pockets at one time or another. It’s my 7 year old and 1 year old that are the most fascinated with rocks though, they both have rock collections everywhere!
Yes! My kids (3,5,7) love rocks and I find them everywhere!
My kids are 9, 7, 4, 2, and a baby. They all love rocks (for different reasons). The older ones like finding pretty rocks at the beach and when we go to the zoo (woodland park in Seattle) they are always spending their credits at the nature exchange on rocks.
I ‘like’ both on Facebook for an extra entry!
We have a gravel driveway, so yes, I have found MANY rocks in pockets! I have 13-year-old twins and a 10-year-old.
My daughters are 13 and 4. I find various rocks in both their pockets all the time. They have a ‘special box’ where they keep rocks in so they can study them. We go rocks hunting during the weekend. I liked both FB pages.
My daughter loves rocks of every type. She is 12. The whole bottom drawer of her dresser was filled with rocks at one time but she now has them organized into different sections.
I “Like” The World’s Most Fascinating Rock Collection and Simple Homeschool on Facebook. – Jamie L. H.
My children are 7, 4, 3, 20 months and one on the way! We have a front yard full of rocks that are always making their way into the house in the kids pockets. The kids also like to gift me special rocks they find when we are out on walks.
I have a 5 year old and 8 year old, both fascinated with rocks. My poor washing machine…. 😉
My kids are 10 and 8 yrs. I’m pretry relief now since I know that we aren’t the only family that found rocks in our kids pockets or inside the washing machine!!!!
My kids collect rocks everywhere we go. I find them in the washing machine, my car, their bedroom, on my table, everywhere! They are 3 and 5. They love to dog for rocks too.
I have 4 kids, 2 daughters that are 15 and 5, and 2 sons that are 13 and 11. My 11 year old is fascinated with rocks and is learning to identify all types. He has even gotten the others interested because of his excitement over rocks. When I find them in the wash (which happens regularly) I need him to tell me what kind it is.
My kids (7 and 9) LOVE rocks! I am constantly taking rocks out of pockets before I do the laundry. My daughter especially enjoys them, and almost always spends her money on interesting specimens at museum gift shops.
My girls are 9 & 6. They love rocks! Our dryer has broken because of rocks in it before.
My kids are 10, 8, 6, and 8 months. My 10 year old has a shoebox full of rocks he’s been collecting over the years. He would love something like this!
Maxine N’s latest post: Fall Veggie Soup
I liked the Rock Collection on FB. I liked you on FB years ago. 🙂
My kids are 19, 11, 8 and 6 and it’s an unusual day to NOT find rocks in pockets!
Liked Simple Homeschool and World’s Most Fascinating Rock Collection on Facebook.
Maxine N’s latest post: Fall Veggie Soup
I have 4 kids, aged 6,4,2 and baby… and all except the baby were rock hoarders. When my oldest was a toddler, we had rock landscaping outside our front door. Despite our vigilance, rocks ended up all over the house. Hahah. Kids and rocks.
My husband liked both pages on his Facebook.
Mine are 5 and 7; my youngest is an avid collector with many stashes around the house and yard of her treasures. She’d love this!
I liked both!
My girls are 9 and 12 and have been fascinated by rocks and gems most of their lives. I honestly can say they have had rocks in their pockets since they were 2 years old.
Liked on facebook!
rocks are so fascintating. my kdis are 3 and 8 and we have lots of rocks and special stones around the house. most are picked up on our walks and adventures and find their way into pockets 🙂 thanks so much for the chance to win this. it looks amazing.
liked Simple Homeschool on FB
My son is 2.5 and we love exploring rocks outside. I have a huge collection, and I love adding new gems and stones.
Our boys are 14, 10 and 8. We recently went on vacation to Yellowstone, the Grand Canyon, Craters of the Moon and several other national parks and I think we brought home an extra 200 lbs. of wieght in rocks! Needless to say, rocks in their pockets and in the washing machine are a nearly daily occurrence!
I liked Simple Homeschool on Facebook
My boys are 6 & 4 and I have found many rocks in their pockets before :)!
I liked the world’s most fascinating rock collection on facebook.
I like both pages on FB
My kids are 9, 6, 3, 1, and 2 months, and it’s more rare for me NOT to find rocks in pockets 🙂
Rebecca Cross’s latest post: Savoring the Summer
My kids are 8 and 11. They both love to collect rocks so I often find them in their pockets.
My children are 9, 6, and 1. I have definitely found rocks in the 6 yo’s pockets! My 9 yo is also very interested in geology. I haven’t been able to find a curriculum that seemed appropriate for his age, so this seems perfect!
We have 2 boys (15 & 13) and 2 girls (11 & 3) and have been surprised that our girls enjoy picking up and collecting rocks more than our boys did at their ages! The girls prefer to keep rocks as souvenirs from our travel destinations. I’d love to learn with them about all the different types of rocks & minerals. Some of them are really beautiful!
Liked your homeschool page and “The World’s Most Fascinating Rock Collection” page.
Yes!! My children are a 10yo son, and 8 yo boy/girl twins. I find rocks constantly throughout the house. I have just accepted it, and collect them as I go. Usually I dump them in the flowerpots on the porch….so I am not really getting rid of them, but just off of all the nice furniture. 🙂
Facebook fan 🙂
I liked both on Facebook!
My kids, ages 6 and 7, collect rocks wherever we go and I often find them in pockets (or in the washing machine). This giveaway sounds like so much fun and I know my kids would love it. Thanks for the opportunity!
I don’t have a facebook account and I wish there was another way to have an extra entry:-)
1 and 10. When I used to do my ten year olds laundry, he would forget to check his pockets before washing and then be pleased that his rocks were nice and clean when I pulled them out of the washer.
I like Simple Homeschool and The World’s Most Fascinating Rock Collection on Facebook!
Rebecca Cross’s latest post: Savoring the Summer
Mine are 5 and 3. They pick up rocks all the time when we are out walking. They even have a rock collection lining up at our front door.
My girls are 6 and 2. I not only find rocks in my pockets but in my purse, shoes and find little collections all around the yard and garage! This would be something we all could enjoy!
Liked both fb pages
I like both on fb.
My daughter is 5 and my son is 7. I find rocks eberywhere! Washing machine, pockets, doll houses, just everywhere!
I have a 6 y.o. boy who likes to collect rocks. He would love this!
We are a family of rock lovers!
facebook fan of both sites.
My kids are 3 and 1, and I’ve had so many rocks go through my washer,it isn’t even funny! My son can’t go outside without picking up a rock! (Can’t blame him, I have a collection of beach rocks that grows every year!)
And I’ve liked on Facebook!:)
Awesome giveaway!
My dtr is 7 and loves rocks! And yes, I have rocks in the pockets of many jackets that she has found while out on walks and just couldn’t bear to leave!
12 – rocks in pockets , rocks in boxes and other safe spots all the time
My kids are 8, 7, 5, & 3. My oldest 2 both love rocks, and this would be a great addition to their growing collection!
Liked on Facebook
Also, “liked” the pages for Simple Homeschool and Worlds Most Fascinating Rock Collection.
Hi! I also “Liked” both pages on Facebook. Thanks so much!
My children are 4 and 6. We have rock collections all over the place. We are learning rock identification at the Natural museum (Ottawa, Canada) . We have also visited Princess Soda lite rock mine in Bancroft, Ontario.
Pascale’s latest post: The whole earth is filled with His glory
I have liked both.
Pascale’s latest post: The whole earth is filled with His glory
My twin girls are seven and love to pick up rocks for each other’s collection. They would love to have this!
I have three girls: 9, 6, and 5. I am ALWAYS finding rocks EVERYWHERE – in their room, the car, pencil boxes, and yes pockets! This collection would be so awesome! I like simple homeschool on Facebook.
Ha! Rocks, rocks everywhere. Yes, the laundry, the socks, the pockets of all things worn. We are rock collectors in this house. My kids are 11, 9, 7, 6, 3, 1, and another little blessing due this month. Five boys and two girls. Rocks are EVERYWHERE in our home with all of these curious little boys. 🙂
Hi! We’ve got an almost 7 and a 4 year old over here. We’re all rock lovers and collectors! Thanks for the opportunity to win!
My boys are 6, 4, and 2. My middle boy is always collecting rocks, and bringing me his favorite treasures from nature.
My daughters are
7, 5, and 7 months. My 7 and 5 year old have a fascination with rocks. I have found rocks in their pockets, in the wash, in their beds, and once stuck in their nose!
5,4 & 2,
We love rocks but even more then in pockets I find rocks daily in my bathroom sinks. They spend hours in there playing, washing, inspecting.
I’m a fan of both pages!
My youngest daughter is 9 and yes I find rocks in her pocket ALL. THE. TIME. Her older sisters are 13 and 14 and they are still really into checking out rocks and things like that. It’s rather funny because I even find myself checking rocks out. lol
Dianna A’s latest post: Dayspring’s October Sales
Liked the rock post and also your FB page. Thanks!
My sons are 5 and 9 and they both love to collect rocks. We have little piles of rocks in every room in our house. 🙂
My kids are 7 & 8 1/2. My youngest loves to collect rocks and we have to stop him from filling his pockets anywhere we go.
I liked Simple Homeschool on facebook.
I have two boys, 9 and 6, who love rocks. Where ever we go they are always bringing home rocks and sticks.
I liked The World’s Most Fascinating Rock Collection on facebook.
I just liked The World’s Most Fascinating Rock Collection on Facebook. I already like Simple Homeschool!
My children are 7 and 10. I recently removed a gum covered rock from my dryer…Their bedroom closets have boxes of rocks.
I liked both pages on Facebook.
My kids are 5,2, and 8 months and I’m always finding rocks in my eldest daughter’s pocket
I have 2 girls ages 8 & 3. I find rocks not only in the wash but in piles around the house and outside. My girls refer to them not as rocks but as treasures because each one is so beautiful in its own way.
I liked both pages
My son is 10 and I am always finding rocks everywhere! In fact, we have several from our latest excursion on the entryway table still! We even go to rocks, gems, and mineral shows as much as we can. You might say we are obsessed. ..msybe?
Oh yeah, we liked the pages too.
My boys are 6 and 8, and I have found many rocks in their pockets. The most recent was coal from a beach walk. 🙂
My boys are 5 and 7. There are piles of rocks on the deck as I type.
My daughter is 5 and an aspiring geologist. I find rocks in pockets, in shoes, on shelves, on the floor, on the kitchen table, on the front steps, in the dollhouse…. On the bright side, it’s a great reason to enjoy the local state parks every weekend!
My kids are 16, 15, 11, and 6 and they all love rocks. I find rocks in their pockets, the bottom of my purse (they have fallen out of their own purses) and in piles all around the house.
My son and daughter are 10 and 11. They both love rocks, and yes I am always finding rocks in their pockets. When my son turned three our neighbor gave him a plastic divided box of different rocks. It was the one gift he kept going back to and has consistently played with over the years. Over time, many of the rocks have been lost. We would love a subscription to The Worlds most Fascinating Rock Collection.
My only will be 10 in a few days! She loves picking up unusual rocks wherever we go. It’s a genetic trait — she gets it from me!
My sons are 6, 3 and 11 months and they all love rocks for various reasons. The oldest collects, my middle son builds with them and the baby licks them 🙂
Tessa W’s latest post: 10 Indoor Entertainment Ideas for kids
Also, I’m a fan on fB.
Tessa W’s latest post: 10 Indoor Entertainment Ideas for kids
We have a 7, 5 and 2 year old. We have found rocks in each of their pockets, and sometimes in their mouth 🙂
How cool! My kids are 5 & 7 and I always find rocks in their pockets!
Sarah m
Sarah m’s latest post: What I Read in September
I liked , ” The World’s Most Fascinating Rock Collection” on Facebook.
My children are 9 and 4 and I have found rocks in both of their pockets. They each have a pile of rocks outside and we collect a rock when we vacation to have a memory of the place we visited.
My 10 is always spotting & collecting unusual rocks. A rock subscription would be a dream come true!
And I did like Simple Homeschool on FB. Thanks!
My youngest children are 8 and 13, and, yes, I’ve found many rocks in their pockets! Thank you!
I like Simple Homeschool on fb.
I have like the Rock Collection page and have already liked your page.
My homeschool kids are 12yrs & 13 yrs old. I can’t count the number of rocks I’ve found in the pockets of all my 6 kids over the yrs. I have a lrg. fountain I keep all the rocks from my kids in. IT’s become a family tradition to each find a rock whenever we do an outdoor activity together & add it to the fountain.
I have 9 and 3 yr old girls and 8 year old twin boys. We find rocks in our pockets ALL.THE.TIME.
I just liked The World’s Most Fascinating Rock Collection on Facebook.
I already like Simple Homeschool on facebaook
Our sons are 8 and 5 and are pretty good at keeping the rocks they collect in a special place outside. Still, I occassionally find rocks in my washing machine!
My children are 3, 6 and 9, and they often have rocks in their pockets. We also have piles of rocks all over the house that they’ve collected from the outdoors.
I already liked Simple Homeschool on FB, and just liked The Worlds Most Fascinating Rock Collection as well.
My daughters are 10,9, and 3. I not only find rocks in their pockets, but in their drawers, on my living room floor and kitchen table, and in their beds! They love to scour our dirt road for rock treasures and always come home with the most magical rocks and descriptions of the secret powers they hold.
Paula’s latest post: “All journeys have secret destinations, of which the traveler is unaware” ~ MB
I liked both sites on FB.
My children are 12,11,9,7 and 4 and yes I have found rocks in all their pockets but mostly my 12 year old son he loves ROCKS!
I have a 4 and 1 year old. Not only do I find rocks in their pockets, but also in the bathroom, on shelves, in bedroom rugs, dresser drawers, and on kichen counters. In the case of my one year old, I constantly find them in her mouth…
Liked both pages!
My kids are 11, 5 and 7 and we have a gravel driveway… suffice it to say we have so many collections of “special” rocks from pockets I don’t know what to do with them all! Truth be told I am a bit of a rockhound too, but I leave the driveway gravel where it is and bring home special rocks from family outings instead.
My boys are 9 and 5, and I’m *frequently* finding rocks they’ve collected. In their pockets, *and* mine. 🙂
My boys are 5 and 3 and cannot pass up any pile of rocks without picking up at least 1!
I am a fan of both pages on fb
And, I like both pages 😉
My son is 8, and I’ve found rocks many times! Especially little ones in the bottom of the washing machine!
I like both pages on facebook!
My kids are 5 1/2, 3 and 3 months. We find lots of rocks in pockets!
Liked on fb
My kids are 4 and 6. I have definitely found my share of rocks in pockets! We are a family of rock collectors, the rock I found this morning in a pocket belonged to my husband!
Wow, this is so cool! My rock hound daughter would looooooove this!!
I like both on Facebook 🙂
TwoCowgirls’s latest post: Autumn Is Blowing In
My kids are 7,4 and 2. They love rocks, but I often find them in my husband’s pockets, not my kids’
My son is 12 and I have found rocks in his pockets for ever. He has a rock polisher so he can polish his special treasures.
My kids are 7, 5, and 3 and I am always finding rocks in my 3 year olds pockets….and bugs. Ewwww
My son is four. He finds special rocks everywhere, calls them treasures and stores them someplace safe!
My daughter is 9 years old. We are lucky enough to live close to a rocky beach, and I wonder exactly how much of that beach we have brought home over the years! Yes, we most definitly find rocks in her pockets, she loves them.
Rocks rock! I have a 10, 8 and 3 year old who all agree! Oh pick us please
8, 6, and 2! Definitely I’ve found rocks, especially in the middle child’s pockets. She’d love this!
We love science in our home! Would love to try this as a supplement to Geology and Chemistry!
My son is 7 and my daughter is 4, they both love collecting rocks of all shapes and sizes! I always have to make sure to check all their pockets before washing them if not I hear a loud banging in the dryer and know that somewhere I have missed a rock!
My children are 10 & 12, and I find rocks in their pockets all the time!
my 9 year old daughter wants to be a Paleontologist and Geologist. We go to the beach a lot, and she has about 4 boxes and 6 jars of rocks in her room. They are never in her pockets, because she is so good at cataloging her treasures.
And “liked” the Rock page 🙂
I have a six year old girl and I find rocks everywhere!
This looks so cool! I am a geologist and haven’t put together anything this awesome or well presented for my kids (ages 3,6,9,14,16)! I think the middles would love it. We are forever finding treasures in their pockets, including rocks 🙂
We have a 7 year old daughter and 2 yr old son. Our daughter has been collecting rocks for as long as we can remember and our son seems to be following suit. I have a special container in the laundry room to collect all the precious stones that have a way of making it into the washing machine.
“Liked” The World’s Most Fascinating Rock Collection on Facebook.
My children are 13, 10, 9, and 7. My 10 year old is a rock collector!!! She loves rocks! I’ve washed many rocks in the washing machine!! There are ALWAYS rocks in pockets!
7 and yes, but he’s usually pretty good about remembering to put it in his nature box.
My girls are 9 and 14. During a trip to see grandparents, my youngest set up a “Rockery” to sell the rocks she collected, and she wrapped others up to give as presents.
My children are ages 12, 10, 7, 4 and 2. With 3 boys, I’ve had pants slipping down numerous times with the weight of rocks in their pockets.
My boys are 4 and 6 and I constantly find rocks in their pockets. They have even started putting rocks in my oven mitts as a “funny joke” 🙂
I find rocks in my 6 year old’s pockets almost every time I do laundry! He would love this 🙂
I have a 5 year, 3.5 year, and 7 month old. My 3.5 year old loves rocks and he always has a pocketful! He would just love this.
My girls are 9, 9 and 8. I have found many a rock, seashell and acorn in the washing machine!
My kids are 7,4,4, and 2 and yes we find rocks in pockets and every where else. When I find them I usually throw them out into our rock driveway and then they can find them again the next day.
Our kids are 12, 10, 8, and 4 yr old twins. I find rocks in more places than just pockets… The most recent discovery was the treadmill feet. And they remember where and when they picked each one up! Thanks for this opportunity!!
My boy’s are 14, 11, 10, 7, and 5. I find allsorts in the washing machine and dryer from their pockets! Rocks, building bricks, buttons, trading cards, crayons etc. This would be awesome for their curious little minds and fingers!
I liked both Simole Homeschool and the World’s Most Famous Rock Collection on Facebook!
My boys are 7, 6 and 2 and oh yes we find many rocks in their pockets and mom and dads too 🙂
My kids are 8, 6, 4, and a newborn. YES! My kids love rocks in their pockets!
My oldest daughter is 9, and I find rocks in her pockets all the time (along with sticks, and leaves, and plants, and occasionally bugs…)
Her egg carton containers for her rocks aren’t cutting it anymore, so this would be awesome 🙂
My children are 11, 9, 7, and 5. A few years ago, I cleaned out our diaper at the end of the summer and found 21 rocks at the bottom! They would love this!!
My children are 7, 5, and 3. They are all avid rock lovers and I have found rocks in each of their pockets… and in jewelry boxes, by their beds, in buckets, in bags. In fact, just in the last week there have been squabbles over “who’s rock is who’s” as they’ve spent hours looking for rocks in our yard. I am also the lucky recipient of many of their favorite rocks that they find in the yard! 🙂
How old are your children and have you ever found a rock in their pockets?
My three boys are 8, 6, and 3. Definitely have found rocks in pockets. We have a rock box…even though there is concrete in it (they have a hard time believing me sometimes).
6, 4, 1.5. I do find rocks in pockets and purses. Sometimes I find them in mine;).
All of my little ones are fascinated with rocks and the collections from the washer and dryer are on display in the laundry room
My kids are 5 and 1. My 5 year old often fills his pockets with rocks and acorns. And my 1 yr old likes to pile rocks.
My children are 13 down to 4 and all love rocks. I was (still am?) a rock hound, too. We are always bringing home treasures — often in our pockets. 😉
I “liked” both pages — and shared about the giveaway on my own page, too! What a fun subscription!
My children are 11, 9, and 7, but haven’t found any rocks yet!
My kids are 6 and 3 and yes, I have definitely found rocks in their pockets!
I have like both Facebook pages as well!
My boys are 2, 4, and 6. All of them love to collect rocks, and I now have two quart mason jars full of rocks on the shelf above my laundry area that have been through a wash (and sometimes dryer) cycle.
My kids are 7, 14, and 17. Yes… I’ve found rocks in all of the pockets at times (and mine too!), although the current culprit is the 7 year old.
Lis’s latest post: Autumn has Arrived! Pumpkin Muffins, Acorns,
I’ve liked both facebook pages… 🙂
Lis’s latest post: Autumn has Arrived! Pumpkin Muffins, Acorns,
my daughter is 7, rocks love her pockets, and she wants to be a geologist!!!
My children are 10, 7, and 6. I have definitely found rocks in pockets before. I’ve even found rocks in the washing machine. Currently, we have a couple of grocery bags of rocks in the garage. I’d love to win this! My kiddos would, too!
My kids are 8 and 13. My daughter (8) has always been fascinated by rocks and has a large jar on her desk with all her collections…
I liked Simple Homeschool and World’s Famous Rock collection on Facebook.
My girls are 5 and 3. No I haven’t found any rocks in the washing machine.
I liked the pages.
My kiddos are six and five. Finding rocks in their pockets is almost a daily occurrence.
I have a 7 year old that is ALWAYS collecting rocks. I had no idea this was an available program; it may become a Christmas present because really, what a great idea. And yes, there have definitely been rocks in her pockets (and when they are overflowing, they end up in mine!)
Kids are 6, 3 and NB. Our 6 year old daughter is passionate about rocks. Her hands and pockets are nearly always carrying rocks. Her precious “Rock Collection” is on our front porch and she is always looking to add to it. She has researched how rocks are formed and loves to tell us the possible history of the rocks she finds. I have no idea where this fascination came from but she is a rock fan! We would so love to win this giveaway! The program is beyond our finances but is one of my dreams for her!
I like you both on FB as Idaho Jill, thanks!
My kids are 6, 8, and 10. I find rocks in their pockets too frequently to count! 🙂
Yes! FB Fan of The World’s Most Fascinating Rock Collection and Simple Homeschool.
I have liked the two pages. Thanks!
My boys are 2 and 4, and while the eldest frequently puts rocks in his pockets (the better to carry them home), he usually remembers to take them out and display them on our nature table.
My boys are 9, 6, and 3. There is a rock in at least one child’s pocket every day.
My kids are 8, 5, and 2 and they all love rocks. Rocks in their pockets all the time.
My kids are 6, 9 & 10. We all pick up rocks on our daily walks.
We have rocks everywhere. I made a special collection box just for them.
Boys are 11,8 and 1 1/2.
Rosemarie’s latest post: weekend work
What a great giveaway! My kids are older 17, 14 and 14, but I have a friend who has younger homeschoolers that I would love to gift this to!
Apryl’s latest post: Dictation: the Complement of Narration, by Briana Elizabeth
My kids are 7, 5, 3 and 9 months. I’m always finding rocks in their pickets. They get that from their mother. 😉
10, 8, 6, and 2…and yes, there are all kinds of rocks in the pockets.
My son is 13. I’ve found numerous rocks in pockets throughout the years…. he’s always loved rocks and minerals. If he sees an unusual rock, he’ll pick it up. He has a “collection”. This would be too awesome if he won this contest!!
This is so fun! My boys would love this!!
Kim A.’s latest post: Birthday boy and Bun hoarding disaster
My kids are 7 and nearly 5. Yes, I have found rocks in pockets, and we have a box full of rocks and shells in the laundry room.
I “like” The World’s Most Fascinating Rock Collection and Simple Homeschool on Facebook. Thanks for the chance to win!
Rocks have always been a fascinating topic to me and something I love covering with my kids as well. This would be a great addition to any rock study.
I have two boys ages 5 & 6 who decorate my house with “pretty rocks.” They are in their pockets – on the counters in the kitchen, and I secretly toss some of these treasures now and then to make room for a cup on my nightstand! Lol
Oh my goodness. My kids would love this! I finally make a jar for all of the “special” rocks brought home. We can’t seem to go anywhere without bringing home rocks!
My oldest is three and has just discovered pockets. He likes to put rocks in and immediately take them out, then put them back in.
I have a 6 and a 2 year old. We just got home from an adventure in the country with several pockets full of rocks 🙂
I like both pages on Facebook.
My kids are 5,3, and 1. They love rocks and gems so I was excited to see this! And yes,have found rocks in pockets before: )
10, 9, 7, 5…Yep! Found rocks we can’t live without in pockets, bottom of the laundry, in shoes, bags, and even stashed in my purse by a child desperate for a temporary cache.
My twin boys are 8 yo. We have a nature table with some “special rocks” on them. But the boys each have a drawer in their dresser in their rooms FULL of rocks. At one point in their collecting, they even gathered hands full of gravel! Now that they play Minecraft they are actually learning about some of the rocks and ores like Obsidian. (I really need to clean out those drawers!)
Rocks, sticks, you name it! He is a huge nature collector.
My youngest son is 9 and would love this. We find rocks in his pockets all the time.
My kids are 5, 4, and 2, and they all love rocks. I am not as naturally interested in rocks, but I would love to have something that would make it interesting/doable for me to do with them!! This would be SO much fun!
I’ve entered so many giveaways on your site and never won… I am totally hoping your random number generator will pick me for this giveaway!
My kids are 12, 7, and 3. I’ve found lots of rocks in their pockets over the years! My 7yr old is especially interested in rocks, and even got rock hounding equipment for his birthday. 🙂 I’m considering this subscription for him for Christmas; he would LOVE it!
My daughter is 3.5 and always, always has to stop to pick up rocks. I have found rocks in her pockets, car seat, floor of the car, in her play cooking pots, and arranged different ways on her bedroom floor. I think it’s safe to say she likes rocks! 🙂
I liked you both on Facebook!
My kids are 12 and six. We have rocks everywhere in our house. They are an important part of our decor. We have to pack and move rock collections. Given that my husband and I also pick up and put rocks in our pockets, it is only natural our kids do also.
My children are 4 and 11. Rocks have been found in pants pockets, jacket pockets, purse pockets ,Moms pockets, and storage pockets in the car . Then we have rocks in boxes, cups and sinks. And of course the beloved pet rock in bed! This looks so fun!
My kiddos are 8, 6, 4, and 2. The 6 years old is constantly picking up rocks!
Shirley’s latest post: Conference Reflection, 300th Post, and GIVEAWAY!
I liked both pages.
Shirley’s latest post: Conference Reflection, 300th Post, and GIVEAWAY!
My kids are 5, 6, and 8. Sometimes I find rocks in their pockets and sometimes I find them in the washing machine. 🙂
My children are 8, 6 and 3—and they LOVE rocks! Yes, I’ve found rocks in their pockets, as well as in the laundry, under the couch and in the bedsheets. Yep. This is such a cool subscription service!
My kids are 8 and 10. Yes, I definetly find rocks not only in their pockets but all over the place. They are true rock collectors. Sometimes I find a dirty bathroom sink where they have been washing their newfound rocks. 🙂
I liked both pages!
I liked The World’s Most Fascinating Rock Collection, and I already liked Simple Homeschool a looong time ago! 🙂
My kids are 12, 9, 4 and 1. My 9 year old is ALWAYS collecting rocks. She stores her favorites under her pillow!
seven and eight
I follow as
My kids are 9,7,6,3,1 and NB. I’ve lost count of how many rocks I’ve found in pockets (or in many other places for that matter!).
My kids are 8, 6, 3, and 1. I definitely find rocks in pockets all the time!
I like both pages on Facebook.
What an awesome idea!! My kids are 8 and 10. We always have rocks in our pockets. We love to spot shapes in rocks: hearts, states, etc. They would love to get this collection in the mail. Thank you for the opportunity!
We are currently living on a sailboat in Florida and have sailed through the Bahamas so we collect shells, pretty pieces of smooth glass, sand dollars and rocks. My three year old doesn’t leave the boat without something like that in his hand. My seven and nine year olds have started a collection already, that they keep in a special box in their cabin.
Leah’s latest post: Leaving Things Better Than you Found them Part 2… Heads
20 months, and 6 years. I find rocks all the time! We have little collections all over the house. Thank you!
My kiddos are 5, 3, and 2. Lots of rocks around here. I usually find them in the washing machine 🙂
I also liked both the pages.
I sure enjoy your daily emails and I liked you on Facebook.
Leah’s latest post: Leaving Things Better Than you Found them Part 2… Heads
My kids are 10, 7, 5 and 11 mo. I find rocks EVERYWHERE! In fact, i’d bet there are rocks hidden in every room of our house. 🙂
My boys are 4 and 7 and I have found rocks in more places than I can count. 🙂
My kids are 8 and 5 and they are both AVID collectors of rocks. We have baskets of rocks in our house. In fact, I think rocks are so incredibly cool myself that I love to collect them right alongside my kiddos or even without them. We have rocks from Alaska all the way over to New Jersey!
I never find just “one” rock! My 8 year old picks up several every time he is outdoors! He would LOVE this.
I also liked both Simple Homeschool (a long time ago) and The World’s Most Facinating Rock Collection on Facebook 🙂
and I obviously can not spell
My son is five – he is constantly giving me rocks he finds. I love it! 🙂
My 9 year old son loves rocks and his pockets are often safe keeping places for his found treasures. We are a recently deployed military family new to homeschooling this year. We are still transitioning and he is homesick. I have no doubt he would greatly appreciate and use The Most Fascinating Rock Collection. Thank you~
My boys are 6 and 13. I have found rocks all over my house.
We would love this, I haven’t heard of it before. My daughter is 8 and often has rocks in her pockets. We even took a rock-finding vacation this summer.
My kids are seven, six, four, two and nine months. I can’t tell you how many times little people around here are required to hold up their pants due to the pockets being full of rocks! I even have to pull them out of the babies mouth on a daily basis…
I have a 7, 5 and 3 year old. And yes, I find rocks in all kinds of places because of my 7 year old daughter who is fascinated by them. Once, at a pediatrician’s visit a rock was even discovered in her ear!
My kids are 21, 20, 12, 8, & 7, and yes I have found rocks in their pockets .
My kids are 11 and 13 and still collecting rocks (in fact, I have my own collection, and my one souvenir from my honeymoon is a rock!). We’d love to have this collection!
My boys are 2 1/2 and 9months old. My two year old is admittedly following in his mother’s footsteps and we both usually have rocks in our pockets! Not sure who would enjoy this more, him or me! ha ha!
Thanks for the entry!
My kids are 7 & 8 and I frequently find rocks in their pockets, in the folds of the couch, on the bathroom floor… Pretty much everywhere.
I also liked the Worlds Greatest Rock Collection on facebook. I liked Simple Homeschool a long time ago! Love getting the posts.
Sorry, the World’s Most Fascinating Rock Collection! ☺️
My daughter has freshly turned two and is already an avid rock collector. She has shelves in her room where we collect her treasures and I tell my geologist friend that I think she’s following in her footsteps, for when we go to the river she is never interested in swimming – only in walking around with her bucket to find the perfect rocks. 🙂
I’ve also “liked” both pages on facebook. Thank you for the opportunity to enter.
Sara’s latest post: A Year of Projects: Projects 18 & 19
My kids are 11, 9, 5 and 3. My son, age 5, is the one that is constantly handing me different types of rocks. A friend’s grandpa is a geologist and has showed him how to hammer rocks to find “treasure” inside. The treasure goes on our display shelf, outside in various fairy houses, or, yes, in the washer through his pockets. He LOVES geology and I hope we win this giveaway. He would be so appreciative!!!
Also, I like both pages on Facebook!
My children are 8,5,3,and 1! We recently became fascinated with rocks and are wanting to learn more! This would be a wonderful tool to feed their curiosity! Thanks for this opportunity.
My kids are 4 and 6 and we LOVE collecting rocks! They would love this collection : )
7, 5 and 2 are the ages of my rock collectors- we have a great display of things from nature and my 5yr old in particular loves rocks!
I liked simple homeschool, and the worlds most fascinating rock collection on Facebook as well 🙂
MY boys are 4 and 6. I constantly find rocks in their pockets….and mine.
Kelly’s latest post: Thankful.
What kids does not love rocks. From my 9 years old all the way up to myself.( We are all kids at heart, right. :). )
What kids does not love rocks. From my 9 years old all the way up to myself.( We are all kids at heart, right. 🙂
My boys are 9, 11, & 13. My daughter is 21 and grandson is 2. I am always finding rocks in the boys pockets. I collect interesting rocks too, I just leave them in my van.
My kids are 5 and 2. Surprisingly, I never have found rocks in there pockets, but more than enough dirt. These boxes look like so much fun. Thanks for the chance to win.
My boys are 5, 4, 2 1/2 and 16 months. There are rocks everywhere. They have rocks in any pocket they have and a pile on their dresser
My girls are 7 and 4- we have small piles of rocks all over the house. Thanks for the chance to win this great giveaway!
Awesome Giveaway! My girls are 5 & 6 years old. My oldest LOVES rocks! I mean, seriously. She stops in the middle of walking just to pick up a “special rock”! haha This would be soo exciting for her to win :)) Im always finding rocks in the washer, the dryer, the hamper, her pockets….it never fails 😉
My children are 9, 6 and 3. I’m constantly finding rocks in their pockets!
My kids are 5,3,1 and 4 months. Yes I have found rocks in their pockets, and bugs, an flowers, and sticks….. you get the picture 🙂
I “Like” The World’s Most Fascinating Rock Collection and Simple Homeschool on Facebook.
My boys are 4 & 5 and have a small collection they fight over! We always have hits and pieces in the wash from their little pockets. But it must be in their Genes as I am just completing my geology degree too!
I have a 9, 6 and 2 year old. We all like to spy cool rocks but my son gets as many as he can carry, in his pockets, stoller compartment, whatever is handy. There is a love there, the lava rocks in the library’s landscaping were often quietly pocketed as well!
I have 3 boys, ages 9, 8, and 5. And a 1 year old daughter. I have found many rocks over the years in pockets and many other places! 😉
4 kids.. 3 girls 1 boy. Oh my do we find rocks in the pockets and every where else they can keep them. They love to collect rocks.
10 & 14 and still find rocks in pockets
13,11,8,4. Not so many rocks in the pockets but each has a secret hiding spot (jewlery box , treasure box, etc) that many different rocks are kept.
What fun! My boys are 6, 3, and 1. They love rocks, and my 6 year-old, particularly, is a collector (of anything and everything). I find at least 5 rocks in my washing machine every time I wash their clothes. Thank goodness my husband doesn’t carry rocks around in his pockets!
My kiddos LOVE rocks, fossils, gemstones etc… They’ll dig for hours and hours to find the treasures. When I was a kid I collected rocks and still have several to this day and now my 6 and 4 year old seem to have the same passion.
There always seems to be rocks found at the bottom of my washer. I also liked Simple Homeschool and The World’s Most Fascinating Rocks on facebook. 🙂
Thank you for this wonderful opportunity!
Nature+ Science+ Education+ Fun– can’t think of anything better for my 6 yr old!!
My son loves rocks- I have noticed his preference for the shinier, translucent type of rocks. He collects them as he finds them and then goes on to make stories about how these rocks are magical and can grant wishes, solve problems and do almost anything for him. Beauty 🙂
My kids are 7 and 9, and we just finished a 6 week study on rocks and geology. This is our first year homeschooling, and we started with rocks for science because this is one of their favorite pastimes. I can’t even count how many times I have found rocks in their pockets, not to mention all over the house. The World’s Most Fascinating Rock Collection would be such a fun way to continue discussions about the things we have already learned!
Finding rocks in pockets you say? Oh yes!! And in all sorts of other places. My children are 11, 9, and 6. All sorts of fun and exploring with rocks would be even more exciting with this collection. Thank You for bringing it to my attention.
My kids are 2, 4, 7, 10, and 13, and they all love collecting rocks! I have quite the collection on top of the washer from forgotten treasures.
Liked on FB. 🙂
My kids are 14, 12, and 5. Both my boys will stop and look through a collection anytime they are in a gravel driveway or creekbed. 🙂
And yes, I have found rocks in the pockets.
Children are 4,7,10, 13,16, 18, 20, and 22 and I find rocks in the washer, in the dryer, slipped into my pocket, in bags, in the car, in piles out front, in the sand box…
My kiddos are 4 and 6, and they love collecting rocks. We have started a rock collection from our summer hikes this last summer. I love collecting rocks and fossils, I used to as a child.
I have a 9yo son who loves to collect rocks!
My son is 7. Rocks in the pocket are quite common! He would LOVE this. It would be a great way to bring some excitement to our school routine. 🙂
My boys are 11 months and 21 months. My eldest always has rocks in his pockets or in the trunk of his outside cars… and his little brother would, too, if I let him (which I don’t cause I know he’ll carry them in his mouth).
My kids are 12 and 6 &3/4, and I have found so many rocks in pockets over the years. I decided to stop fighting it, and now have a lovely glass bowl in my living room where there favourite (carefully washed, dried, and inspected to make sure it is not harbouring six-legged life forms) specimens can be displayed.
What a great idea this is! I have a 6yo, a 5yo and a 2yo, but it’s the 2yo who is especially fascinated by rocks. I have found rocks in all of their pockets. And when we get in the minivan, the 2yo often points out, “I have some rocks in here if you need one.” 🙂
liked The World’s Most Fascinating Rock Collection on FB.
longtime liker of Simple Homeschool on FB!
Hi! My kids are 10, 6 and 4. We love hunting for rocks, my kids love the fact that they could be holding a piece of cooled volcano lava in their pocket!
How AWESOME is this?!! My kids are ages 6, 5, 3, & 7 mos. The older 3 all LOVE rocks!!! And yes, I have found many a rock in the laundry, on the steps, on the kitchen table, etc! LOL
And I just liked The World’s Most Fascinating Rock Collection on Facebook! I already liked Simple Homeschool. 🙂
I liked simple homeschool and the worlds most fascinating rock collection on facebook. my little girl is 5 and she loves rocks of all shapes and sizes everytime we go for a walk she brings more home and always asks me what kind of rock it is. I really hope we win this kit it would be wonderful to teach her about all the diffrent kinds of rocks she would really love it!
My daughters are 7 and 4, and oh boy have I ever found rocks in my 4 year-old’s pockets! This girl is rock crazy and collects them everywhere we go. For Christmas last year, her sister gave her a rock container for storing them. So cute!
My children are 15, 12, 3, 2 and 4 weeks. And YES! My three year old loves all things nature. Critters, dirt, rocks.. you name it.
My kids are 1.5, 3, 6, and 7. I have found many rocks in their pockets and even some they’ve slipped in mine!
14 yo who is interested in Geology 🙂
I already am a fan of Simple Homeschool and I liked the fascinating rock site
My oldest is 7 and he’s fascinated by rocks. He’s already got a rock collection going and growing. He’s awesome at finding large Petoskey stones. I find rocks everywhere!
Melissa Mendez’s latest post: #TryAlltheDiapers Giveaway! Hosted by the #FluffyBloggers
I liked both pages. 🙂
Melissa Mendez’s latest post: #TryAlltheDiapers Giveaway! Hosted by the #FluffyBloggers
My kids that are still at home are 13, 10, and 5. Not only have I found rocks in their pockets, I have found them in their book bags, purses, boxes stashed in their rooms, and toy boxes. They had them all over the back deck and randomly stuck in my houseplants as well. Everywhere we go, my kids are looking at and picking up rocks. 🙂
My sons are 4, 6, and 8. We find rocks everywhere!
My kiddos are 7, 5, 3, and 5 months… the only child’s pocket that I haven’t found rocks in is the babies, but it will only be a matter of time. 🙂
My boys are 11, 10, 7 and 3. I often have to stop the washer or dryer to fish out hidden rocks that make themselves know when the tumbling starts.
my daughter is 10, and especially loves seaside stones. when we go for a hike, we remind ourselves aloud to leave things as we found them, otherwise each kind of rock would come home with us. it is not uncommon for me to find rocks in my handbag, stashed by my child on a pocketless (or pocket brimful) outing.
Liked on Facebook too:)
Ages 6 and 4. Yes, for sure!
My girls are 5 & 7. I always find rocks in my 5 year olds pocket. My seven year old I don’t though. She doesn’t like anything that’s “dirty”. 🙂
My kids are 4, 6, 10 and 12 and I often find rocks and other nature treasures in their pockets.
My daughters are 4 and 6. I find rocks in their pockets, under their pillows and and many other places. A gravel driveway will keep them searching for treasure for hours.
We would absolutely love to add this to our homeschool! What a great giveaway!
I already “like” simple homeschool on FB, but i now “like” this great learning program as well. Thanks for the opportunity!
My daughter is 11, and since she could walk I’ve found rocks in her pockets. And the bottom of my washer. And in her shoes. On her shelves. In her bag. In my van. On the coffee table. In ziplocks. Hidden under the bed. As gifts at every holiday.
She’s considering being a geologist.
My kids are 16,12, an 10. Yes I find rocks in their pockets and mine. I like looking for unusual rocks myself.
oh this is awesome! my 5 and 3.5 year old would LOVE this! they are always finding rocks and digging for rocks and wanting to keep rocks forever!
Heather’s latest post: Busy, Busy Day! {#31days}
My rock collectors are 2, 5 and 7- I have a bucket next to our laundry for all the rocks (and other treasures) I find in their pockets!
Liked on Facebook!
I have three BOYS (5yrs,3yrs, and 6 months) so needless to say, I have found many rocks in their pockets, shoes, hats, and gloves. I even have found rocks in their underwear once! I love my boys! Ever since my oldest was big enough to pick them up, we have had rocks everywhere! And because we homeschool, they love getting to study cool new rocks all the time!
I also already like simple homeschool on FB.
I also liked both pages!
YES! Rocks in pockets, rocks in drawers, rocks in the car cup holders, rocks in backpacks, rocks in special boxes, rocks EVERYWHERE!
Oops, and my kids are 6 and 8!
Liked both pages on Facebook.
I have 3 boys, ages 6, 3-1/2 and 2. I have definitely found rocks in pockets, and found even more in the washing machine that were missed!
My kids are 8 and 5. They both love rocks so I regularly find them in pockets, backpacks, purses, and on top of dressers.
My kids are 5 & 3 and I’ve found rocks in pockets, in bed, on the counter… 😉
My boys are 6,7 & 8 and boy do I find rocks int heir pockets. They also make sure I see all the pretty ones. There is a current obsession with rocks around here lately.
My kids are 12,10,9,5, and 4. Lots of Rocks
My children are 6, 4 and 1. I love this idea, I sometimes find rocks in their pockets and recently we have become interested in geology and rocks thanks to Magic School Bus books and a little friend of ours who is working on digging a huge hole in his backyard. We would love to win and would learn a lot!
Pamela’s latest post: books we have loved this year
My kids are 11, 8 and 8, and yes, I have found rocks in pockets many times. 🙂
I like you both on Facebook. 🙂
my daughter is 3, and loves picking up rocks everywhere we go! they’re in all of our pockets 🙂
I’ve already liked Simple Homeschool and The World’s Most Fascinating Rock Collection on FB, too!
I like both on Facebook!
Pamela’s latest post: books we have loved this year
My boys are 5 and 7. Yes, I find rocks in pockets, bags, beds, toy boxes, shelves, bath tubs, etc. My youngest is a rock enthusiast….so much so that when our extended family goes on vacation they bring him back a rock as a souvenir gift!
I liked you both on FB 🙂
I am home schooling my nephew, 9 years old, for the first time. H loves science and would love to have this collection kit.
My daughter is 18months, and I have found plenrybof rocks in her mouth and her favorite bucket….most of her clothes don’t have pockets yet :-). Mommy LOVES ROCKS I have a integrated science degree and geology was my favorite for sure.
Yes, yes so many rocks. My 5 year old and I just read ‘Little House in the Big Woods’ and we laughed and laughed about how Laura’s pocket ripped out when she collected too many rocks because that had just happened to my little girl and her favorite dress pockets too.
Ages 9 & 5. Yes, we’ve had rocks in the pockets, in the car seats, in the couch cushions. 🙂
Age 5 and 12. They both collect rocks, so I am always pulling rocks out of their pockets
My children’s ages are 3, 6, 9, 11, 13, 15, 17 & 24. Yes, I have found rocks in most of their pockets. Thanks for a great giveaway!
We homeschool our three and five year old and would love to be the recipient of this educational give away!
My kiddos are 9, 7, and 4. We travel for hubbys work and they love to line up their growing collection in the windowsills! We have seen some really neat ones, one was sandstone with pyrite, and looked like gold. It was super pretty.
My kids are 8, 7, 5 & 3. I have found rocks in the washing machine and a couple little rock piles in the yard. My mom collects rocks. They must have gotten their rock love from her 😉
FB liked, The Worlds Most Fascinating Rock Collection and of course, Simple Homeschool. 🙂
My children are 12, 10, 8 and 6. I find rocks in pockets everyday! Not only that, but, I find them on tables, in cabinets, in my plants, in my shoes and even under bed pillows…
My daughters are 11, 7, and 4. Rocks in the pockets? Yes, and acorns, feathers, pebbles, and all manner of nature-y goodness. 🙂
Nikole’s latest post: Old World Wisconsin
Oh my goodness! My son would go CRAZY if he won this! He looooves rocks so much and loves to share his finds with everyone (which is why I know that he’d also love to share this kit with anyone who would like to listen to him as well!)… Rocks in pockets (and other nature finds too) are so common that when I DON’T find them, I start to worry about where they are and if I’ll step on it in the dark sometime! Thanks for the chance!
I already like Simple Homeschool on FB too.
And now I like the World’s Most Fascinating Rock Collection too!
And I’m not trying to leave extra posts but I see that I forgot to mention my kids’ ages in my excitement- they are 5 and 7. Thanks!
My boys are 6, 4, 2, and 8 months. I have only found rocks in pockets a few times so far, but considering how much time they spend picking up, inspecting, and carrying them around, it is only a matter of time.
They may take after me. I collected rocks when I was younger. My parents actually tossed out my collection! 🙁
I like you both on facebook too. 🙂
My kids are almost-2 and 3 and I am just getting into the stage now where I’m pulling rocks (and other things) out of their pockets before I do the laundry!
The kiddos are 5, 7, 8, and 9. Rocks in the pockets are a regular thing like with any kid. My 7-year-old is particularly attached to rocks because his name is Micah so he feels a special bond with them. 🙂
(I’ve ‘liked’ Simple Homeschool and The World’s Most Fascinating Rock Collection on facebook.)
I liked World’s most fascinating rock collection on facebook!
I like Simple Homeschool on facebook!
My kids are 15, 13 and 9, and not only have I found rocks in their pockets, I have found them in their bedroom closets, in the bathroom, all over the kitchen table, and on the front porch where, surrounded by hammers and safety glasses, they crack them open to see what’s inside and leave the detritus for us all to trip over. We would love this giveaway!
My girls are 3 and 6 and love collecting things in nature- especially rocks. We’ve started a rock and mineral collection that they enjoy.
My sons are 4 and 6 and absolutely love rocks! They both have a large rock collection. There are definitely lots of rocks in pockets here!
7 and 10 and yes both of them have had rocks in their pockets
I have liked both facebook pages
I have 3 boys that are 8,3 and 2. My 8 year old is so into rocks right now and I always find rocks in his pockets. The 3 year old is not far behind. He just likes to copy his big brother. Lol!
Liked both pages on FB.
My daughter is 11. SHe loves rocks especially the ones shaped like hearts. Those are reminders from departed love ones that they are thinking about her!
My sons are 9, 6, and 4, and my daughter is 22 months old. My 6-year-old especially loves rocks… I find them all over the place. In his bedroom, in his pockets, special bags and boxes. I’ve even accidentally washed some of his rocks when I forgot to check his pockets first! My kids would love this!
No rocks yet found!
2 boys 7 & 9, but there have been acorns, seashells and other things..
My daughters are 5 and 2.5. I am constantly finding rocks in their pockets and all over our house!
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My twins are seven and they love rocks. Grandpa is a geologist, so it’s probably in the genes too 😉
4,6, 8-rocks in pockets, washing machines, backpacks, shoes, on the dining room table…rocks everywhere!
My son is 7 and this is our first year homeschooling. I find rocks in his pockets, hat, shoes, and bags. He is very proud of his found-rock collection!