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I hope you’re enjoying this special series–welcome to Day 3 of Back to School Week!
The sponsor for today’s giveaway is FBS Books, a family-owned homeschooling company carrying a huge inventory of classical and traditional curricula.
FBS Books stocks a wide variety of popular, well-known materials in all subjects like Saxon Math, A Reason for Handwriting, Explode the Code, and Sequential Spelling. But they also keep in stock many new resources you may not have discovered before–I enjoyed browsing through the maps, puzzles, CDs, and cookbooks in the geography section. And I spent a long time admiring the collection of learning games available.
FBS Books offers affordable, reasonable prices on their materials, and they offer free shipping on all orders over $25!
The resources at FBS Books are not just for your children’s education–they are for yours as well.
I had the privilege of receiving a few DVDs from their homesteading selection, and after watching them I’m completely inspired to try my hand at a few new skills (cheesemaking, anyone!). And you’ll also find encouragement to get through the challenges of homeschooling in their collection of parenting books and devotionals.
Today FBS Books is giving a $100 gift certificate to one lucky Simple Homeschool reader!
How to Win
Everyone has three chances to win. Choose one or all three!
1. Comment on this post, and answer this question: Which school subject presents the most challenges in your home when it comes to finding the right materials?
2. Visit FBS Books and Simple Homeschool on Facebook and “Like” them. Leave a separate comment here to let me know you’ve done so.
3. Subscribe via email to the Simple Living Weekly newsletter. Leave a separate comment here letting me know you’re subscribed.
This giveaway will end at noon EST on Saturday, August 21st and is open to commenters 18 years or older. The winner will be announced on Sunday–good luck!
I don’t actually homeschool, I am supplementing their schoolwork at home. I’m mostly interested in exploring world history with the kids as they don’t seem to get much of that at school. I’m noticing that I do have trouble finding many of the reading suggestions to supplement their history study at the library. Even on interlibrary loan, our system does not seem to have many books.
Virginia’s latest post: Girls Weekend Away – a Reunion
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Virginia’s latest post: Girls Weekend Away – a Reunion
The subject that gives us the most issue is Spelling and Reading.
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Um, all of them? This is my first year of homeschooling and an option I never thought would be in front of me. I was all for sending my kids to a local private school, but after my son went through kindergarten there I found myself looking into curriculum. FBS, please!
Science. I have yet to find a science program that I love.
Joey’s latest post: August 17 2010
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Joey’s latest post: August 17 2010
Signed up for your weekly newsletter! I think I am all set! Thanks for a great give away!!!
Hmm…history, I think. There’s so much to cover, and a near-infinite number of resources out there, it’s overwhelming!
Cynthia’s latest post: Legislating morals and tolerance
The subject that gives me the most trouble is history. I’m never satisfied!
I don’t struggle with finding curriculum, just with being able to buy. 🙂 Looking forward to checking out FBS.
Grammar. Definitely. I think it’s just mostly because it’s the one that excites us the least, so it’s hard to find something sufficiently inspiring. 😉
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i think history – we keep changing things up. for now, we’re sticking with lots of living books from the library 🙂
emily hope’s latest post: family tree personalized art print 16×20
Surprisingly enough, I think finding good Christian/Bible resources is hard. My son says Christian books are boring. It would be an incredible opportunity to receive the gift of FBS books and materials. Thanks for letting us know about them, Jamie!
Writing…my daughter knows her letters, but she doesn’t like handwriting practice. I haven’t found anything that makes it fun for her and not mundane.
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i’d have to say science. i don’t know why, but it intimidates me! thanks for the chance.
i also get the newletters in my email. thanks again!
Well we’re just in preschool but the thought of eventually teaching creative writing makes me squirm.
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This is our first year and it’s Kindergarten but I think Science will be tough. We’re trying the CM method so finding living books in Science seems near impossible!
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We have the most issues with math. We’ve tried several different types of curriculum, and just can’t seem to find what the kids enjoy.
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I had already “liked” you on Facebook, but I visited FBS Books and became a fan of them as well.
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My daughter is starting 3 year old pre-K, so we haven’t really homeschooled yet. I haven’t even bought any curriculum and am not 100% sure I will. we are still undecided if we will send her to public school or homeschool, so I’d love the parenting books, or the games, or the homesteading DVDs! 🙂
Michelle’s latest post: My Secondary Infertility Story
History….making it fun for my girl is a challenge. If the story doesn’t grab here immediately, she gets bored.
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I homeschool a second grader and a kindergartner and handwriting is our biggest struggle right now. I “like you” both on Facebook and I subscribed to the newsletter. Thank you for the opportunity.
Lori’s latest post: Wagon Jumping
Well my oldest is just now four so I guess I can’t answer that yet. 🙂 would love to win!
My oldest is almost 4, so we are just starting our homeschooling journey. I am having a hard time figuring out how to teach her math; I would probably look for materials on early math skills!
Jeni’s latest post: WFMW- Mess-Free Painting For Your Preschooler
We probably have the most difficulty right now finding the right materials for the non-core subjects: science, music, art, etc…
I think that Math is hardest for us…although I am decent at math, and my husband is excellent…it still makes me anxious!
Sarah M
Sarah M’s latest post: This Moment
I think I am having trouble with art, music, and P.E. (indoor stuff for the winter).
Thanks for the giveaway!
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I think it would be Math because that is what I have the least confidence in.
have not homeschooled yet … but math gives me the most concern!
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I have the hardest time finding books and curriculum to actually TEACH art, not just do craft projects.
I just “liked” both sites on facebook. thanks for doing such awesome give aways!
This is our first year of HS, but I’m finding the Language Arts curriculum the most difficult to choose.
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stephanie’s latest post: All about eating
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stephanie’s latest post: All about eating
Science for sure! Second to that would be Spanish!
Sandra’s latest post: Before & After Dresser
I’d love to have more math resources around.
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I am just starting my research on curriculum. I have 4-year-old and almost 2-year-old sons, so trying to decide if I need to actually purchase preschool-type curriculum or maybe just jump in with a kintergarden curriculum and go slowly.
Liked FBS on FB ( too many abbreviations!)
Now this I could use. I honestly don’t have an answer to your question – does that disqualify me. Oh wait, easy readers that appeal to a very bright 9 year old who struggles with reader.
I think Science is a challenge as far as materials are concerned. So much so, my husband is considering writing his own curriculum! 😉
Karen’s latest post: Sweet Peas Sunday
Well, I have twins who are almost 3, and another little one who’s 15 months – I know I need to be doing more ‘crafty’ things with them, but I have such a difficult time keeping/knowing those sorts of things we need to make projects!
For me, it’s Bible curriculum for my little ones – nothing too hard for them, but still a little challenge. Right now, though, thankfully!, I’m very happy with our plan for 1st grade. : )
stephanie’s latest post: Bloggy Review – Tabernacle Model
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I believe Music and Language right now are hard to put together for me.
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stephanie’s latest post: Bloggy Review – Tabernacle Model
Writing… tough to find something creative and fun that also teaches grammar.
I’m not sure yet what subject will be the most challenging for us. My oldest is 41/2 and my youngest is 16 months. We will be starting up next year, it will be intresting to see what challenges him once we get there.
My oldest child seems to have the most need for variety, so everything needs shaking up every once in a while. Math is probably the hardest to match with his learning style (VSP), though RightStart Math has been our core program for years now. We do switch to Life of Fred and the Key to. . . series to mix it up a bit.
Fiddler’s latest post: You know youre a homeschooling parent when
Art, music, PE-I am afraid I don’t do enough intentional, planned activities.
Now liking FBS Books and Simple Homeschool on Facebook!
If you happen to read these posts–the button for FBS Books on this page does not have the right link (there should not be a dash between “fbs” and “store”).
Fiddler’s latest post: You know youre a homeschooling parent when
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Just figured out there’s a way to turn off the title of my last blog post, so I’m doing it!
Facebook “likes” done! Thanks!
Funny, how a promotion finally spurs me to comment after peeking into the site for a few months! Okay, the most challenging topic to find materials: 21st Century survival skills. I’m serious. My kids are young, 5,4,3 and we homeschooled K last year, and I can find a slew of materials everywhere on the internet in many subjects but lack direction. Also not alot of survival stuff. What do I mean by this? How to build a fire, how to teach computer skills, how to teach multi-generational conversation, how to build a global understanding of cultures to children who are just getting the concept of state vs. nation. (Ethnic cooking anyone?) See? I do create adventures in this area myself (like, “Mommy fell down the stairs and can’t move… who do we call? what do we say? what’s the address on our house so the paramedics can find the right house?) Although creative, sometimes I just long for a concise book to use as a diving board into learning…
Math is the hardest for me to just decide on one particular curriculum.
I think I’m going to win!
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Social Studies/ History is the most challenging to find good books about, I think.
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Math definitely presents a huge challenge for us. History would be a close second. This is a great giveaway!
Betsie’s latest post: Wordless Wednesday – Solitude
Science is definitely my biggest challenge. I hadn’t heard of FBS. I’ll visit the website soon!
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Betsie’s latest post: Wordless Wednesday – Solitude
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Betsie’s latest post: Wordless Wednesday – Solitude
Social Studies/ History is the most challenging subject to find good books on, I think.
Math presents the most problems right now.
Amy’s latest post: Need a New Workout Plan – T-Tapp Giveaway
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Amy’s latest post: Need a New Workout Plan – T-Tapp Giveaway
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Amy’s latest post: Need a New Workout Plan – T-Tapp Giveaway
I’m just starting homeschool this year… but I’m totally intimidated by the the number of handwriting choices there are… my oldest does not want to write at all, and I’m just starting to look at it all.
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Angela in MT’s latest post: Reflections
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I look forward to checking out the FBS Books website! Our biggest challenge for curriculum is math. I’ve stuck with the same curriculum for 4 years, and I generally like how/what it teaches, but my son dreads math, even though he’s very good at it. So, my challenge is figuring out whether we should continue with this curriculum or to look for one that will click with him better…. hard to sometimes figure out if he’s genuinely not a math person or if he’s not been encouraged/challenged/taught appropriately…
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Angela in MT’s latest post: Reflections
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Social Studies,History,and Science
(allthough I have found many Science Fair type projects)
is the most challenging subjects to find good books
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(my FB is under Dolphinus)
I am new to Simple Homeschool & FBS, but I have fallen in love with all of the helpful information you have brought to us all
I love this site. But to asnwer your question about what is the hardest subject for me to teach to find the right materials, I would have to say history for a 1st grader. To me it is such a wide range of material out there and that in itself makes it hard to know what the right material is.
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Also liked you on FACEBOOK! Thanks for the back to school giveaways you are doing.
I know that math would be the most difficult, in part because it would be so easy to take the path of least resistance and assume that any old workbook would do the trick.
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Wow another great giveaway. I have never heard of this company but will check it out as we are using the Classical Education method. I think science proves to be most difficult for us to get materials for.
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Michelle’s latest post: Wood
Math is our biggest problem thus far. We are just beginning our homeschooling adventure and are overwhelmed by the choices! It’s fun to explore though.
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Science for the younger years.
We had a hard time finding a math curriculum that suited us…we finally settled on one last year (after trying about 4 others)…we love it so far. We’ll see if it works as well for the two younger kiddos 🙂
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Spelling. Some days I say, “Why bother?” and others I just think I don’t have the right curriculum.
Lora Lynn @ Vitafamiliae’s latest post: Interlude
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Lora Lynn @ Vitafamiliae’s latest post: Interlude
Reading. I want my son to love reading…and he does…but only certain books. Junk books. I want him to learn to love reading “living” books (Charlotte Mason). Not sure how to help/encourage/inspire him.
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Kristin’s latest post: Baby Girl is Sick
We’re just starting out homeschool journey, but I think math will be the challenge because that is the subject that is personally, the hardest for me.
We’re just starting pre-school, but I’m already overwhelmed by the choices out there!
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Kristin’s latest post: Baby Girl is Sick
I would say science is my hardest subject.
I am having a hard time finding resources for teaching age-appropriate homemaking skills to my 4 year old.
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Which school subject presents the most challenges in your home when it comes to finding the right materials?
Elementary Science is definitely my nemesis.
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The most difficult area, for us, is fitting in science for the younger kids.
Spelling. Definitely spelling.
I think my subject material struggles are often directly related to which child I am working with. For example my eldest son who often reads through his books three or four times before we have even started, often gets bored having to work through a specific curriculum when he already has read through it so many times; however my one of my other children would be quite happy with the same books.
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It’s definitely math. My husband seems more adept at working with this on the fly. But, neither of us feel very confident about our skills or teaching it with many of the materials out there.
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Robin’s latest post: Banana Soft Serve with Dairy-Free Chocolate & Caramel Sauce
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Math. It s challenging to keep everyone interested 🙂
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Robin’s latest post: Banana Soft Serve with Dairy-Free Chocolate & Caramel Sauce
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I don’t really have a problem finding the right stuff.. just being able to afford it! 😉
Foreign language is our greatest struggle in him school materials. I don’t speak a foreign language either, so we need something that teaches directly to the student in a clear manner and is also affordable on a very tight budget. Plus we don’t want them to spend large chunks of time on the computer because they don’t all have their own computer, making sharing a computer program a logistical nightmare. And we want it to stick, not be forgotten the next day. Still searching for this tough one.
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I find math the hardest to teach because it’s not my strong subject. I find science, although fun, hard to get to because it’s not one of the 3R”s and most days those take all the time. But the hardest to find teaching materials for is history. One child doesn’t like historical fiction, another doesn’t like textbooks, anoter loves teaching computer programs. So it’s hard to satisfy everyone.
Denice’s latest post: Missionary Mail
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I have the hardest time finding good music and art appreciation materials.
thanks for the great giveaway!!
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Denice’s latest post: Missionary Mail
I think the area that is troubling us most in trying to design a homeschool curriculum for the first time is math. My education came from public school in a small town where Saxon was used ineffectively and my husband came from a Catholic private school where math was taught with various texts. How do you find a math curriculum that meets your child’s learning style and is something that is logical enough for parents to understand enough to teach?
We are just begginning our homeschool joureny. Our son will be 5 next month and while he’s quite advanced in some areas, he’s also a bit behind in others. My challenge is more with keeping his attention than with what material works. He also has a tendancy to “play dumb” when it’s obvious I’m trying to teach him something, so I have to be covert about it!
I think at this point the biggest thing I face with curriculum is remembering to choose what HE likes, not what appeals to me. 🙂
Kelly Cook’s latest post: Geranium Essential Oil
Math is definitely the most difficult for us to find the right fit. Every year so far I feel like we start our search anew. Thanks again for hosting these giveaways, and thanks to the sponsors.
I don’t use facebook, do I still get another entry? 😉
Kelly Cook’s latest post: Geranium Essential Oil
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Kelly Cook’s latest post: Geranium Essential Oil
I’m embarking on my first year of homeschooling so I’m not sure which subject will be the most difficult… I’m thinking it will be science or social science.
Our most difficult subject to find the right materials for has been math. Finding the right match has been hard.
Melissa R. Wolfe’s latest post: Books in Bed
I find it most difficult to find what I want for geography… the kinds of practical skills I want my kids to learn, not just plain vanilla facts about where a place is on the globe.
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Hope Cooley’s latest post: Medium size Raspberry Pink Organic Cotton and Bamboo Fleece All in one AIO cloth diaper
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Hope Cooley’s latest post: Medium size Raspberry Pink Organic Cotton and Bamboo Fleece All in one AIO cloth diaper
I think science; I want something engaging, age-appropriate, but also a resource that covers a wide range of topics.
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Which school subject presents the most challenges in your home when it comes to finding the right materials? –
Teaching reading / phonics.
Hope Cooley’s latest post: Medium size Raspberry Pink Organic Cotton and Bamboo Fleece All in one AIO cloth diaper
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Hope Cooley’s latest post: Medium size Raspberry Pink Organic Cotton and Bamboo Fleece All in one AIO cloth diaper
History is the subject that I’m still a bit unsure as to which way I’d like to go. I love the literature appraoch that programs like Beautiful Feet offer but also see merit in programs like The Story of the World.
Cari’s latest post: Common Ground
language arts is the biggest challenge for finding materials I like.
I have the most difficulty finding the right language arts program for my oldest child. Spelling and writing are a challenge, and I am hoping that by using the same spelling program as last year, the consistency will help, and I hope to see a big improvement this year. Also, writing is tough. This particular child does NOT like to write, so I am hoping that with this new book, things will go slow, and skills will improve.
Paige’s latest post: Thoughts On Homeschooling
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Cari’s latest post: Common Ground
Okay, I like Simple Homeschool and FSB on facebook now! Thanks for Back to School Week!
Paige’s latest post: Thoughts On Homeschooling
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Paige’s latest post: Thoughts On Homeschooling
History has probably been the most challenging subject to find good materials for, though I’ve been able to solve this problem somewhat with the wonderful resources at our public library. We are not religious and do not appreciate materials that approach academia from a religious perspective. When I first started homeschooling, this was very frustrating, especially when looking at history and science homeschool texts. Now in those two subjects, I largely pass over anything that was written specifically for homeschoolers and instead choose library materials that are simply written for kid research purposes.
I only have a preschooler at this point, so I don’t really know. I think history would be a hard subject to find good materials for, because there’s such a huge dependence on the perspective of the author, and I don’t have the background to see how that effects the book or balance it over the course of a variety of books.
“affects” ….sorry
Bible curriculum and geography have been the biggest challenge for me so far. Hoping some of my selections this year will work better! Thanks for the giveaway!
Not sure what will be the hardest since this will be our first year homeschooling. I’m open to try anything that seems to work for our family!
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Heather’s latest post: Lessons Learned From the Trenches
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Reading! Which readers correspond with the phonics skills in our phonics program? With “real” literature and “whole” books (which we prefer), what are the various reading levels of each book? ETC!
I am only at the pre-school level now but I think Math will be our most challenging subject 🙂
Renee Owens’s latest post: Boys and their toys
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Renee Owens’s latest post: Boys and their toys
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Renee Owens’s latest post: Boys and their toys
We find language arts to be them most difficult subject to find material for. My children often balk at workbooks that are “boring”.
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Charlene’s latest post: I Won!!! and now I am paying it forward
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Charlene’s latest post: I Won!!! and now I am paying it forward
Likes both FBS and simple homeschool on facebook, left a comment on both thanking you for teh giveaways
Finding a Bible curriculum that matches Mom and student has been we hodge podge here and there…get some and miss some…
It isn’t all that hard to find a math curriculum, but I’m having a very hard time decided which one we want to use.
Nichole’s latest post: Half a lifetime ago
I had a hard time finding a good spelling program. But I’ve finally settled on Spell to Write and Read and it’s wonderful, though a bit intimidating at first.
I “liked” both SH and FBS on facebook <3
so far so good…always looking through books and websites for good science ideas..more hands on style and creative ways to teach history;)
I find that high school science classes present the most difficult challenge. I’ve not yet found a textbook/materials that meets my childs learning style.
I find that being new to homeschooling. (this is our first real year!) There are so many wonderful resources to explore. I likd that there is a place I can come ( Simple Homeschooling) where it can be explored and discussed! It makes it easier to feel confident that this will be a positive experience for our family!!!
My most challenging area to prepare for is language arts – spelling, phonics, etc!
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I am always looking for something to make handwriting more fun!
Science is our hardest, just because my kids want to do such big experiments! 🙂
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Tiffany H’s latest post: Woo-Hoo Wednesday-Tinkerbell Cookies
My most difficult subject this year to find resources for would be MATH!!!! It has been quite frustrating!!!
I already LIKED (very much) Simple Homeschool on FB and have now added FBS to my LIKES as well!!! Thanks for this great giveaway!
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I think that character training/bible studies (age-appropriate ones) has proved to be a challenge so far. But we’ve only just begun… 🙂
I dream about winning this!!!
The subject that I have the hardest time finding the right books for my children are handwriting and science.
I subscribe to the Simply Living Newsletter and enjoy every update…thanks.
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Thank you for the chance to win!
We’re just at the pre-school age right now (and I wish we could freeze here for about 5 years!) so we don’t have a specific set of subjects that we work on. Cooking, crafting and outside fun are our main activities.
I’d love to win this give away for some foundational/informational books (for me!). I enjoy reading about various approaches and philosophies.
Hands down the answer to your question is reading instruction to my child who has a possible learning disorder. Every time I start something new thinking it will be just the thing, I find it just doesn’t work for him.
Jo’s latest post: Hello there!
For me the hardest to find is a science curriculum for my little one.
We are just starting homeschooling, at least “officially”, this fall with my 5-year-old. At this point, just about every resource is challenging to find, because there are so many options that it’s hard to know where to start!
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This coming year will be our second year of homeschooling. With one year under our belt I feel science will be my toughest subject to teach. I have no interest in science and am always overwhelmed at the thought of doing experiments. I gave up on science all together last year. I am determined to do better this year but am already having axiety about it. 🙂
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We are just preschool age right now, but science is a struggle -finding age appropriate materials. I love FBS’ Christian book selection.
I “liked” fbs books & simple homeschool. But I really LOVE them 🙂
i think for our family… of my children is an amazing! dyslexic, RB=creative learner! so many of the tradtl. subjects are challenging to ‘reframe’ in a way that he learns best~ (: non-traditional curric.- or ‘real life’ problems are some of the best way he learns- and remembers.
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I’m currently looking for something on health and nutrition for my preschooler.
Erin’s latest post: Nutiva Coconut Oil 584 FREE Shipping!
Sorry I goofed up the link. here it is…
Shawna’s latest post: Joyful moments
We’re starting our 5th year of homeschooling and we’ll be adding in my daughter as a second student (we’ve got a 3 year old that tags along as well!)
Character training and how to enforce it is a toughie for me at this point in our prep for the coming year.
Momma Roar’s latest post: Look at what I found when I loaded pictures from my camera card!
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Leigh Ann
Momma Roar’s latest post: Look at what I found when I loaded pictures from my camera card!
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Leigh Ann
I certainly have been having trouble with grammar! Help!
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Truly, Handwriting stymies me more than anything. I must be on our 5th program – and he’s only in 1st grade! But I would Love to win!
Deb’s latest post: Jam!
The hardest subject for me is Science. This is because I have trouble teaching it so that means I have trouble finding what I want to use to teach it. 🙂 Thanks for a wonderful giveaway.
For me it is finding the right learn to read materials. There are so many out there, but everyone is different and each present their own challenges.
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We’re at the toddler age so we have not started homeschooling…yet! I am doing a lot of research and preparing for when the day comes. We would love to win this so that we can be better prepared for the days ahead.
We haven’t used a lot of curriculum yet. We’re early in the process. I’d like to find something great for math and handwriting… Thanks!
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Science has always been the hardest…even when I was in school! I am not much of an experiment kind of person, it makes it very hard.
I am officially “liking” you and FBS on facebook. The electronic world is CRAZY big, hey? and small… wild!
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I am subscribed to the newsletter! Fingers crossed for a win here 🙂
The most challenging subject for me with my kindergardener is finding reading materials that he likes.
Science or history
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Hi! What a great giveaway! We just finished ‘Kindergarden’. I haven’t really had a problem with curriculum yet. Just keeping our focus and trying to encourage her to want to learn has been our struggle. We’re trying some new things this year that I hope will help. 🙂
I would say the most challenging thing with our three kids has been finding books to learn to read with.
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I thought their books on homesteading would be an interesting addition. Our little guy is only three, but we want him to learn to grow his own food. He was involved in our garden last year and this year. Lots of fun, learning, and good wholesome food.
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Most challenging fit to find is language/grammar. What I desire and what my son enjoys are 2 different things 🙂
Family devotional books have been our challenge. Trying to find the balance between short enough to hold the attention of my preschoolers and actually learning something about the Bible & how God wants us to live. Thanks for the opportunity to win!
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We’re always looking for ways to engage our daughter with math. She’s not naturally drawn to it and we don’t use a curriculum in our studies but we love to play games so we look for games that will help her with her math skills.
We have a hard time finding the right Science curriculum. It’s either too easy or too hard. Can’t seem to find the just right materials.
Robin (rsislandcrafts)’s latest post: More Elephants
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Alisa’s latest post: The last day of summer
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Alisa’s latest post: The last day of summer
I’m not really sure about the homeschool curriculum question since we are just beginning our journey. I hope none 🙂
Alisa’s latest post: The last day of summer
The hardest subject so far for us is math… I did well in math but didn’t enjoy it, so I am fearful of giving my children that same experience.
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We are just beginning to explore homeschooling as our daughter starts kindergarten next year!
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I subscribed to the weekly newsletter and would love to be entered in the drawing for the books. Love the website and the resources you provide for parents. Keep up the good work.
Math and History. There is a shocking lack of *living books* for the pre-school/Kindergarten age in these two categories!
I liked you on Facebook. I am struggling with the thought of homeschooling (I’m not sure why, yet). I am interested in any/all information I can get. I thank you soo much for your site.
My kids are still young so I would say handwriting because I want it to be fun.
We like our math curriculum (Miquon Math), but I think my son could use other interesting math resources to go along with it! It’s always so hard to know if something is going to work for him without having a chance to see it in person first…that is our biggest challenge in terms of finding great materials. 🙂
I’m am always trying to find ways to get my children to learn to love writing.
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I think I have the hardest time determining what math curriculum to go with. I have ideals and then I read reviews which make it more challenging to decide!
Jenni’s latest post: Stuff Control!
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Gena Miller’s latest post: These Summer Days
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Jenni’s latest post: Stuff Control!
Phonics!! I’m having a difficult time picking just one. Lots of good ones out there and lots of not so good ones. 🙂
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I would say math, I have a hard time picking one.
Christal Houghtelling’s latest post: August 17- 2010
math! its so hard to find an interesting. hands on set
Casey’s latest post: We made it through!
This will be my first year doing preschool with my 3 year old. I feel confident that we have enough materials to get going but would definitely love to supplement with more math manipulatives, geography, art, and music!
What a great giveaway! I struggle with finding the best science curriculum for younger grades. It is great to be hands on, but not so time-consuming that we get nothing else done for the day.
I always have my eye out for fun stuff… anything that makes learning fun is a bonus for us!!! And I love the great card games at FBS Books.
se7en’s latest post: Saturday Spot- Se7en’s Savvy Storage…
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se7en’s latest post: Saturday Spot- Se7en’s Savvy Storage…
Well, since we’re just starting homeschooling this year it’s been challenging deciding what I want to do with everything. Thankfully I have a wise friend who’s given me good advice.
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SaraR’s latest post: itty bitty garden bed
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I would love this certificate – the books look WONDERFUL and would certainly enrich our homeschooling experience!
I think the hardest for me with a new kindergartener is/was handwriting. Trying to find something that is developmentally appropriate since fine motor is an area where she struggles some but still engaging and fun to do is interesting! I glanced at the FBS site, it’s great! And the free shipping over $25, major bonus!
Paula@Motherhood Outloud’s latest post: Being vs Doing- Wisdom from Psalm 1
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Paula@Motherhood Outloud’s latest post: Being vs Doing- Wisdom from Psalm 1
As a beginning home schooler, I have not had problems with curriculum yet. However, right now we are most focused on phonics. Eventually I think I will have the most problems with the non-core subjects (art, music, …)
math is the hardest for us 🙂
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Our biggest challenge is finding history books. Our library does not have many current books. And, I struggle with what to teach the kids first.
Not sure, I am just getting started.
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Science and spelling, but hoping we’ve got them right this year!!!
social studies
I think science books would be the most helpful.
Science is the big challenge. We love all other subjects, but have a hard time getting through science.
Phonics is our challenge.
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I am most intimidated by teaching reading while my kids are young. But I also fear high school math!
Math is a challenge for my daughter, so I’m always looking for materials to inspire her.
Casey’s latest post: It Has Arrived
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Casey’s latest post: It Has Arrived
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Casey’s latest post: It Has Arrived
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So far (having just started) I have the hardest time deciding just how much phonics I want to dish out on my barely 5 year old. Having been a teacher I find all kinds of things to nit pick about different early reading programs and can’t decide if in the end I’m more of a whole language girl than I thought. Or maybe its math I struggle with the most, ha ha, poor eldest children, they are the guinea pigs!
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phonics program….we bounce around alot and I always feel we must have missed soemthing somewhere
Art appreciation! I love studying artists but it’s hard to find supplies with good reproductions & info.
Jen @ Happy Little Homemaker’s latest post: Book Review – Big Book of Catholic Customs and Traditions for Children’s Faith Formation
Language Arts always gets a little sticky for us.
Speaking as a mom of a one year old and a three year old, I’m going to answer about my own home education.
It was hard to find a math curriculum that I could get my mind around. It all worked out, but my appreciation for math was formed in college. 🙂
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science books always give me trouble
monica @ paper bridges’s latest post: Blog Hop for Hip Homeschoolers
Right now I am casting around for a Bible curriculum of some sort, we seem to be in an in between age.
Language Arts is such a challenge for my oldest because his reading level is light years ahead of his age, so it seems so monotonous teaching him grammar that is so far beneath his reading ability (yet necessary to learn!) I have yet to find a good fit for him in this area.
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My daughter is only four but I find it challenging to find materials on character building.
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My son was an early reader, and so we have a hard time sometimes finding age-appropriate reading books that also help him build on his reading skills.
I worry about finding the “right” materials for pretty much every subject, but math is the one that I have the hardest time with.
Andrea’s latest post: Mixing Colors
Which school subject presents the most challenges in your home when it comes to finding the right materials?
This is my fist year homeschooling, but I think math will be pretty challenging…
Jules’s latest post: New York Day 1!!
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Jules’s latest post: New York Day 1!!
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Jules’s latest post: New York Day 1!!
I am a new homeschool mom of twin 4 year old girls and just starting kindergarten I need help in all subjects!
I think science is difficult to find materials for sometimes.
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The hardest for me is science.
Handwriting for me!
I’m AMAZED at the collection that FBS Books has available for handwriting. So many options!
mommieseatsoggycereal at gmail dot com
Science, no question.
As for the most challenging subjects to find materials – I don’t know yet! We have not yet begun our “official” homeschooling journey (my daughter is too young). I am excited to have FBS books as a resource when the time comes!
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My struggle is with trying to stay balanced with phonics work for my Kindergartener and giving him plenty of time with a concept before moving on. He really likes Explode the Code, but he’s not always quite ready to move on to the next page, so we’ve been trying to do word games in between.
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Erin’s latest post: Continents & Oceans Mini-Unit
I think religion is the hardest category for me because I find it difficult to find something that says exactly what I want to teach my daughter.
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Math is the toughest subject to get my kids interested in.
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Thanks for another great giveaway!
Preschool Math! I have such a problem getting these concepts across to my kids. Great blog, thanks for the inspiration.
Right now, handwriting has been the main issue. But we are in Pre-K 4, so I suppose with more time and less pressure, it will all iron out just fine.
Sarah’s latest post: Around the Town- Dallas World Aquarium
Became a FB Fan of FBS & Simple homeschool.
Sarah’s latest post: Around the Town- Dallas World Aquarium
Thanks to my homeschool networks, I haven’t had a hard time finding anything I need for school. So glad for FBS Books- looks like another great resource for future searching!
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I find it difficult to find resources for Math that are imaginative and engaging for children. Great giveaway!
Emma’s latest post: A Single Moment
FBS’s stuff is great! They seem to have all my favorite stuff and introduced me to so much more that matches my theology and educational perspectives. Thank you for posting about them.
My hardest subject when it comes to finding materials- Bible. I just haven’t found much for younger chidren (k,1st) that is more than just a daily bible story.
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Science is always the trickiest subject around here… as far as collecting equipment and supplies and being prepared far enough in advance to have it all acquired in time to do the lesson.
I am on the lookout for great literature that is of Christian content. This is the greatest struggle I’ve encountered yet. I really find myself in a dillema because I don’t want literature that promotes the values of our culture. I want literature that promotes the values of the Bible. If anybody has insight, I’d love to hear it.
This is my first year homeschooling! & I will be teaching my son Kindergarten this year…so, I’m new to this (& am *trying* to chill out & not stress too much) & I don’t really know which subject is most challenging to locate. We’re trying “Five in a Row” this year.
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Math is challenging. I am learning more about how children learn math using manipulatives and it is going much better. Workbooks just weren’t cutting it here.
i find that social studies is hard to teach for because i try to find resources that represent varying points of view and sometimes that can be difficult. i want my kids to be critical readers of all texts and understand that just because someone writes it in a book (or on the internet) does not make it true. thanks for the giveaway!
Music, all aspects of it. We really need some help in that category! I just checked out the FBS store… what a wonderful collection of resources! ~Laura
I’m on the lookout for Bible/Spiritual studies that fit with our beliefs. It’s hard to find curriculum written from a spirit-filled (charismatic) perspective. We don’t hold to a pre-milllenial belief, so that narrows the field down further.
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For sure the dreaded MATH!
I am 1 week away from my first day as a homeschool mom and I find that they are all difficult, especially on a tight budget, but science is the one I am really struggling with. At a young age some of the curriculum options seem so over the top and all of the equipment that is required seems to be a bit much. I really want to find a way to teach science as we do life, like oh its late sept, lets get jars and go catch grasshoppers and read about them today because they are abundant at this time of year. Or why we don’t buy strawberries in Dec in NC and seasons and how we live. I welcome any ideas anyone has and links to any great resources, especially for finding books at reasonable costs.
lisa todd’s latest post: Member of a Club…part II- The storms of life
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lisa todd’s latest post: Member of a Club…part II- The storms of life
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lisa todd’s latest post: Member of a Club…part II- The storms of life
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Ann-Krestene Bazan’s latest post: The Truth About Mosquitos
Hard to say which offers the most challenges, we’re starting in a few weeks, although I always struggled in math as a child, so this subject is likely to lob a few curve balls my direction!
Ann-Krestene Bazan’s latest post: The Truth About Mosquitos
By far it’s Math
I’m just beginning, but am finding it most challenging to find science materials.
I have the most trouble with age-appropriate science!
The Butterfly Nest’s latest post: Sleep- Glorious Sleep
i have found that science curriculums are hard to find 🙂 its easy to find field guides and books about animals, but i cant seem to find a good early elementary science curriculum.
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I am new to homeschooling and we haven’t yet started. But I suspect that reading and handwriting will be the challenging subjects for my son who seems very resistant to both. Math he adores always and in every form. But language arts, we are going to have to find something with wheels so he is interested. A wonderful giveaway! Thank you!
abbie’s latest post: this moment painting
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abbie’s latest post: this moment painting
I love finding new ways to teach scientific concepts to my kids.
~Heather’s latest post: Beach Jewelry
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….and I just subscribed to the newsletter! Thanks!
Woohoo! This looks awesome:)
Ashlee’s latest post: Confession 3
I have the hardest time with language arts materials. I just hate most of them because they are boring and full of busywork. I have found a few things I like, but it took me a while.
Terri’s latest post: From the Archives- Rethinking Writing
Science is probably the most difficult subject. Finding a curriculum that is fun, interesting, and still teaches the kids is hard. Plus, it has to be user-friendly. I don’t want to go back to school just to teach elementary science.
In all honesty, I have trouble narrowing down the wide variety of great materials available in most subjects. Thus far, history has been the most difficult for me.
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History has “historically” 😉 been a difficult subject for us in terms of materials.
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I am a total beginner so I would have to say that everything poses a challenge for me. I could use all the help I can get!
Science! Gathering all the materials before the moment and actually finding the time and space to do things. Oh and storage of science creations afterward!
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Foreign Language!!!
i don’t currently feel there is a tricky subject, but perhaps when we get into higher order math or science i’ll feel differently.
Veronica’s latest post: Margaret Homfray – Sense of Touch The Auditory Sense