This giveaway has ended and the winner will be announced soon!
Today is the first day of our annual Home for the Holidays week! Welcome to what will be a fun five days of giveaways, charity spotlights, and helpful holiday link round-ups from around the web.
I love HearthSong’s tagline–toys you’ll feel good about giving.
The company specializes in toys that encourage kids’ creativity and imagination–qualities desperately needed at this time of year–when we’re often bombarded with ads for tacky gizmos that seem enticing, but often don’t last very long.
HearthSong began in 1983, when founder Barbara Kane was struggling to find appropriate toys for her own children. I love her perspective:
“Earlier is not necessarily better. It’s important that children learn basic skills, but at the right developmental age. Most of all, children need time for creative, imaginative play. In fact, it is through play that children learn most readily.”
Continue reading to find out more about the two toys being offered to a lucky winner today!
Illuminated Earth Globe
I plan to give this globe to my geography-buff son Elijah–he’s into all things world-related at the moment!
I wasn’t sure what an illuminated globe would be like, but the light inside makes it easy to notice features that often get missed–like details in relief and the boundaries of countries.
The base of the globe is made of thick plastic, and appears extremely sturdy. I think it will hold up well to the not-so-delicate usage of my typical seven-year-old boy.
Laser Pegs Light Set
My daughter Trishna loves everything related to electricity and light bulbs, and she is going to flip with joy upon opening this laser pegs light up building set on Christmas Day.
The set includes 72 pieces your child can use to build whatever his or her heart desires–with directions included to create a tractor, dune buggy, or a mini bug.
I had a good time experimenting with the laser pegs myself–amazing fun! After constructing, your child can use the enclosed battery pack (requires 3 AA batteries) and cord to light up their creation.
One Simple Homeschool reader will win this laser peg building set and an illuminated globe from HearthSong!
How to win
Use the widget below to leave a comment on this post, and you’ll be entered to win! (If you’re reading this via email, please click over to the main post to leave your comment.)
For extra entries, you can also follow HearthSong on Twitter, Facebook, and Pinterest–simply follow the steps in the widget below!
a Rafflecopter giveaway
This giveaway has ended and the winner will be announced soon!
these would be awesome for my son!
Tamara Ackerman’s latest post: Thanksgiving (well, really Christmas!) Pillow Project
My oldest would live the globe and my son would think the laser pegs were the coolest!
Ooh my son would LOVE the laser light pegs. He’s really into building toys and anything that lights up is automatically awesome as far as he’s concerned.
Casey Tinsley’s latest post: 1st Quarter Report
My daughter would LOVE this stuff!
Ahhhhh, these would be so cool!!!!
My two oldest girls (7& 5) would love the light up globe (we are studying basic world history and they love running to the map to check things out). They are big lego fans, so the light up pegs would be great too!
My daughter would love the globe and my son would LOVE the laser pegs. It’s like light-up Legos!!! LOL
That globe looks amazing! Thanks for the chance to win! Happy holidays!
Both of my kids (9yo son and 7yo daughter) would like both gifts! Thanks for the giveaway!
My daughter is only four, but she’s very into maps and history and such, and I’ve been wanting to get her a globe, but the good ones are pretty pricey.
Whozat’s latest post: Pie Assistant
Wow-both look great! I know my 10 yo would love the laser peg set.
Wow, what a great giveaway. My 2 kids would love these!
My son Patrick would love the globe and lights!
My daughter would love this!
My daughter would love the lasers!! And is it wrong to say my husband would go nuts over the globe? It’s beautiful!
beth’s latest post: This Week’s Meal Plan & The Food Effect
Very, very cool.
Coleen’s latest post: putting on love
My son Isaac would love the light up peg toy.
My son would very much enjoy these pegs!!!
My daughter would love the laser pegs too, and sons would love the big balls!
Rebecca Cross’s latest post: DIY Painted Stars Centerpiece
I am looking for a globe for both of my kiddios. The laser pegs would be an awesome added bonus for us!
My 12yo daughter would love the globe, and my 9yo son would really enjoy the laser pegs.
Barbie’s latest post: Fresh Brewed Sundays: {I Will Not Be Shaken}
What great gifts. My daughter would love the globe- this is actually on her wish list this year. My son would enjoy the laser pegs, probably in the closet with the door closed:) Thanks for the chance.
I’ve never seen those laser pegs before. Cool!
My son would love both of these, especially the light-up pegs! Thanks for sharing about these products.
Caroline’s latest post: How to Be Thankful for Today
All 3 of my boys would love these!
My only daughter Anna would love these!
My daughter Jessica loves to build things an I think she will love the light up pegs and I think the globe will be enjoyed by both my children.
What a great giveaway! My geography loving 7 y/o and special needs sweetie would love these 😀
Both of these would be awesome for my son Lucas!
My soon to be 4 year old son would love these! And my husband is going to be teaching a world geography class for our homeschool co-op starting in January!
My own children will love that globe. We are globe trekkers now and they need a little perspective on our location. 🙂 And my nephew would love those laser pegs!
Wow I do not know who would love this the most me or my son 😉
Both my sons would love this. My youngest will be turning six next month and is severely disabled, having been born with only half his brain. But he loves lights, and thus this whole season, and would get a kick over watching my older son play and handle one of these, which I know he would enjoy–
My oldest would love the globe. And all 3 would like the laser pegs light set. Thanks!
My 5 year old is obsessed with maps and globes at the moment. It looks amazing!
my daughter eliana and son malachi
My kids would like it all — the globe for my daughter and the light-up pegs for my little boy.
I love giving beautiful gifts and both of these fit that bill!
Holly’s latest post: Eucharisteo
These would be great! Hope I win.
My girls would love these!
my daughter would love this as she loves studying about Geography!
Christine Amador’s latest post: #WhatAreYouThankfulFor
Thank you for this opportunity to win!
They look like a lot of fun and a great way to make learning a little more fun!
My two boys are nuts over geography and science and would be in heaven.
My five year old would adore this!
Saw those laser pegs in the store the other day, and my kids thought they were awesome there! Love the light up globe as well!
Ashley’s latest post: Turkey Hunt
My sweet girl would love each.
My girls would like both, and of course they’ll share. Madison would especially like the globe, and Emma would love the light pegs
All of them!!
My girls are still young enough that they enjoy sharing for the most part. I can see ALL three of my girls getting enjoyment from these neat prizes. Not to mention Mom and Dad!!!! We would LOVE to win this!
Kristen @ TeachingStars’s latest post: Silly Sentences Sight-Word Flashcards
My great niece would love the globe….and her cool aunt, and my grandson the light pegs
Fabulous! All four of my kids would love these!
My son would love that globe! 🙂
My seven year old would love that light up globe! We already got him a felt world map with movable labels, so this would really round it out!
Wow, both of those are so cool!
My boys would love these. Great giveaway!
My daughter would love the globe! (My son would think it was a really fancy ball 🙂
My 12yod would absolutely love the light-up pegs! She’s visually impaired and has used light boxes and light up toys since she was a baby to stimulate her vision. Even at her age, one of her favourite things to play with is her Light Brite 🙂
The globe would be a perfect gift for my 15yos- he’s always had a fascination with maps and globes!
I was sitting here thing what to write for this give away when my 7 yr old woke up saw the globe and said mom Santa must be real just like the movie (The Guardians ) says he is because that globe has the lights of all the children who believe! So Thanks Hearth Song not only bringing great products but for keeping the wonder in their eyes!
The globe would be a great tool for teaching my son and the pegs, well, he would think they are cool!
I’m pretty sure both of my kids will be fighting over these! We have been looking to get a globe, so that would be perfect!
Heather’s latest post: Leftover turkey for…the chickens?
The globe would be a great addition to our home school, but I can really see my boys going nuts over the laser pegs set!!!
Thank you for reminding me about this great sure/resource for gifts!
I hope we win!
The globe we have now is 30 years old … my daughter would love a new one!
We love Hearthsong, Those laser pegs look so fun!
Actually I am in the market for a globe to add to our home school library. What a great giveaway! Thank you
How wonderful. Would love to win this for my little ones. They would love it. Thanks!!
We would use the globe for our homeschool which is desperately needed and my 9 year old sone would love those peg lights.
My 5 and 4 year old boys would love these, but their 2 1/2 year old sister would want to be involved.
My seven year-old actually broke our globe last week, and he is so very sad about it. I was planning on buying a new one for a family gift this year as we use it daily with our Paths of Exploration curriculum. What a great product. Thanks for sharing!
My daughter would love these prizes
my twin boys (age 10) would love either of these cool toys!!
darn, last comment had wrong email!! Monday mornings are a drag 🙂
My kiddos would LOVE some of these items!
Sarah M
Sarah M’s latest post: Visual Monday: Knitting
My son would LOVE this stuff. He has such a curious mind and these would both be perfect.
We drew my six-year old nephew Mike in the family gift drawing, and he would LOVE these! He loves to learn and to build.
My son would love the light up toy…alot
My son and daughter would love these toys! Thanks!
All my kids would love the globe. We go through at least one globe a year.
Jennifer P’s latest post: Cookies For The Cast Party
These are neat and my girls would love them!
Love that they both light up!! Fun!
Thank you for this Giveaway! I just finished pouring over my paper catalog from Hearthsong and many treats are on our list.
My kids would love these!
My kids would LOVE these…. and so would I! I was just thinking recently about getting a globe for them. Cool giveaway!
My son would these!
I know my son would love the illuminated globe as an addition to his schoolroom,…..and so would I! 😉
This way one can always check quickly that strange name of the one capital city in West- Africa that one is in search of.
I only have one, and my four-year-old would definitely love this stuff.
Mergath’s latest post: Christmas at the Fort
My nephew would love the light up building set. Too cool!
O so fun! Would love these!
Love Hearthsong love simple homeschool…a perfect combo!
I teach preschool to my nephew, who’s three…he would just LOVE both of these! They have his name written all over them! 🙂
jessica smartt’s latest post: a real Christmas story
Both my 9-year-old and 6-year-old would enjoy the globe, and my 6-year-old would LOVE the laser light set.
Both of my daughters would love these learning experiences. We are new to homeschooling and they have so loved being able to stop and study what they want to. Thank you for this giveaway.
All of my kids would love the globe!
These look really neat!! I know my fellas would love them.
My 11 year-old son would love both of these!
Terra W’s latest post: A couple of giveaways…
I’m not sure which my son would enjoy more. We love maps and globes and enjoy building things. Since I only have the one, he’d have to share with mummy! 😉
My boys would love these!
Both my kids are a little young, but I think Mary my precocious 3 year old would still like the globe.
Our just-turned-five-year-old loves the very old globe we rescued and set in her room. It would be wonderful to have a more up-to-date globe for her to explore!
Oh my, that light peg building kit is AWESOME! We’d love to win!
I entered to win this for my 8 year old son.
Bella’s latest post: Halloween Haunted House (Dollhouse)
My oldest daughter would love the globe!
Keri @ growinginhisglory’s latest post: A Little Bit About Me & the Liebster Blog Award
They both look like great toys! I think my 9 and 11 year old sons would love them.
We don’t currently own a globe and my kids love building things so these would be a big hit with our family. It would be fun to win these!
My newly 8 year old son would love the laser pegs, for sure. Actually so would his Dad. My daughter would enjoy looking at the globe to find out where here little friend lives (Qatar).
Mama B’s latest post: Easing into the season
Oh both toys look wonderful gifts for my son and his cousin!
Hearthsong has the coolest things, they are so unique! My kids love their stuff!
My 5-year-old daughter loves to look at maps and her mini-globe. A large light-up globe would put her over the moon!!!
I saw those light sets at the toy store and thought they looked really neat.
I’m doing the nursery in maps so I would love to win the globe for our unborn baby!
I’m sure our future children will love these. In the meantime, our friends kids will surely enjoy them.
My 9 year old geography buff would just love this!
My 11 year old son.
I love the lighted globe, my 7 year old son would go nuts with that plus the glow pegs.
My 8 year old son would love these.
Both would love these toys! We are far from family and the globe would be a lovely piece to track them with.
My six year old son would love, love, love those laser pegs!,
I was planning on getting my son a globe for Christmas and I have been having so much trouble finding one I like. This one looks great!
My son would love to have these.
It’s just my son and I and I’m not sure which of us would be more excited! Ok, well, probably him…maybe… 🙂
Oh my kids have been begging for a globe!
I would be so excited to be able to give these to my children! Thank you for offering this give away.
My daughter Lily has been in love with the globe and maps since a toddler – she would love that globe, and my artistic daughter Jing would love the laser pegs.
I have a six year old daughter that would love these!
Lisa’s latest post: Five Habits to Help You Sleep Better Naturally
my 3 and 6 yr old boys would love both of these gifts!
Brooke’s latest post: Our fruit is here!
Both of my girls love exploring maps and the world.
These toys look fabulous. Not only would my 3 oldest kids love these toys, but I could also use this neat globe during our earth science study time with our home school group. Thanks for this opportunity!
These are amazing! My daughter would love either of these items. My husband is an electrician and the laser pegs would be a lot of fun for him and her to do together. And that globe is incredible. We’ve wanted one for our homeschool for awhile.
My 8 year old boy would be all over this stuff! 🙂
Which kid? Any of them … 8, 13, 20 or 50! 😉 I am heading over now to do some shopping but would still love to win this one.
Great ideas! Thanks for sharing!
danamelana’s latest post: Sir Ken Robinson: Do schools kill creativity? – YouTube
Both my kids would just love the globe.
I love Hearthsong toys. I have already ordered a few of their toys for my sons for Christmas but would always love more.
My 7 year old son would absolutely Looove these. Thank you!
My oldest would love the globe and the youngest would love the laser pegs
My 6 year old son has had his eye on those laser pegs.
love hearthsong!! those look so fun. 🙂
My daughter is all about learning about the world right now! She and I both would love this globe! 🙂
My 6-year-od son would love these, which would mean that my four- and two-year-old daughters would think they’re cool, too.
I have twin 9 year old boys who would flip for the light peg set. The globe would be a huge hit too! Thanks!!
Clearly my older daughter would love these. My younger one is only 2 1/2 mo! 🙂 She will love them in time…
Nicole @ Wonderful Joy Ahead’s latest post: how they’ll remember Daddy
I think my two eldest, 7 and 5, would love these. Although, once they are in the house the two youngest will be anxious to be allowed to play with them!
All three of my kids would love these two gifts.
My kids are fascinated with geography and with my husband and I both occasionally traveling for work, the globe would make a great gift for them and a fun way to stay connected when we travel!
What great gifts!
The laser peg light set would be perfect for my nephew! And my daughter would love the globe.
The blow up balls would be right up my four year olds alley!
Great Giveaway! Thank you for the opportunity!
My second born son would love this set!
Mine would go the other way, beautiful globe for my daughter, awesome light up building kit for my son! I imagine the joy will be the same! : )
These are the coolest toys! My kids would LOVE them!
My grand kiiddos would love the laser light pegs, I would love to create and play with them also.
the light up globe would be a great learning tool for all of them also
These are amazing! My first grader would love them both.
My older son would love the globe, and my younger son would be all over that laser peg light set. Thanks for offering this giveaway!
The laser pegs look very cool! I have never seen anything like that!
Would love to have these for the kids to play and learn with!
Great toys! My kids would love them!
I was looking at those laser pegs in the catalog the other day. I think my daughter would love them. And the globe is beautiful!
Leigh’s latest post: Review of Against the Tide by Elizabeth Camden
I have been parenting for 28 years, and have (14 yr old and 4 1/2 yr old sons at home now) all kinds of credentials and knowledge base. You are absolutely right in finding developmentally appropriate toys for lasting play value. What people today think is good for our little ones can be crazy, and it is not easy to find our way through the media and the peer pressure, but our kids are worth it!
Comment love. I’m excited to check this set out! I hope I win!
Oh my, I have wanted an illuminated globe for ages! I think my 3 year old son would love one too!
Thank you for the opportunity!
love all of this! the globe needs to come live here. needs.
jeannett’s latest post: InstaFriday
I have 7 kiddos that would love these!! I think specifically, my 9 year old son for the globe, and my 7 year old daughter for the pegs! Thanks!!
I love Hearthsong’s stuff. Exactly the kinds of activities and learning I want my children to pursue.
Two fantastic, beautiful toys. My boys would loves these!
My six year old twins would love these, especially the globe.
Ooh, my son would LOVE the globe (and laser peg set)! I homeschool so the globe would really come in handy.
Liz C’s latest post: Food Allergies and Restaurants
These would be so enjoyed in our house!
My 7yo would lOVE the globe… she keeps telling me we NEED to get one!
my seven yea rold daughter would love the laser pegs. Very fun stuff!
My oldest (5.5) would love the globe. It’s on his wish list! 🙂 We love Hearthsong. Actually gave my boys’ wish lists to grandparents and family this year. Thanks for the giveaway!
Grandson on the pegs & & son on the globe. Thanks for the opportunity!
My daughter would love these, great idea for a building set!
All my children would love it (4, 2 and 1 years old). Lights are always interesting to them.
My almost 5 year old would LOVE the globe!
We have six great kids! They would love the globe!
My 7 Year old would truly enjoy these prizes!
Kela’s latest post: Satisfied With Hope
Very cool. I’m sure my kids would love both!
The globe is so cool. All of it is! Fingers crossed!
Looks great, we would love to win.
Marci’s latest post: 2012 School Photos
Our globe just broke (the bottom cracked and it rolled off its stand! it was well loved), so all of my 5 kids would love the globe. My middle son would love the laser pegs, as he loves all things electronic.
I think my 5 year old would love the globe! Thanks for the chance to win.
fun stuff. thanks for the chance to win.
My nephew who is 9 would love them.
I have 5 and 8 year old girls that would just love these!!
I have 3.5 and 5 year old boys who would both love these. The 5 year old has really been into our wall map lately, so I bet he’d like the globe the best.
All of my kids would love these. My oldest son would be especially enthralled with the laser pegs and the globe would be great for school.
My oldest son would love these. His bedroom has an airplane/travel theme and he has large wall maps (which get a lot of attention right now) but no globe! He is also into all things science right now, and loves to build, so he would absolutely flip over the laser pegs.
Brittney’s latest post: Painting the Sunset with Tomie dePaola
This looks FUN! My son would LOVE these.
My 7 year old son would love the globe – he is fascinated with geography at the moment. All 3 of my kids woud love the laser pegs!
My son Henry would be thrilled with the light up globe and laser toys!
Totally great gifts!
lovely! would love to win!
Wow! Very inspirational! And I absolutely LOVE the laser set! Will have to get one for my VERY creative and curious children!
These toys look so fun! My kids would like all of them. Thanks for spreading the word!
Maxine’s latest post: A New Endeavor
My 8yo daughter would adore the globe and my 14yo son would love the laser pegs!
These are great giveaways! I know that my son would love those!
My 9 yr old son would really enjoy these gifts!
These are so cool! What a great present they would make. Thanks for the giveaway.
My son would flip for the laser peg set and 3 of my oldest kids are very interested in maps, globes and geography in general. It would be such a help this Christmas to win these items!
I’ve been looking for this globe! We had one growing up, and I loved it because it lit up.
my son would get a kick out of these!
Felicia’s latest post: Oatmeal Coconut Chewies with Chocolate Chips
My 6 yr old daughter would love these!! Thank you for introducing me to this company. Now, I know where to send people the next time they want to know what gifts my girls would like. It is so hard to find exciting toys that inspire creativity and learning, these days.
How fabulous! My boys love anything that lights up! And my oldest is a geography buff.
Danielle Drown’s latest post: Goodbyes
My six year old son would love these!
My oldest son would love the pegs!
The Globe…ME!! I love MAPS & GLOBES!!
Vallimasoos’s latest post: Jammin’ in the New Year!!
I just received one of these catalogs in the mail last week – I just love all the options for gifts! I have the pages dog eared for the kids – it would be wonderful to win one of them!
What a gorgeous globe…we are working on praying for the persecuted church around the world and I cannot imagine a cooler globe to use as we lay our hands on each part of the world as we pray! Even the BIG kids in this house still love to build..thanks for the awesome giveaway!! Blessings!
oops- Jones 🙂
My daughter Abby would love these!
My daughter, Olivia would love these!
Wow! My kids would like these.
My children will enjoy these! Thanks for the chance to win them.
My son!
These toys are wonderful! My kids would love them and I love that will engage my children!
My daughter would love these!
My sons, 2 and 6 will both love these toys!
My 10 year old son would love the laser pegs light up building set
This would be great for my girls, extra motivation to study geography!
Love this globe ~and so would my kiddos!
Lora @ my blessed life’s latest post: A Thanksgiving Feast
Neat! I think my 9 yr old daughter would explore the globe often and my 6 yr old son, who instinctively seems to explore the concept of cause and effect, would spend hours with the laser blocks! (under supervision with the laser of course 🙂
My 6 year old daughter would love this globe.
My nephew would LOVE this! He’s at an age where it is so hard to find him anything for Christmas and I think this would be right up his alley!
Oh my, my 5 year old would love the laser pegs!
My oldest (6) loves the world (we’ve got a wall of handmade maps to show for it!) and my 4 year old loves constructing anything!
How fun! Thank you
We’ve been studying geography! This would be great!
My 5 year old would love these. A globe is on his Christmas list.
My son would love both of these, he’s very interested in science and geography. Great Giveaway!
Oh gracious… We try to incorporate world studies in as much as we can so my children aren’t as “US-centric” as I was in school, so the globe would benefit all of us (5 littles), including me. 🙂 And my first and third children would love the light building set the most. What incredible prizes! Thanks for the opportunity to win!
Honestly, all three of my kids (2,7,8 yo) would like these!
my son owen (6) would LOVE the globe!
Melanie’s latest post: Any news?
This globe would make a great night light – love the idea. Thank you!
The globe looks so fun! Love it.
My 9 yr old daughter Catherine who has a sudden interest in robotics thanks to a destination imagination class 😉
I am already certainly getting one of those balls for my kids!
both girls would love these!
Ho Hum… All my kids would love these prizes!!!
se7en’s latest post: Summertime… Let’s Take the Whole Week Off…
My husband travels a lot, so we are always talking about and looking at maps. A globe would be great to have.
These look great. Thanks for the chance to win!
We’d love these!
love these!!
I think every family needs a globe.
That globe is so cool! I haven’t seen one that illuminates before, but I love it!
These look like fantastic toys!
My son has been asking for a globe also.
We’ve been looking at globes, HearthSong has some awesome products!
I, too, have a geography loving kiddo!
My son would just love that globe! Thanks for the opportunity to win some great toys from Hearth Song!
Jenelle’s latest post: Creative & Eco Friendly Product Packaging Tutorials
My daughter, Clara would love the laser lights!
My daughter would love the globe and my boys would love the light ups!
My son Hunter (and husband!!!) would love the globe! We talk about where things are located all of the time and have been needing to pick one up for a while.
Awesome globe-my son would love it! Totally cool light up building set- perfect for my niece! We have been long-time customers of HearthSong, they are an amazing resource for parents of high imagination kids. Love them!
My son would love the set. Building is his thing!
Love those laser pegs! Such a great idea.
My kids would love these awesome toys!! What a great gift idea!! Super excited to find this website and can’t wait to see what else the hearthsong website has to offer!
Oh those are both great!
Thank you for the chance to win! My children would LOVE these!
Love these pegs!!
My oldest son would love these prizes. He is six and into all things geography:)
My very inquisitive Elliott would love these prizes especially the globe. He is fascinated with the world!
We don’t actually have a real globe right now- crazy. My 6 y.o. dd would love both of these! Thanks for the great give-away!
Tori’s latest post: Fun With Worms- And Other Invertebrates!
All three of my boys would love these prizes. I LOVE the globe!!
Heidi @ Mt Hope’s latest post: Thanksgiving ~ The Walk
My son would love this!!
my oldest! definitely!
Ashlee’s latest post: Day 25 {30 Days of Thanks}
My daughters would love the laser light set.
My daughter would love the globe because she’s really into maps, and my two older boys would really love the laser pegs. Building stuff plus lights? Brilliant.
Teish’s latest post: George Washington’s Thanksgiving Proclamation
my son!
Ooooooo! My kids would love that illuminated globe!
Both of these items were heavily highlighted by my children in the catalog. Either would be a perfect surprise. Thanks.
My 8 year old has been asking for a globe for her room, and she would love this one! I had not seen this before.
These are amazing….my kids would love either of these awesome prizes!
karen’s latest post: Time 4 Learning Review
The philosophy of children learning thru play is the oldest and wisest. Creating an enriched environment, letting children explore, and allowing them to use things the way they see fit allows children to full understand as opposed to reiterating what they are told. Love these toys!
I’ve been so enjoying this site, thank you! Love the e-book, too, Jamie, and just bought your Steady Mom book as well. My kids and I are studying the Earth and the moon right now, so this would be a lovely gift for them! Thanks so much.
My 8 year old daughter would love these items! So would her Dad and I!
We were planning on buying a globe for our little girl for Christmas. This would be the perfect one!
my son (who’s 8) would love these goodies!
My daughter would love the laser light set. (So would I)
All four of my children would LOVE the peg set!
All four of my kids!
My daughters would love these!
My 7 year old son would love both item up for the giveaway!
Kyrsten’s latest post: My house smells amazing. Yours could, too!
My husband would love the light pegs! 🙂 We only have a son and he’d love the light pegs and the globe would be a great addition to our home schooling stuff.
They are all very cool!
Would love to win!
Shirley’s latest post: Finding the Blessings
Last year, Great-Grandma bought the kids a globe that broke within a few months when it was accidentally dropped on the floor during an inside demonstration of the earth orbiting “the sun” (a lamp) looked like. The base was beyond repair. It would be such a blessing to replace the broken gift with another!
my son would like this globe best!
I think my husband would like these most:) But both of my kids would love them too!
Ohhh! My kids would love these, especially the light pegs. My son is a builder, loves all kinds of building toys and also loves activities having to do with light and electricity. The combo would be right up his alley! And the light up globe would definitely make our geography explorations more fun! Thank you for offering such a cool giveaway!
My daughter would love all of these.
Steph’s latest post: Christmas Season Bucket List
I have 2 boys that would love these toys, as would my 3 girls!
Pamela’s latest post: A horrible, terrible, no good, very bad day
Both of my daughters would love the globe!
as always, the ideas and stuff on this blog are great!
My 9 year old son would love both of these, especially the Laser Pegs.
How fun! My little builders would LOVE this!
Ohhhh, my son John would FLIP for these!! Wow, what a great company! Thanks for the chance to win.
My kids would love these!!!! My husband travels extensively for missions work and it would be a blast to use the globe for part of our study – I’m picturing it being especially comforting at night when he’s gone and we miss him but they can see “where” he is at night…. And one of my daughters would be nuts about those light pegs – she has such mechanical mind and would just be absorbed by them! What an awesome giveaway!
Great gift idea!
Both my children love looking through their catalog and would love ALL of the items up for this contest!
All of my children would love this! But I think my 6 year old boy would be most enthralled. Thanks for the chance!
Tiffany H’s latest post: Making the World Cuter Monday | DIY Holiday Gifts
My daughter would like the globe and my son would love the laser peg set. Great giveaway!
I am in the initial stages of thinking about homeschooling and the other day my mother in law asked me if we had a globe (which we don’t). What a great tool to have in our home!
All 4 of my children would love these gifts! My boys would love the light up pegs the best, to be honest.
Modern Mia Gardening’s latest post: The Garlic is Growing
My 6 year old son would love both of these 🙂 he has been wanting a globe for a while now, and he loves to build things.
My 8 year old really, really wants to win this!
Both of these would be great for the whole family.
both my kids and hubby would love these prizes. so cool! thanks!
My son, also an Elijah, will absolutely flip over these toys! He would especially enjoy the globe, but the light up building set would nearly tie for first place for him.
Our youngest daughter would love these!
My 8 year old son would love, love, love the light up globe and the the light up peg builder thingies. Actually, so would I as an adult:)
My eldest daughter would love the globe – she loves to study maps – and both she and my son would love the light-up pegs set. They are big builders.
I actually have a globe on my own Christmas list, so that one would be for me! The building set would be shared by the kiddos!
What great gifts! My girls would love that globe! 🙂
My older children would love both prizes! They are just at the right age to start appreciating these kinds of toys.
My son would love the Laser Pegs….he has already requested something like this on his Christmas list.
My nephew!
I love Hearthsong’s catalog and would love to win the globe and building set. Thanks!
My son would love this.
My son played with these blocks at a toy store and loved them! I think both of my older ones would love these!
All my kids would love it, they’re just starting to want to learn about different places!
Christy’s latest post: What I Wore Sunday, vol. 6 (But for me vol. 2!)
My daughter would love the laser pegs!
My 6 year old son would LOVE the laser light pegs!!!
my only son would love the globe. he likes looking at and drawing maps.
All 5 of my children love learning about the geography, they would love the globe. Our only little boy would love building with the light up pegs!! 🙂
My son would have fun with the laser pegs
My 7 year old son, Stephen, would love to win these!
All of my children would love the globe and my son would like the laser pegs.
My 7 yo has been enchanted by globes for a long time but doesn’t have one of his own. These two items would be fantastic for Christmas.
My 6 year old son would LOVE the laser light peg set
Would love to win these!!
These look awesome!
Both of my kids love building stuff, the light up pegs will be a hit in our house.
my five boys would all LOVE this…so cool!
I love the globe–I was scanning the Hearthsong catalog the other day and saw it. With the light-up feature, it’s just beautiful!
Lovely giveaways! Lucky or not let’s see.
My son, who is five, would LOVE these!
My kids would LOVE these! Thanks for the chance!
I love homeschooling our daughter and am thankful for this blog.
All 3 of my children would enjoy any of these gifts!
Joy’s latest post: so thankful and blessed… #1071-1080
my son is six, and is into everything English and English history- he had a globe, but unfortunately it was broken by his sister- this would be a wonderful replacement!
That is the EXACT globe I planned on getting my big guy (a precocious four year old) for Christmas. He’s been asking for a globe and this one looks perfect. He’d love the light-up building set, too.
My building son Caleb would love the Laser pegs, all my 7 would love the globe!
My kids would flip out over those laser pegs! What a great “toy”! Love the globe as well, I’ve been searching for a nice one! Thank you!
That globe is fantastic!
Both my kids would love the globe, we’ve wanted one for our schooling and my sin would enjoy the laser pegs!!
sorry my son not sin! =)
My son would love those items! 🙂
that looks like a GREAT gift!
My girls would have to grow into the laser peg light set (although my husband would love it), but I know my 4 year old would LOVE the globe. She had an old secondhand globe that fell and broke and would be so happy to have a replacement!
My 10-year old son would love both of these!
Dee’s latest post: Creeping back in…
I LOVE the illuminated globe, both my young boys would get such a kick out of it!!!! What a great gift idea!
These toys look fun.
I love Hearthsong! My 10 year old would love these….
My children love to explore anything that lights up. They also enjoy building in a creative way.
Our 7 year old would absolutely love both these gifts! He’s huge into building and would love the added bonus of the pegs lighting up. And he’s learning all about our community and place in our world now so the globe would be very useful. Thanks for the chance!
My twin boys would love the light up pegs!
Seriously, that illuminated globe is amazing! We are currently doing a unit on maps and I positively drooled when I saw it 😉 Our whole family would enjoy that item. My 13yo son would love the Laser peg light set… and the rest of us would enjoy “borrowing” it from him!
Diane Shiffer’s latest post: We love you, plastic baby Jesus.
LOVE this stuff. I have two boys who would adore the light pegs. Win or not, I think Santa’s making plans…
I want to say that my toddler girl would play with these the most, but I have a feeling that my 30-yr old husband would sneak these out of her room when she’s not looking. 😉
What fun! My kiddos would spend hours with these toys. As well as my husband.
My two older boys (8 and 6) are big into geography, so they would love this! Thanks for the opportunity.
Amital’s latest post: Boundaries on time
These look great! Thanks!
Wow-that are both amazing. We have had a US map hanging on our wall for years so the globe would help us expand our horizons. The peg light set looks amazing! I could see both my 7 and 9 year old playing with it.
My 3 year old would think those pegs are the neatest thing! He’s just getting into Legos.
My 6 year old son would love both (as would his mom and dad, I think!)
These would be for my two grandsons (ages 3 and 4). They would love them.
My oldest, 7, would love them both.
my oldest is the builder – he’d love this!
Thanks for the opportunity
These would be so much fun! We’re just about to re-do my son’s room with a map theme, and he loves anything with lights.
My son Ian would love this!
Awesome toys…thank you for bringing this to light 😉
My 7 yr old son would love these!
My son, who’s 5, would seriously love these! Thank you!
My daughter is just now getting into asking questions about the world and such. The globe would be perfect for her!
My one year old will love them! Eventually…
I would like a globe for our school room!
My oldest daughter
Jamie, your Blog is a wonderful way for me to start my day! I love it! I have a 7 and 6 year old and I uhhh…*they* 😉 would absolutely LOVE the Illuminated Globe & Laser Peg Light Set!! I’ve been wanting to buy them a Globe for a while, it’d be awesome to WIN it!! Thanks for all the inspiration. 🙂
My middle girl would be thrilled!
The first one that comes to mind is definitely Liam, our 8 year old! He just loves using his mind in every area, even in playing with toys. These would be a great joy to him!
Tehila’s latest post: My Testimony – The Short Version 🙂
Ohhh- I want to win for my 3 kiddos! Thanks for the opportunity and happy holidays!
Leticia’s latest post: Boy's Plush Hooded Bath Towel — Construction Zone – Diggers, Dirt and Danger by inkydinkdesigns
My husband and I adopted our 6 year old grandson last year and the Globe would be such an asset to his schooling. He loves to build, (which kid doesn’t ?) so he would enjoy the Peg light as would his Papa!
My boys would LOVE this!
Super fun and exciting way to view the earth. I’ve never seen anything like it!
in January my daughters preschool will be learning about astronauts and space.
Fun! Hours of fun for the whole family!
I would give this to our four year old as a special toy he can play with mom and dad – maybe for weekend nights after baby brother is in bed.
I’m not sure who would have more fun with it, our son, my husband or I. Looks super cool!
These would be PERFECT gifts for my two older children!
My 5 year old son Josiah would love both of these gifts. We have family and friends that live overseas and he is constantly asking, “where is that?” and every time I kick myself for not having a globe!
How fun and different form anything they have ! We would love to win 🙂
Thank you! My nine-year-old would enjoy these. He says he is an inventor!
My boys would love those light up pegs! They love all things building so this would be perfect! Thanks for the giveaway!
Our new niece will appreciate this in a few years! Or my husband would love this too…
Heather’s latest post: missing you
I have three boys who would love these! Anything that lights up is a hit with them!
Super fun toys! Thanks you.
My three boys would love these!
My 6 1/2 year old son Nate would love these!
Jessica’s latest post: "Just a Story" = Valuable Moments
I would love to give these as a ‘group’ present to all my little sweeties. They would all like them both. Thanks for your generosity!
my son would absolutely LOVE the globe!
reb’s latest post: Weekend Links.
My son would love the laser pegs.
Paula’s latest post: I’m back
Love Hearthsong!
We’ve enjoyed many things from Hearthsong. My son would like both of these things. Thanks.
All of my kids would love these, even me!
Hearthsong sounds so neat! Thank you so much for sharing. I love being blessed to homeschool my children! Happy Holidays to everyone!
what a great giveaway! my kids would be thrilled with either of these gifts!!
Love the globe!
My kids were so excited for me to enter this giveaway!
How cool are these! Thanks for the great giveaway
I’d love to give this to my daughter
Both my boys would love the globe! My 5 year old has a world map hanging in his room and he loves to learn the names of the countries.
XXfingerscrossedXX esp. on the globe! LOVE globes and my kids would, too!
The light up pegs are super! esp. during this dark time of year.
Thanks for the opportunity!
Um, me! I would love that globe! My daughters would, too. 🙂
My science oriented kid and my outdoor loving one would both love these and we LOVE Hearthsong!
My little guy, age 4, will be getting these if we win. I know he will be so excited!!
My oldest daughter would LOVE both of these things! She is just getting into geography and learning about other cultures, and the lighted pegs are a no-brainer, who wouldn’t love those?!?
My two young nephews and also my fourth-grade class would all love these!
My daughter would love the laser pegs!
Those laser pegs are quite cool. But I think my 4.75 year old would love, love, love that globe!
They look awesome! My 3 kids would love them!
I think my son would love both of these!
Our JJ would LOVE the globe and the laser pegs would be enjoyed by both our 12 and 11 year olds.
My science and geography oriented 8-year old daughter would go bananas over these!
Aimee @ Menus and Meals for Moms’s latest post: Thanksgiving Traditions
My three year old son and my five year old nephew!
My 5-yr-old son LOVES the light pegs — and so would love more, and we’d all enjoy (and use) that globe.
My eight year old son loves to travel the globe searching for far off places to investigate with his lego minifigures. This would be awesome for him!
Wow, these are SO COOL! My kids would love them. Grandma did all of her shopping from a Hearthsong Catalog this year – she focused on outdoor toys and art supplies though. We love their stuff!
My son would love these, especially since we broke the stand from our globe.
Looks like something our nephew would love!
Love both! But have been looking for a globe for a long while.
My oldest son would love the globe and my middle child, the engineer, would love the laser light pegs!
My son, Jack, would love the globe. He love learning about different places.
I love the globe! I would love to talk to kids about faraway places!
I’m sure we would all like the globe and my son and daughters would both have a lot of fun with the light up pegs.
Suanna’s latest post: In School this Week…
My 4 year old son would absolutely love these! He always gets excited about interesting things.
The globe is so cool. It would be a great tool for talking about missions and where mommy and daddy have been on mission trips and sponsoring kids.
My oldest boy would live putting these together.
We love Hearthsong! I’ve followed them on Twitter as well!
Our boys, ages 6 and 3 would both love these.
Well I think both my grand kids would want this very much. Thank God they live in the same household! This would make the perfect Xmas gift. thank you.
My twin 3 year old girls!!! One of them is totally into globes and learning about countries!
My daughter would love either one of these of items!
Our globe is probably 10 or so years old, so our daughters would probably enjoy learning on an updated globe, with the correct country names 🙂
My daughter Sophia would be delighted by either of these, probably the globe would be the favorite.
Wow! They look like awesome fun. Please, please tell me this give away is open to internationals… My boys would love this.
My boys would have a blast with this!
That globe totally rocks! I have a budding geography-nut myself.
Julie Coryell’s latest post: Dear Ann Coulter
My son would love them!
Looks like wonderful fun, I think my whole family would like this!
My son, who is 8, is a giant Hearthsong fan. I hide the catalog from both him and my husband…. but always go to it for a special birthday and Christmas gift!
Can I count as the one who would love the globe the most? I know my 6 year old would love it too. I think the Laser pegs would make a great gift for my friend’s sons.
Sara R’s latest post: Dear future daughter in law,
My daughter would love these! She enjoys Lego and Duplo and would love to add something cool like this to her collection.
My son Carter BY FAR would love this!! He is who I thought of instantly when I started reading this post actually! 🙂
Stephanie Precourt’s latest post: Thanksgiving Retreat 2012
My eldest boy would be so in love with these! I’ll definitely be checking out their catalogue : )
Emmalina’s latest post: Walking the Woods
Love the globe!!
I would love to give my children the world!! 😉
My 6 year old son loves maps and globes!
I have two boys that are constantly building and creating. These would be perfect for them!
Wow, those look fun! I didn’t actually look at our Hearthsong catalog; the kids swiped it.
My daughter would LOVE the laser pegs, she loves anything she can build with. We would both love the globe!
I love that site. So many fun things. Great giveaway
Erin’s latest post: The Old Schoolhouse Magazine ~ Review
My son would love the laser building set! He would go nuts over this!
the pegs seem fun, but i’m mostly interested in the awesome globe!
Dolly Garnecki’s latest post: Calvin’s 5th Birthday Party – the Details
My son (age 7) would be the recipient, but I’m sure his oldest and youngest sister’s ( ages 17 and 3) would spend a great deal of time playing with him.
Momma Eagle’s latest post: Parents Thank You Card Craft for Preschool
My 7 year old grandson and his 4 year old brother.
My 6 year old son would love these. We like to identify places on maps and build with legos, so these two gifts would be a perfect fit for his interests.
My builder/inventor/tinkerer kids would love those light up building sets. Awesome!
I’ve never seen the laser peg building set. They look really cool.
My 8 year old daughter has asked for a globe for Christmas and my 3 boys would enjoy the pegs!
My 5-year-old would love both of these, but especially the globe. And I think my son would be pretty excited about light-up building materials. Thanks for the giveaway!
My 10 year old daughter would love the laser pegs light set. She is into legos and all kinds of building toys. I’ll have to go look at that set.
Christy’s latest post: Thanksgiving Week
My {almost} 6 yr old boy would love this for Christmas! Awesome!
My 13 year old son would love the light set and my 11 year old daughter would love the globe.
Tracee’s latest post: Community Development Making A Real Difference!
My 7 year old would love both of these.
Creative2xmom’s latest post: 2012 Advent List
My 5yo girl would love to win the globe. Hubby’s cousin’s wife travel a lot for work and fun, and she looks to look up where they are going. 🙂
Joyce M’s latest post: Our Week in Photos (Week 47 of 52)
We love playing with flash lights and glow sticks in the dark. The laser peg light set would be welcomed by squeals and the illuminated earth globe would be great to learn more about our fascinating planet… and in the dark, too! Crossing our fingers here 🙂 Thank you for this opportunity.
My daughters, 6 and 7 would LOVE LOVE these, especially the globe for our homeschool room.
My almost 5 y/o son would love the globe!
My daughter would love the laser pegs and we all would love the globe! Fun!
I have a 6 year old who would absolutely love both of these fun products.
Tracey’s latest post: Nicholas Adam Sprovtsoff, Semper Fi
My 9 year old son just begged me to enter to win the pegs for him. 🙂
My daughter would love the globe!
Chloe S’s latest post: Stress Point Review
My 7-year-old son is a Lego maniac and would love building with these. The globe would be a big hit with both him and his younger sister!
My son would love this!
laprochaine at gmail dot com
my kids would love these creative gifts!
My 7 year old daughter would love these!
Oh goodness, my kids would LOVE these! I love love love your blog, thanks so much for all you share!
These gifts both look like something my son would love! Thanks for hosting this generous giveaway.
My son would absolutely love the light-up globe! We have been blessed to have the opportunity to travel the world as of late with my husband’s music ministry and he is always asking perspective on where the countries are that we visit.
My 4 y/o would love the globe. Grace loves looking at the map.
definitely my 7 yr old son!
I love Hearthsong! Such fun and unique items. Thanks for the giveaway.
My little guy would LOVE building with the laser pegs–now and long into the future! The globe would be fantastic for the whole family!
Lynda @ Rhody Reader’s latest post: Young Adult Spree
I have 3 little boys and I know they will all love this
The laser pegs would be a huge hit at our house!
My boys would love these toys! Thanks!
Melissa’s latest post: Sonlight Affiliate
My son would love these! All of them he would have a blast with.
Both of my kids (ages 5 & 7) would have a hoot with these! Thanks for the great giveaway.
Honestly, I think all of us would enjoy each of these items (except the 1-year-old). We really need a globe!
Wow! Great giveaways. My kids would love either of these, the globe especially!
My 5 year old daughter would love these.
My daughter Elly would love the laser light pegs. She’s fascinated with lasers right now. Katy would like the globe for her nightlight. She likes to dream of far distant places when she’s falling asleep. Thanks for sharing the prizes with your readers!
Cool educational toys loved by the kids and the parents.
My five-year-old and three-year-old daughters would love both of these.
Those look fantastic!
Nova’s latest post: Little guys
My five and three year old boys would loves these.
I have so many little nieces and nephews that would love this! I think I would even like playing with this!
Our boys would love these for gifts!
These look like they’d be great presents!
Our youngest 9 yr old ds is the only one left at home. He would love this stuff!
My boys would love these!
My 8 year old son would especially love the globe!
My daughters would love these!
My son would love this!
Alaina’s latest post: Reverse Miracle Incognito
my daughter would love these, especially the laser pegs!
sarah’s latest post: thanksgivning recap
My Sweet Meg would love any one of these – I love HearthSong! 🙂
What great gifts these would make! Thanks for the opportunity!
These are fabulous gifts. My son and daughter would love the globe and the little one would think those peg lights are great.
Would love to win these! My 7 year old would be thrilled!
My son Asher (who also wants those big balls the kids are rolling)
wow what a giveaway!! Thanks xx
I grew up with a light-up globe. My best friend and I would stay up talking all night with it’s illumination….and the help of pixie sticks!!!!
My nine year old would love the globe for school – we cover a lot of geography with history in school. All three of my kids would love that laser peg set. Awesome!
Great giveaway! Thank you.
My 5 year old son:)
These would be two great gifts for under the tree this year. My little ones especially love building things right now and my sweet boy is always saying he wants to go to Africa so I can show him where it is. Love this!
My daughter would love these!
I think that all of my children would love these. My oldest son is really into geography right now so I think he would love the globe and my daughter would love the laser pegs light set.
My son would flip over this as well! He loves anything he can build and make lights. He always wants these little mini flash lights we have to use inside his lego creations.
Great Giveaway!!
MzBaker’s latest post: Happy Halloween!!!
My boys 9 and 11 would love the laser toys. My daughter age 5 is obsessed with maps this year. Her and her two younger brothers would love the light up globe.
My son would love these!
Really great giveaway. Lots of kids in our family, including our 3, would love this. 🙂
My grandson loves to build things with legos. He would be thrilled with a toy like this. I can see his eyes light up with excitement, now.
My oldest son
Oops! I didn’t remark about the other toy. I have 3 grandchildren, that would love the ball. What exciting toys!
My 10 and 8 year old kids would love the globe and the laser builders.
My son would truly enjoy either of these.
All 3 of my sons would love these as gifts. I have 2″builders” and one geography buff!
I just have one little one right now but know that she would love either!
My toddler daughter loves looking at lights. Her Daddy would have so much fun building stuff for her.
My son and daughter would LOVE!
We have been looking at this catalog at our house, and loving it! Great give away
My sons would love that globe!
Those are great gift ideas!
I love Hearthsong! Both of my girls would love these items!
Terri’s latest post: Santa Hat Ornaments
My oldest daughter (3) would love that globe.
Both of my boys would love these wonderful toys! 🙂
My sons
Both of my boys would love the laser pegs light set, and the whole family would adore the globe. We’ve been wanting one for years.
My daughter Kristin would love the globe, and I would love to help her to learn more about the larget world.
My oldest daughter would love this! She loves anything new and exciting…
My 4 year old daughter loves geography, she would be thrilled with the globe and the light up pegs would be a ton of fun too I bet!
Anastasia @ eco-babyz’s latest post: 2012 in 2012: Week 48
My oldest son would be all over these!
Jennifer’s latest post: Thanksgiving in the Hospital Cafeteria
My 5 year old and 3 year old girls would love both of these giveaways. (So would my husband)!
These look like so much fun!
These both look AWESOME! How fun!! I might have to play w/ them a little too…
My six year old daughter would love these!
Krissa’s latest post: Weekend Deals for Some of My Favorite Things
Cool giveaway.
We love Hearth Song! I’ve been drooling over their toys since I became a Mommy 6 years ago.
My 5year old would love the light pegs.
Both my boys would love these! Thanks for the chance!
All 4 of my boys would think these gifts cool, but I think my oldest son would especially like the globe, while my second son would enjoy the light pegs most.
Jamie’s latest post: Wuv, Twue Wuv
My kids would ADORE both of these items!!
I think all three of them, but my oldest son would love the globe most I think. My daughter would go for the pegs.
My 7yo would explore these a ton!
My daughter Rachel, 4, would especially love the globe. We would probably save the other toys for when the kids get a little older!
I think my 10 year old would like them the most.
My oldest boy would love these items!
Cynthia’s latest post: Weekend Reading
My kids would love these items.
My 5 year old would love these.
My oldest son would love this! He turns 7 years old in a few weeks.
My 2 daughters! Or one of my nieces or nephews 🙂
My kids would love these. I have a son who is all about maps – any kind – store maps, world maps, park maps. Thank you for the giveaway
My 2 oldest would love these, 9 and 6. Thanks so much!
my 6 year old son would have great fun with these 🙂
Oh my goodness! These would be perfect for my kids! WE all love globes, but I think my oldest son would love that. My middle boy would love the pegs. He is a lego builder- but we wanted to get him something different this year- perfect! Hope I win!
My oldest son (6 yrs) would go crazy for these items!! They are so great!!
All my children would enjoy these, but I think my six year old would be the most excited.
My 5-yr old daughter would love the light up building set and my 9-yr old son would love the globe!
My daughter is a history and geography buff and has been begging for a globe for awhile….She would go gaga over this! And she also is a building fiend so obviously she would love the other toy as well….
Both my girls and boys would love!!!
Kerry @ Made For Real’s latest post: Bloom Designs Online {Day 2}
A globe is on our Christmas list!!! These are awesome!
My son loves maps and globes!
Love that globe!
Both of my kiddos would love these! What a great idea.
My girls would be fascinated with these, thanks!
Pamela’s latest post: strength and fitness
My kids would love this globe. We are studying maps & globes in our homeschool.
The light up pegs look awesome!
Both my kids would enjoy these. Thanks for the giveaway!
My oldest daughter would love these!
Amy’s latest post: Joy
I was looking at purchasing this same globe!
My son (almost 6) would LOVE the light-up pegs!
I only have 1 son, but my husband and I would like them too!
My daughter would love the globe and my son would love the laser building set.
Both of my boys would love this. We homeschool but we don’t have a globe yet.
Kristina Best’s latest post: Understanding Theology in 15 Minutes a Day – Daryl Aaron ~ Review
Easy — all 3 of mine would fight over them! But probably my son the most. 🙂
My girls have just discovered lite brites, so I think they’d both love the light peg set and my older daughter would love the globe!
Cool stuff.
My son and daughter would both love both the globe and the light set! How fun!
My oldest son Jack would love these!
My daughter Ruby would love it all!
My 5 and 6 year old sons would love these toys.
Super duper giveaway!!!!!!!!!!! Thanks for the wonderful opportunity!
My daughter would love this!
My super sweet son 5 year old Joshua would love these gifts! He is really into geography, we have been looking at a different country each week – he can point to South Africa, Brazil, USA, UK, France, Italy, Russia, China and India without any help!
My kids would love this!
All three of my kids would love this!
My boys!
My oldest son who is about to turn 6 would LOVE these!
My second grader, Benjamin, would absolutely love this!!
My sweet boy, Weston would love these!!!
Everyone in our family would love the lighted globe and my boys would enjoy the laser pegs (the 2yo girl would be delighted by them too)!
My oldest, 5yrs old, would love this!
My boy is already a builder but the Laser Pegs provide WOW for my 6 yr old girl – who likes to build – but wants a glamorous touch! This would be wonderful.
Thanks for letting us know about them.
I’d share these with my neices!
This would definitely enhance our geography studies!
My son would love the laser pegs!
My only child would love these!
My five-year-old son would love both of these giveaways. He saw the Laserpegs in a store and I couldn’t pull him away.
My son Josiah would definitely love the pegs…he loves hands on things!
(I did not know how to work the widget)
This is great! My son & daughter would both love these giveaways!
My son would love these!
My daughter is only 5 months old…to be honest, I think my husband would love these! Does he count? 🙂
She’ll be ready in a few years. We’re planning to help her become a science lover.
My little girl is enamored by the idea of living on a ball. What a great way to help her three year old brain visualize it, making sense of her world.
Actually it is my almost 6 year old daughter who would LOVE the globe. We use Sonlight and after missionary letters, she always wants to know where they lived.
Jenn @ Beautiful Calling’s latest post: Kinder’s ‘A Joy To Share’
Wow! These would be some super gifts for the kiddos!
My little nephew!
My daughter would love these toys!
What wonderful gifts!
My oldest son, Simon (10 yrs) would simply love this!
My niece would love these!
both of my kids would LOVE this! Thanks so much for the chance!
My daughter would love these for sure!
Lisa- The Domestic Life Stylist’s latest post: Incredible Online Black Friday and Cyber Monday Deals
My 5 year old niece would love to receive these for Christmas! That would definitely help my wallet as well. I don’t know if I’d have cool presents otherwise. 🙂
My nephew!
Rebekah from Simply Rebekah’s latest post: How to Start a Cooking Club
We only have 1 child – a boy, so he would so thrill to win this but I know the big boy (aka hubby) will join him in the fun too. Thanks for chance to win this great giveaway!
My oldest son, who’s 5, which of course means the other two will immediately love them too!
I think both of my boys would enjoy these items. My 8 year old would especially love the light toys and my 12 year old is always looking things up in our Atlas so I know he would love the globe!
Micaela @MindfulMomma’s latest post: 3 Ways to Love Your Leftovers
Wow! Thank you for showcasing these amazing products. I think my kids will LOVE these!
My 2 older children would be into the globe… ages 9 and 7! And all 3 including my 5 year old would be excited to use the laser pegs.
Both of our sons would LOVE them! Thanks for the chance!
All of my kids would especially love the globe. They are fascinated by globes.