The Top 5 Ideas that Have Shaped our Homeschool
~ Written by Lusi Austin from That Homeschool Life
If I could turn back time to the weeks before I had my first child, I’d stop wasting the minutes reading parenting books that told me almost nothing helpful about the journey that I was about to embark on.
I’d put them away and instead, I’d tell myself a few important words, phrases and ideas that have become invaluable to me over the years of parenting and homeschooling:
The Top 5 Ideas that Have Shaped our Homeschool
1. Meeting Needs
2. Acknowledging Conflict with Grace
Sometimes after an upset, acknowledgement of what happened is needed. Asking the question, “What could you/we do differently next time?” at this time has helped.
3. Sticking to my Vision

4. Remembering that we Work as a Team
Working as a team has helped us, especially when it comes to keeping some semblance of order at home. And it has also helped the kids understand why they’ve needed to miss out on an activity when one child (or parent!) has been ill.
Triaging needs is something we have to do often as a family dealing with chronic illness. This helps us all remember that we are one unit and together we can do, create, rest and play!
5. Saying “I love you”

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