Note: This giveaway has ended; thanks for your interest!
Welcome to this week’s giveaway–sponsored by Little Citizens Boutique!
About Little Citizens:
“Little Citizens Boutique is an online idea and toy store that celebrates imagination in children. We’re on a mission to bring more creativity into the world.
Luckily the world is full of genius designers making inspiring creative toys and gifts. They are completely underrepresented in the mainstream, so we shout from the rooftops about them, publishing exclusive interviews and photoshoots of their workshops and families.
We want to connect the makers with families who also put art and creativity at the centre of their lives. Carefully curated, our selection is based on research.
According to studies, unstructured play is essential for developing Executive Function which is a better indicator of a child’s success than even IQ.”
“We look for toys that last through different development stages, that can be played with in more ways than one, that delight the entire family and make everyone want to get on their hands and knees and play.
Our toys have your kid’s best interest at heart, they encourage children to discover themselves and the world around them. And to retain that wonderful imagination well into adulthood. Together we’re making powerful memories; we hope you’ll join us.”
The prize
One Simple Homeschool reader will win a $150 spending spree at Little Citizens Boutique!! (Shipping not included.)
How to Win
To be entered for a chance to win, leave a comment on this post answering the question: How old are your kids, and what’s their favorite way to play right now?
Note: This giveaway has ended; thanks for your interest!
For an extra entry, like Little Citizens Boutique on Facebook. Then leave another comment here letting me know you’ve done so!
Special Offer
Little Citizens Boutique is offering Simple Homeschool readers 15% OFF through June 1st!
Just use the discount code “SIMSCHOOL” at check out.
This giveaway has ended, and the winner has been contacted via email. Thanks for your interest!
I have one adventurous little guy whom is one year old and a second baby on the way. Currently my son loves to put things into and take things out of various obstacles and explore cause and effect.
Looks like a great collection! My bits would adore así much of this!
Liked Little Citizens on facebook as well!
Thanks so much Kaytee!
My kids are 9, 6, 3, and 1, and outdoor imaginary play is their favourite way to play right now.
My loves are 6, 4, and 2. Magnatiles and the like are the toy that draws them together but my two boys are all about the tracks and things that go.
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My boys are 5 and 3. They enjoy legos, and playing with game pieces. Not necessarily playing the board game but taking the pieces from the game and taking them off to play with them in their room in some other creative way :)!
It’s fantastic to see more support for creative play. My children are 1, 4, and 7, and this month they are thrilled to play outside with the cherry blossoms. My son uses a soft frisbee to knock them down like confetti, and my daughter leaves branches of blooms on the neighbors’ doorsteps with handwritten notes. Baby brother just wanders barefoot over the petals. We’re all grateful for spring!
Thank you so much Michele, I can really picture your yard. Hurray for Spring!
My little guy is 4, and loves trucks, dinkies and small things like people/animals. He does their pretend voices and loves making them interact. A lot like me as a little one! We are both looking forward to warmer weather so we can get outside in his sandbox again
Liked on Facebook too. What a great store!
My kids are 6 and 5 and are currently into Legos. Thanks!
My daughter just turned 8 in February and it’s fort-building ALL THE TIME. The cushions in the den are constantly draped in blankets, there’s a house made of a pipe and socket building kit (Christmas present) in the front room, and some sort of sprawling fairy playground in the front yard.
My boys are 8, 6, 5, and 2 and they absolutely love Legos. Anything that inspires building in this house is a huge hit.
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My kids are 2, 4, 6, 7, 8, 10, 11, 14, 16, 16, and 22 (although he’s not really a kid) My kids love to build things, whether it’s out of Legos, clay, or recyclables from around the house. They also love to make their own paper dolls and dollhouses. Thanks for the giveaway!
Shelly’s latest post: Homeschooling IS Learning in the Real World
My son is 8 and his favorites right now are legos and strategy board games. My daughter is 6 and also loves strategy games. She can spend hours in her room with her dolls. Their favorite outdoor toy is the trampoline they received for Christmas.
My girls are 6, 4, and 6weeks. The older two are constantly narrating wild adventures for their dollhouse people and animals. We are very much in a storytelling phase here.
My almost 5 year old spends most of the day pretending he is in outer space…when he is back on earth he is usually building LEGOS. My 3 year old loves her dollhouse and play kitchen. And my 1 year old likes to knock down towers and dump things out…she likes to make a giant mess basically! :o) Thanks for the chance to win!
2. They love legos and feeding dolls and stuffed animals, bottles.
I have an 11 year old daughter who is full to the brim with imagination! I’m entering the contest for my grandson, age 1, who is just starting out in the magical world of imaginative play. If we can sidestep the electronics early with the great toys in this post, it would be a wonderful thing! Thanks for the giveaway!
My kids like biulding with Legos, knitting, playing guitar, and metal detecting.
My kids are 6, 4, 2, and 6 months. Recently they have been building with magformers (inside) and concocting with mud and plant bits (outside). At the moment, they are a royal family of fairies.
My kids are 6,4,2 and they are full of imaginary play! Bikes, Legos, vehicles, dolls, blocks are some of their favorite things.
I liked their page on Facebook!
Mine are 3 & 8, and right now anything that they can do outside is a favorite. They’re always dreaming up adventures, Knights & princesses, little house on the prairie, shipwrecked, etc. usually my oldest is the mastermind and her little brother follows along, the perfect sidekick.
My children are 10, 8, 5, 2 & 3 months.
They all lile different things; building with Legos, playing with paper dolls, pretend cooking, etc.
I also liked & commented on the FB page.
My kids are 3 and almost 2. Pretend play is big at our house right now. Lots of “sword fighting” with sticks and fort building.
My guy is 9 years old. He loves to play “superhero” using whatever he can find. He plays in his room. I usually find play swords and a flashlight or two on the floor when he is done. And, I hear lots of thumping and jumping! He has a great imagination!
My children are 5, 4, 2, 1, and 2 months. The boys favorite toys right now are blocks and my daughter loves her little peg people. Thank you for the opportunity and giveaway!
I’d like to win this for a friend’s daughter who is two and loves trains and baby dolls!
My girls are five and love imagining scenarios for their dolls to live, my son is seven and loves building with legos
My kids are 9, 7, 5, 3, and 1, and right now any play that involves being outside enjoying the sunshine is their favorite!
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Liked on Facebook as well 🙂
My girls are 9, 6, and 2. They love to play outside and create rooms with their legos.
My kids are 6, 8, and 10 and they love playing LEGO and a variety of blocks while inside. Thanks for this chance- I love the products that Little Citizens has to offer!
Thanks Melissa, hopefully see you online soon 🙂
I like their page on Facebook!
My kids are 8, 6, 4 and 22mo!! We love Lego’s, anything for building and creating is a hit! We love to do science experiments, but most of all we love playing outside! Bikes, basketball, building forts…you name it!
I have an eight year old and a three year old and we are all into board and card games right now
Joy’s latest post: A Ladder for Kinsley
My 16 year old doesn’t “play” much anymore. He is an avid reader.
My 12 and 10 year old have big imaginations and still love to roleplay and act out stories.
My 22 month old’s favorite toys are just paper and crayons, and he asks for music to be put on so he can dance.
My 6-year-old is always having adventures with her dolls and stuffed animals, and building elaborate structures for her Playmobil figurines, while my 18-month-old loves mommy’s pots and pans from the kitchen the best!
My daughter is 12. She enjoys playing outside and exploring nature. I’m also expecting a baby in August.
My kids are 4 and 2. They like legos, books, and their play tea set.
I liked them.
My 8 and 7 yer old boys just love to wrestle:)
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Thank you for sharing about this company and thanks to them for a giveaway!
My children are 5 and 3. My daughter loves dress up role-playing. We’re putting on a little play of Thumbelina with the neighbor girls soon. My son loves anything with wheels! If it also digs, lifts, pushes, pulls, or harvests that’s even better! We’re learning about the continents right now in homeschool and the magnetic wall world map from Little Citizens looks fantastic!
Thank you so much Amy, that is indeed a great toy! Comes with little people and animals that you can move around the globe and talk about where they come from… xo
My 9 year old likes to read and play pretend. My 6 year old likes to play with construction toys – building things and inventing things. My 4 year old loves playing with baby dolls or any type of doll. My one year old is having fun with cause and effect – putting balls in a jar and pouring them out and doing it all over again, for example. Thanks for the chance to win!
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I liked their FB page!
We have 5 boys, ages 14, 12, 10, 9, and 7. They love playing outside. Some of them love cars. Some love Legos.
I’ve several kids within the age range of 15 down to 1. There is obviously a wide range on what they like to play right now. Lol
They all love books; the older ones love to read, the littlest likes to chew on them. (Thank goodness for Indestructibles! Those are the best baby books!) They all also like to play imagination games together on the trampoline.
My kiddo is five and she’s really into marrying her imaginative play with her love for crafting.
My 5yo and 10yo spend much of their day building with Lego, playing board games, and running around the house pretending to be imaginary characters battling evil forces. At the beach, they love getting tossed by the waves and digging in the sand with their bare hands. On our street, they race around with their friends on their bikes or scooters, or sit quietly on the curb talking about their favourite things or their plans for the future.
My kids are 6, 5, 3, and 10 months. They love to play with blocks, trains, Lincoln logs, and puzzles.
We have 11 kids and the youngest is an 11-year-old boy. Besides computer/video or board games, he loves to play active games–indoor and outdoor–like basketball, monkey-in-the-middle, or do fun things when our granddaughters visit like working puzzles, riding scooters, etc.
10, 4, and 1. Probably with legos, although they also love doing anything outside.
I have a 5 year old and a 3 year old and their favorite way to play is anything pretend!
I liked Little Citizens’ Boutique on Facebook as well ????
Thanks Tada we really appreciate it! xo
I have a daughter (8) and son (3). We do a lot of physical activities together, from daily routine of exercising and just running around to hikes and beach time over the weekend. As for toys my daughter loves dolls and other growing mom role playing and my son is into all kind of machines, especially trains.
I liked on Facebook too!
Yes!! It’s all about free play!!!
My daughter is 5 and she really enjoys dolls and anything she can play with outside.
My boys are 5, almost 4 and almost 2, and right now their favorite way to play is in the backyard with their dump trucks and bulldozers. It’s something they can all do together, too, which is really cute!
My twins are 6 and love playing with Legos, Lincoln Logs, MagnaTiles, etc.
I liked this on Facebook too.
I have five kids…20, 10, 7, 5, 1. I homeschool three of them while my one year old toddles around. The boys like going outside while the ten years ear old likes to do crochet and knitting.
I liked the Facebook page, too! ☺️
My kids are 9, 5, and 3 and love playing with Legos and building blocks!
Our kids are 7, 5, and 3. They enjoy playing detective and “cars and trucks and wheels.”
My kids are seven, almost 5, three and one. Right now their favorite way to play is outside. Whether it’s riding scooters and bikes in the driveway or using their big imaginations and creating fanciful stories in our yard.
My kiddos are 8, 6, 5 (triplets), 3 & 2. They all love to play dress up together.
My youngest is 11 and her favorite toys are her Schleich figurines. She literally plays with those for hours a day. My two grandchildren are 5 and 6 and play endlessly with their stuffed animals.
I liked Little Citizens on FB!
My kiddos are 6 and 8 and LOVE anything that they can creatively build with (legos) or make up scenes and act out (calico critters, nativity, animals, dinosaurs, etc). Thank you for the opportunity to win!
I have a 3 year old who loves pretend play, making up families from just about anything (fingers, utensils, animals, dolls) as well as drawing and art. My 10 month old loves dumping, throwing, rolling balls.
My son is six. His favorite is imaginary play with LEGOs and he could literally play all day long!
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I have two sons, 5 & 2. The younger is all art all the time. He loves to paint, color, stamp, tape, etcetera. The older is a tinkerer, builder, investigator.
My girls are 5 and 3. My five year old LOVES Rubeez crayons. The shape of the crayons is what sets them apart but they have such great colors and the quality is creamy and almost blendable too. My three year old is a huge fan of the Honduran Made Tegu Blocks that are wooden & magnetic.
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My kids are 7 and 4 – they love all building, especially with Legos, crafts, and playing anything and everything outside.
I have five, ages 15, 12, 10, 3 and 18mos. One likes to read Calculus textbooks (not kidding), two love to be outside swinging and riding bikes, the three yr old loves to cook with mama or in her own little kitchen, and the 18mo-old adores emptying out the kitchen cupboards!
Rebecca’s latest post: Why I’m Not going to write Dollhouse tutorials (and links to all the best on the web)
My kids are 5, 4, and 1. Right now, they love playing imaginative games involving magic and sword fighting!
My kids are 14, 12, 10, 8, 5, 4, and 15 months. Their most favorite thing to play with, right now, is the trampoline!
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My kids are 11, 8, and 4. We just got a trampoline, so that is their favorite thing to play with! And I liked on facebook.
My daughter is 7. Sensory play. Every day! I love watching her imagination run wild! Thank you for this great giveaway!
I liked Little Citizens on Facebook!
My kids are 7,6,4 & 2. Right now they are very into building- forts, spaceships, cars, pretty much anything that pops into their heads!
sarah’s latest post: You know your child best
I love that they “celebrate imagination”! We feel the same way about the things our kids play with and try to choose and make quality items.
My kids are currently 8, 6, and 2. They have varying interests, but still love to play together most of the time. Depending on the day and their inspiration, they will build forts, dress-up and re-enact movies or stories, use the play kitchen and playdough to make “meals” (we’ve been watching cooking shows and baking in the REAL kitchen), build with blocks or LEGOs, use dolls or figures to create a scene, etc. As the weather gets nicer, they love to be outside building forts in the woods, riding bikes, blowing bubbles, digging in the sand, swimming.
Our kids are 10, 8, and 3. They love playing pretend inside and outside, in airports and in the car, etc.
like them on facebook too!
Ages 6&8. They love to play Legos and house!
My kids are 4, 8, and 10, and their favorite way to play together these days is a sprawling Lego-dollhouse-superhero free form hybrid that typically takes up an entire room. Love the aim of this boutique and would love to win!
Liked the boutique on Facebook, too 🙂 and my youngest is actually 3, not 4!
My daughters are 5 and 9. They love to create worlds and role play and pretend. They do it with everything! They do with their dollhouses and lego and their stuffed animals and salt dough and paper dolls and pieces of fuzz. For some reason they really like to build the worlds using the four chairs from the table in their room. It’s a constant negotiation of what the roles are and who does what. This is their favorite way to play and pretty much always has been. And I “liked” Little Citizens on FB. Thanks!
My littles are 6, 4, 2 and 4 months… Right now they love playing outside, using their imaginations to keep them entertained 🙂
My kids are 8, 6, 3, and 1. Imagination play is their favorite along with Legos and magnatiles. And what I mean by imaginary play is they use non-toys or toys in non-traditional ways. Rocks, sticks become something else along with the random screw they find, the spoon from kitchen drawer, and an old shoe. Really anything seems to go for them. I also try for daily time to be “bored ” and unstructured play time so their creative juices can flow. 🙂
Liked their Facebook page too 🙂
My daughters are 7, 6, 4, and 2. Recently they’ve been loving imaginative restaurant play together. They’ll draw pictures of different foods, cut them out, and make elaborate shops for me to browse.
I liked Little Citizens Boutique on Facebook 🙂
Almost 6, 4.5, and 2.5. Their favorite play is outside play – dirt, flowers, bugs, traipsing through the woods, animals, playing at the park.:)
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My kids are almost 10 and 8. Right now they love make believe play where they are the animals, doll house play, reading to each other, acting out plays, etc.
My kiddos are five, four, and two. Currently they love to say they’re being engineers and make contraptions. Yesterday they made a pulley system to a lower a basket down the stairs to pass notes to me and get snacks during quiet time : ).
Hello! My children are 2, 4, 6 and 8. They love imaginative play! Legos and playing food show games in the sand are some of their favorites right now. It’s wonderful to watch!
I liked the Facebook page too.
Our kids are 9, 6, 4, and 6 months. Our older girls’ favorite way to play right now is with Calico Critters, our son is loving cutting and creating things with paper and tape, and our 6 month old loves smiling and interacting with her family members. 🙂 Thanks for the chance to win!
Our girls are 6 and 8 years old and like to make pretend villages and castles to decorate and act out adventures!
I have two girls ages five and three. Their favorite thing to play right now is house. They will set up elaborate ‘houses’ and spend hours taking care of their ‘babies’. They are also love books, drawing and cutting and pasting creations together.
Hi! I have four children, ages 16, 13, 11, 5, and 1 month. As much as it drives me nuts, the 16 year old enjoys “screen time” more than anything else. The 13 year old is my outside guy. He likes baseball and will busy himself outside practicing, etc. My 11 year old is my creative one and currently is really into making movies with his best friend. The 5 year old loves his Legos. I strongly desire to instill creativity and imagination into my younger children especially, where I may have failed to do that with my olders. Thanks!
I have two boys ages 9 and 6. They love to play outside, and they love to play with Legos. They love playing super heros, they dress up and go outside to save the day, or they build lego cities for their heros to defend!
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My little people are 6, 4, and 4 months old. My older two love to build things. Thanks for the giveaway!
I have a 7 (almost 8) year old girl that loves crafts and dolls. And a 2 year old boy that loves cars and trucks and super heros.
Thank you for sharing! I have an energetic 10 year old boy who’s goal is to dig as often as possible for as long as possible! He loves playing outside, hanging out with his chickens and building with Legos. My daughter is 6 and is hands on in making anything she can! She adores all things lovely and animals are her heart. If she can climb a tree or get in the water that is just as great.
My children are 3 and 5 and have lots of unstructured play time and access to art materials at all times. I love watching the creative ideas and play that they come up with!
My kiddos are 7, 5 and 3 months. My two oldest love to create ‘stories’ with their toys. They use their dolls, cars, blocks, etc to set up and act out elaborate stories. It’s amazing to watch their imaginations create such amazing worlds!!
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My kids are 3 and a half, 2, and 6 months, and their favorite way to play is running into everything and creating chaos haha…and blocks. They like blocks in their quiet moments 🙂
I liked the Facebook page!
My kids are 4, 2, and 4 months. The older ones favourite way to play just now is with duplo or sticks if we are outside.
My kiddos are 9, 8, & 6. They are enjoying their Lego, dollhouse, and creating an outdoor fairy garden.
I have a 5.5 yr old & 2.5 yr old. We love cars, trucks, legos, playdoh, coloring and painting.
We are current homeschoolers! Little Citizens toys look incredible!
Thank you.
Teresa that is so lovely of you to say, we hope to welcome you to our store soon! xo
I liked Little Citizens Boutique on Facebook.
My girls is 5. She really enjoys playing outdoors. Her favorite toys are dolls.
My children are 6 and 8, playing in a variety of ways..always have loved it when they are creative.
I have three children, 6, 4 and 2 years old. Right now they are very much into imaginative play and superheros. But I can’t wait for warmer weather and playing outside!
I’ve got three boys! My oldest son is 9, my middle son is 8, and the baby of our family is 22 months old. They love to play with blocks and legos, to pretend they’re cooking food with the play kitchen, pots, pans, and utensils, and create games using pillows, balls, and anything else they can get their hands on. We often head outside to pretend play on their fort, and make up games using the monkey balls that cover our backyard, or ride bicycles to the neighborhood playground. We get to do more of this now, since becoming a home schooling family this year!
Also- I just headed over to facebook and “liked” your page! 🙂
Layne, 5, is obsessed with riding his bike. Eric, 6, would rather be on a scooter. When they play together inside its wood blocks or legs alongside figures or army men, in all types of scenarios. Trudy, 2 months, just spends most of her time nursing. At night the boys love to go outside with dad and play ‘hunting bigfoot.’
My sons are 3, 6, and 13. They like to play outside in the mud, and inventions, building, pretend play insides.
I have a 7 year old daughter and a 3 (&1/2) year old son.
She is really into story play lately and he loves building things and making loud sounds however that can be achieved!
Going outside is a favorite of ours-always something to explore!
Page liked! I’m so excited to find this store-great for building up our wish list!!
4 biological kids and 2 foster kids. Ages 11, 9, 7, 5, 2, and 6 months. We cover all areas of play here. ????
What a great giveaway!
I have 5 kids, and it’s great to see the 4 oldest (2 through 9) still playing together. Their imaginations are all strong, but each brings something different to the game.
I have 6 precious ones- Girls are: 10, 8, 7, 5 Boys are: 3 & 1. They love playing house, legos, creating shows, cars, bat & ball, outside exploring, card games. Never alone in this home- Always. Playing. Together. 🙂
My boys are 4 and 2. Right now they like to pretend they are driving to Russia and of course anything outside!
7 and 5. Free play and pretend play with open-ended toys and other ordinary things around the house.
I love now knowing there is a store that represents smaller, quality toy makers and that what is sold spans the ages. My kids are a young and playful 11 girl and 8 boy and right now, outside play is all about fairy and gnome houses and inside play is all about little construction machinery, pattern blocks, and Lego.
Nicola’s latest post: outside
I liked the Facebook page, too.
Nicola’s latest post: outside
My daughters are almost 6 and 4. The oldest one likes anything to do with drawing, crafts, or being outside. The younger one is very into imaginative play and Calico Critters. My son is 2 and he spends most of his time looking at books and playing trains.
My children are 7, 6, 4, 3, and 1. Blocks and dolls seem to be the ongoing winners in our house!
My daughter is 7 and son is 5, they are homeschooled and spend most of their play time playing pretend teacher and student, they grab board games and make new rules just to teach each other the new rules to the game. They also love any type of go fish / war or that type of card game.
1,3,5,6,8 and always make believe. The oldest three are playing with a newly found caterpillar right this minute. 😉
I have a 3.5 year old boy & an 8 month old girl, and their favorite way to play is OUTSIDE. For my oldest that means anything from collecting rocks & acorns & frogs, to playing on the swingset, to just getting filthy dirty in the driveway. For my youngest, “outside time” usually means scraping her knees up following her brother around and eating dirt, leaves, and whatever else she can shove in her mouth when I’m not looking!
I’ve “liked” the page on Facebook for another entry!
My kids are 9 and 5. They love the outdoors and adventures. Lately they’ve been into building forts or playing farm.
My nine year old loves free play with Legos. He builds robots and all sorts of contraptions, and has detailed explanations for all of them
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My 6 year old daughter loves writing stories now that she can, and my 2 1/2 year old son loves to stack things up and knock them over 🙂
I have a 6, 5, 3, 2 year old and infant. Right now they are very into dress-up play – superhero, princesses and knights, firefighters, and whatever else their imaginations come up with!
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Sarah M
Sarah M’s latest post: 16 in 2016: Updates on Year-long Goals
My kids are 7 and almost 9…and they LOVE to play with teddies together, still. I’m hoping that lasts quite a long time, because they have their own wonderful imaginary world together that mostly revolves around a ‘cat family’. 😉
Sarah M
Sarah M’s latest post: 16 in 2016: Updates on Year-long Goals
My kids are 8, 6, 4 and 3. My oldest girl loves knitting, acting out “shows”, and playing games. My other daughter loves playing with babies, crafting and making “shows”. My son loves building things, puzzles, cars, and being active. My other son loves cars and games and “adventuring” in the backyard. These toys look amazing!
Thank you for this great opportunity! My kids are 10, 7, and 10 months. My girls are having a blast making a series of videos of themselves playing with their dolls. More and more, though, we’re taking advantage of this beautiful weather and heading outdoors, where the imaginative play goes on for hours! My baby boy loves to push his cars around on the floor.
Amy’s latest post: Busy Seasons and Space to Breathe
I have 4 boys, ages 6, 4, 2, and 5 months, and their favorite way to play is running around, screaming, and tackling/pretending to “battle” each other until one of them gets hurt or offended and cries. Some lovely, creative toys would be much appreciated!
…liked on facebook! Oh my word, this stuff is so cool! 🙂
Amy’s latest post: Busy Seasons and Space to Breathe
My son is 4,and he’s loving his play kitchen at the moment! Thanks for the chance to win!
My kids are 6, 5, and 2. They love legos and stuffed animals. They can spend hours imagining and acting out their own little worlds.
My kids are 12, 10,6,3 and one due any day now:). The oldest are into discovering how things are made and Legos. The younger are into make believe and dress up.
My children are 7, 4, and 2, and right now the two older ones love playing legos together. They built elaborate cities out of anything they can find in the house (and then the 2 year-old walks through it and they have to build it again).
My son is nine and he’s really into imaginary battles, creating elaborate strategies!
My kids are 8, 6, 4, 2, and 6 months. Their favorite way to play right now is imaginary play with sticks and rocks since it’s spring.
My boys are 5 and 8 and right now their favorite thing to play is basketball with all the neighbor kids in the backyard!
My children are 7, 4, and 1. They love to play dress up and outside. If mud and water are involved, they are even happier. 🙂
My daughter is almost 2 and currently loves playing with pretend food, cooking and feeding us.
9, 5, and 3. Painting!
My kids are 5, 4, and 1. My middle loves to do art-anything that involves stickers, scissors, glitter, etc! My oldest and youngest love to be outside and in motion-swinging, running, etc. We are soaking in the spring before it gets too unbearably hot here in Texas!
I liked Little Citizens Boutique on facebook. 🙂
I have 2 boys, a 3-yr old and a 1-yr old, both of which love playing with tools and “fixing” things with me while I’m working in the yard or garage.
And just liked Little Citizens Boutique on Facebook.
My 5year old loves putting on “competitions” with her plastic horses and building with legos.
My kids are 7, 5, and 2 and love making art, playing restaurant, legos, and taking about any toy we have and using it for other purposes than for what it was made. I also liked Little Citizens Boutique on Facebook.
We have two little girls age 4 and 2. They love to play with dolls and pretends cooking/baking in the backyard.
My son is 9 and really into Lego right now.
My boys are 4 and 7; right now they love any form of imaginative play–often they reenact books we’ve read.
My kids are 8, 6 and 4. My son likes to play basketball and with Legos. My 8 year old spends most of her time reading. My 4 year old plays with whatever the old 2 are doing! Ha!
My kiddos are 6, 10, 14. Legos, Magnatiles, lots of art projects!!
Thanks for the chance.
I have two girls (5 and 2) and a third child on the way! My girls looooove pretend play!
I also liked Little Citizens on Facebook!
My kids (ages 10, 9 and 6) love to play in their ENO hammocks right now. They hang them in between two trees and do their reading and listening upside down like bats. They love them!
My daughter is 4 and loves to create, whether it be art, a dance, stories, or games. My son is 1.5 and is into climbing, taking things apart, and snuggling up to read. 🙂
My girls are 7, 5, 3, and 1, and their favorite way to play at the moment is pretend of any kind: fairies, dogs, dragons, mommy and baby, you name it! Thank you for this giveaway.
Elizabeth’s latest post: Surprised by my Ugliness
My kids are 10, 8, 6, &3. They love to play anything imagination-driven…especially with animals or super powers.
My 4 year old loves Lego.
My kiddos are 9,7,3 and 1. As a homeschool family we love all kinds of play. One of favorites imagination play. We love to create and explore!!
I have a 9 month old boy. Right now, his favorite ways to play are batting toys around the floor and crawling after them, exploring the concept of gravity by throwing things onto the floor, and chewing up anything papery that he can get his mouth on.
My kids are 8, 5, and 3 months. The two oldest set up elaborate scenes in which action figures ride Melissa & Doug horse figurines and items from the recycle bin are turned into various structures. Tape, thread, etc. are usually involved as well. The baby is just learning to grab the toys that hang overhead.
I’d love to win! My kids are 10, 8, 5, and 1. They love to play outside and are busy right now digging a hole.
My children are 4, 6 and 8. They play endlessly as (mostly) four legged creatures of various species.
My kids are 8,6, and 3. The 8 & 6 year old (boys) are fairly Lego obsessed, with occasional breaks to fight a mock battle in the yard. My 3 year old girl loves to play “family” with ANYTHING, but will occasional join one of her brothers’ sides in their battles, and it is VERY funny to try to hear the other brother try to talk her into “defecting’ to his side! 🙂
Gwen @’s latest post: Did you know it was Shakespeare week, too?!?
My six year old says “making old toys into new toys”. My four year old says “digging up worms in the backyard with my shovel”.
My daughter is 2 and my son is 6. We love playing with puzzles and marble craze
I have 5 kids: 12, 10, 8, 4, 1. They have amazing imaginations and creat7vely play with all kinds of toys.
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My kids are 10, 8, 5 and 3
They love anything active – running, jumping, diving, crashing – acting like human hurricanes basically 🙂
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Our kiddos are 8, 6, and 4. Right now, playing hide and seek with small objects in the kinetic sand is a big hit!
Kids are 6, 5, 2 and 7 months. With the weather already warm in Fl we are playing outside in the water most days!
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My kids are 6, 4, 2 and (in June) newborn. They adore playing “family” with dolls and their kitchen toys, they love building forts, playing outside and going on nature treasure hunts, and doing any art projects they can get their hands on.
My daughter just turned 8 and she loves pretending with her stuffed animals and helping me back cookies and eating the dough .. She also loves playing with her 2 yr old brother.. she has an awesome imagination
I have a three-year-old girl who loves to play outside on any playground, and especially loves painting right now. My six-month-old boy loves exploring anything new with his mouth :).
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Glad to have found you Polly 🙂 xo
My boys are 8,7,6,5 nd 4. My girls are 2 and 1.
They all to pretend play with old Halloween costumes.
I liked them on Facebook too. 🙂
My boy are (almost) 6, 4 1/2, and 1 1/2. Their favorite way to play is imaginary play, creating storylines that interweave everything from Superheroes to Star Wars to Legos to Digging in Dirt.
Katie May’s latest post: There and Back
My daughter is 6 years old and loves to dress up and find anything in the house imaginable that she can use in her play. She loves play silks!
My girls are 4 and 6. My oldest loves to play with her doll, and the youngest loves her doll house.
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The little people in my life are 6 and 8 years old. They most enjoy unstructured play time so they can follow their interests at their own leisure.
Thanks for the chance to win!
“Liked” Little Citizens Boutique on Facebook as well as Simple Homeschool.
Thanks again!
I have a 3 year old and a 2 year old. They love to build with blocks and imagative play with dolls/action figures.
I have 6 and 8 year old daughters. They enjoy playing dolls and Legos and building fairy houses.
My children are six, eight and nine years of age and they will play with ANYTHING! Their favourite indoor toy right now are Legos and outdoor is the new trampoline 🙂
Mine are 5, 3, and nearly-2, and they enjoy playing dress up and giving each other rides in boxes 🙂
My daughter is 5 and she loves playing dress up.
My daughter is 8 and her favorite way to play is OUTSIDE and/or in the pool. My son is 3 and his favorite way to play is trains.
I liked “Little Citizens Botique” on FB. Thank you!
Thanks so much Amanda! xo
9, 5, 4, and 1. All four love digging in the dirt right now. Good thing it is time to plant!
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My daughter is almost 3 and loves imagination play. 🙂
My four-year-old son loves playing with trucks, and creating a pretend construction zone.
I have 2 boys. One is 5 today, and the little one is 2. They are both into duplo and legos. The oldest asked for a meccano set for his birthday. I’d love this prize and I’m sure my kids would as well!!
Mine are 12, 9, 6, 3, & 5 months. Building, forts, and puddle jumping!
My kids are 5, 3, and 1. Their favorite play is running around/climbing on stuff outside, playing pretend, and cooperative board games. And chewing on things.
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My daughter is 6 and she loves to pretend that she’s a dog: Box the boxer 🙂
My two children are 5yr old daughter, who loves imaginary play currently. And my 3 yr old son who enjoys construction and lego. We are living in Malawi and would love to be able to share these toys with so many other children in the area who do not have access to any toys.
My kiddos are 7,5, and new baby due in June. They love to play with animal figures and have a big imagination and love the outdoors.
My daughter is 3 years old now and she loves role play especially by becoming a master chef with lots of ingredients mixing, hand tossing and flipping with pan in actions! 🙂
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Thanks Ying Ying! xo
My boys are 4 and 6 and they love to play anything outside. They come up with imaginative games; most of which include dirt.
My kids are 6 and 2 and they love playing outside now that spring is arriving!
I have 4 girls, ages 8, 6, 4, and 18 months. They spend their days in imaginary play indoors and out. Usually their playing is a spin-off from whatever we are reading aloud. The current favorite play is Little House on the Prairie.
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I have 3 boys: 10, 8, & 5. They like to construct, build, design with Legos, dominoes…. you name it.
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My kids are 4, 5, and 6. There is lots of building and pretend play around here.
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My girls are 9 & 11 right now. My 9 year old loves to play doll. My 11 year old is very artsy. They both enjoy using their imagination to play outside near our small pond and outbuilding. They have created their own little houses and like to “make” food and such.
I also liked Citizens Boutique on facebook.
My children are 10, 8 and 6. They enjoy setting up tents and creating stories the best. We are all eager for “creek weather” at our house where they will spend many hours building fairy lands.
My kids are 11,9,7 and 3. Right now, they love to play store, or kitchen, anything that has to do with buying, selling or trading.
I have a 7 year old girl and 3 year old boy. Their favorite way to play together is building huge castles and rocket ships out of magnatiles!
16, 9 and 3. They enjoy building and pretending together.
My two year old son loves to play pretend–right now, he goes back and forth between being a dinosaur, a robot, a dog and a frog. He incorporates his blocks and trains and it’s quite entertaining to watch!
My son is 4, I also have an 11 year old, 14, and 16 year old. My youngest loves pretend play and being outdoors with bubbles.
8, 5, and 2. Right now I believe they’re using various figurines to act out, “the knight was under the water, and got attacked by a beluga whale, a killer whale, and a shark, and there was only one minute left of air, but he still rescued the little girl and zoomed to the surface.”
My son is 7, almost 8, and he loves imaginary play using anything- Legos, blocks, rocks and sticks, whatever!
My kids are 6, 4, and 2 and they’re loving playing outside now that the weather has turned. Lots of imaginary play – the sandpit is a mine, or an archeological dig, or the beach.
My 3 year old loves sticks that can be turned into a sword or build a house. My 6 year old loves legos, and my 7 year old can’t get enough of shopkins (help!).
My 10 year old daughter likes to be outside singing and playing in her playhouse. She still loves her Gotz dolls and Lego friends too. My 2 year old son loves anything that involves fine motor skills. He loves playing “drums” and pouring and mixing in the kitchen.
Lisa’s latest post: 3 Things to Know Before You Teach Your Child to Read
I liked little citizens on Facebook.
My children are 17, 12, 10, 7 and 3. The most popular activity over all is Legos. The younger kids also love playing with the Little People sets.
My girls are 4 and 7 and are very much into dramatic play. They always have a story going. My son just turned 1 and loves to put things in and take them out.
My kids are 7, 5, 4, 3, 2, and 9 months. As a whole their favorite toys are Legos or anything for building.
Emmie’s latest post: In Grandma’s Attic
Hi! My children are currently 5, 3, and 2. My oldest’s favorite are Legos. My 3 year old, her puppets and coloring books. My 2 year old, his train set. 🙂
My children are 13, 10, 9 & 5. They love legos, balls, artsy things. What a great company!
We have an 8 year old son and a 20 month old daughter. Their favorite toys are bikes and outdoor ride on toys right now. We are enjoying these 70 degree days!
Elizabeth Sisson’s latest post: Giveaway: $150 toy package from Little Citizens Boutique
And I liked their page ????
Elizabeth Sisson’s latest post: Giveaway: $150 toy package from Little Citizens Boutique
My son is 7 and loves to imagine being in a Minecraft world with his mini figures.
My girls are 5 and 3 and they love dramatic play: house, doctor, you name it. Thanks for the giveaway!
My boys are 5 and 7. They love books and dressing up play!
I have a 5 year old boy, who loves to let his imagination run wild on just about any new thing he sees, whether it is a new library book, movie, or something outside in nature. He’s very much his own storyteller. I also have a 3 year old girl who is in love with princesses and farm animals, and invites her farm animals to her princess picnics and tea parties. My last is an 18 month old girl who is always wanting to dress up herself and the stuffed animals, and share all of her food and drink with the penguin toy.
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Ours are 11, 7, and 2 1/2. 🙂 They love imaginary play (inside & outside)…last week they built a quite extensive little fairy village in the back yard at the edge of the woods complete with tiny firepits, activities, and multiple other little structures using twigs, moss, tiny flower petals, and twine…it has brought them (& me) so much joy!! 😀
I liked their facebook page too! 🙂
Such an exciting giveaway! I have a 6 year old who loves to build and a 3 year old ho love sensory play and playing with dolls and stuffed animals.
Liked them on FB as well ☺️