When My Photo App Helped Me See My Homeschool Truth –
Written by Erin Vincent of Nourishing My Scholar
You don’t have to see the whole staircase, just take the first step.” ~ Martin Luther King Jr.
I had been feeling a bit low about our homeschooling for a couple of weeks. You see, things had not gone as planned. Kids had been sick, read-alouds had been few and far between, copywork was hit or miss, and attitudes were not the greatest.
I was beginning to wonder about my capability as a homeschool mom. I have gone through seasons like this before, and it is always difficult to grow through them. Perhaps after all these years, I was failing my children, and we would not find our way back onto the path of homeschool bliss.
Sometimes things just feel hard, and doubt or worry become our biggest enemy.
My Photo App on My Phone
I sat on my bed, dwelling on my doubts and worries when I discovered the For You feature of my Photos App. Suddenly I found myself lost in homeschool memories from years ago.
Beautiful memories of books, poetry, art, science, and togetherness. Photo collections labeled spring, summer, fall, and winter. Even portraits of my kids and memories of when our pets were little.
I looked back at a life we had created with intention and purpose. Teatimes, nature hikes, field trips, and the birth of animals on the farm flooded back to me.
All of these memories, made possible because we chose to homeschool.
My Homeschool Truth
Before I knew it, I was wiping away tears. Not of sadness or defeat, of having witnessed something lovely unfold over years of tiny moments.
Tiny moments that added up to the most precious and humbling of gifts: time and love.
I am so blessed and fortunate to have been able to spend so much time with my children over the years. They are some of my favorite people in the whole world. Even the hard days have something beautiful to behold. That is my homeschool truth.
So if you feel down about how your homeschool may seem this season, remember that homeschooling is a marathon, not a sprint.
Seasons change, and homeschooling gives us the freedom to change or pivot if need be. It also allows us to pour time and love into our kids.
I’m not saying your homeschool journey will be easy or without its bumps. I’m saying that the tiny moments will be worth it in the end.
They’ll add up to something truly profound and beautiful, after all.
So take that first step in the direction you want your homeschool to go. Take lots of pictures of the tiny moments, and watch as your homeschool truth unfolds right before your eyes.
What’s Your Homeschool Mom Personality? Take Jamie’s quiz now and receive a free personality report to help you organize your homeschool based on what your type needs most!
Thanks, this was the encouragement I needed today. (Now if I could only find a way to get all those photos off of my phone…)