Written by Jamie C. Martin of Simple Homeschool
Happy new year, friends! Ready to make 2018 your best homeschool year to date?
We at Simple Homeschool want to celebrate with you through the victory days AND support you through the tough ones this entire year. Consider today’s post your “troubleshooting” guide–a handy directory to point you to an uplifting boost right when you need it.
Search below for what speaks to you, and keep reading for a fun announcement!
– Do you ever feel a little lonely in this journey? Need regular doses of encouragement? How about a new-to-you podcast? With several homeschooling styles represented, you’re sure to find at least one to love!
– No matter how we homeschool, we all want our kids to fall in love with learning, right? Head here if you feel you’ve ventured away from that goal and need a little refresher.
– Just as we all go through homeschooling lows, we all struggle with times when getting school “done” feels harder than it should. If you’re in a rut, try this.
– Want to have a little more fun in your homeschool? (and not feel guilty about it!) Give gameschooling a shot!
– Don’t you love peeking into the lives of other homeschoolers? Get an up-close glimpse via these YouTube Channels.
– Feeling good about schoolwork at the moment, but need to focus on character development? Read this for practical ideas to raise go-getters and problem-solvers.
– Are you living the story you want to be living? Or do you feel a little stuck right now? This post can make you feel happier before you’ve even finished reading it.
– Does homeschooling feel overwhelming? Maybe you should try a mental shift.
– Wondering how to shift gently back into your regular homeschool rhythm after the holidays? This approach is bound to work (& limit the amount of tears shed!)
And guess what – our Homeschool Day in the Life series is coming back for its 8th year!
I was wondering if you still found this series helpful, so we conducted a poll, and oh my – you responded with a resounding YES:
We have 12 posts coming your way over the next two months: from families of different sizes, families with different learning styles, even new families you’ve never heard from before!
And if you’re looking for something specific, these posts from the archives might help:
- Are you homeschooling an only child? Or are you just getting started with one kiddo?
- Do you have young children with no older ones to help out?
- Are you a homeschool dad?
- Is there a wide age-range of kids in your family?
- Do you work full-time?
- Does your child have learning differences?
- Do you have a full house?
- Does traditional homeschooling speak to you more than interest-led learning?
- Are your kids growing up and moving on?
- Do you have a baby in the mix?
- Or are you outnumbered by babies?
- Or maybe you’re even roadschooling/worldschooling?
You’ll also have the chance to share YOUR homeschool day in the life!
We’ll host our link-up on Monday, February 26th. Go ahead and mark your calendars–that’s the day I’ll be curling up with a cup of tea to read about all of YOUR adventures in homeschooling!
I’m excited and grateful to share this space with you for another year, and I hope it’s a huge blessing to you and yours.
“Humor is the spiciest condiment in the feast of existence. Laugh at your mistakes but learn from them, joke over your troubles but gather strength from them, make a jest of your difficulties but overcome them.” ~ L.M. Montgomery
So glad you decided to continue the Day in the Life series! It’s one of my favorite months for Simple Homeschool. 🙂
June’s latest post: How to Help Your Child Change the World (even when it seems impossible)
Thanks so much, June!
Hey, Mom!
I’m excited for the February 26 when the posts are put up. Great first post of the year!
Love Trishna (Pianist Yamaha supporter)????????????
Thank you, Trishna!
Great inspiration and support for home-schooling parents. Thank you!
I really enjoy the series and I can’t wait for the new posts you have in the works:)