This giveaway has ended. The winner will be announced on the weekend!
Welcome to Back to School Week here at Simple Homeschool! This week I’ll bring you reviews and awesome chances to win–perfect for back to school planning time.
Today I’m giving away a foreign language program from Rosetta Stone.
Rosetta Stone is widely known and recognized as one of the most effective language programs out there, so I was excited to try it for myself. They sent me Italian Level 1, which I chose because my husband and I are planning to go to Italy next year for our 14th anniversary.
Rosetta Stone call their approach to language learning Dynamic Immersion. This means they recreate the method used when learning our native language to help learn a new one.
Using sights and sounds presented on the screen the learner naturally–without translation–begins to pick up words, phrases, and sentences. From the very first lesson the student begins to build a foundation, guided by the pictures, written words, and language pronounced by a native speaker. The program allows you to proceed at your own pace, repeating sections as many times as necessary.
My Italian Level 1 arrived with a headset and microphone, which plug in to complete the speaking/pronunciation side of the course. (One tip: When being prompted to repeat a phrase, I found it worked better if I allowed a short pause after the beep before answering.) The program distinguishes between adult voices and those of children for greater accuracy.
You can set up multiple students to use the same language level; it will track each student’s progress individually. The homeschool dashboard allows you to see clearly what each person has completed and what remains to be done. It also tracks grades and percentages–making it quite simple for a homeschooling parent to use.
I also found Rosetta Stone’s customer service to be exceptional. Just a couple of weeks after receiving my program, the following email appeared in my inbox:
Sarah also called me to see if there was anything I needed, providing the type of support that would be especially valuable to a homeschooling parent using the program with multiple students. Rosetta Stone makes a point to stay on the cutting edge of technology. This year the company released an app that allows you to sync your coursework on your iPad.
Rosetta Stone makes learning a new language more natural (and really, more fun!) than any other language program I’ve seen before. I have been sincerely impressed with my experience and look forward to continuing my language study and introducing it to my children as well.
One Simple Homeschool reader will receive a foreign language program from Rosetta Stone, in the language of your choice!
How to Win
Everyone has two chances to win. Here’s how:
1. Comment on this post, answering this question: Rosetta Stone offers over 25 different languages–which one would you or your children choose to study? (If you are reading this in an email, you must click over to enter your comment!)
2. Tweet about this giveaway on Twitter, including @rosettastone, @simpleschool and the URL for this post. Your tweet could be something like:
I’m entering to win a foreign language program from @rosettastone & @simpleschool –
Then — this is important — you need to come back and leave an additional comment here, telling me you tweeted. It won’t count otherwise.
This giveaway has ended. The winner will be announced on the weekend!
Awesome give-away!! I think I would choose French.
I think I would like to learn Italian with my children.
I tweeted:!/gatheremeralds/status/97883395337629697
Wonderful giveaway!! My daughter wants to learn Spanish, so I guess we’ll go with that.
I tweeted about the giveaway!
Hebrew and Russian. 🙂
Very cool giveaway! We would choose spanish.
I’ve wanted to try this for a long time. If we won, we would choose Spanish. That is the native language of my children’s father, and one that I know, but never learned well enough to feel confident speaking regularly. Thanks so much!
My oldest would choose French, my youngest seems to be taking up an interest in Chinese so I would choose that for her.
Cara’s latest post: Not Back to School Blog Hop : 2011 – 2012 curriculum
We would like to try the Spanish! Thanks for the chance!
Tweeted about the giveaway –!/innachika
We’d love to learn Norwegian. Someday we’d like to visit Norway to learn about our ancestors from there
Spanish! Latin American version, I think! I’m in Arizona, and my 5 year old has heard tons of Spanish and sees all the words around town on signs that he cannot read because he’s only learning English right now. He has expressed great interest in wanting to speak with our Spanish speaking neighbors–literally, our neighbors primarily speak Spanish. What a wonderful addition this would be to our schooling. Thanks!
I would probably choose spanish
I tweeted about it (@nolamom76)
Cara’s latest post: Not Back to School Blog Hop : 2011 – 2012 curriculum
Fun give away! We would choose French!
I’ve heard so many great things about Rosetta Stone! I would choose Spanish for my kids.
We’d choose Portuguese for sure!
My husband and I want to learn Spanish with out 5 year old son and 2 year old daughter this year!!!
I tweeted!
I would love to learn French with Rosetta Stone. I’ve been thinking about bringing up my little girl with her learning french, since we’re from Louisiana.
Krissa’s latest post: Cooking Together…Tostada Pizza
We would definitely choose Spanish – Latin America. We live in Arizona and my husband’s entire family is fluent, so it’s a no-brainer. Hope we win!!
I just tweeted about the contest! Twitter name: GoMunster
Gabrielle’s latest post: Baby Boss
This would be the perfect tool to teach my daughter my mother tongue, French. It would also help me to brush up on it since I am losing a lot by not speaking it often. I’ve been struggling to teach her both, and this is a wonderful product.
I tweeted @gendragonfly
I would choose Spanish.
I’ve been looking at Rosetta Stone for a long time but have yet to take the plunge. We’d love to try Mandarin Chinese. My eldest son was born in Beijing and keeps asking us how to say things in Chinese – all he can do right now is count to 10. My Chinese is rusty so I’d love to do it with him and brush up then one day take a trip back there!
I would choose German. My son is friends with two immigrants from Germany and is really wanting to be able to communicate with them in German.
We are trying to learn Spanish, and could really use a program like this.
Kara’s latest post: Moving Sucks
tweeted from @karabu74
Kara’s latest post: Moving Sucks
I would choose Italian. My husband speaks it fluently, so I would love for my children and I to learn it as well.
I tweeted! @erinhudd84
Oh that is SOO hard! I would love to learn (and someday teach my wee ones) Dutch, Latin, and French!!
Hmm.. Latin would be most beneficial, but who wants to be fluent in a “dead” language?! I am going to have to go with French. 🙂 Thanks for the chance (oh and you should totally do it where you can get a 2nd entry by posting on FB or Google+).
I’ve heard great things about Rosetta Stone and would love to try their Spanish program. Thanks!
I’d choose German because we are moving there in November!
I would love to win this for myself and my kids. We homeschool and have already learned spanish and latin, but have never been able to afford Rosetta stone. We would have a hard time deciding which to pick, but probably Chinese or Japanese.
I tweeted about the contest
I would choose either Mandarin or Irish!
Wow! What a great giveaway! We would definitely choose Mandarin Chinese! That was the ONE thing I liked about the traditional school the kids were in before I chose to homeschool and the ONE thing I feel I can’t teach them. I took 10 years of French -whomp whommmp.
My 3-year old son is brilliant – seriously! He’s known the alphabet for a year and spells quite complex words already. I have been teaching him beginner’s Spanish for about a month now and he counts the steps from his bedroom to the first floor en Espanol already! As I plan on continuing homeschooling both him and his younger sister, Rosetta Stone Spanish would be beneficial in providing a prime bilingual environment for them in the future!
Amber DeGrace’s latest post: The Netherlands: Let Us Talk About Love
I am pretty sure we would choose to study Spanish.
Sarah Scott’s latest post: Smoother School Days
And I just tweeted! Thanks Jamie for this opportunity!
Jessica’s latest post: Menu Planning Keeps Mommy Sane
Tweeted about the giveaway!
Sarah Scott’s latest post: Smoother School Days
We would choose Spanish! 🙂
I really want my kiddos to learn Greek and Hebrew . . . but I need to be more practical. So if we were to win this . . . which i soooooooooooooooo hope we do, I would choose Spanish. Thanks!
Jodi’s latest post: The Simple Woman’s Daybook
I’d have to choose between Greek, Hebrew, or Spanish….
Jessica’s latest post: He Leadeth Me
I’ve been eyeing the Spanish program and considering ordering it for this school year. What a blessing this would be to my family! Thanks for the opportunity.
I tweeted about this giveaway!
Jessica’s latest post: He Leadeth Me
My husband is fluent in Spanish, and I would love for my children and I to be also!
I tweeted about this contest, encouraging my followers to come here and say what they’d like to teach their offspring. (@amberdegrace)
Amber DeGrace’s latest post: The Netherlands: Let Us Talk About Love
I tweeted!!/GranolaMom4God/status/97889087599542272
Thanks again!
Jodi’s latest post: The Simple Woman’s Daybook
Chinese Mandarin. China is an emerging superpower and I think it will be important for my kids to learn it.
I would love for my kids to learn Spanish!
We would probably choose Spanish, but with my child you never know. : ) That would be what I would choose…He might think totally out of the box and choose something I’d never expect! Thanks for this giveaway!
Heathahlee’s latest post: M.O.B. Society Blog Hop!
Wow! Such a great giveaway. I’d choose spanish for my crew, it would seem to be the most practical for our geographic location. Thanks for the opportunity!!
Libby’s latest post: :33:
I tweeted!!/Butterfly_Genes/status/97889651146231809
Heathahlee’s latest post: M.O.B. Society Blog Hop!
I would like for our family to learn Spanish!
Sally {with eager hands}’s latest post: 2011-2012 Curriculum Epic
Son wants to learn Japanese! Exciting giveaway!!!
french or mandarin
I’d love to have the French one! All those years taking French in school and I still can’t carry a conversation in that language…
Cynthia’s latest post: Weekend Reading
We’d love to learn Hebrew!
Bobbey @ Coffee and Caramel’s latest post: Bible in 90 days – week 3 update
Sally {with eager hands}’s latest post: 2011-2012 Curriculum Epic
I tweeted it here:!/bobbeym/status/97891036763918337
Bobbey @ Coffee and Caramel’s latest post: Bible in 90 days – week 3 update
We would love to win the Spanish one….we live in AZ and that would be used often in our everyday life. What a wonderful giveaway, thank you so much for hosting!
katie at brighton park’s latest post: The Homeschool Mother’s Journal-July
We would choose Spanish and need to get this soon for the coming school year anyways…wouldn’t it be great to win it instead!!!!! Thanks for the chance!
I’d love to win this! I think we’d choose either German or Italian.
kristiana’s latest post: Our little adventure: 3 days, 4 kids, 1 play, and a new…
I’d pick Spanish just because its practical but you never know with mine, possibly Italian or Mandarin if recent conversations are any clue.
Calico @ Discovery’s latest post: Pampered Koala
I know it would be practical to say Spanish but I just said today who I thought the one Chinese immersion school in our town was interesting and I would love to learn Chinese, so I am going to say Chinese!
I tweeted about your giveaway on twitter! @kateinbrighton –what a great giveaway right before school starts!
katie at brighton park’s latest post: The Homeschool Mother’s Journal-July
I would like to have my children (and myself) learn French.
I tweeted about this post.
I tweeted @Discovery4Life…!/Discovery4Life/status/97893640311017472
Calico @ Discovery’s latest post: Pampered Koala
I would love to win this!! My family would choose Spanish.
We would like to use Rosetta Stone for Spanish-Latin American Version.
I tweeted…..
Carol Lyn Wauford’s latest post: long crappy week
I would choose Rosetta Stone for Chinese. We are adopting a child from Taiwan and we would love to learn his language as he will be learning ours.
April Nourse’s latest post: Flowers for a Family
I tweeted about my entry as @mamacurls
April Nourse’s latest post: Flowers for a Family
We would choose Spanish, because it would be so useful!
Jennifer’s latest post: Back in the Saddle
I would choose Spanish for our family. Thanks!
I would love to win this! We would pick Spanish, because it’s so prevalent in our culture here and because our church has a sister church in Mexico.
I tweeted –!/julstew/status/97895383992238080
Thanks again!!
I would choose Italian. My DH lived in Italy for several years and picked up quite a bit and we would love to go back on vacation again. This would be great for our curriculum!
Please enter me for this fantastic giveaway! If I chose a language for my children it would be the Spanish program. Thank you!
#1 French! so my children and I can communicate with our Quebecian French speaking relatives!
#2 Latin- so they can learn any other romantic language they want!
#3 Hebrew- so they can translate the Bible themselves and not be deceived by groups who say the Bible is translated wrong!
#4 Greek- same as above!
My daughter would love to learn French.
We’re California girls, so Spanish makes the most sense. But the dreamer in me would love to learn French or Italian.
I have also tweeted about the contest through @coombsj76, thanks.
I would definitely choose the Spanish.
Learning Spanish would help my kids enormously where we are, but I’ve lived in France and have a soft-spot for that sweet language. So…..French.
My kids and I would love to study the Spanish program.
I love your blogs, they are really interesting!
Oh! And I tweeted about the giveaway as well. Maybe my husband will enter and win. Though then we’d have to debate about the language – he speaks Spanish. 🙂
I would like for my children to learn Spanish. Sounds boring, but is very useful and functional, especially where we live. Thanks for the giveaway.
cam’s latest post: 2011-12 Curriculum, with Cost Analysis (just for fun!)
I just tweeted this: I’m entering to win a foreign language program from @rosettastone & @simpleschool – – I would love the Italian program, my son is really interested in learning it and I don’t even know one word 🙂
I also just tweeted it! Thanks again. We want to learn Spanish. 🙂
& tweeted @indefatigabl_ 🙂
hornblower’s latest post: Babeeeez!
Sorry I forgot to mention, my tweet was @Joyfuljourneyco which is my homeschool coaching business’s twitter account
We’d love to learn Mandarin!
I would LOVE to win the Spanish program… we’re looking at the demo of Tell Me More Spanish that we picked up at our homeschool convention… but we can’t afford to buy one right now. This would be a dream come true!! Thanks for the chance.
I would love to win the Rosetta Stone Chinese program! My 11 year old son really wants to learn Chinese. We already own Rosetta Stone Russian (my 16yr dd) and Rosetta Stone French (me)
We’d study Spanish not only because we live in AZ with a huge Mexican population, but because I studied it for six years and LOVE the language!
European Spanish, we are currently living abroad in Espana!
Brandy’s latest post: Heavy on My Heart!
Tweeted it!
I just tweeted your giveaway here:!/henjenca/status/97901488814297088
Jenn @ Home is Where You Start From’s latest post: Children’s Church drove me to drink. maybe.
I just tweeted about the giveaway, Good luck to all that entered.
We would go with Spanish. It would be a very useful language for our geographic location!
I have 3 children and one child took French for 6 years, another is taking Latin and one is taking Spanish. My son is taking Latin to help him with the SAT, and my other child is taking Spanish because of the way things are in the country.
I’d love to have Rosetta Stone for Spanish! I learned in high school, but would love to refresh my skills as well as teach my kids too!
Thanks for a chance to win!
I would love to teach my children Spanish with Rosetta Stone. I have some background in high school, and our location (Seattle) and heritage (Mexican) make Spanish a good choice!
I am not sure–each language has advantages–but it would probably be between German and Latin American Spanish.
I tweeted! My username is @serenasweet
would love the mandarin chinese program!!
Jennifer Altman’s latest post: Turning 33
My family and I would love to try the Italian version as we hope to go there some day! Thanks for offering this!
Monique’s latest post: Nature Crafts!/CGroveAcademy/status/97904122371649536
Tweeted about it!
My daughter loves to learn different languages. She went to a school that was multi-lingual before I began to homeschool her. Our dream is to travel through France so we would love to learn French. I have been looking at the Rosetta Stone program. Thanks for the contest!
My kiddo has been begging to learn Spanish… probably Latin American. I’ve been on the fence about investing in Rosetta Stone. Free is the best price! Thanks for the chance!
I just tweeted – @traceystamps
I would love to win the French program! My daughters and I have been learning French with a library copy of Power-Glide’s program, but we had to return it a couple of weeks ago as since we couldn’t renew it any more. 🙁 Thanks for hosting a great giveaway!
Michelle @ The Parent Vortex’s latest post: Repost: Power, Parenting and Gentle Discipline
Our family would love to study Spanish.
We have the Spanish Rosetta Stone and are just starting and love it. I would love to win the Russian one because I spent some time in the Former Soviet Union doing Mission work about 12 years ago and would love to refresh my Russian. I have recently met some Russians in our city and would love to communicate better with them.
I’m already teaching my almost 5yo Spanish though I don’t know that much myself. I’d love the Spanish (Latin America) version. Also tempting for me are French, Arabic and Hebrew.
Oh man, how to decide…! I’d love to learn Japanese, but for my kids I’d probably pick either Spanish or Latin.
Oh wow! We would love to win the Italian Rosetta Stone program. We dream of traveling to Italy, eating spaghetti and gelati, viewing the Sistine Chapel and winding our way through the narrow streets of Rome on scooters! 🙂 If we won this program we would actually be able to say something other than “Ciao”! You’d be helping 8 people achieve their dream! 🙂
We would love to use Rosetta Stone Italian! Our family speaks Italian and we have several relatives in Italy. We would love to be able to travel and converse fluently with locals in Italy as well.
I would love this!! We would study Spanish. I’ve been looking into Rosetta Stone…how well does it work for younger children(under 7)? Thanks!
Our 2 sons (9 and 5) have relatives who only speak Russian. We would love to win Rosetta Stone Russian so they can finally communicate!
We would choose the Latin or Spanish. Great giveaway!
I’d pick Spanish. I know a tiny bit, but I’d love to know more. Thanks!
simply heidi’s latest post: Family Work: If Mama Ain’t Happy
simply heidi’s latest post: Family Work: If Mama Ain’t Happy
Latin, please! We are just starting to learn it, and a computer program would be a huge help. Thanks for the chance!
Tweeted. 🙂
Oh my- we would love to win Rosetta Stone German as we are living in Switzerland and sadly know very little German!
i tweeted about the giveaway. thanks!
i think i would get the spanish version for my family to learn. thanks!
I am homeschooling 2 boys and would love to join them in learning spanish
I would choose SPanish for my family. Thanks so much!!!
The Filipino program is the best program for my children.
Probably Spanish or Russian!
I tweeted the giveaway!
French, definitely, as I want to learn it and would love the kids to begin a second language. I figure the few words they’ve learned from Dora don’t count :).
I would LOVE the Spanish version of the Rosetta Stone. We are going to Mexico for a second time in Feb. and it would come in handy for the kids.
We would love to learn Spanish!
Jacque’s latest post: The Fragrance of Him
Like you, we would love to have the Italian version as my son desperately wants to visit Rome. So some Italian would be very useful! Also we want to learn Italian as it helps with his music appreciation.
I have tweeted about this as well. Good luck to everyone!
Natalia’s latest post: WIN a copy of ‘Steady Days’ by Jamie C. Martin
Oops, didn’t really the tweet mention had to be in a separate message. Consider this it 🙂
Natalia’s latest post: WIN a copy of ‘Steady Days’ by Jamie C. Martin
Just tweeted! @jacque_watkins
Jacque’s latest post: The Fragrance of Him
My children and I would love to learn Spanish, using Rosetta Stone! As more of our population becomes spanish speaking, we will be able to better serve our community by being able to communicate in fluent Spanish! Thank you!
We began a Spanish program for my daughter but since we moved overseas I’ve been having a hard time continuing it!! I would love the Spanish program for our family.
Deanna’s latest post: Breathless Sunshine
I tweeted about this contest!!/DeannaNMc/status/97945472060231680
Deanna’s latest post: Breathless Sunshine
We would love to receive this in our family! We are currently living in Turkey and would choose Turkish as the language to study. It would be a wonderful tool to help aid us in learning this language:)
I think if I had my choice I’d pick French because I would like my children to be multilingual (I lived in Europe where many people are multilingual), and spanish is easier to pick up here where we live without needing a curriculum for it.
I think we would choose Japanese (although I need to confirm with my sons). Thank you for offering this giveaway!
I would have to go with Spanish. We know some bits and pieces, but not enough to communicate well with some friends in Argentina. Thanks. 🙂
I’d pick Latin American Spanish in preparation for a mission trip to Mexico.
My son would love to learn Greek and/or German. He took Spanish I last year through an online course, barely passing and walked away with very little knowledge of the language. I would love to try RosettaStone.
Tweeted the contest!
We would love to start using Rosetta Stone and we would pick Spanish!
I tweeted as well @homeschoolalyss
We would choose Spanish. We are beginning our very first year of homeschool today!
I think I would choose German or possibly Italian.
I would probably choose Latin or maybe French. Thanks for the giveaway.
We would love to try Spanish for our children.
Our family of 5 would choose Spanish. We live in Texas, and the whole state is bi-lingual, except us!
My lovely daughter (9) would choose french. I have my own personal love affair with spanish, havivg studied it for 3 years, but as a family unit, we would choose arabic as we have it as a family goal. ah, decisions, decisions 😉
Wow, what a fabulous giveaway! My family and I would most likely choose Italian too, I would love to spend a few summers in Italy as the kids grow older. That’s the beauty of homeschooling, learning around the world as we go!
I would choose the Latin program for my children! 🙂
Katy~TheCountryBlossom’s latest post: A Laundry Basket Dresser!
Katy~TheCountryBlossom’s latest post: A Laundry Basket Dresser!
We are hoping to buy Rosetta Stone-French for our kids for homeschooling so I am DEFINITELY crossing my fingers for this one!
Sarah M
Sarah M’s latest post: Week of Sewing: Girls
Also just tweeted “I’m entering to win a foreign language program from @rosettastone & @simpleschool –” on @ssmast
Sarah M
Sarah M’s latest post: Week of Sewing: Girls
I would choose spanish. I am a homeschool mom of 3 boys 5, 3, and 1. My husband is from Puerto Rico, and while I have picked up some spanish along the way and can understand ALOT but speaking it is a different story. I also would like to become more integrated in our home to honor him and allow my children to learn and feel comfortable speaking. Its his strong desire for us to become a bilingual household, and I would love to be able to honor that wish, this program sounds GREAT. My husband has also started a spanish ministry at our church and as his wife I believe it is very important for me to be able to have a conversation in spanish. I hope I can win bc we cant afford it otherwise at this time. Thanks for the review it was helpful. Ive heard alot about this program but never really heard a review like this. Thank you!
We would choose Spanish. My daughter and I have been working on basic conversation skills, but my husband would really like to be able to understand us better!
I would choose Spanish. Thanks!
Fabulous giveaway!
We would choose French. It would be a lovely addition to our French language studies! Thanks for the chance to win.
I would probably choose French but I think my kids would choose Japanese. They have learned some on their DS game.
Latin!!!!!!!! This is going to our first homeschooling year. We plan to learn about Rome and are planning a trip there next October. What a treat it would be to use this fabulous program.
Timely give-away with school starting or about to for so many of us!
Choices are HARD! I have 2 still schooling and my older one considering a missions trip abroad. It will take intense negotiations to settle on a choice!
Thanks for a great give-away!
Blessings on the journey~
Deb’s latest post: New Study
I would pick either Latin or Greek. I really can’t decide which, but if I win, I’ll cross that bridge then. 😉 Thanks for the opportunity.
We’d love to learn Spanish as a family.
Spanish (Latin America)
would love to start this & work on French! thank you
I would either choose Latin or Spanish. I think living in the US Spanish would be more useful.
We would love to work on our Spanish!
We have decided to learn Spanish a little later as a family. I’d love to get a little bit of a head start!!
We would love to learn Japanese since I have a sister in law that doesn’t speak English!
We live in a large Hispanic population. My husband has to learn Spanish for a new job, and I would love for my daughter to learn along with him. So far, we have not invested in a program. This one sounds great!
We’d choose French – my kids have been asking to learn it. Merci for the great giveaway!
Oh my, I would LOVE to win. I would choose French, my family would love to learn it, and I could add a foreign language to my curriculum next year!!
I have always wanted to try Rosetta Stone and would pick Spanish or Latin.
I would love to win this one. My son is turning 5 and I just keep thinking I want him to start learning another language early on. We would choose Spanish, I have always loved the idea of being able to communicate with people in our community who dont speak english and it seems the majority would be Spanish-speaking.
We would pick either Chinese or French–tough decision!
I think I would choose Spanish, its hard to pick just one!
Ohhhh, cool giveaway! I’d choose spanish. 🙂
I would like to study Mandarin Chinese. 🙂
We would choose Spanish. Thanks for the post and free giveaway opportunity!
I would choose Spanish or Latin for Rosetta stone! We are just gearing up to start homeschool after pulling DD8 and DD 6 from ps.
Such a difficult choice! I would choose Latin. We are currently working on Spanish, Latin and ASL in our home school and Latin is the language we are struggling with.
I tweeted about the giveaway. I would choose Spanish or French.
I would love to learn french alongside my children!
Pamela’s latest post: {this moment}
Would love to win. We’d like to Latin American Spanish.
I would choose Spanish, but I think my son wants to learn French.
We would love this for our homeschooling. I would have to choose Spanish because it comes in handy in a lot of places in the U.S..
I tweeted about the giveaway.
So awesome! I’d pick Spanish for sure. I’ve been trying to re-pick up my Spanish skills for a long time now and over the years want to teach it to my kids as well.
Jamey’s latest post: Life of a 20 Something
Latin…ooh, I would love it.
I tweeted this as well. (Zehlahlum)
Jamey’s latest post: A Measure of Success
We would love Spanish! Wouldn’t this be wonderful???
And I tweeted!! I’m mrsgarageflower.
Spanish (Latin America) would be our choice. Thanks for the opportunity!
The Spanish program would be our choice!
I would choose French. My son currently takes Mandarin and French in preschool. I’d love to learn a language with him. Since I took a couple of years of French in high school, I think I would best be set up for success in French. Plus, we are planning to take a family trip to France in the next few years.
We would love to learn German at our house.
I think I would want to brush up on my French. I studied that in high school. My kids would probably want to learn German…..auntie and uncle live in Germany right now. 🙂
Sara S’s latest post: Recent Flowers
I would pick Spanish. Thanks for the opportunity!
i tweeted it!
cheyenne’s latest post: Home is Where the Heart is
We would learn German so we can get by when we all go visit my brother who is stationed there.
I would love the Spanish! Thanks!
Totally Spanish. We need to know some….and by “we” I mean “me and daddy” especially!
We would pick Spanish!
I would choose either Spanish, because it’s the most practical…or French because the kids want to visit Paris in the upcoming year. I took 2 years of Frech in high school and it was a difficult language to learn but I’ve heard fabulous things about Rosetta Stone.
For me it’s a toss up between Spanish and Japanese. Probably Spanish. Thanks.
I would chose Spanish for a few reasons. I am half Mexican and my father never spoke Spanish to my brothers and I growing up, because he was afraid we would be marginalized. Well, now he sees that it would have been a great advantage to us. Also, since I try to pass on some of my heritage to my children, I feel Spanish would be perfect for them. They love “the sound” of the language, and my family recognizes the countless opportunities to use Spanish. It is such a practical and beautiful language!
Thank you for offering such a fantastic giveaway…’s to hoping!
Spanish for sure! I need to brush up on my skills and I’d love for my kids to learn while they’re still young.
Mary Beth’s latest post: birthday girl
I sent out a tweet about this giveaway.
Mandarin! We are Chinese, but since my husband and I both grew up here in the States, we speak English at home.
Ooohhhh, French. I would love for us to learn together and fulfill my dream of taking my girls to France when they are a little older. What a great giveaway!
How exciting! I would choose French or maybe even Portuguese!
I want to start French this year with my three girls. THis would be GREAT!
I would LOVE to have the Spanish one!!!
We would do French. My daughters took beginning French through our homeschool co-op, but then the class didn’t continue the following year. This would be great!
I would choose French because I would love to teach it to my children. It’s such a beautiful language. I took many classes in it in college, but I don’t remember very much of it anymore. I think RS would be a good refresher for me to help my children learn the language!
We’d choose French. We are already working on Spanish and our daughters are taking ballet, so French is a natural fit. If they were in the the ballet school full-time here, that’s what they would be taking.
Eventually, we want them learning 4-5 languages total.
Thanks so much!
We would choose Latin American Spanish!!! Although my kids would love to learn Polish as well.
I tweeted about the giveaway!
My son wants to learn Spanish:)
We would learn Spanish! Thanks for the giveaway!
I would choose Mandarin Chinese. 🙂
What a fabulous giveaway! I would choose Latin.
How exciting! Thanks for doing this giveaway. I would choose Mandarin!
Sorry, the website said that my first comment didn’t go through, so I commented again. But now I see both. I only meant to comment once. 🙂
We would choose Spanish.
What a fantastic opportunity! We would love both Spanish and Latin. I think we’d do Latin first and then buy Spanish a little later.
What a generous giveaway! We would choose Latin American Spanish.
Mandarin. It’s actually a family project that we’re embarking on….we need all the help we can get! Thanks for the chance!
I would choose either Spanish or French…Spanish because I want our family to learn it for missions, and French because my daughter has a fascination for that language and culture. :0)
We’d like to learn French!
I would choose Spanish… so useful in this country
I did not realize that they had Latin! How fascinating to learn to speak a dead language. I might choose that one also!
I would choose Spanish. My son is taking Spanish lessons, and I need to keep uP!
We would love for our son to begin to learn Spanish!
Kristin S.’s latest post: An Exciting New Opportunity
I would love to win the Mandarin program!
Our choice would be spanish…very practical in our part of the world. Thanksfor the giveaway!
I tweeted too!
Kristin S.’s latest post: An Exciting New Opportunity
we would choose spanish! thanks for the chance to win such a great product!
First of all, thank you so much for offering this chance to win such an amazing prize!
With so many options, it’s hard to make a decision! Our family lives in a university town with many international students, so Mandarin Chinese would definitely be on the list. My middle daughter has a heart for the people of Haiti, where one of two spoken languages is French…so that would have to be on the list too! And, of course Spanish – Latin American, as there are many Spanish-speaking folks in our lovely city.
Blessings to you!!
Either French or spanish…Great giveaway!
I tweeted! @SarahBohlDesign
If I can convince my husband it will be Spanish. Otherwise, it will be German.
Spanish! My son will start 9th grade this fall & that’s what we’re looking for:)
apryl’s latest post: love her | nappanee photographer
WOW!! This is an amazing give away!! We choose French! We lived in Senegal for 7 years and two of my children were born there. Although they speak French in the cities, we decided to learn the local language of Wolof while we were there instead. We now have the opportunity to work with Francophone Africans and this will mean a lot of travel for our whole family to and from French-speaking Africa. We would LOVE this as it wouldn’t limit us to Anglophone African countries.
If I were to win, I would like for my family to study Italian. We like to take trips there, and it would be nice to know more of the language!
We would choose French, definitely!!
We would LOVE French! I am off to Lourdes, France in a couple weeks for ministry that I do there and I would love to be able to teach my kids a bit better French. I get by well, but in no means fluent!
Andrea Kanelopoulos’s latest post: Parenting Discoveries and Acceptance
One daughter would like to learn French, the other would like to learn Cyrillic. Or Latin. So many wonderful languages in the world!
Thanks for sponsoring such a great give-away!
I’d love to win the Spanish version. I am from VeneUela, but it’s proving difficult to teach my girls Spanish with all the English they hear every day. I really think that Rosetta Stone would be a perfect solution for us.
Thanks, Jamie!
So hard to choose which language!! Italian? French? Chinese even? Maybe Spanish would be the best to start with since it has such easy applications in our day-to-day lives. Thanks for offering such a fun giveaway!!
I would choose Turkish becasue our church is planning a mission trip to Turkey for next year.
I’d love to win the Spanish version. I am from Venezuela, but it’s proving difficult to teach my girls Spanish with all the English we hear every day. I really think that Rosetta Stone would be a perfect solution for us.
Thanks, Jamie!
I would choose Spanish!
No question, both my kids and I would be learning Latin! Fantastic giveaway, thank you!
I would love to win the Spanish program 🙂
My first pick would be French. My second choice would be Spanish.
I FB I entered!
I think we’d choose Spanish . . . but so many great opportunities it would be hard to choose! This is a great program – the foreign language gurus in our area have nothing but good things to say about it – thanks for the giveaway!
Roxy Schow’s latest post: :: right now ::
We would choose Mandarin. Our daughters were born in China, so it would be great to have something at home they could to learn the language.
I would probably choose Chinese for our family.
I would love to win the Spanish program. There are so many spanish speaking people in our community. It would help my son interact with them easier, and help our ministry reach them. But, any language program would be great. We do not have one yet.
Oh my gosh, that is such a tough choice! My son said he would like French or Italian. Of those two, I would probably choose Italian.
We’re already planning to teach our daughter Latin–this would be a spectacular help!
We would definately choose spanish. This is a great opportunity to better engage in our community. Thank you for this giveaway!
My heritage is part Australian and part Italian, but since we live in Australia I seem not be able to use Italian with my kids as much as I’d like to.
Fingers crossed I can win the Italian Rosetta Stone 😉
Thank you for the giveaway and thank you for your great homeschooling advice 🙂
What a wonderful giveaway. I guess we’d try French as we all seem enamored. And thanks for the review. I’m always interested in the different methods for teaching a language and this sounds great for kids.
Amy’s latest post: this moment
Tweeted about the giveawa @lkatb80
Wow! Thanks for sharing this fantastic giveaway, Jamie. We’d like to learn Italian as a family. There’s an Italian book series we like that started being translated into English, but the publisher stopped translating them after four books! We’re dying to know how the series goes on (there are at least nine books in the series now).
Christina’s latest post: Mutual of Omaha presents. . .
I would choose Spanish or French for my kids. Their school uses Spanish, but I was a French minor in college. I would choose Arabic for myself. My husband says I will stick with English thank you very much! Thanks for the chance to win!
Yeah! My first time adding to the conversation! I love the website, I homeschool all four of my kids and this has been my only outlet to the real world for now. Thank you!
As for the language…I love Rosetta Stone! My middle and high schooler chose Spanish and German with Rosetta Stone. I have thought about taking up Spanish (learned some German and French in high school) but my current passion for a language is Italian. My husband has been dreaming of going to Parma, Italy for years now and I am wanting to surprise him with a trip (we’ve never even had a honeymoon) in the next few years. Learning Italian would be, for me, a perfect way to enjoy Parma that much more! Plus, I love the language! Thank you again!
What a great giveaway! We would choose French.
I would love Spanish!!!
Tweeted about it:!/fiddler42
Christina’s latest post: Mutual of Omaha presents. . .
I tweeted!
Ooh, great giveaway and tough choice, but I think I would say French! Even though we live in tx and should probably do Spanish …
We’d get the Mandarin Chinese language program. Thank you.
I tweeted! @mackenziefoust
We’d probably START with Spanish but there are others we’d love to learn as well! 🙂
Mindy’s latest post: Year One in Review (July 2010-July 2011)
We would love Latin American Spanish. Thanks!
We’d love to have French!
Oh!!! Mandarin Chinese PLEASE! We are adopting an eight year old boy in September. My 8 other kids would love to have some idea of how to communicate with this sweet boy.
My husband and I want to learn Spanish! We have always wanted to try Rosetta Stone!
we would love to learn spanish!
thank you so much!
We would love to learn Spanish! I would love to learn many other languages, but spanish is the most practical!
Our family would love Spanish – it is a very useful language here and we are trying to learn it all the time!
Thank you!‘s latest post: Chocolate for Breakfast!
We would choose French. My daughter really wants to learn and I could really use it also. It’s been a long time since high-school French class.
My daughter wants to learn Italian, as well.
Helpful review!
I would love the Spanish program…we are a military diplomat family moving to South America this month and having this program would be amazing!
Heather’s latest post: {Five things} Friday Inspiration
I would LOVE to learn French with my family. Thanks for the opportunity!
Melissa Larson’s latest post: Displaying Kids Artwork
My kids have been begging to learn Spanish! And it would be very helpful in the area we live!! Thanks so much!
Katie’s latest post: Scripture Sunday ~ 7/31/11
We would love to have the french lessons! It’s in my husbands heritage and we would love to pass it down to our daughter!
I tweeted about the giveaway 🙂
Heather’s latest post: {Five things} Friday Inspiration
Our family would like to study French (Canadian) using Rosetta Stone. I studied French as a girl, but haven’t been doing it with my children.
We used Rosetta Stone for learning Indonesia when we went to live in South East Asia for a time. It was very helpful in our start with vocabulary and pronunciation. And excellent programme, and a great giveaway. Thanks!
Oh we would love to start the Spanish program as a family!
I tweeted about the giveaway! @KatieHaggard
Katie’s latest post: Scripture Sunday ~ 7/31/11
I would like to win the French language program. One of our goals is to visit France as a family and watch the Tour de France!
I family would really like to learn Spanish as we have a lot of Spanish speaking people in out area and a few in out church.
Katie Cannon’s latest post: REVIEW: 101 Patchwork Projects + Quilts
My daughter has decided she wants to learn German. So that’s probably what I’d choose.
Nichole’s latest post: One-stop shopping for glitz, glamour and poultry paraphernalia
I would love to choose Chinese for our family! I am half-chinese, and really want my sons to learn, but I don’t feel I’m proficient enough to teach them. This would provide the much-welcomed help we need! Thanks for such an awesome giveaway!
I tweeted about the giveaway. @ASouthernLadysR
Katie Cannon’s latest post: REVIEW: 101 Patchwork Projects + Quilts
We hope to learn German. It would be quite special for my boys & I to converse with my mother, who spent much of her childhood in Germany.
Hi. We’d love to learn Spanish (Spain) with Rosetta Stone. Looks great.
I’m having difficulty choosing just one language–but since we live in Texas, Spanish would come in handy.
I plan to teach my kids Spanish. I took 4 years in high school and through the 250 level in college, but my skills are lacking these days! It will be good to brush up and also share the language with my kids.
Kacie’s latest post: Pre-approval and HOAs
I am a first time homeschooling dad staying home with my two boys this year. We are excited and quite anxious about our new adventure. Spanish is something we plan to do this year, and we plan to use Rosetta Stone. We would be thrilled to receive this program at no cost as we try to adjust to life on one salary.
I would choose to study German with my daughter as opposed to Italian with second son or Spanish with my first son, because when I get to Germany I could talk with all the Germans in their language just like I talk to all the Turks who live in Germany with Turkish already.
g3mom tweet
I’m entering to win a foreign language program from @rosettastone & @simpleschool –
I asked my son and he wants to learn Latin because many of our words come from Latin. He also has a huge interest in science which uses many Latin words.
All of us are keen on Spanish. We’d LOVE it!
Karina Palmer’s latest post: “I’m Bigger Now”
Our family would love to learn Spanish. I would love to learn Latin
We would love the Spanish program! We are just starting to learn and this would be an immense help! Thanks for the wonderful giveaway!
I tweeted too 🙂 I’m entering to win a foreign language program from @rosettastone & @simpleschool –
Karina Palmer’s latest post: “I’m Bigger Now”
Hi! My family would love to start learning Chinese (Mandarin). Awesome giveaway! :O)
Tiffiney’s latest post: Do you see what I see?
Although Spanish seems to be the most popular choice among people I know, I would be tempted to choose Hebrew – how cool would that be for Biblical studies!
we’ve been wanting to try out rosetta stone for spanish (and french, and italian, and russian, …and…)! this is a great giveaway, thank you!
We would love to speak Italian! or Greek!!!!
Hi! I’m planning a trip to Japan with my oldest son when he graduates from high school. We would really love to have the Japanese program.
we would love to learn chinese
We are just starting our homeschool journey this fall. My daughter who is starting her Junior year in HS has been taking Spanish for 2 years, so we would continue that with her. My 3rd grader I am thinking about Latin…we’ll see!
THis is a wonderful opportunity thanks for offering!
I tweeted about the giveaway….!/hippieprincess4 :O)
Tiffiney’s latest post: Do you see what I see?
I tweeted this giveway.
Oh! We have always wanted to own something from Rosetta Stone! My children are adopted from Taiwan, so we have dreamed of learning Mandarin Chinese! We haven’t been able to purchase one of our own, so praying we can win one! How wonderful of an offer! Thanks for the opportunity!
We would choose Spanish. we have relatives that speak Spanish, and it would be helpful!
I don’t have a twitter account, or know how to use that, but I DID post your blog site and this on my facebook page and feed! I am praying you will accept this as an attempt to thank you for this opportunity as well! Thanks, Amanda 🙂
What a fantastic giveaway – thanks for the opportunity! We’d like to learn the latin american spanish, but the japanese looks intriguing too!
We would love learn German. My sister-in-law and family live in Germany.
We would choose Spanish.
My husband and I were just talking about purchasing the Spanish program. We are planning to visit Costa Rica again, this time with our oldest son, and feel very strongly that we should all learn the language (at least a bit) before we go back.
We would choose Spanish., for sure.
We’d go with French.
We would love to learn Spanish!
Spanish would be wonderful. I’ve wanted to teach my children for years!
I tweeted
Anne’s latest post: The Re-decorated Bathroom #Gliddentesters
I tweeted it.
Our whole family would love to learn Spanish. We regularly go on mission trips to Spanish-speaking places. We’ve picked up some Spanish, but need more.
Spanish my daughter is starting high school and will be taking Spanish so this would be perfect.
Arlene Mobley’s latest post: Have you ever made candy? Chocolate Cupcake Picks
I am thinking along the lines of Spanish because we have a large Spanish population here.
Latin. We are beginning that this year in our homeschool with my 6th grader.
Kristine S.’s latest post: Listening To My Financial Planner
wonderful – I would choose spanish
I tweeted it. I’m @nobirthcontrol.
Kristine S.’s latest post: Listening To My Financial Planner
We would choose Spanish for our family as it is a rapidly growing language in our Midwest area. We would also want to learn along with them, to be able to model working to learn another language, and being able to communicate more with members of our community.
I would pick Italian. For my two boys I would choose Spanish.
I tweeted!
What a great give-away! We would choose Spanish!
Latin. My 4th grader asked to learn it. How can I say no to that? RS would be a GREAT resource. Thanks for another helpful post.
My girls will be starting Spanish, unless they can talk me into French. 🙂
They want to sound like Madeline.
Italian . My 9th grader wants to learn to speak it.
I would love to teach my children French! I took French for 3 years in high school and a year in college, but still really only know the rudiments. I would like to teach them while relearning it at the same time.
My family is from Russia, and I was a Russian minor in college, but I’m so out-of-practice. I’m teaching my 2 yr old what little I remember, but I would love to learn and teach her more.
Thanks for the opportunity!!
And… Tweeted!
Oh! I want this one bad! I have always wanted to learn French but I would start with Spanish. I’m a nurse in a largely Spanish speaking area and hate not being able to communicate with patients. So far my attempts to learn with borrowed books/tapes and apps on my iPhone haven’t been very successful. I’d love to use this approach.
Well, I’m torn between Italian and French – Italian because my kids are dying to learn the language of pizza, and French so that I could brush up on the French I took in high school. I’m thinking the pizza language would win out… 🙂
I’d choose Spanish since we are starting to learn that now. In our community, it would be a great language to know.
Thanks for the giveaway! I would love to win the French program!
I plan on teaching my children German. We have a strong German heritage and I took some German in college and really enjoyed it!
Jocelyn’s latest post: The end of an era …
We are learning Spanish and would love to try Rosetta Stone!!
Gaelic! (I think they currently only have Irish Gaelic.) Our 16yo DD could really use this along with her other Gaelic home school books.
Oops, Didn’t know if I should comment under my original comment re: my tweet…
I happily tweeted about this contest & referred to your website.
I would love the Korean language program. My children and I would finally be able to speak to my mother in her own native language! She never taught me Korean and has no one to speak to in her own language. It would be such an amazing gift to the whole family.
I’d love this in Spanish. 🙂
I would love to finish learning French! I think my kids would really enjoy that too!!
I would choose the Spanish program. I would be a benefit in our area, especially in church work within our area. Thank you for offering this!
I happily tweeted about this contest & referred to your website.
I would be torn between Spanish and Latin.
My kids really want to learn Spanish. They have been reading the Spanish/English dictionary for fun!
Wow, I did not know about the addition of this program specifically designed for the homeschooler, what a great feature!
As my children’s God-parents are from Italy we would love to learn Italian, so both sets
of our children can speak better with each other.
Thank you for this opportunity!
I tweeted about your giveaway.!/rangersbraves/status/98030091409436672
It’s so hard to decide but I’m going to say Latin.
I’d love to try Spanish!
I don’t tweet (yet) so I’ll only be able to chime in here. We’d definitely love to do Rosetta Stone’s Spanish. As the 2nd most spoken language in the United States, I think it’s imperative. We currently live in an area with a large Spanish-speaking population. I’d love to not feel like a visitor in a foreign country, as I do at times! In addition to benefiting my son, who has never had an foreign language exposure, it would also benefit me in my prior career as a Medical Imager. Of course, that will be years from now as my son is my current profession!
Oh wow, I really don’t know what language I would choose! I think I am torn between Italian and French. But it would also be really interesting to learn a language that has a completely different alphabet than our own.
Hola – Our family is volunteering in an orphanage in southern Mexico. We’ve picked up some Spanish here, but we are at the point where we need to do some real studying in order to deepen our relationships here. So without hesitation, we’d pick Spanish!
I tweeted it under ecologicalbabie.
I would love to improve my Spanish.
This is a tough one I have been pondering. I would probably choose Irish as we are immersed in the culture with dance and music. I’m also thinking that Spanish would be practical as there are more and more Spanish speaking people in the USA.
I would love to start my children out early learning Spanish. I wish I would have spent more time on foreign languages in college.
I would choose Mandarin Chinese because my husband is Chinese. My mother-in-law tries to teach the kids some when she visits but it would be nice to have a more regular exposure. I would love for my children (and myself) to learn the language of their heritage.
I would totally get the Spanish. We go to Guatemala once or twice a year to do medical clinics and women’s seminars, and believe it or not, just have not really learned spanish well enough. We would be so much more effective!!
I tweeted about the giveaway!!
This would be SO awesome for our family! It would be fun to learn a language from our ancestry, like Italian or German, but I would probably go with Spanish because it would be of greater value to my children as they grow up and enter the professional world.
We are starting to study Spanish. What a great tool this would be for our home!
I would just love to learn Spanish with my kids!!!
marisa’s latest post: Your Backyard Farm
We would choose Spanish–my husband speaks Spanish but since I am homeschooling and with our children most of the day (and am a non-Spanish speaker), this would be wonderful to have for our whole family to be able to speak together. Thanks!
Oh, I’d want the French. I should probably teach Spanish – much more useful! – but my husband and I both have years of school French that we loved.
We would probably choose Spanish.
We would probably keep working on our Spanish, but Chinese interests us too….
I would choose Spanish.
I would get the Spanish one.
I tweeted the giveaway @VillanoMama
What a fantastic opportunity! Thanks so much. We would choose Spanish. We have lots of Spanish speaking people in our area & would love to understand more of their culture. It can be difficult when you can’t communicate effectively. Thanks again!
I would LOVE to have Rosetta Stone Spanish (Latin America) because my husband in particular believes that the Spanish language should be an important part of our children’s education. The problem is that I don’t speak it well, and unless I delegate all teaching of spanish to grandma (who is mostly fluent) I don’t feel like I have a good enough grasp of the language to teach it. So, I’d use the Rosetta Stone first, and then as my girls get older (going into 2nd grade and Kindergarten now) they would use it too.
What an awesome giveaway! I would want to the Italian1 if I were to win. When I was a child, the grown ups spoke in Italian to ‘speak above the children’ (instead of spelling). By the time I wanted to learn the language, no on was speaking it anymore!
We would love an appreciate Latin
Tweet posted! (@pandasheart)
TY again!
We would choose spanish. Thank you for the lovely review. I’ve been looking at language programs for spanish. We are planning on taking a year to travel with our children and will focus on Spanish speaking areas.
My home-schooled son would like to learn Mandarin Chinese, as we just adopted his little sister from Taiwan. This would be a great tool for him!
Latin. Definitely Latin. That’s where we plan to start, in any case. 😉 What an awesome giveaway!!!
Latin! I only got to take one year of latin at my high school before they cut it, and even that really changed (for the better!) my conception of English. I’d love to try it out!
Spanish! Or French! Or German!…. oh, my!
We would use the Spanish program. Thanks so much for the opportunity!
Jeannie’s latest post: Our Curriculum this Year (2011-2012)
I would like Spanish or Mandarin Chinese!
I also just tweeted about the giveaway (@ntantzen). Thanks so much for this opportunity!
French! Yes Please!
It’s hard to pick a language but I think I would start with Spanish. Arabic would be my second choice.
My kids and I have started learning Mandarin so we’d have to go with that. Thanks for a great giveaway.
We’d choose to start with Spanish 🙂 Thanks so much for this giveaway!
I would love to have the Spanish language set so we can continue this fall at home where my kindergartner left off in her after-school Spanish program last year.
Danielle’s latest post: Day 8: What’s so *gross* about a road trip
Spanish, please!
I think mine and my children’s choice language would be Spanish. Italian would also be a lot of fun though. I am going to post about it on my facebook. Thanks!!
I took Spanish all through high school and I would love for my kiddos to learn too.
Tweet posted!
It’s a tough choice, but I’d probably have to go with Spanish for practicality’s sake. 🙂
We’d do the German, definitely. My in-laws speak German exclusively at home, and I love when my kids are able to communicate with them but their German is very rudimentary at present.
And I can’t teach them since mine is even more rudimentary!
This would be for my daughter who starts first grade and my son who starts kindergarten with ACE. I would love them to learn Spanish. Thank you.
Wow! We would choose Hebrew. We want to learn the ancient languages and it would be awesome to learn one that is still in use! Thanks for the giveaway!
Wow! What a great giveaway. I would love to teach my girls modern Greek so they can talk with their father’s family.
I’d be torn between Spanish and Latin. Have a friend that’s doing latin and says it’s very interesting because a lot of the English language is derived from it, but Spanish would probably be the more sensible option since my children have already had a little bit of Spanish in the public schools.
I would like French! Spanish, too, but mainly French.
I’ve been looking at Rosetta Stone for quite awhile, but wondering if it was worth the money. Thank you for your helpful review and the chance to win the program. We will study French one day as two of my children were born in French speaking Africa and we’d love to return with them when they are older.
Of course, being Canadian, I would choose French. I have heard about this program and how good it is. I’ll definitely be looking into it.
OOOHH out of 25 languages that would be tough to pick one…I would love the opportunity to have to figure out which one 😉
Thank you for a great giveaway opportunity!
Spanish makes the most sense but Italian would be a lot of fun too! Or maybe French… Hmm, what to choose!
I’d choose French, though German is a close second. Great giveaway!!
Tweet! @bwurthy … I’m entering to win a foreign language program from @rosettastone & @simpleschool …
thanks again!
My 2 year old son is currently watching the Little Pim French series and loves it. I chose French since it is the language I know best after English. I’d love to be able to brush up on my French and learn along with my son.
I would most likely choose spanish but Latin is what we are studying right now.
We’re interested in French.
Thanks for the give away!
I would choose Spanish! I taught high school Spanish before becoming a Mommy and have always been curiou about Rosetta Stone!
I just tweeted. Thanks!
sandra’s latest post: COUNTING SHEEP
My 10 yr old son and I would love to learn Spanish! They have Rosetta Stone at our library but when you have a two yr old to chase it can be tough to concentrate, lol! Thx jamie!
Stefani’s latest post: Easter Firsts for Our Family
I would go with either spanish or latin.
Ooh, I’d love to try out Rosetta Stone! We would choose Arabic 🙂
This would be such a blessing for our family! We would choose Latin, I believe. Thank you for the chance to win. 🙂
I have had a fews years of French so I would choose Spanish for my boys and myself.
…Just Tweeted…
I’m entering to win a foreign language program from @rosettastone & @simpleschool –
I rarely enter giveaways but we really want to start learning Hebrew this year and Rosetta Stone was our method of choice so it would be so sweet to get one free 😉 Our plan is to visit Israel in about 2 years and it would be lovely to know a bit of modern Hebrew!
I would choose spanish…I have several spanish speaking friends and it would be nice to understand them!
My kids would LOVE the Rosetta Stone German. They want to learn German this year but we do not have a program yet. Thanks for the giveaway!
We would choose spanish or german.
Great idea! We are contemplating moving to Belgium next year, so French would be our choice.
I would love to have the Korean set! My husband is Korean and still has family in Korea, but doesn’t remember very much about the language since he moved here when he was only seven. I would love for our family to be able to communicate with the extended family more efficiently! Hope I win:)
Amazing giveaway! Our son wants to learn Spanish, but we are adopting from South Korea…this would be a hard choice!
Mattie’s latest post: Auction Now Closed!
I think we would go with Spanish. My girls have met a lot of children at the park that they’ve wanted to play with that only speak Spanish and even at 5 and 7 years old have figured out that “Dora” won’t cut it for a real conversation.
Ooooooh, drool!
I think I’d have to go with Spanish or French.
But Latin certainly is tempting too.
I would choose Spanish simply because I already know some Spanish myself!
Wow! We would choose Spanish for our family. I have been thinking about ordering from Rosetta Stone, so how wonderful to be able to win.
I would choose Spanish. We live in Texas and it is the language that would best benefit my family 🙂
Tweet! Tweet! I tweeted about the give-away @CaraMoody.
Fingers crossed!!
I would choose French!
Anastasia @ Eco-Babyz’s latest post: NB Fluff: Baby Snickerdoodles Review & Giveaway
I tweeted! @CraftyClassroom 🙂
Valerie’s latest post: Not-Back-to-School: Curriculum Week
Hello, Simple Homeschool! I would LOVE to have the Rosetta Stone Spanish for me & my family! Living in Texas we have so many opportunities to use it!! Thanks for this awesome give away!
I would love my child to learn French. Both her dad and I took many years of French in highschool (over 20 years ago! use it or lose it); it would enable us brush up while at the same time teach her.
I would choose Mandarin! It’s my little sister’s first language, so I’d love to learn it with my own children. Fun fact – my sister used Rosetta Stone to learn English!
Angie’s latest post: buttons
I would choose Spanish for my girls. My husband and I are functionally fluent from living in Latin America for 5 years and my oldest really wants to learn. I would choose Italian for my husband and myself as we’d love to take a trip for a future anniversary. I would be so excited to learn!
Oh wow!! This would be awesome! Hands down, it would be Spanish for our family. I took 4 years of it in high school but since I don’t use it that often, I have forgotten a good bit of it. I have been wanting to start learning Spanish WITH my girls (5 and 7). This would be awesome!!
We’ve been wanting to learn Spanish as a family, but haven’t come across any good curriculum yet. If we won, I think we’d all get into it 🙂
My daughter starts Hebrew school in the fall. It would be such a blessing to have a Rosetta Stone program in Hebrew to get her started! Thank you for offering this giveaway 🙂
I tweeted about the giveaway 🙂
Twitter ID: Phyrflie
I’d choose Latin or Spanish.
My daughter would love this! She really wants to learn Japanese (although Spanish would be more practical!)
I’m not sure! Latin or Hebrew? Either way it would be a wonderful blessing!
Planning on doing this next year with the kids…we would choose Spanish!
Oh this would be awesome! Because of where we live-Spanish (Latin America) would be a great program for our whole family!! Thanks for offering the chance to win such a great program!
Tara@riceandbeanslife’s latest post: Stop Throwing it Out: Onboard the ‘Food Waste Friday’ Wagon-It’s Keeping Me On My Toes!
It would be AWESOME to win – we would choose Tagolog (Filipino) bacause we have family there and are planning to adopt adopt from there. Thanks for the opportunity!
My daughter would love to learn French! She is passionate about food and is studying culinary arts. Many of the terms are French, so we are often looking up the pronunciation of these words. My daughter feels very drawn to the language.
What an amazing giveaway! We would definitely do spanish as my in-laws are missionaries to Costa Rica. =)
This is awesome! We would choose french.
So intrigued by this program…we’d love to use it in our homeschool. Just have to decide which language. Thanks for the chance. Blessings!
I tweeted!
I can’t decide at the moment – Spanish or Chinese – we have both of these but not Rosetta Stone; but maybe I’d get something different. I really want to do a language this year well. This would be fantastic!
Thank you!
I have always wanted to try this program! We would choose to learn Spanish. Thanks 🙂
This would be a great thing for our family! Thank you for the opportunity to win this tool.
I would love to win this to work on my Spanish and to teach my kids! Thanks for the giveaway!
I was so excited to see this give away! We’ve been wanting to start learning Spanish and thought the Rosetta Stone program looked awesome 🙂
We have been eyeing Rosetta stone for our homeschool program for years. I would LOVE the chance to win. We’d be tackling french with our kids first!
molly’s latest post: this morning
We would choose French for our family. When the kids are in middle school, our plan is to visit friends who are French missionaries and pastors. My husband also wants to learn French for his Doctorate program. This would help tremendously!
Cora’s latest post: Purpose
I’ve been wanting my children to learn German. I absolutely love all things German! I’ve purchased books and looked into various language programs, but I’ve heard lots of great things about Rosetta stone. However, it’s cost is prohibitive on our budget, so winning would be awesome!
Jackie Garrison’s latest post: Putting it all together
We would love to learn a healthy dose of Spanish here in our house! Thanks for the chance to win~
Our family would love to try the Spanish edition!
Tracey’s latest post: Peach Crisp
Just tweeted as well! Thanks for this offer!
Cora’s latest post: Purpose
Choosing a language to learn would be hard for me.
I already know some Spanish and would love to become stronger in it and for my girls to know it as well.
However, my 8 year old has said she wants to learn French. I’m not sure what brought that on though.
Latin is always so fascinating to learn about. We just read a Hanukkah book that has Hebrew words in it so that has fueled some interest in that language as well.
Hard choice!
I tweeted:!/bayoujac/status/98056440031354880
Thanks so much!
Jackie Garrison’s latest post: Putting it all together
Here’s my tweet –!/GirlstoGrow/status/98056574978899968
We would love the Spanish lessons since we are planning a trip to Mexico next Spring.
Thanks so much!!
Just tweeted about the giveaway! Yay!
and tweeted!
molly’s latest post: this morning
I think we would choose Latin or Spanish. Or maybe Italian. Tough call! Great giveaway!
My husband is able to use Rosetta Stone through the Army so we have seen him use it and seen the huge variety of languages they have available. The homeschool version looks incredible! We would probably choose Spanish here. Although Latin would be fun and so would Chinese!
I know that I’d use Rosetta Stone to brush up on my French. My 6-year-old son is chomping at the bit to learn Latin (scientific names are an obsession) and French. Two birds, one (Rosetta) stone? You bet!
Our library used to have Rosetta Stone for its patrons to use, but they discontinued offering it. We were so disappointed as we had only gotten a short way through the program. We would absolutely love to own the Spanish software. Thank you for this wonderful giveaway.
I would choose Spanish!
I tweeted about this giveaway. (kaos2me)
This is very timely! I was just trying to figure out how we could afford to add Rosetta Stone into our curriculum this year.
My girls and I are interested in learning French (or relearning in my case), in hopes that we might be able to one day travel to Paris.
Rachel’s latest post: Please Consider
Latin American Spanish. We’re trying our best with the program we have, but it’s little to no help, and my son is not a fan.
I’d love to get this for my boys to teach them French. I’ve heard great things about this program!
Thank you so much for the chance to win! We have been really wanting to try Spanish.
Chickens in My Kitchen’s latest post: Fair
We would love to learn Chinese. We live near a University that gets about 500 new Chinese students every year and have become friends with many of them. It would be wonderful to be able to speak their language!
Definitely Spanish due to where we live. I want my children to be bilingual. Thanks for the opportunity to win. Immersion is the best method! I
Wow! This sounds great – my husband and I speak German, Italian and Spanish, and English, but we have found that passing this on to a child can be overwhelming. I’m thinking of adding Rosetta Stone to our curriculum so my son will at least have some familiarity with the languages when we visit family. We would try Spanish, and German (maybe Italian or French too 🙂
I tweeted and put it on Facebook!
I finally broke down and created a Twitter account – because of *this* give away! 🙂
“So excited about a give away, i started a twitter account to share! @rosettastone & @simpleschool –“
We woudl like to learn latin or hebrew. We are teaching our kids spanish and french right now. But the older languages have a great need in learning the bible and history.
My 12 year old daughter would really like to learn French.
just tweeted about this giveaway!
amanda {the habit of being}’s latest post: weekending
If we won, I’d probably choose French!
amanda {the habit of being}’s latest post: weekending
We would choose Spanish.
I tweeted about this giveaway. Thank you!
Spanish (Latin America)
I would totally choose German. The boys are all so engrossed in WWII stuff, and want to learn German!
Russian for us, please!
kort’s latest post: a poem
We too are planning on an Italy trip!! Italian would be my choice as well 🙂
Both of my kids (ages 5 and almost 7) are interested in learning Mandarin. As I don’t speak Chinese at all, this would be a great tool for them! Thanks for sharing.
I would choose Latin American Spanish. My five-year-old currently attends Spanish classes once a week, so I would love to reinforce her learning (and add to my own) with Rosetta Stone. She would probably pick Latin though, since, at the moment, she’s enamored with the Penderwicks, a series of books by Jeanne Birdsall, in which the father often spouts Latin phrases at his four fabulous daughters.
How Fun!!! Thanks for this fun chance to get Rosetta Stone in our home. We would love Latin in our family. Good Luck everyone!!!!
Happy Schooling
We would choose either Spanish or German!
Stephanie Martin’s latest post: How much can you get for $0.21 at Staples?
We would so love to have Mandarin. Both of my girls are adopted from China and we have talked about getting this program for all of us.
I’d love the Spanish version… my husband and I studied it in college, and I’d love to refresh and study it again with my kids.
My kids would love to learn Spanish since it is becoming more and more prominent in the US. My 13 year old daughter wants to be fluent in three foreign languages by the time she graduates. This would help her reach her goal quickly!
This is an AWESOME giveaway! My 15 year old daughter was just telling me last week, that she wants our entire family to study the same language so we can “talk” amongst ourselves. She would like to study FRENCH, and I completely agree. We would love to study FRENCH as a family. Thanks for doing this giveaway!
Hi! I am so excited about this giveaway! My husband was homeschooled and is now 28 and a lifelong learner. He chose to take his GED as a scholarship opportunity and to prove his education levels to be accepted to college. He passed with high scores and earned the top GED performance scholarship with a community college near our hometown. We have since had a child and he is slowly continuing his college education while pursuing his career as a supervisor (on the path to manager) in the medical field. He has been saying for the last few years that he wished his mom had included more language studies growing up and that he would love to get a Rosetta Stone program and learn Spanish. This would be a great asset for him.
I would also use the program for myself and our daughter. I took two semesters of Spanish in college, but would love to learn more. We also are homeschooling our daughter and future children. I believe in our wonderfully diverse world we should have at least one secondary language. I truly hope to win! Thank you for this opportunity and all your wonderful posts (I receive them daily in my email and love it).
I also tweeted about this giveaway @sahm2g1b
Rosetta Stone offers over 25 different languages–which one would you or your children choose to study?
I would choose German. My boys & I would love to learn German.
I’d love to learn Spanish along with my daughters!
Spanish, definitely! We have been interested in Rosetta Stone for awhile and would love to win this!
Oh, hello! I was just looking at these the other day! I would have my children study French, I think, because I have a background with it & want them to learn it (but don’t know it well enough to teach it). But I’d be tempted to get Irish, just because I’ve always wanted to learn & I think it would be fun! xo
meghann’s latest post: long, full weekend days
What a great giveaway opportunity! We’ve been pondering Spanish, or German, or Latin. German would probably be our #1 choice so we can speak with DH’s family.
Wow! It’s hard to know which one my daughter and I would like the best. We’d probably go with Spanish.
I tweeted the giveaway!!/Sko_Momma
Spanish would be a wonderful addition to our home school studies!
I want my son to learn S. American Spanish.
I know a little Arabic, and I would love to teach it to my son. 🙂
Thank you! 🙂
Oh wow, 1 in 552+ aren’t great odds, but BOY would I love to win this! Since my homeschooler is already started with Spanish, I’d probably opt for that one. I know, not the most exotic language, but perhaps the most useful! Thanks for such a great giveaway!!
Officially starting the homeschooling journey this year! My daughter would love to learn french :o)
I would love to learn them all!!! But, practically speaking, we would choose spanish (latin america)
What a great giveaway-my boys want me to choose SPANISH.
I have been wanting this program for a while but have not made the splurge yet. I would really like the French version.
We would love to start a Spanish language program! 🙂
I think I would like Spanish…but Italian sounds fun too!
I tweeted @tiffhewlett
We would study Spanish!!
I’d probably get French or Chinese! We hope to start a language in the Fall. Thank you!
Glory’s latest post: Nature Study: A Look at Charlotte’s World, Out of Doors
We would use spanish.
My son wants to learn German and/or Russian.
Chinese! My son just finished an intense 3 week course for Chinese for the equivalent of 1 year high school level. Rosetta Stone would be a wonderful addition to his continued study.
Oh, I hope I win!
What a great giveaway!! Turkish would be our first choice.
We would like to try Italian. Our son is entering 10th grade – and my husband and I are planning a trip to Italy in the next 2-5 years as well.
I think French or maybe Latin would be a great addition to our homeschool studies!
Amy-Cutting Coupons in KC’s latest post: Old Navy Super Cash
German for me! My mother is German. I’d love for my kids to learn it.
Spanish would probably be most useful here, but I’d love to go back to learning Latin.
I would like to learn Latin American Spanish. Spanish is my parents’ first language but they never taught their kids to speak it.
I tweeted about the giveaway!
We homeschool also. My husband was born in Germany and adopted by American parents, we would pick GERMAN! Rosetta stone would help him with his dream of our child learning the langauge of where he was born.
Kim White’s latest post: Plans for 2011-12
Some day I would like my children to learn spanish but for now I would start with French!
My oldest daughter really wants to learn more German, but Spanish is widely spoken in our area and both girls have taken some of that. I’d probably go for German but it’s a tough call!
Magic and Mayhem’s latest post: Random Snapshots
I tweeted about entering the free language program contest.
I think my son and I both would love to learn French! Sounds like so much fun 🙂
i feel like it depends on where we live. we’re hoping to go back overseas, so if we’re back in our other “home” country, i’d pick spanish or something not heard often there. if we’re still in the states i’d pick the language of our other country so we can all stay on top of things :).
andie’s latest post: haircut day
I would love to start teaching my kids Spanish!!
I would choose Spanish simply because I would have so many opportunities to use it where I live! 🙂
Yeah, I’d have to chose Italian.
Nicole @ Journey 2 Excellence’s latest post: America: The Story of Us ~ Lesson Plans (Stay Tuned)
Oh, I love this giveaway! We would choose Spanish.
Ashlee’s latest post: Confession 7
I am debating with myself between Spanish, which is practical for here at home or French, which will likely come in handy on our first trip abroad. If we like the first program (probably Spanish) we will be purchasing the second!
Lily Shahar Kunning’s latest post: Eclectic Circling
I tweeted this!
Lily Shahar Kunning’s latest post: Eclectic Circling
So I went and tweeted about now. 🙂 And it’s still German! 🙂
Kim White’s latest post: Plans for 2011-12
German is what we’d like to learn.
Thanks for all you do!
I would love this!!!! We would choose French!
French, Spanish, Italian, German for the beginning 🙂
spanish seems to be the favorite, but my boys really want to study russian, which is where they were born.
I would choose Russian.
Mary’s latest post: Curriculum for Sale
Just tweeted!!
Schooling in the Sun’s latest post: And We’re Off!
We’d study Spanish!
I have been waiting to win Rosetta Stone Spanish. We moved and realized that our area was largely Hispanic and many neighbors are not completely comfortable speaking English but we desperately want to communicate with them. With baby #5 on the way funds get a bit tight and we’d love to win this.
I want them to learn French (b/c I already know some) but my kids insist on Spanish. So spanish it is. Latin American Spanish.
Becky @ Sowing Little Seeds’s latest post: The First "Official" Homeschool Order
I’ve tweeted the message under beapauls 🙂 Thank you!
Glory’s latest post: Nature Study: A Look at Charlotte’s World, Out of Doors
I would love to refresh my Spanish while learning Spanish along with my children!
We would probably choose FRENCH! What an awesome giveaway! Thanks.
I would choose Russian – I am from Russia and we live in FL, and trying to raise bilingual kids is a challenge – when you are totally submersed in English.
I tweeted about this
Becky @ Sowing Little Seeds’s latest post: The First "Official" Homeschool Order
I would choose Spanish – what a wonderful addition to our homeschool this would be!
I just tweeted!
Maya Johnson’s latest post: Чтение на лето
We’d love a spanish version for our homeschool to learn for foreign language requirements along with going on mission trips to countries where spanish is spoken and my children can speak with others there!
Brooke’s latest post: Summer photos: outtakes
Well, I don’t normally comment on many blogs. But this one is worth the comment. 🙂 We live in an area where many Mexicans live. So would choose Spanish for sure!
I would choose Spanish. We’ve been working on it for the last few years and would love to continue. I’d love to try Rosetta Stone!
My kids would choose German because we are already learning Italian and both are countries where our ancestors immigrated from.
We would love to study Spanish (Latin America)! What a wonderful give-away! Thank you so much!
What a great giveaway. I’ve always wanted to try Rossetta Stone but couldn’t afford it. Maybe this will be my chance! We would learn Italian or Hebrew I’m having a hard time deciding!
Spanish or German or Mandarin or Italian or French or Arabic–heck–I would LOVE them all. I am a life long language learner and would love for my children to share that with me
I would choose spanish because of the large population on hispanics in the surrounding area.
I would choose Spanish. My children really want to learn.
Leslie’s latest post: Caroline’s Cart
I would love to learn Arabic.
I would choose Spanish because there are plenty of opportunities for them to use it in our community. There are also so many opportunities to go on outreaches to Mexico, since I’m in California, and we’d love to take the language with us.
My daughter and I would like to start learning German this year. Thanks for the review and chance to win a program.
I would choose Spanish (L.A.) because I live in Northern California and feel that it would be the best choice for my family. Thanks for such a lovely giveaway!
Spanish for sure – the most useful language for my family. But my husband would want Latin – it’s his dream to learn it.
Our whole family would Love to learn spanish…definitely spanish! We’d love to take family mission trips when our kiddos grow up a bit…and would love to know the language together to go to a spanish speaking country and serve.
I tweeted it! @conniefw
We’d love to learn Spanish. It would be a great addition for our homeschool. Plus we have friends from Mexico & Puerto Rico so we could really have a peactical application.
I would love to learn Mandarin and for my children to learn it. My husband knows it already and we may live in China someday, so I should probably start to learn it now 🙂
I tweeted. Thanks
I tweeted @eatchoco4life. thank you.
Oh, this would be great! I think we would probably start with Spanish as it seems the most practical, but I know my husband would LOVE to learn Japanese, so we’d have to see :D. So excited to be entering such a great contest!
dweej @ HouseUnseen’s latest post: 7 links on a sunny Saturday
I tweeted!
Japanese! My husband is fluent and we really want the kids to learn it too.
Okay, I just tweeted, too 🙂 ( @HouseUnseen)
dweej @ HouseUnseen’s latest post: 7 links on a sunny Saturday
I’m conflicted between French and Spanish! I think I would choose Spanish first though simply b/c of the part of the country we live in. This would be incredible to win!
Kari’s latest post: Summer Fun
I’d choose Latin American Spanish. I’ve looked at this program and we’re really interested, just not in the budget at this point. Thanks for this!
I would choose German. We lived in Germany for a year and this would really help my kids and I keep up what we learned.
I think we would choose Latin. I just love how you can connect so many of our modern day words to latin ones..very cool and relatable for my kiddos! What a great giveaway!!
I’d choose Spanish! My kids would absolutely love this!
I tweeted it as well. Thanks!
I would get Spanish. My hubby had this program once, but silly him left it for the next pastor to use! Now I wish we still had it.
Japanese! My 15 year-old son wants to learn Japanese for his foreign language for high school.
Ellen’s latest post: The Blessing… a book review
I tweeted over at
Ellen’s latest post: The Blessing… a book review
I would love to use the Spanish with my daughter
Katie’s latest post: Letter X Week
This looks fabulous! I would choose French being as we are living in Canada ; ) I’ll be checking out this programme on their website.
Emmalina’s latest post: Blue
My family would love to learn Greek to go along with our ancient history!! Thanks for a great give-away.
We have narrowed it down to French, German or Spanish. This summer we met Max in Canada. He was visiting from France and whet our appetite to visit Europe. Grandpa speaks German and Spanish is such a widespread language.
I would choose Spanish! We live in CA and it’s a language I feel my kids would actually use!
Brenda Johnston’s latest post: sneak week
I would love to try Rosetta Stone’s Spanish program. Thank you for the giveaway!
We have wanted to add Rosetta Stone to our daily routine for quite a long time. How exciting that you are having this contest.
My family and I would choose Spanish (Latin American) (o;
I would love to learn Spanish (Latin American). I studied it in high school and college so I think it would come back to me quickly, and now I want to share it with my sons!
I would learn spanish! I hope to move to South America someday.
I tweeted the giveaway @ctinka
we would love to learn Spanish – living in California, it would definitely be used! thanks for the giveaway 🙂
emily hope’s latest post: your hearts . personalized fine art print . 8×10
I would choose Spanish. Some good friends of ours have a mission in Honduras, and I want my boys to be prepared to speak to the children when we go down there in a few years.
Heather Borchert’s latest post: Pirate Party!
It’s a toss up between Spanish or French. I think French is a fun language (I took 4+ years of it), but Spanish is used so much nowadays. Hmmm. Choices….
April Emery’s latest post: Maximize Your Mornings Update :: Week 2
i tweeted –!/aprilemery/status/98116914706001920
April Emery’s latest post: Maximize Your Mornings Update :: Week 2
I think I’d either choose Latin or Greek, or maybe Hindi.
We would choose either Spanish or German. One girl wants the first, the other wants the second. Rock paper scissors or the flip of a coin would probably decide it for us. This is an amazing give-a-way! Thank you.
Our family would love to win this! We would go for the Spanish one!
Spanish! It’s been on our “to learn” list for too long now. This would make it almost too easy to not do. 😉
We would choose Spanish or Mandarin! We would really love to add this to our homeschool. Thanks.
I tweeted the tweet on twitter!
Thanks for providing the twext to copy and use. 😉
We would choose spanish-latin american.
We would choose German for sure!! 🙂
Carla’s latest post: Happy Homemaker Monday
Hmm, a hard choice. But, I think Spanish would be the most practical for us.
I would choose Spanish or maybe Mandarin. Thank you!!
I would choose Spanish for my daughters. I do not twitter but I am going to share it on FB page. (hope this still enters me)
I took Advanced French in High School and I’ve always wanted to brush up and make some progress…and then teach my children too! What a GREAT giveaway!
I’d probably go with Spanish. My husband is Mexican and we want our children to be bilingual but that’s not coming about as naturally as we thought it would. Although, it would be fun to learn Italian too.
I would choose Spanish (Latin America). Like most of America, there are lots of native Latin Americans in our community and it would enable my children and myself to be able to better communicate with those around us. I would help us to share God’s word with people we cannot not currently, personally, reach. It would also help broaden my children’s job possibilities as they get older, as the need for bilingual people is growing.
Our family would love to learn French or Spanish. I have three children who would all benefit from Rosetta Stone.
I’d love to win this giveaway. I’d choose either Spanish or Latin.
I would love to win this! We would like to study Spanish- a language that is so useful for Americans, I think. 🙂
My daughter really wants to learn French. This is a great give away!
I also tweeted about the give away!
We would love the french– my daughter is really wanting to learn French.
Oh, my children and I would like to study with Rosetta Stone in Spanish! We feel this would be a great preparation for them in mission work as adults.
We would love to learn Spanish!
We’d choose Spanish. It might be a boring answer, but it’s so essential these days and Mom is VERY rusty! 🙂
We’ve been debating the cost of Spanish I for three years now!!! I think I’m going to win!!!
We would LOVE to win this! We are just starting our homeschool journey and my 2 kindergarteners are very eager to learn a new language. We would love to learn French!
No doubt I would pick German!
MonicaB’s latest post: OLW Blog Hop
If we were to win the Rosetta Stone prize my daughter has already mentioned that she would like to learn French. It would actually be fun for our whole family to learn french together!
I would choose Mandarin Chinese. My daughter is adopted from China and I would love to be able to provide her words from her country.
We would choose Spanish…it would be the most practical because of our location.
Our family would enjoy French the most!
Our family would love to study French with Rosetta Stone!!
We would study italian, hoping to spend a summer there in a few years.
We’ve always wanted to try this program. Looks wonderful. We would choose Spanish or Chinese 🙂
We would love to study Spanish using Rosetta Stone. Thank you for a great giveaway!
Spanish!! This has been on my wish list for awhile…I really want our entire family to learn so we can use it on some missions trips coming up!!
Jessica forrester’s latest post: Summer Bucket List
I would love either Italian. My husband and his family are full Italian and it would be a blessing to be able to teach my children the language. The second choice would be Spanish, We live in the south and it would be very beneficial to be able to converse with many Spanish speaking individuals that live here.
thanks for the opportunity to win!!
I’d love to start Sam on Chinese (Mandarin)
Wilson Family Adventures’s latest post: Garage/Yard Sale- Saturday, August 21st
Wilson Family Adventures’s latest post: Garage/Yard Sale- Saturday, August 21st
Awesome giveaway! I have heard great things about this program. My children are begging to learn Japanese, so I think that is what we will choose if we are so lucky as to win!
Spanish – Latin America
Heard so many great things about this program. Our family has always wanted to learn Latin using Rosetta Stone. Thanks!
I would really like to win Spanish as my two 4 year olds are trying to teach themselves by playing free computer games. I would like to make this more formal and learn along with them.
Spanish! My boys would love this program. It’s been on my wishlist for a while now.
Barefeet In The Kitchen’s latest post: Grilled Peaches with Homemade Vanilla Ice Cream
Hi again! I “tweeted”!
We would love to learn French 🙂
French or Spanish for us! What a great giveaway!
Spanish, for sure!
Great giveaway! I’d choose Spanish for our family.
Personally, i would love to pick up some more Italian, but I would probably choose Spanish or Mandarin for the kiddos. Thanks for the excellent giveaway!
Spanish would be great and essential to learn here on the West Coast.
We’d love to learn Spanish (Latin America). It would help us tremendously!
I would learn Spanish, which is spoken a lot in my neighborhood in NYC.
Spanish. We would all learn Spanish. Thanks for the give-away. I was just thinking that we needed to give a foreign language some attention.
Latin!! 🙂
I would have to say Chinese Mandarin. My husband and I would love for the little ones to learn some basics, but do not have the tools to teach it. I would LOVE to win this. It looks amazing.
My daughter has been trying to teach herself Italian. This would be perfect!
I’d love a simple way to add Spanish or French to our homeschool curriculum this year.
Tricia’s latest post: Rapidly Expanding
I would choose Russian. My son was born in Russia and someday I would love to take him back to visit. It would be great to know the language.
I tweeted @CalicoCrazy…!/CalicoCrazy/status/98160485077225473
Tricia’s latest post: Rapidly Expanding
My daughter has been trying to teach herself Spanish so she would love it!
We would choose French. As a family, we have started plodding our way (slowly) through a few French lessons, but this would be fantastic! My husband and I are planning a trip to Paris (in three years) for our 20th anniversary.
Oh my gosh! What a wonderful giveaway! We would love to have French, should we win. Thank you, thank you.
I would love to learn French with my children. It’s such a beautiful language!
I tweeted this!
French! I can speak it, but I’m not a francophone, so I teach my kids with an accent. With Rosetta Stone they would speak better than me!
How fabulous! I’d love my kids to learn German, because their extended family speaks it, and I don’t. It would be great for them to feel connected to their heritage.
Ooh Any language… What about Hebrew, it is so completely different to anything we know it would be fun to explore!!!
se7en’s latest post: Saturday Spot: The Old Biscuit Mill…
We would choose Spanish because we are adopting a baby that is Hispanic… we think it is important for us to all learn Spanish!
I would probably select Latin America Spanish or Swahili.
just tweeted about this awesome giveaway!
Ooh this would be cool. My younger son wants to learn French but I could only afford one program fro the older this year which he chose as Latin American Spanish.
Hmm… that’s a tough one. Italian sounds pretty cool and it would be a great excuse for a family vacation. Or I could relearn Swedish and take my family there. That would be fun too. I’d have to talk to hubby before deciding for sure.
Tessa’s latest post: Closed
We’d choose Latin American Spanish, or perhaps Mandarin Chinese. Spanish would be very practical, but Chinese is a beautiful language that we’ve learned a little bit of and would like to learn more. Either would be great fun! Thanks for a terrific giveaway!
Kathy’s latest post: My Brand New Knitting Bag!
I just tweeted it. @tessaj
Tessa’s latest post: Closed
With my luck, they’d all want to learn a different one. But we do plan to add foreign language to our homeschool curriculum this year, and last I heard they wanted to do French.
One of my daughters wants to learn English The Way Harry, Ron and Hermione speak it. Does Rosetta have a program for that????
Thank you for this fabulous offer! Latin is the choice for our house full of scientists!
My oldest has been dying to study Japanese, so that’s the language we’d choose.
Kris @ Weird, Unsocialized Homeschoolers’s latest post: Celebrating the First Day of School
I tweeted!
Kris @ Weird, Unsocialized Homeschoolers’s latest post: Celebrating the First Day of School
Spanish! Or maybe Russian.
Japanese. My kids have asked to learn it.
Spanish for us first, adding latin later and then hopefully another language after that- I’m most comfortable with French, but I’d love a great excuse to learn German or Italian more thoroughly.
We’d learn Spanish! I was just researching all of this yesterday, and Rosetta Stone seems overwhelmingly to be the favorite. Great giveaway!!
We would looooove to study Italian in anticipation of our first big family trip!!!!
I would love to immerse myself and our 2 children into Portuguese! We are ‘musicianaries’ and do a lot of ministry in Brazil.
We would love to learn Japanese.
Thanks for the opportunity.
We would definitely study Spanish (Latin America)!!
Erin @ Closing Time’s latest post: Mommy What’s That For?
ginajones just tweeted about the contest! Yay.
I tweeted this! (@erinclosingtime
Erin @ Closing Time’s latest post: Mommy What’s That For?
It would be hard to choose, but I think we’d go with French 🙂
Randi’s latest post: Food Journey Update!
My kids and I would like to learn Hebrew. I’ve always wanted to try Rosetta Stone! Thank you for such a generous giveaway!!
Oh I NEED this! We would definitely choose German. We keep watching Craigslist to find it used but no such luck yet. Thanks for this! *fingers crossed*
Definitely Mandarin Chinese.
As much as I would love to learn some obscure language, we’d probably go with Spanish. It would definitely be the most useful around here!
I just tweeted it @ramblingheather
Rambling Heather’s latest post: 5 Reasons Why I Want to Blog Authentically. ~Pursuit of Authenticity~
I would choose German for my children.
Being from Canada, French would be an excellent option!
I am torn- I know as a family we’d love to learn Italian, but I am personally drawn to learn Japanese =)
We would love to learn Spanish (Latin America), too.
I tweeted away and would LOVE to win the French course!!
My twitter name is mom_smallthings
We want to learn French with Rosetta Stone.
I would love to learn Spanish along with my kids!!
My husband and I have always wanted to learn Chinese.
Italian! My husband still has family in Italy.
We just ordered Spanish but my boys also want to learn German!
I would love to try the Spanish (Latin America) course.
I’m hoping for the Spanish program! Thank you!
Jennifer@SurprisingJoy’s latest post: Made It
Dutch please! I did a summer homestay in the Netherlands twenty years ago and would love to go back — this time speaking the language!
We would definitely choose Spanish as my husband is Costa Rican and we’d love for our girls to speak Spanish. Have heard wonderful things about this program!
We would definitely choose Spanish (Latin American)
as my husband is Costa Rican and we’d love for our girls to speak Spanish. Have heard wonderful things about this program!
I’d love to learn Spanish with my kids!
We would love to learn Spanish. My husband and I were able to go to Guatemala a couple weeks ago. We would love to learn the language so when we return we would be able to communicate more easily.
Definitely Italian!!! Thanks for the chance to win!
Latin America Spanish! How fun! Thanks for holding the giveaway…and the best for everyone leaving comments!
Jessy at Our Side of the Mountain’s latest post: The Homeschool Mother’s Journal: July 23 – 29
We would love to learn Spanish!
Laurie’s latest post: Bursting Into Our First Day
We would love to learn Spanish so we could communicate with locals while traveling with my husband to the Domincan Republic and Puerto Rico for his job.
Our homeschool family would love to learn Spanish!
I would live to use this to learn Spanish.
Suanna’s latest post: Today
We would choose Thai. My husband is from Laos and the two languages are very similar.
We are learning Spanish this year and this would be an awesome addition! Thank you for giving us the opportunity to hear about your experience with it!
I think I’d have to go with French!
We would love to learn Russian! Our friends were missionaries in the Ukraine and have two children adopted from Russia. Our boys have picked up a few words from them, but would love to learn the language.
My kiddos have chosen Mandarin…though SPANISH seems like it would be much easier…at least for me! 🙂
Wow what a great contest! I would love to win the set for learning French as we live between two French islands and it would give us a great chance to travel and have cultural exchanges.
Terri’s latest post: Musing on Closely Spaced Kids and an Afternoon of Painting
I would love to teach Spanish with Rosetta Stone!
We’d love Arabic!
I tweeted this giveaway.
My user name is leigh_owens
I would choose French for my daughter.
Lisa’s latest post: Eco Travel – Choosing a Green Hotel
It would be hard to choose…but since we are starting our 3rd year of Latin, I would probably go that direction. Awesome giveaway!
I would love the Spanish one!
Tweeted the giveaway.
Username: chickfilamom
Julie H’s latest post: Weekly Menu Plan- July 31-August 6
My daughter (and I) would really like to learn Italian.
We would definitely choose the Spanish language program for your prize, if we won.
Laura Staley’s latest post: Gift Certificates available in my Etsy shop
We would love to learn Spanish!! 🙂
Tweeted! i’m Laura_staley on twitter, and I tweeted this via my fan page on Facebook, which has 1200 or so fans. I have 480 something followers on Twitter.
Laura Staley’s latest post: Gift Certificates available in my Etsy shop
We would love to win German!
I tweeted, username ssruckman.
We’ve been in school for the past two years, but we’re back to homeschooling next year. I’ve been wanting to invest in Rosetta Stone for my kids. We would love the program in French! thanks for this opportunity!
I really, really need to win this! Wow, it is hard to choose which language I would choose. I would be happy with most any of them. I think I would choose Farsi, Arabic, Mandarin, or Spanish (Latin America). I really want for our family to learn another language and we can not currently afford to purchase it. Thanks so much!!
We would love to learn French!!!!
We would love to learn French with Rosetta Stone!! We have heard excellent things about their programs! Thank you for the great, detailed review and offering yet another awesome give away!
We have been working on learning Hebrew as a family so someday we can all the read the Bible in it’s original language. We would LOVE to use Rosetta Stone to do this!
I’m not sure if we’d learn Dutch or Italian.
We would really enjoy to learn Spanish with Rosetta Stone!! Friends of our’s have used RS & I have sampled it! We would be so blessed if we won!! Thank you for the chance to win! 🙂
I would choose Spanish so our son who was adopted from Guatemala 5 years ago can re-learn his native language!
I tweeted! Keeping my fingers crossed!
Terri’s latest post: Musing on Closely Spaced Kids and an Afternoon of Painting
I’d like to teach my boys Spanish! I know a little, but not enough.
Would love to win Rosetta Stone’s Latin program!
I lived in Germany while growing up as a military kid. I learned German at the time but would love to refresh myself and teach it to my kids!
Oh, what a great giveaway! I’d pick Spanish- I want my girls to learn, but I never learned the language myself!
Our family would benefit so much from the Spanish level one. What an amazing giveaway. Thanks for the chance!
I tweeted!
Tori’s latest post: House Rules
I posted this on Facebook! What a great give-away!
Tori’s latest post: House Rules
I would choose spanish. I took it for 2 years in high school and the only thing really I can say is to put your gum in the trash can! Horrible. With living to close to the mexican border I would want my girls and I to learn Spanish!
It would be a tough decision as to which language our family would choose! We’re interested in Spanish, French, German, and Russian!
……..and I have also just tweeted the giveaway. 🙂
I have also mentioned this giveaway on my YP Homeschool facebook page too. 🙂
I would love to learn Spanish!
I would LOVE to learn Spanish with my kids as we homeschool together!
Would love for the kids to learn Spanish. Thanks for the chance to win
Awesome giveaway! Spanish is my wish. Thanks!
Mandarin Chinese please! <3 Great giveaway idea!
Probably Spanish would be the most useful for my family right now. Thanks for the giveaway!
We are planning a trip to Peru next year, so Spanish for us. Great giveaway!!
This giveaway would be a tremendous blessing. Our family would choose the Spanish course. Thanks for the opportunity!
Latin would be great!! It’s more alive than it seems. 🙂
I would love to receive the Spanish course. Thanks for this wonderful giveaway!!!
I don’t tweet, but shared it on my fb page. Thanks to you and RS for making this offer!
I would probably pick Spanish as I have background in it and could come up to speed pretty quick to converse with my kiddos.
That’s a tough one! We would like to learn French, because my girls would like to take a trip to France some day. Thank you for asking. 🙂
My family would love to be able to speak French with our French neighbours!
I tweeted too! @StoneSoupHS
Thanks again!
I’d go with Spanish. 🙂
Both myself and my children would choose to learn spanish because my husbands family is Puerto Rican and we’d like us all to learn that language as part of who we are and where we come from…. My husband could use some brushing up to because he learned it in school but never got so much practice with speaking it regularly.
i would love to teach my daughter german
i twitted as catkessy
I would love to learn Persian, but I would probably select Spanish. Living in Arizona it sure would be useful!
I’d pick Spanish!!
I’d definitely pick spanish, i’d love a refresher and we have family that speaks it fluently, such a beautiful language too!
Our family just moved to Mexico to be closer to my hubby’s family here, so you better believe we NEED the Spanish (neither my 3 kids or myself speak the language). What a great addition that would be for our homeschool and social lives (the boys can’t communicate with the other kids they’ve met over here yet).
I tweeted about this!!
We would study latin, definitely.
Thanks for this chance to win!!!!
My 5 year old is obsessed with learning Spanish! We would definitely choose Spanish!
Thanks for the nice giveaway 🙂 I love Spanish and I actually really need to learn that language soon, for my work.
All the best
Michael’s latest post: Do You Have Issues With Homeschooling
I would love to say latin …but I think Spanish would be the biggest benefit for the whole family.
Teresa Matz’s latest post: Next Year……..
Oh, the choices! I studied Spanish for 3 years and know a lot of “book Spanish” but have forgotten a lot and would love a way to share that with my kids.
My 2nd and 3rd choices are Italian and Russian.
Of course, I’d have to think about this more fully if I actually won, but German strikes me right off the bat. It’s hard to say why. Maybe because some people in my family know a little bit, and I’m always out of the loop?
I’d love to brush up on my Spanish and teach my kiddos too!
My son wants to learn Japanese. His friend is moving to Japan later this year– they would like to communicate with each other in Japanese!
If we won we would like French. My son is desparate to learn French but I’ve struggled to find resources that work for him and fit in our limited budget. One day I hope to hop over the channel (we’re in England) and take my son camping in France to explore. If he can learn some of the language first it would open up so many opportunities for him (& me).
Despite my language experiences in 6 (count them 6!) other languages, my daughter decided she wants to learn Japanese. Rosetta Stone could really help out with that.
Would love the spanish level 3 for my kids:)
Now following via email;)
Anna-Marie’s latest post: Waterways Festival — Burton on Trent
Tweeted! Twitter user WWKimWW. Fingers crossed.
I would choose Spanish. My son has been wanting to learn very badly. His friends speak it and he wants to be able to speak it and understand it.
We are soon moving to Turkey, so Turkish!
I would choose Arabic. We are missionaries in Sudan and it would be very helpful!
We live in a Georgia town that has had the Hispanic population increase dramatically in the past ten years. Nearly 1/3 of the town is now Hispanic. I would love to have my children learn Spanish.
Thank you.
I tweeted:
I’m entering to win a foreign language program from @rosettastone & @simpleschool –
Oh, I would love to win this so, so much!
I really want my kids to learn Latin American Spanish before we take them to the Dominican Republic on a mission trip!
I would choose Spanish
My children and I have been looking at several language programs and Rosetta Stone is the one my son chose to use. He would like to study French because of his French heritage. I will be posting on Facebook as I don’t have a Twitter account. I hope I am still eligible. Thanks for the offer of this giveaway!
I really like the look of this program. I would have a tough time deciding between French and Spanish!
I would love this for our homeschool program. 🙂
Jessica’s latest post: Valentine’s activities!/wendy.o.vernon
I Facebooked about the giveaway-does Facebook count too?
Wonderful giveaway!
We have been so curious about Rosetta Stone.
My 8 year old homeschooler is unsure which language he’d want to learn. We keep switching between Spanish and Japanese.
Wow! Learning French would be great! I’d love to go on European trip someday and visiting France would be on the list!
I tweeted! LvingSmplyToday .
Oh, I’d love to win a Spanish version!!! Thanks for then chance!
We would choose french. My daughter already insists my husband translate things to French.
I would love to win the spanish version!
I tweeted!
My daughter wants to learn German. I think she would be better off to learn Spanish or Chinese.
shanrei at yahoo dot com‘s latest post: Not Back to School Blog Hop–Curriculum Week!
I would love to have this for our homeschool!
Amy’s latest post: “Not” Back to School Curriculum Week (from Heart of the Matter)
Forgot to say which language. I would love for my son to learn Spanish.
Amy’s latest post: “Not” Back to School Curriculum Week (from Heart of the Matter)
I tweeted!
Amy’s latest post: “Not” Back to School Curriculum Week (from Heart of the Matter)
spanish, spanish all the way. My daughter goes around “babbling” in what she calls Spanish! I know she’d love to learn. We love to read the spanish stories in her High Five (Highlights) magazine!
My daughter would love to learn Greek. (Our Family heritage)
I tweeted: I’m entering to win a foreign language program from @rosettastone & @simpleschool –
Just tweeted!
I would love to get the Korean program. It has been a struggle to find good materials for my daughters!
I would choose Spanish (Latin America). Thanks!
Amy’s latest post: 2011-2012 Curriculum
I tweeted!!!
I think we would start with Spanish since I took 4 yrs and my parents winter in Texas! I would love to win this for the kids!
karen’s latest post: Heart of Haiti Giveaway Winner
Even though our kids are younger, we already have the Chinese Mandarin set from Rosetta Stone and it’s so much fun! If, by chance we were able to learn a third language it would be Spanish (Latin America) to equip our family with some of the major languages in our world. So that would be the set we choose this time around!
I would love a chance to win. I am not sure which one to pick. It would be either Spanish, Italian, Polish or Chinese Mandarin. Some follow our heritage which would be great while others we have friends who speak the language which would provide great practice! I guess probably Chinese Mandarin is what I would like to win!
I’d choose either French or Spanish to improve my language skills, so I can teach my young children a foreign language from the start!
Thanks for the link. I hadn’t heard of Rosetta Stone but we are just preparing for a 6 month trip (still one year away) so I would choose Latin American spanish.
I would choose Spanish. My husband and I were just talking last night about giving Rosetta Stone a try.
Jill Foley’s latest post: Too Small to Ignore – Introduction
This is great! I’ve been thinking about learning Spanish lately as there is such an increase in population and I would love to teach it to my kids!
Spanish, and I have heard so many great things about Rosetta Stone!
Either Spanish or Japanese.
Living in SW Florida our family would love to learn Spanish. It would be very helpful with the large Spanish population here.
Robin (rsislandcrafts)’s latest post: Christmas in July
I tweeted (rsislandcrafts)
Robin (rsislandcrafts)’s latest post: Christmas in July
I have the Latin American Spanish for all of us, but my high school age son wants to learn Japanese. I would love to be able to hook him up this year!
ooh! would love love for my kids to learn spanish with rosetta!!
I tweeted this too!
Flamingo’s latest post: Enjoying Summer
My son really wants to learn Spanish! Thanks for the giveaway!
I’d love to learn Spanish (Latin America) and speak it our children as they grow. We have so many migrant workers in our area who haven’t yet learned English and there is such a need for willing translators.
Sarah G’s latest post: Caleb: 13 Months
Have been wanting to get Rosetta Stone for my kids (ages 11 and 9), but struggling with cost. We’d love to get the Spanish (Latin America). Was glad to see you posted that it works for multiple kids, I thought I’d have to get 2!
Any of: German, Italian, Spanish, Chinese, Japanese, Russian. I’m probably most likely to actually use Spanish, Italian or Chinese, though.
Our family would LOVE to win this! We’d pick either Latin (to stick with the classical model), or Spanish, or Mandarin. Is it terrible that I haven’t decided yet?
the Hubbles
My 3 children can’t agree, so I will make the executive decision and choose….French!
I would love to win French!!!!
I tweeted!!
I would love to win the Mandarin Chinese. My daughter is from China and we have been on a mission trip to China and plan to go on more in the future! This would be a huge help in our travels!
I think we’ll end up trying to learn multiple languages but Spanish seems like a good first second language. Very practical, I think.
Jessica McKelvin’s latest post: Inspiration
Our family has been wanting to learn German. My husband’s family has German roots and we would love to revive some of that in our little home.
We would take spanish for sure. My husband speaks it and the kids love it when he does.
I’d choose Greek.
I would most definatly want to choose French 1. I want so badly to use this curriculum for my two children in my homeschool. There is just no way I could afford such a luxury. 🙂
I would choose Spanish; I already know some but we all need to know more. I think it will open up more possibilities for my kids and help me as a nurse. I am already learning Korean ; >. I already tweeted this also! (My twitter is!/jwhit72) Thanks! Jeannine
We’re planning to use Rosetta Stone to study Latin this year.
I tweeted about this giveaway my user name is IzzyB
I would get the Japanese — one of my students who is homeschooled would like to learn it, and I would give it to her!
i think it would be extremely fun to learn Irish, BUT to be a bit more practical..we’d probably pick Spanish. It’s a great 2nd language to learn and the kids would LOVE IT!
Tweeted about the give away. Our family would be interested in either the Latin or German. Would be a wonderful addition to our homeschooling.
We would love to learn French or Thai if we won.
I tweeted about the contest. My username is shantz1.
Wow! What a great, great giveaway! We would have to choose between Italian and Chinese because those are the two languages in which our child is interested & admittedly, we are too!! So diverse, eh? I love it that Rosetta Stone offers so very many options. We’ve been wanting to try this program, but the cost has been the hold up on diving right in – it would be great to try it first! 🙂 Since we have to pick one, I think we’ll go with Italian first. Best wishes everyone!!!
Spanish! Sounds great!!
We would definitely do Hebrew first. Though Spanish and Chinese would come in close second and third. Isn’t it amazing how many people write that they have two or more languages they would like to learn!
I’d pick Spanish. I’m going to be helping at a free clinic where a lot of patients speak it, and it would be so helpful if I could speak it better myself! Also, I’d have my kids use it in our homeschool.
I’d LOVE to win this!!!!!!! I’ve got a long list of languages I want to learn…everything from Latin to Farsi.
We would love to do the Latin!
Definitely Spanish! One of my children always needs extra help and I couldn’t help otherwise. 🙂
Amy’s latest post: Seven Quick Takes – whine with my dairy-free "cheese" edition
Just tweeted (as amyablemom). Thanks!
Amy’s latest post: Seven Quick Takes – whine with my dairy-free "cheese" edition
We would want to learn Spanish. DH knows spanish but is extremely rusty so the ability to hear a native speaker would be terrific!
My family would love to learn Chinese because we are so fascinated with the culture!
We would love to try Spanish. I have heard such great things about this program!
We would choose Spanish.
Missional Mama’s latest post: Whats on Your Nightstand? for July
Tweeted @Missionalmama
Missional Mama’s latest post: Whats on Your Nightstand? for July
We would definitely chose Spanish.
C.C. Almon – my journey as a Christ follower, wife, mamma, & fibromyalgia fighter’s latest post: 2011 – 52 Weeks of Photos – Week 30
We would absolutely LOVE the Chinese course. We’re headed for China in a few months to adopt our little girl, and we’re trying to learn as much Chinese as we can. Thank you so much!
I twittered about the giveaway. Username is cc_almon
C.C. Almon – my journey as a Christ follower, wife, mamma, & fibromyalgia fighter’s latest post: 2011 – 52 Weeks of Photos – Week 30
I / my children would choose Tagalog, because it is part of their culture and I would like them to have that to hold on to.
CantSee MyToes’s latest post: I’m entering to win a foreig…
Tweeted about my comment and entry into the contest.!/CantSeeMyToes/status/98425528037556224
CantSee MyToes’s latest post: I’m entering to win a foreig…
We would love to add French to our curriculum. I speak Spanish and Portuguese, my husband speaks French. I would love our children to learn French so we could all do a mission together somewhere French speaking!!
I would choose spanish.
I tweeted it.
Darlene’s latest post: The Great Garage Sale Haul
This is wonderful giveaway!
I’m making plans to start Spanish lessons this year, so Rosetta Stone Spanish version would be perfect!
Tweet Tweet Tweet. We tweeted
I tweeted! Thanks for the chance to win!
This is a hard one…we would love to learn several languages! We’d probably choose Hebrew though, as we’ve wanted to learn that for a while now.
dawn y.’s latest post: Gunked Up Stoves and Hearts
We are planning on studying Spanish, starting this year. I have a background in it and definently want my family to learn it as well. Rosetta Stone sounds perfect.
I tweeted! Thanks!
dawn y.’s latest post: Gunked Up Stoves and Hearts
we would love to try Spanish, my son finds Spanish very exciting and we all want to plan a family trip to South America. Thank you!!
I would probably choose Italian Level 1 also, because I love the Italian language, and I really hope to visit Italy someday. That’s where all the art lives, after all 😀
It is hard to choose, but I think we would go with German!!! 🙂
I would choose Spanish.
Sarah’s latest post: overnight bag
I tweeted about the giveaway!
Sarah’s latest post: overnight bag
I think Spanish is the most practical for my kids. That’s the language I hope to win!
Our family would love to learn Spanish together! We’d like to adopt from a Spanish speaking country.
I’d love to have Spanish for the kids!
We homeschool and would love to get this! I think we would pick Latin! Thanks
We have been homeschooling for eight years, and have made informal forays into foreign language study but never had access to anything as comprehensive as Rosetta Stone. We would love to learn Spanish and be able to read Spanish literature!
My fiance and I are planning a trip to Italy for our honeymoon, so Italian would definitely be my pick! This is a wonderful giveaway — thank you so much =)
I would love to learn Spanish as a whole family. I think it is a beautiful language, and as a Texan it would come in handy. 😉
I would love for my children to learn Spanish.
I tweeted about this this giveaway
I’d love to brush up on my French or Spanish–my 2 homeschooled kids have shown interest in learning Spanish. Thanks for the giveaway!
Jen Husz’s latest post: Product Photography–Sydney So Sweet
Just booked a trip to France for next month and it’s been a looooong time since I’ve actually spoken French — so the French Rosetta Stone would get me back up to speed!
I have been asking myself that very question! Thank you for the post. It is so hard to decide on curriculum when you have a high school student all of a sudden! I used to think deciding on curriculum was hard before. It was important but now it really counts. So far Rosetta stone looks like the only one I can really show accountability with. In addition, my younger girl has been asking to learn. This program looks like it can provide learning for the whole family. Maybe even I can go back and relearn the four years I took in high school. Thank you for the post.
My family would love to win the French Rosetta Stone. My husband has always wanted to learn French, I studied it in school but am really rusty, and we want to introduce our kids to other languages early on. This would be great.
Thanks for the opportunity!
I’d definitely choose Spanish!
Off to tweet…
Great giveaway! I would choose Spanish – Latin America, or German! 🙂
Bonjour Jamie,
My family and I would study French. We fantasize about moving to the South of France, maybe Nice for a year abroad, but always stop short saying that we really aught to learn French first. Well, here goes nothing! A quick request to be entered into the draw 🙂
Good luck with the Italian!
Bonne journée,
I’ve tweeted 🙂
Laura’s latest post: Jump Into A Book: The 19 Book Elsa Beskow Giveaway
What an awesome kids have chosen Italian as the language we will learn this year.
Yay! I have been wanting to have a foreign language program for my daughter who will be starting 4th grade this fall. I would choose the Korean language because that is my daughters birth country! She was adopted at the age of 6 months and I would love for her to begin learning the Korean language! Pick me, pick me!!
Chinese (Mandarin) would be our pick. We have family working in china so it would be fun to learn before we went to visit.
We would love Spanish! My 8 year old wants to go to Mexico. What a sweet giveaway! Thank you!
I would choose Spanish – for sure!
Oh wow! I have been thinking about purchasing one of these for the fam. We just can’t agree on one language yet… I say German my husband says Farsi. And maybe Spanish would be the most pratical, so many good choices!
We just found out that our family is being transferred to Brazil, so learning Portuguese quickly is a must! Thanks!
I think I would choose either Italian or French. Such a hard decision.
My son has an infatuation with Germany! He is homeschooling for the first time this year. He is bright, funny, and so smart. PS was zapping the spirit and life out of him. Ethan is 8 years old. He’s kind, sweet, and a lover of animals. This would make our families year if we won! Future congratulations to whoever wins and thanks for giving someone’s family this awesome gift!
We would learn Spanish, since my husband already speaks it.
We’d love to teach our kids Spanish –
We would choose Spanish. I homeschool four kiddos; this program would be great for us!
Oh, I so want this. I droll over Rosetta Stone. I am from Spanish decent, but my Spanish is rusty and I want to be fluent for me and my kids. My kids love talking and love people and want to learn every language so they can talk to every trib and nation, but I would start with Spanish.
Thanks for the giveaway
My daughter has been begging to learn Spanish!
I tweeted!!
I would pick Spanish, but secretly, I would want French.
I would love to learn German or Spanish! 😉
I tweeted. Thanks for the giveaway!
I started Spanish in high school and never really tried. So, I would love to learn spanish – and be able to speak it well!
We’d love to have the Spanish program for our homeschool.
Living in South Texas, Spanish is a must! Been trying to learn it for years!! Always wanted to try Rosetta Stone! What a wonderful giveaway!
Our homeschooling family has been talking about studying Italian using the Rosetta Stone homeschool edition for a while now. We are planning a trip to Italy to connect with my partner’s and my children’s roots and family that still live there. Getting started with the Italian language program is a great place to start! Thanks for such a wonderful and generous giveaway!
Probably Spanish or Mandarin Chinese.
I would love to have this for our homeschool!! I would pick spanish.
I would love the German program for me and my family.
I would love to win the Spanish version for our family!
Also, I tweeted about this…even though I know little about Twitter and almost never tweet! : )
Oh dear I’m not sure I can narrow to one, Italian sound great but that is for me, my husband speaks japanese and Russian and I’ve always wanted to learn those as well, but what is best for my two sons? I guess Japanese is the one I choose I know one day my husband wants us all to visit Japan, My older son has taken some Japanese cultural classes so he would probably b most interested in that! Fun giveaway thanks!
My children would like to learn Japanese.
If we won the software, I would choose to study French with the kids. I took French in high school and college and try to impart a bit of the knowledge I still have on them, but I’d really love to have a more formal program for them. Thanks!
I tweeted about this from my account @SarahMShafer. Thanks!
It is a dream to learn Italian and French, but Spanish would be wonderful for our homeschool children too. Thanks for the opportunity! : )
I would love the Spanish version for me and my family!
We would love to use this to sharpen our Portuguese! Thanks for the awesome blog!
We would love to win this! We would choose spanish.
I’d love to speak English very well. I am still learning English 🙂
Just tweeted about this too. Thanks for the giveaway!
My little girls will be studying Spanish as part of our co-op this year and I would love to learn along.
Rosetta Stone offers over 25 different languages–which one would you or your children choose to study? Mandarin Chinese as My 9th grader is wanting to learn this language and eventually visit China 🙂
Hmmm. I guess I would say Spanish, although Swedish is a close second.
Tweet accomplished.
Our whole family wants to learn Latin American Spanish.
I have actually checked out Rosetta Stone’s website before and was pretty impressed by what I saw. Our choice would be to study Latin.
I really want to learn Italian, although French would be great also! Thanks for a great giveaway!
I’m a little confused. I don’t have twitter can I still enter? I would like the Spanish version. We have a lot of Hispanic neighbors who I would like to communicate with. Also, my Dad bought a bunch of bilingual books for my son and I have no idea how to read them to him!
I would love this for my kids! I think we would choose either Italian or French!
Amy Caroline’s latest post: Mondo Book Sale!
I would choose Spanish for my kids to learn, but French would be a close second. This would be a great addition to our homeschool curriculum. Thank you!
I would choose Spanish for my daughter, who is a homeschooling 3rd grader. She would like to be able to speak in Spanish with our former neighbor and dear friend who is Chilean. I’ve heard great things about this program!
I’ve tweeted, too!
Our family would love to learn Mandarin Chinese! My husband travels to China often, and we may have the possibility to move there in the near future.
Rosetta Stone offers over 25 different languages–which one would you or your children choose to study? I would choose Italian as I always wanted to learn.
Rosetta Stone offers over 25 different languages–which one would you or your children choose to study? Spanish because i have been learning it for a few years and still have not figured it out.
Awesome giveaway. The answer is…. German!
Anne @ Modern Mrs Darcy’s latest post: Eating Out? Here’s What You Should Know (From a Hospitality Pro)
Great giveway! we would want the spanish (latin america) version. we tried the homeschool version once before and had to return it because it wasn’t keeping track of my children’s work correctly. i’d love to get one and try it again! thank you!
thanks for hosting this giveaway!
i’m torn…maybe latin? maybe latin american spanish? italian would be fun too!
kate n.
My 2 girls would study Polish to be able to talk to their grandparents who don’t speak English.
My husband grew up in Brazil and is teaching the kids Portuguese. The Brazilian Portuguese program would allow my kids and I to study together!
definitely Spanish!
Gina M.’s latest post: Snapshots of Summer.
I think we would probably learn Spanish.
What a great giveaway! We would love the French version.
Joyce’s latest post: The Start Of The Soccer Season
We would teach Spanish. My son adores Spanish, but Rosetta Stone is just out of our price range.
I would love to win this for our home school! I would choose Latin American Spanish or maybe French.
Just tweeted!
The Dunaway’s would choose Latin Spanish! My husband, my oldest daughter (9 years old) and I were able to go on a mission’s trip to the Dominican Republic. It was an amazing experience. However, we spoke very little spanish and came home with an intense desire to learn this language. Even though we knew very little friendships were still made!
I just tweeted? twittered?….this was the first time I have ever done this. I am confident that I did all 3 steps! LOL! Maybe I should see if Rosetta has a Technology Language! Thanks for this opportunity.
Definitely Spanish. We would love to be able to communicate with the many Spanish-speaking people in our community.
I would want to learn Korean, since this is my native tongue.
My son will be taking a Spanish course for the first time this year and would love to have the chance to use Rosetta Stone to help him on his journey!
A great giveaway!
Just tweeted this! Either Spanish or Mandarin Chinese would be my choice!
I would learn Spanish. It’s the most practical here for my field.
I would choose Spanish.
I would love to have the Spanish homeschool for my kids. We’ve been working on a little Spanish, but I think this is the best way to learn a language.
my daughter (age 4) would most likely choose french because she loves Fancy Nancy books and Nancy loves everything French. after learning spanish in school, i think i’d be up for something different (like french) myself.
My 10 year old daughter and 8 year old son would LOVE to learn Spanish. We know a little bit already and this would make it even better!
Thanks so much,
spanish or french would be awesome! Our whole family would love it!
I think we would like to learn either Spanish, Italian, or Mandarin.
wow! I would love to have this. I would pick French because that is the language I studied the most in high school and college. However, my husband thinks our kids should learn Mandarian Chinese.
Espanol for me and my kids!! 🙂