A Homeschool Mom’s Letter to Saint Nick ~
Written by Kara Anderson
Hey there, Santa.
This is little Kara Anderson (Barbie Dream House, 1982).
I wanted to let you know that I have been pretty good this year, all things considered.
I have stopped trying to do all the things on Pinterest.
Prefer to listen?
I have been generally responsible with my Amazon Prime account, forcing myself to wait 24 hours before impulse-ordering curriculum materials.
I currently owe the public library just $9.75!
(But I do have 16 items on hold …)
A homeschool mom’s letter to Saint Nick
And so, because I’ve been a pretty good homeschooler, I was kind of hoping I could ask you for a few extra things this year:
1. I’m wondering if you could give me three extra hours every Saturday. I love getting kicked out of the craft store at closing time as much as the next woman who needs exactly 42 Popsicle sticks, but between groceries, errands and trying to pick up our home, I could use just a little longer each weekend for homeschool planning.
2. I want all read-alouds to be as good as The Mysterious Benedict Society and Mr. and Mrs. Bunny – Detectives Extraordinaire.
3. Speaking of books, can you get all of the original Nancy Drews turned into audiobooks? All read by Laura Linney? And can you have her call flashlights torches?
4. Is 40 printer cartridges a lot? That feels like a lot. Maybe 35.
5. I’m wondering if whenever I find myself comparing what we do to another homeschool family, if you could have an elf sneak out from behind a corner and Taze me.
6. I’d like watching Downton Abbey to count as “History.”
7. I want my four years of Spanish back.
8. I’d like us to actually travel to all the places mentioned in this book series. (afflink)
9. I’d like a stocking full of answers to adorably awesome quandaries.
10. I’d like to meet a version of myself from the future, who comes back to tell me that it all works out – that they grow up happy, find fulfilling careers, caring relationships, and know how to do their own laundry and cook spaghetti and change a tire.
11. Whenever I say I am going online to check “just one thing,” I’d like you to crash our WiFi.
12. Next time someone says to me, “Don’t you worry about socialization?” I want to have the bravery to say, “I used to, but not since we’ve started letting them out during the day.”
13. I’d like DCFS not to show up after I say that.
14. I’d like Bill Nye back on television. He’d probably do it if you asked. He seems really awesome like that.
15. I’d like more days where we make paper boats and float them in the creek, and nights when we snuggle under blankets outside and whisper stories. I’d like to remember that learning comes with us wherever we go.

16. I’d like to remember to see my kids as they are. Every day. I’d like to not make value judgments based on how I learned that learning happens.
17. I’d like society to show more respect for kids. I’d like to move this one to the top, actually.
18. I’d like peace on Earth, and I’ve heard a few times that it has to begin with me, so I’d like to remember to smile and hug these small people when I really feel like crawling behind the fridge and eating chocolate.
19. I’d still like chocolate.
20. And I guess last, Santa, I’d like to remember to be grateful – for the opportunity to homeschool, for this chance to watch my kids grow and learn–and for the memories we are making every day.
Because the truth is, I already have so much. I just want to remember to see that.
Yeah – I think that’s the gift I want this year most of all.
What would your homeschool mom heart appreciate most of all this year?
LOVED this.
All of them, but particularly 10, 15, and 16.
Rachel @ 6512 and growing’s latest post: Parenting is really hard. And we’re all doing a really good job.
Loved it! Merry Christmas!
Nancy Drew read by Laura Linney!! I love it!
Awesome, awesome, awesome. I totally hope this goes viral in the homeschooling world.
Absolutely fabulous — especially numbers 20, 17, 16 and (AHEM) number 11. And the part about not trying to do all the things on Pinterest — which needs more things like this instead. So, I pinned it to my homeschool board. 😉
Pam @ Everyday Snapshots’s latest post: Christmas Planner Link-up :: Living Liturgy
Oh, I would just copy half of yours wishes. They’re beautiful. Right at this moment I wish to have more patience, more understanding so I can give more hugs and kisses and contribute to world peace with making peace in my heart stronger.
I would also wish for a little bit more sleep.
I would ask for grace. Grace to see beyond what I call failures. Grace to cover my mistakes. Grace to realize that I don’t have to be perfect at homeschooling. Yes. Grace would be good.
Of course, more field trips would be pretty awesome too. 🙂
Loved this! So glad I’m not the only one with an amazon cart waiting period! 😉 Encouraging and lovely writing here. (3, 8, 15 and 17 are my faves).
Yes! Especially with Prime. Prime is the best/worst.
(Mostly best.) 🙂
Kara’s latest post: Holidays, letting in, and letting go.
Seriously in tears, first from laughing then from the heart. Thank you!
Aww. Thanks Colleen.
Kara’s latest post: Holidays, letting in, and letting go.
Really, really loved this. Number 11 made me laugh way too hard as I’m currently on the computer checking “just one thing”! 😉
Me too 😉
Kara’s latest post: Holidays, letting in, and letting go.
Wonderful! Our really hit the nail on the head with these – both the funny and poignant ones.
Much of this hits oh so close to home. Thanks.
I’m beginning the homeschooling journey for our 3.5 year old and I feel so grateful to be able to. I love this site so much!
Laughed so hard at #11. Just the other day I thought the line was down and spend a whole day in bliss (and withdrawal twitching) yet the kids had unplugged it and didn’t bother to check.
I’ve just started ‘escaping’ from the house on Saturdays to have ‘me’ time and I feel ever so re-freshed, I don’t know why I haven’t bothered in the past.
#17 Yes. Yes. Yes.
Isis- Little Mountain Haven’s latest post: Heirloom Review: Rouge Vif D’etampes
I love this! And I have banned Pinterest from my life. It no longer exists for me.
thank you for the laughs! needed this as my oldest is turning 5 soon and the panic is starting to set in : )
This. Was. Perfect.
Casey’s latest post: Lego Geometry – Circles
Thank you for the beautiful reminder.
No. 11 LOL!!!
Love! I’m sure Santa will fulfill all your wishes! And number 12 is Awesome!!!
Deanna’s latest post: A Pictures Says a Thousand Words
This made me laugh and cry simultaneously. So beautifully and perfectly written! You soooo get it, and it helps to know I’m not alone in my imperfect carrying out of the awesome responsibility of homeschooling. God bless you and your family this Christmas!!
Okay, how am I laughing and tearing up at the same time? This is so wonderful! Thank you!
Emmie’s latest post: And the stockings were (almost) hung…
“Taze me.” LOLOLOL. Yes, please do. I need a lot of tazing.
These are fantastic! Funny and touching… I’m sure this rings true with homeschool moms everywhere…
Amy @ A Journey of Purpose’s latest post: Give A Gift of Time
That is just perfect. Absolutely perfect!!
Thanks for the smile this morning.
sheila’s latest post: Sunday Selections
I laughed and cried at the same time too! What a wonderful letter!
Do you think Santa would notice if I sent almost the identical letter? Except I don’t even try to do anything on Pinterest except pin things that in my dream world I would someday make.
Thanks for the pre-Christmas gift, Kara.
Aww. You’re welcome Susan. I don’t think he would notice it all. 😉 Merry Christmas!
Love this! And thanks to you, I now know to only ask for printer cartridges for Christmas. My kids were so excited that all of mine are currently almost empty. Like I’d won Bingo or something.
I promise you when you look back on your home school experience all the self doubt and questions will be but a faint memory. What they will remember is the time you spent with them, not the bad day when nothing went right and the science project was an epic fail. I had many days where I questioned if I was doing the right thing by home schooling my daughter. She is a well rounded, creative , and loving individual. She is not socially awkward and is comfortable in her own skin.
My daughter (now 26) would say homeschooling was a success. She told her friends she would home school her children ( no babies yet).
I hope this is helpful to someone out there.
P.S. I love your list a lot of this was not available when I home schooled my daughter Becky.
As, my kids grow older and become great thinkers, I know that the kid will be fine. Merry Christmas.
Mine is close to #10: I want my future self to come back to me and tell me if I did something wrong and what I need to do to correct it now, so they will grow up to be men of honor, integrity and virtue who serve their King with all their hearts, souls, mind and body.
I can relate to all of these! A well-written, enjoyable read. Thank you.
Monique B.’s latest post: Nature by the Numbers | December 2014
Yes to all of the above, especially the future me, Bill Nye, and chocolate. Merry Christmas!
Erin – The Usual Mayhem’s latest post: Easy Christmas gift to sew: Portable dollhouse
I adore every single thing on this list. It’s the best thing I’ve read all week (and I read quite a bit!)… thank you so much for writing it and sharing it with us. I never imagined myself on this homeschooling path but now I cannot imagine myself anywhere else. 🙂
Caitie’s latest post: Game Review: No Stress Chess
Thank you! Thank you! You made me laugh and cry at the same time. #10 made tears spring to my eyes – I must really want that! Is that on Amazon? : ) I’ll trade you my 6 years of French for your 4 yrs of Spanish. What was I thinking?
Merry Christmas and God bless you and yours! Warmly, Kim
LOVE it!! All except #14. This made me laugh so hard. Thank you.
I only owe the library $8.40 and immediately following reading your blog I went and picked up the 6 books waiting for us! This was great.!
Not sure if you’ll get Bill Nye back – but Smarter Every Day is a favorite around our house. https://www.youtube.com/user/destinws2
I was seriously laughing out loud at #6. I watch Downtown Abbey Sunday evenings after the kids are in bed and I am getting work boxes ready. The list is beautiful. Thank you for sharing.
Loved this! It truly made my night 🙂
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