Written by Jamie C. Martin of Simple Homeschool Welcome back to the Read the World Book Club. I've been looking forward to our North America studies SO much!! Wanna see why? Check out my vlog below, and let's get started! Just joining us? We're on a global excursion, using my book, Give …
Search Results for: little house
Candle making with kids
Candle making with kids ~ Written by Jamie Martin of Simple Homeschool You guys? I did something amazing. I. MADE. FIRE! Well, hand-dipped beeswax taper candles at least. If you know me at all, you know that I don't "do" crafting. I try to stick with my strengths, which happen to be in …
Raising our kids one book at a time
Raising Our Kids One Book at a Time ~ Written by Jamie C. Martin of Simple Homeschool Twenty years from now when my kids are grown, married, perhaps with children of their own...nothing would thrill me more than if they looked back on their childhood through the lens of the books we read …
Cait’s homeschool day in the life (with a 4-, 6-, and 7-year-old)
This post contains affiliate links. Written by Caitlin Curley of My Little Poppies. When I was a little girl, my parents had this morning rule: I had to turn up the heat, make the coffee, and wait until the coffee had filled to the 10-line before I could enter their room and wake them …
Cait’s homeschool day in the life (with a 4-, 6-, and 7-year-old)Read More
Weekend homeschool links
This post contains affiliate links. Boys + fire = Happiness Enjoy this collection of weekend homeschool links: Dads, boys & the importance of building a family culture around books :: From contributor Sarah Mackenzie of Amongst Lovely Things The science of 'Little House on the …