This giveaway has ended. Thanks for entering!
Welcome to another fabulous weekend giveaway, hosted by ListPlanIt.
ListPlanIt offers instant access for one full year to hundreds of lists geared toward helping you live a more organized life–and just in time for the holidays, too!
From ListPlanIt:
“Members of have access to hundreds of printable, ready-made lists – and MORE added frequently!
You can browse, get ideas, type or write in your own information, print out the lists you need, and then come back whenever you would like for as long as you remain a member.”
Today two winners will receive a one year print membership to ListPlanIt, which provides:
- hundreds of printable lists and planning pages at your fingertips.
- space to clear the mental clutter into neat and organized pages.
- a member price so low that you will end up saving money in the long run.
- access to all that ListPlanIt has to offer for 1 full year.
How to Win
To be entered for a chance to win, simply leave a comment in the comment section below!
This giveaway has ended. Thanks for entering and thanks to ListPlanIt!
Who doesn’t need a list? Heaven knows I do!
Count me in! I’m ready to be more organized! Thanks for the giveaway opportunity! Merry Christmas!
I’m an organizational junkie, so this is awesome!
Oh this would be so awesome!! I am such an organizing freak, these would be perfect!!
Gabby’s latest post: “If I Could Keep You Little…
This list-lover is in awe!
Elizabeth’s latest post: baby- baby
Mmmm, lists. This site sounds awesome. 🙂
Cynthia’s latest post: Encouraging generosity in children
I’ve been wanting to buy a membership, so this would be great to win!
Angie @ Many Little Blessings’s latest post: 7 Quick Takes- December 10- 2010 Vol 63
I so need this! I’m an ADHD mom with a twins, one of whom was recently diagnosed autistic. He needs structure/organization – I struggle to have it! SO many changes, appointments, therapies in our immediate future – this would be a HUGE help and hopefully reduce my stress level a bit!
I am constantly trying to get organized, but have no idea where to start!
Thanks for this great giveaway!!! 🙂
I NEED to get organized!!! Thanks!!!
Thanks for the chance to win!!!!
Oh……lists are things I cannot live without!!!
I’m a list maker! It would be nice to have a list already done for me! 🙂
I love lists! This sounds great.
sometimes I make lists of the lists I need to make. Is that bad?
andie’s latest post: rainy day ideas 2
With 3 boys, working full time, and homeschooling on my days off,…..our family certainly would benefit from the organization of lists. My husband could see what the weeks plan would be, and the kids would have organization too!
I am a seriously compulsive list maker – if I could write my first novel as a series of lists, I’d have it done in a month, tops.
I would love to win this! I love lists:)
Yay for lists! Thanks for the chance to win!
This would be awesome, I am a obsessive list maker! 🙂
Sarah M
I’m sure this would be a great help to me. Thanks for sponsoring such a neat giveaway!
Penny’s latest post: Old years resolutions
Sounds like a tool I need! thanks!
I love lists!
I’d love to be more organized, maybe this would help.
Thank you for offering this giveaway! Finger’s crossed.
Paige’s latest post: Thanksgiving 2010
I’m a list maker but I would love some new ideas! I hope I win!
I think I’m going to win!
i love ListPlanIT. thanks for the giveaway!
Handcuffed Heart’s latest post: Its good to be a girl
I’m so excited! I have been wanting a subscription to ListPlanIt for FOREVER!!!
Would like to have this
oo I am a total list lover! I would love to win this 🙂
Lindsay @ BytesOfMemory’s latest post: A fun photo shoot
I absolutely LOVE lists. I make lists for everything 🙂 Helps me stay somewhat organized and since I am becoming more forgetful as the days go by…lists help me stay sane! What a great giveaway!!!
Oh, if I could stop making new lists every time I have stuff to do…Oh, if I could keep track of my lists so I don’t have to re-do them. I’ll certainly be checking this out!
New baby nearly here and husband about to deploy! I need lists!!!!! HELP!
This would be perfect to help with my New Year’s resolutions!
i love lists~ have to have them! (:
Printable lists…..what a fantastic idea! Please include me in the chance to win and thank you!
To copy Buddy the Elf: I love making lists. Lists are my favorite.
I Love Lists! And I love crossing thing off of them – I would not get much done if I didn’t have my lists.
So many lists, so little time… Where do I begin? What a fantastic giveaway!
i’ve heard about this product and am curious how much of a difference it would make in my life. would love to try it out!
Thanks for the opportunity to get more organized!
I need to be more organized! I hope I win!
Thanks for another great giveaway!
LC’s latest post: Gifts for grandparents- Ornaments
This would be a great win! Thanks.
Wow! Is there a list they don’t have?! They have lists I didn’t know I needed… but now I’m pretty sure I do!
Oh to be more organized… 🙂
Oh this would be so great! Thank you & Merry Christmas!
I could really use this…I have been putting together a family notebook. Some printable lists would be great!
Kim C.’s latest post: Wrapping up the weeks
I love lists!
Krissa’s latest post: Cooking Together…Winter Pasta
I’ve looked at this site and it looks great! I would love to win! Thanks for hosting.
Oh my gosh – this is just what I need! Thanks for a great giveaway!
Kim Monaco’s latest post: Top Ten Tuesday – Christmas Movies
Anything to help me get organized would be a blessing!
Courtney’s latest post: I will
Another great giveaway!
I would love this!
count me in! i would like to win!
April Emery’s latest post: Merry Christmas or Merry Xmas
I think having a list is the best way to ensure productivity!
Sounds like a great way to get organized!
my mama brain needs this so very very much
very very much
Thanks for the opportunity! You all have great giveaways!
Julie Sanchez’s latest post: Safeway Grocery Trip 12-10-10
Great giveaway! I’m always hoping to win one of these, fingers crossed that today is my lucky day!
Rachel LaPointe’s latest post: 7 Quick takes!
This would be sooo helpful.
Just in time for the holidays. Hopefully it would help me stay organized
Natalie’s latest post: Fridays FeaturesPeppa Bonding Dolls
I would need this badly!
“space to clear the mental clutter into neat and organized pages.” Yes!
I’m always on the lookout for ways to get more organized!
Oh how I love lists! I’d love this membership.
Melissa D’s latest post: Working- working- working
I work the best from lists. This looks like it would be fun to try.
Oh yes, please enter me! We’re going through some fairly trying medical times and mapping out our days is crucial. A membership to ListPlanIt would be a fabulous help!
Lindsey’s latest post: EE Update
We just purchased a new, much faster computer last week. I would love to try this out on it and use it in the year!
Sounds like a great way to stay organized.
Teresa Lynn’s latest post: BTW- the friendship is over
Sounds very helpful.
i list this!!! <3
I would love this!
Wonderful giveaway! Would love to win!
Would love to have this!
I’m such a list-maker….this would be so helpful!
I’m a list-aholic and would LOVE to win this. Thanks for a great giveaway!
This would be perfect to have because one of my goals for the new year is to be more organized!
Sounds great! I’m sure I could make use of this.
Kim’s latest post: Create
I’ve heard so many great things about ListPlanIt. Thanks for the opportunity, Jamie!
What a great tool to start the New Year – hoping to win! 🙂
This looks really interesting.
Anything that could help me coordinate my husband’s deployment and my daughters’ schedules and LIFE in general would be a blessing!
Laurie’s latest post: Cooking this week
Please enter me, I would love to win this.
Great giveaway, I could really use this in my house, as I make list all the time, but they never work out. I need some help from perfectionals.
I love lists!
I’ve been wanting to try this! Thanks for offering it 🙂
I really need this!
Meal Planning is my new year’s resolution!
Thanks for another great giveaway!
Wow. Looks incredible.
Oh, I think ListPlanIt is fabulous. It just not been in my budget to join a membership. Such a great giveaway! Thank you ListPlanIt!
Michelle’s latest post: “Let’s Do Lunch” by Roger Troy Wilson Book Review
oh, how nice!
I <3 lists!
I would love this!!!
Thanks for the chance to enter, and letting us know of such a useful site.
I’m in! 🙂
Alicia’s latest post: Dozens of fun ways to teach about the Periodic Table of Elements
Oooh, listmaking gets me all hot and bothered!
Too funny!
Kelly’s latest post: Something to Think About
Wow! Could this really help ME be organized? I would love it 🙂
Ilove lists…now is there also something that will motivate to accomplish what goes onto the lists?
Kelly’s latest post: Something to Think About
I would love to have access to these lists in the coming year! A fabulous gift to myself!
As a HSing mom of 8 children and also an on line business, this would be so handy. Thanks for offering this give away.
I love lists! Anything to help with organization is a HUGE help!
Yay! I can start on my New Year’s resolution early!! Thanks.
that is an awesome prize!!
This is great, I need the help!
Thanks for the chance to win!
Just in time for the new year – thank you for the giveaway!
Awesome! Thank you!