- What You Need from Your Local Yard Sales :: Teach Mama
- All About Me – Timelines :: Early Bird Homeschool
- Life is Work. Life is Play. Life is Learning :: Infinite Learners
- 4 Ways to Bring Summer into Your Home :: Simple Mom
- Just Do the Math :: BestHomeschooling.org (essay by David Albert)
“An investment in knowledge always pays the best interest.” ~ Benjamin Franklin
That math article is my absolute favorite. I read that years ago and have felt infinitely more confident ever since. Really, I love anything by David Albert (smile). He has a new book out soon (or just out).
Just love the math article!!! It so goes against the grain and says it so much better than I ever could!!! Love it!!!
.-= se7en’s last blog: Happy Birthday Hood #2… =-.
Just read the math article, and boy, did I ever need to read that now! I’ve heard most of that before but my common sense has gotten a little buried under my insecurities. Challenging and inspiring—it’s why I love that man (or his writing, anyway).
.-= Jennifer Jo’s last blog: Concerning cilantro =-.
The math article was very interesting. It made me interested to read his book. Thanks for sharing these.
.-= Leslie’s last blog: Way behind… =-.
awesome article and thank you so much for the link to teachmama.com
always appreciated, friend!
.-= amy @teachmama’s last blog: summertime fun cards–cool ways to fill hot days =-.