- Stop Stealing Dreams: Homeschooling works for parents who try it :: The Innovative Educator
- Apologies to the Parents I Judged Four Years Ago :: Huffington Post
- Kicking curriculum to the curb with living learning lists :: Everyday Snapshots
- 50 Simple Outside Activities for Kids :: No Time for Flash Cards
- Unschooling Tools: Math Play :: Ordinary Life Magic
“How could youths better learn to live than by at once trying the experiment of living?” ~ Henry David Thoreau
Hi Jamie,
My daughters currently attend a wonderful Montessori school. However, due to certain circumstances we can no longer afford to send them starting next year. We’ve decided to Homeschool, because we think it is a wonderful option. However, our kids really love their school and their friends, and whenever we’ve brought up the idea of learning at home they are upset by the idea of leaving their friends. I would love some advise on how to talk to them about it (they are young all pre 1st grade) And also just some support for us parents, because although we are excited we are also scared. And because we aren’t taking them out of a bad choice (the school is really wonderful) it feels a little scarier. I’m hoping the guilt over making the choice next year because of money goes away, and I can focus on all the positives of homeschooling instead of what we’re leaving behind. But I do worry about how to explain this to the little ones. Thanks!
I don’t think you need to talk to them about leaving the school if they are that young. Simply start doing activities with them that bring their focus to you. Example, a morning at the zoo followed by coloring pages and books in the afternoon that relate to their trip. Not only are you homeschooling but you are forming a new deeper bond with the kids. Also find a homeschool group that you can take your kids to a play date or park date. They will adjust to their new lifestyle if you and them are having fun-together. Another idea-start with a family vacation….
Hi Jamie!
Wanted to come and say thank you for the shout-out to Ordinary Life Magic! I’m glad you found the post worth mentioning. 🙂
Stephanie’s latest post: saturday : goodly things
Thanks for all the links. I always find something worth printing, bookmarking, etc. I love finding new information to help me in homeschooling. Thanks so much for all you do.