my youngest, Elijah, turned seven last week – seven!!
- Killing Kindergarten :: Huffington Post
- That single priority :: Amongst Lovely Things
- Quality books for beginning readers :: Mt. Hope Chronicles
- Writing a personal mission statement – a roadmap for the journey :: FIMBY
- How to be a good mom on a bad day :: Inspired to Action
“A man who has never gone to school may steal from a freight car; but if he has a university education, he may steal the whole railroad.” ~ Theodore Roosevelt
Thanks for sharing, Jamie!
Kat’s latest post: A Super Sweet Song and A Good Book for Your Weekend
Wow! My little man will be six in less than two months, and I can hardly believe it.
CC Jen’s latest post: Monday Blues
Belated happy birthday to your son! I’m sure you are a proud parent
Christa’s latest post: Kitchen island cart