Guess what, fellow Simple Homeschoolers? Today I celebrate 48 loops around the sun!! I started Simple Homeschool when I was 34, so that gives you an idea of how long this space has been around. Pure joy and craziness mixed together.
To celebrate, I’d love to conclude this year’s 14th Annual Homeschool Day in the Life series by hearing about your homeschool day in the life – see below for more info!
But first, have you missed any of this year’s posts? If so, now’s the perfect chance to (re)visit them:
2024 Homeschool Day in the Life
* Jamie’s Then and Now: Lessons from a Veteran Homeschool Mom
* Debbie’s Homeschool Day in the Life (with a 13- and 14-year-old)
* Jessica’s Homeschool Day in the Life (with an 11-year-old only child)
* Lusi’s Homeschool Day in the Life (with a 12- and 14- year old)
* Then and Now: Jamie’s Homeschool Day (with a 5-, 6-, & 7-year-old) UPDATED!
* Amber’s Homeschool Day in the Life (with a 8-, 10-, 12- and 14-year-old)
* Colleen’s Homeschool Day in the Life (with an 11-, 14-, 16-, & 21-year-old)
* Kari’s Homeschool Day in the Life (with a 3-, 5-, 15-, & 17-year-old)
* Then and Now: Jamie’s Homeschool Day (with a 6-, 7-, & 8-year-old) UPDATED!
Now it’s your turn! Tell us about what’s working in your homeschool, and what your family has learned so far this year.
Remember, each of us does things a little differently, and that’s kind of the point – we want to know what makes your family and homeschool unique!
How to take part
Please share about your homeschool day in the comment section of this post! Start your comment by sharing the ages you’re homeschooling like this: Kari’s Homeschool Day (with a 3-, 5-, 15-, & 17-year-old)
If you’ve written about your homeschool day on your own site, feel free to leave the link in your comment so we can take a deeper look – we’d love to peek behind your curtains!
Thank you so much for joining us for this series, for the 14th year (wow!)
If you’re reading this post in an email or reader and want to check out others’ comments or add your own, just click here to head to Simple Homeschool — enjoy!
What’s Your Homeschool Mom Personality? Take Jamie’s quiz now and receive a free personality report to help you organize your homeschool based on what your personality type needs most!
Tabitha’s Homeschool Day in the Life with a 15 year old:
Happy Birthday Jamie!
Tabitha’s latest post: Tabitha’s Homeschool Day in the Life …
This was so lovely to read, Tabitha! I love how you rolled with the unexpected within your day to respond to what was needed in each moment. Beautiful!
And thank you for your sweet comments about following me all these years. I am so grateful! xo
Jamie C. Martin’s latest post: If I am Brave, She is Brave: The Power of Modelling Behaviour
Brittany’s Bilingual French Day in the Life (with a 3.5 yr old and 9 month old)
Brittany’s latest post: 17: Anticancer
Thank you so much for sharing your day, Brittany! I loved reading and imagining a day in your life with your littles.
It absolutely counts when you are homeschooling preschoolers, something I wrote about several years ago here:
Janet’s Homeschool Day in the Life (with a 13-year-old)
Janet, I’m so blessed that you have been following along with Simple Homeschool for so long! Thanks for sharing your day in the life – your sofa made me want to curl up with a blanket and a good book along with you both! xo Jamie