This giveaway has ended; thanks for your interest!
Welcome to this week’s giveaway–sponsored by Be Naturally Curious!
From Valerie at Be Naturally Curious:
“I am a mom to two energetic and inquisitive young girls and also happen to be a former college Biology professor.
One of my greatest passions in life is to help ALL kids experience the joy in learning science and exploring nature!
I believe this is best done by focusing on concepts and reinforcing learning with multiple, non-traditional teaching techniques, which is why I started Be Naturally Curious, creating science and nature mini-courses for kids grades K-5.
I love to share and discuss ideas about science and learning on our Facebook page —please come connect with us!
I’ve enlisted the help of several other scientists, many of whom are also moms, to make mini-courses on really important and fascinating scientific concepts (these are the real thing—nothing watered down here!).
Current mini-courses include:
- Take Off with Airplane Science
- A Wide World of Vertebrates
- A Butterfly’s Evening Adventure
- Freddie and His Ocean Friends
- Molecules are Everywhere
- The Adventures of Carbon
- Discovering DNA
- Mighty Magnets
- Life in the Desert
- See with your Ears!
- Our Neighbor, the Moon!
- Amazing Animal Migrations
They are designed to give parents the tools to teach higher-level scientific concepts to all styles of learners. Whether you have a kinesthetic learner or a visual one, your child can master everything from molecules and DNA to ecosystems and the carbon cycle.
As moms ourselves, we specifically designed the courses so they can be done easily at home or on a trip with minimal supplies—most materials can be cut directly from the course print out. We believe science can be done anywhere!
Each mini-course focuses on a different scientific concept, whether it be how airplanes fly or how dolphins echolocate.
Every mini-course is designed to appeal to all kinds of learners and a wide range of ages (grades K-5), and includes a beautifully illustrated story, a board or card game, a movement-based activity, a craft or modeling activity, and an experiment or outdoor exploration activity.
Try them with all the kids in your family—each person has his or her own best way to learn!
Each mini-course also includes additional resources to allow kids to follow their curiosity (the most important thing we can develop!) and concept badges kids can add to their Science Tool Kits (print out included in each mini-course.)
The prize
One Simple Homeschool reader will win a complete set of Be Naturally Curious mini-courses (worth $120), in PDF format!
PDFs can be printed in their entirety or in part for the activity materials.
How to Win
This giveaway has ended; thanks for your interest!
To be entered for a chance to win, leave a comment on this post answering this question: How old are your kids, and which mini-course would interest them most right now? (See list of courses above.)
Special Offer
Be Naturally Curious is offering Simple Homeschool readers 50% OFF all purchases of mini-courses through August 31st.
That makes each course just $5, so go ahead and stock up for the upcoming school year! Use the discount code SH2016SUMMER at check out.
This giveaway has ended; thanks for your interest!
Airplanes and magnets.
My kids are 6, 5, and 11 months. They would love the butterflies and magnets studies. Thanks for the chance to win!
11, 10, 7, 3
I have an 8, 5, 4, and 2 year old along with a new baby. The 3 bigger kids have been very curious about caterpillars and butterflies lately, so I think A Butterflies Evening Adventure would be a hit.
My 6 and 9 year old would struggle to choose between the butterfly adventure and the migration story. 🙂
Anne’s latest post: Adoption: Sometimes Love Takes (A Long) Time
Same here: Butterfly’s Evening Adventure or Amazing Animal Migration for my 3 and 6 year old girls!
Four months, four and six years old. The butterfly, or the desert one look really cool!
Ann-Marie’s latest post: VBS – 2016 – Amazing Apostle’s Creed!
My children are 10 and 7. My daughter would love the airplanes, my son the deserts, but I would love to work through the DNA one with them. Thanks for the chance to win.
My non-teenaged kids are 3, 5, 6, 8, 9, 10, and 12. While so many of these topics would fascinate them, I think they’d enjoy A Wide World of Vertebrates the most. They are all about animals!
Shelly’s latest post: Has Compulsory Education Actually Harmed Us More Than It’s Helped?
Shared it on my blog’s Facebook page!
Shelly’s latest post: Has Compulsory Education Actually Harmed Us More Than It’s Helped?
My 9 and 3 year olds both adore magnets.
Joy’s latest post: Off the Dock
My girls are 8 and 6 and have asked to study astronomy, so they’d love to start with the moon!
Mine are 7 &4
, butterflies and magnets sound neat.
My daughter is 8 and it would definitely be Mighty Magnets with a close second with a butterflies evening adventure!!
My girls are 4 and 7 and I think they would be super excited about molecules and DNA!
The kids are 8, 5, 2, and a couple months. baI think the older ones would love to learn more about molecules.
My kids are 8, 6, and 4. It’s hard to decide which ones they would like the most! I think the Oceans unit and Magnets would be popular though. Thanks for the opportunity to win!
My girls are rising 3rd and 1st graders. Our 3rd grader would love Take Off with Airplane Science (we’ve studied the Wright Brothers and Amelia Earhart extensively) or See with Your Ears. Our first grader would enjoy the Amazing Animal Migrations lesson (her favorite bird is the Arctic Tern) or A Wide World of Vertebrates, A Butterfly’s Evening Adventure or Freddie and His Ocean Friends — basically any/all animal-related material.
Thanks for the opportunity — looks like a fabulous product!
My daughter is 5 1/2 and is most interested in Amazing Animal Migrations.
My kids are 5 and 7. I think they would like Take Off with Airplane Science the most.
Thanks 🙂
My 5 year old would really enjoy Mighty Magnets.
Thank you!
My kids are 8, 5, & 3. Magnets and the moon would be fun!
Jen Steed’s latest post: Living the Liturgical Year – August
My kids are 6,3 and 18mths and having just lapbooked ‘The Glorious Flight’ the airplane science would be a brilliant follow on! Butterflies would also be a big hit I’m sure!
7 and 5. They’d probably like the vertebrate course or the migration one. Thanks for the giveaway 🙂
My kids are 14, 12, 9, 6, and 2 and would love to do Discovering DNA!
My kids are 11, 9, 7, 4 ,2.
They would be most interested in the Airplane or DNA mini course.
Airplanes because we just had visited my grandpa’s farm where he built a plane, and DNA because we have been talking about how things get passed through generations with DNA (not just physiological, but emotionally, spiritually, etc. as well). Love how the physical world is a reflection of the Creator’s design in other areas of our lives! Thanks for your consideration!
I have one little girl, 6 years old.
She adores animals – I think Amazing Animal Migrations would fascinate her as we live in a wetland with migratory birds in Eastern Australia.
My kids are 10, 8, 5, and 1.
They say they would be most interested in airplane science.
My kids are 6 and 3.
They would love Freddie and His Ocean Friends.
My girls are ages 8 & 6 and boys are 3 & 2 1/2 months.
Definitely the butterflies and migration ones! The list looks wonderful and fascinating, thank you!
10, 5, and 1. Maybe ‘a wide world of vertebrates’. Although I really think they would end up liking any of them.
Hello. My children are 11, 8, and 5. The course they would be most interested in is Freddy and His Ocean Friends. We just studied a unit on Antarctica and they fell in love with the penguins and seals. Thanks.
My almost 10 year old son would love this approach to science. He is not a sit at a desk type of learner. He is definitely a student who needs a hands-on approach to learning. I am searching for a way to teach science that will keep his attention and allow him to explore, rather than just memorize science vocabulary. This would be perfect!
6 & 8 – Freddie and His Ocean Friends 🙂
11, 8, 4 all boys
I have four kiddos that would LOVE Discovering DNA!!!!
I have four kids that would love Discovering DNA
6 and 3 (and expecting)
a butterfly’s evening adventure
My kids are 10, 8 and 7.
They would probably enjoy Molecules Are Everywhere the most at this point.
Thanks for this chance to win!
Shared on facebook this morning.
My babies are 8, 5, and almost 2! Discovering DNA is the mini-course I am sure my oldest would choose! Thanks!
Ivy 8 & Tula 5
Discovering your DNA would just tickle my girls curiosity!!
Shared! How wonderful and kind that you offer such amazing things with others. Thank you for that!
Our blessings are eight and five years old. They would LOVE the moon and the migration studies!
My sons, ages 9 and 6, would love to know more about airplane science!
My kids are 5,4,3,2,7 months, and expectind baby 6????
Any of the animal ones. We are learning about creation and doing lots of nature studies????
My kids are 8, 4, and 2. We are all very interested in constellations right now, so Our Neighbor, the Moon would interest them the most.
My five year old would love the butterfly one and the airplane one the most right now. Thanks for the chance to win!
7, 5, 3, 2 My children would love them all, but they’ve had a lot of questions lately about DNA so I’d choose that first.
My kids are 4 and 8
The wide world of vertebraes, my kiddos are super into animals right now!!
17, 14, 10.
We have a 10,7, and 5 year old, and this is our first year homeschooling. Freddie and his ocean friends looks really awesome! Thanks!
My 8 and 5 year olds would love airplane science and DNA.
I have 8-year-old twins. They’d love the molecules one as well as the vertebrates one. Thanks!!
My girls are 2 and 5 and we are currently studying the human body, so probably the The Wide World of Vertebrates!
Hi. My kids are 6, 7, and 10
I think they would really enjoy amazing animal migrations.
My children are nine and four. They would love the animal migration. Thank you!
My kiddos are 8, 7, 5 (triplets), 4 & 2. The girls love all things butterfly so that would be their favorite.
My kids are 3 & 4. They would love Freddie and his ocean friends.,
At ages 7, 8 and 13 my ever curious children would love Butterfly’s Evening Adventure, See With Your Ears and Take Off With Airplanes respectively. They all love nature and learning. They are so easy to instruct. This book is most intriguing.
My kids are ages 1, 4, 8, 11, and 14. My 8 year old loves science, but perhaps his favorite would be My Neighborhood and the Moon.
My son is three years old and loves talking and looking at the sky at night. He would love the Our Neighbor, the Moon Adventure!
Kiddos are 4.5, 2 and 6mo
Oldest is into butterflies right now and he would also love the ocean friends 🙂
My Children are 2,5 and 7. The Airplane or Hear with your ears courses sound awesome for them!
My daughter is 4 about to be 5 Sept. 21. My daughter loves Butterfly’s, DNA, The Solar System, Life in the Desert, See with your Ears! and Animal Migrations.
awesome! I think the Discovering DNA or Life in the Desert sounds interesting. My kids are 9 and 7. 🙂
Sarah M’s latest post: July Titles Read (2016)
My kids are 6 and 4. My daughter, 6, would love the lessons on butterflies, animal migration and the ocean. My son, 4, would be enthralled with airplane science.
I have 4 kids: 10, 9, 7, and 5. We’re into DNA right now but also we’re always into the moon!
10 and 4 1/2
They would be interested in Mighty Magnets the most!!
4 airplanes
We tried Vertebrates last year and really enjoyed it.
My kids are 6, 4, 3, and 9m. I know the 4 year old would go for the Airplane science, since we’ve all but exhausted the library resources on that topic.
My 4 year old would love a butterflies’ evening. He really likes animals, especially bugs!!
My son is 9. First year we are homeschooling and we are so excited . His older brother is going off to college in Arizona. So I think DESERTS and AIRPLANES will be a hit as we will be traveling often to visit him.
My kids are 10, 8, 5 and 4. They would love Life in the Desert.
My sons are both 8. Both of my sons would like the deserts, but I would to do the DNA one with them.
My children are 8 and 6, and I LOVE all the titles available! Right now my kids are really loving chemistry, so either the molecules or the carbon one. Thank you for the opportunity to win!
My kids are 3, 7, 10.
They would enjoy ‘molecules are everywhere’
8, 7, 5, 2.
Freddie and his ocean friends!!
7 and 9
Airplane science and butterflies
My 10 year old would like the DNA and the 7 year old would definitely like the Magnets.
Our Neighbor, the Moon
Shared on FB????
9 and 7.
Airplanes and molecules would top the list around here.
my daughter is 5, and she would be really excited about the DNA course!
My girls are seven and nearly five, and would love Mighty Magnets!
My kids are 4 and 5. I think they’d be most interested in the Magnets right now!
My girls are 5 1/2 and 2 1/2. A Butterfly’s Evening Adventure and Amazing Animal Migrations would fit our current interests!
I shared it on Facebook! 🙂
and shared on FB!
My children are 6, 4, and 1.5 year old twins. I think airplanes and butterflies would interest my kids the most. Thanks for the giveaway!
my kids are 11 and 7 and my youngest loves to learn about the ocean and all its creatures so Freddie and his ocean friends would be her go to!
My littles are 7 and 4. We are brand new to homeschooling! They would like Animal Migrations the most.
I have one 6 year old, and her favorite subject (and mine) is science. We do 2 to 3 different (secular) science programs a year.
My children are 8 and 10. They would be interested in anything about animals!
My kids are 9, 7, 3 and one on the way.
I know they would love the study about Airplanes and Butterflies!
Thank you for the opportunity!
I have a 4 year old and 2 year old. I think my oldest would love the moon and the Ocean Friends ones. These look fantastic!
My kids are 13, 11, 7, and 3. I think they’d enjoy the DNA study, butterflies and Ocean Friends.
My children are 6 and 9. This will be our first year homeschooling! They would be very excited about the airplane lesson – they recently took their first flight.
I don’t have children, but I know a co-worker who does. Her older children are teens and her youngest is a baby, but due to poor quality public school placements and instruction and a negative home environment to which they were subjected by her ex-husband, the teens need remedial work, and she is determined that the baby should follow a better path than the teens. Since parents are a child’s first teacher, this will help her a lot.
Laura Brose’s latest post: Devil’s Advocate
My kids are 9 and 4 and they’d be interested in See with your Ears.
Oh my! I have been eyeing these courses for far too long! I would love to win this give-away! My kids are 11 and 8 and there are a few I really want, a few others they would especially love, but I will say the DNA packet is near the top of my list. Thank you!
Nicola’s latest post: plan outline for grades 6 and 3
11, 5, and 2. 11 would love the butterflies, they all would like the ocean one, and 5 would love the carbon one. Not sure yet about my 2 year old!
Shared on fb 🙂
My children are 5 & 3, and most fascinated by butterflies right now, so A Butterfly’s Evening Adventure would definitely be a hit!
my kids are 13, 10, 8 and 6. I think my younger 2 would get the most out of these and would enjoy Amazing Animal Migrations greatly! Thanks for offering this.
I have a 9 year old, a 6 year old and a 3 year old and I know they would all enjoy Freddie and His Ocean Friends. Thanks so much for this giveaway!
Shared on FB!
My kiddos are 7 & 9, & they would love the Oceans study.
5,7,9. Molecules!!
My son age 7 and I would love to try Take Off with Airplane Science.
Thanks a bunch for adding me :o)
Shared in FB!
My boys are 10 and 6. The would love them all but right now the magnets and molecules ones. Thank you for this opportunity!
2.5 and 10 months. Tie between airplanes and magnets!
My schoolage kids are 9 and 6. We would love Freddie and His Ocean Friends for our beach trip!
I have 2 boys. My 9 year old would love discovering DNA and my 7 year old would love Our neighbor the moon!
Shared on facebook!
Freddie and His Ocean Friends Would be my favorite. My daughter is 5 years old & starting Kindergarten!
Hi my children are 9 and 11. They all look amazing, favorites, DNA and Molecules are everywhere.
thanks so much!
Magnets, the moon one and animal migrations! We have a few of the others and they’re great!
My kids are 4 and 7. Migrations, the moon, and airplane one.
My kids are 6 and 11. I think they would like airplane science the best.
My children are 10,8,6,4,&2. I think they’d LOVE airplane science!
I have 3 boys 11,9,7 and a little girl 3.
We would love any of them 🙂
My kids are 3, 6, 11, and 12
Airplanes, magnets, butterflies, moon
My kids are 4 and 8 and they would love the Fredy and his Ocean Friends right now. They are both so into the ocean after a recent trip we took to the beach. Thanks for offering this!!!
These are so cool! Thank you! My 8 y.o. wants to start with Freddy and his Ocean Friends!
Butterflies and magnets!:)
I have a 8 yrs old daughter with down syndrome. She loves to read books.
May I choose Migrations ? This is something new to her.
My kids are 5, 3 1/2, 1 1/2, and due 10/21. My oldest is especially “naturally curious” and would love these! I looked at them before but didn’t think they would fit our budget for this year (mostly a “public library” budget!). Airplanes or the Moon one would hit areas he already has lots of questions about!
I’m most interested in Discovering DNA right now. I think my guys would really be interested in that one.
7 and 9 – we’d probably love the ocean study!
6, 8
My girls would LOVE them all, but butterflies, and DNA are top of the list.
My kids are 9, 7, 4, 2, and 6m. They all look interesting, but I am guessing that magnets would be the biggest hit.
My three boys are 2, 6, and 8 and this will be our first year delving into science! I know they would all love the Amazing Animal Migrations series because they are obsessed with all kinds of animals as well as the PBS show, Wild Kratts.
My daughter would love them all, but particularly See with your Ears
8 and 5 and I think that they would enjoy magnets the most! Another group that I am in reviewed this product and it got great reviews
My girls are 9, 4 and 4 months. My oldest would enjoy Discovering DNA the most. I’m sure my preschooler would enjoy watching big sis do these units as well!
What a great giveaway! Thank you for the chance to win.
My children are 7 and 5. My 7 year old would LOVE “our neighbour the moon” and I bet my 5 year old would really enjoy “a butterfly’s evening adventure.”
My kids are 5 and 6. It’s hard to choose, but I would have to pick magnets. Thanks!
My sons are 2 and 4. My oldest would probably choose Our Neighbor the Moon, although he is so curious about how things work I know he would enjoy all of these!
My boys are 6 and 8 and They would love airplane science! Thanks for the giveaway!
7 & 9. They would love Freddy and his ocean friends. Great ideas! Thank you
7, 5, 3, 1~ all boys, & the magnets would be fascinating to them (anything with POWER!)
My critters are 10 and 7 .. they would love magnets and butterflies and any of the others, quite frankly!!
5, 3, 9 mo.
A Butterfly’s Evening Adventure
10, 8, and 4
see with your ears, animal migrations
My children are 9, 7, 4, & 3. my husband has a deep passion for the “hard sciences” and would love to show his kids that molecules are everywhere!!! Thank you for this chance!!!
4 and 7 yr old boys
My kids are 8,5, and 3. My 8 year old would probably be interested in molecules every where or DNA.
Mine are 14, 12, 10, 8, 6 and 2! Love anything nature related.
Posted on FB!
My kids are 3, 7, 14, and 16. All of my kids are really into science. Magnets and butterflies would be the one most interested in.
I have 5 kids, 10, 8, 6, 3, and 1. So many of these titles look interesting! But I think they would probably like vertebrates the most.
I’m also sharing on facebook. ☺
My daughter is 4 yrs old.
I believe that she would be most interested in Amazing Animal Migrations first because she is very into the Lion King story right now and always makes us explain why the animals at the beginning of the story are all traveling (migrating) together to Pride Rock!
You’d think this kid has seen the movie a hundred times but really we’ve only read the Disney BOOK and saw a local school play 🙂
I can’t find the dvd anywhere :/
ANYWAYS, mahalo nui for our chance to win!
We’re from Canada. My kids are 7 and 9. Take off with airplane Science and our neighbors the moon would be our top choice. They all look good though. Thanks for a great post.
My daughter is 4, and she loves butterflies.
My kids are 7 & 11 months, my son would appreciate the butterfly migration or the animal migration course best!
My kids are 7 and 8 years old. We would love to keep our classes with see with your ears and amazing animal migration.
my girls are 8 and 4….and they would love studying butterflies. =)
I have kids 7 and 4. My 4 year old loves space and airplanes. My 7 year old would love the magnets. So hard to choose though. Thanks for the chance to win!
I have 2 children, one 4 and one 2. They both LOVE space. The mini-course, Our neighbor, the Moon wold be fantastic for them! They absolutely love when they see the moon and talk about going there someday.
I have 3 sweet daughters, ages 8, 5 and almost 2! My oldest daughter’s favorite subject is science, so we would love ALL of them! But our favorite would probably be the butterflies and animal migration.
3, 6, and 9 year old boys. Life in the Desert and A Wide World of Vertebrates are the ones they would love the most right now 🙂
Airplanes and the moon. My kids are 7 and almost 4.
I shared on Facebook. 🙂
My kids are 7, 4, and 1. They would definitely like Freddie and his Ocean Friends. They just love learning about sea life!
11, 4
See with your Ears and Airplane Science 🙂
My girls are both 7 and they would love any and all of these topics! This is my favorite science curriculum for this age!
My children are 13 and 7.
The 7 year old would love any of them, but today she would likely choose Freddie and his Ocean Friends or A Wide World of Vertebrates.
My learners are 7 and 3yo, interested in Airplane Science/Mighty Magnets and See with Your Ears, respectively.
Thank you for the 50% offer. We’ll look into it!
6 and 3
Our Neighbot, The Moon
Shared on Facebook!
10 & 12
Discovering DNA
Boys aged 4 and 6 (plus a 3 mo old baby girl)! The boys would have interest in Airplanes and Ocean Friends right now. However other courses would also cause interest!
My kiddos are 9, 7, 5, 3, and 1, and the oldest ones would love Our Neighbor the Moon.
My kids are young – 3.5 and 1.5. My 3.5 year old though is very much interested in planes and anything ocean related, so I would love to see those 2 especially for her!
I’d love to do the amazing animal migration mini course with my 7 year old daughter.
My girls are 7 and 9 and they would be really into the magnets and molecules lessons.
Thanks for such a great resource!
My boys would love magnets, airplanes, and dna.
My kids are 5 and 1
They would love a butterfly’s evening adventure
Shared on Facebook
My kids are 13, 11, 9, 7, 5, 3, and 1 with another on the way. I asked my kids which sounded modules sounded most interesting. My older kids said the DNA one, the girls in the middle want to learn about the butterflies, and my little guys are all about the bugs. 😉
The kids I’m ‘teaching’ are 9, 6, and two 3 year olds.
My nine year old would be most interested in the
Ocean Friends and my 6 year old is obsessed with space and would be most interested in The Moon.
My kids are 16, 13, 10, 6 and 15 months. The 10 year old science lover is interested in airplane science.
I shared on FB!
My son is 5 and hands down, he’d love the airplane science kit!
My kiddos are 11, 9, 7and 3. They would love all of the courses. I would like them all as well.
Hi there,
Mine are 13, 12, 10, 5 &3. I think the older ones would like the DNA course. The younger two would like the vertebrate course as long as it includes a dog or lion/cheetah 😉
Diana N
My son Wyatt is 7 (almost 8!) And would love Our Neighbor the Moon!
My kids are 4 and 6. They would love butterflies and the moon studies!
This looks awesome! They all look great. My 5 & 9 year old kids would likely pick the moon & the magnets courses first.
My kids are 6, 5, 3, and almost 2. Our 6 year old would love mighty magnets as a magnet is one of his favorite toys right now. Our 5 year old girl loves butterflies and would really love to learn about a butterfly’s evening adventure.
I just shared on Facebook!
I’ve shared on Facebook!
5 1/2 and 3. Kind-of random, but my 5 year old is really into molecules so I’d have to say that one!
My daughter is 6 and she would love the butterfly and magnet units!
My kids are 9 and 4. I think they will like “Take Off with Airplane Science”.
I have 3 boys, ages 8, 6, and 2. I think they would love seeing with the ears.
My boys are ages seven and nine. They both love science, and unfortunately, we haven’t done enough of it in the past! I’d like to do more this coming homeschool year! I feel that my seven-year young child would currently enjoy Take Off with Airplane Science the most, and my nine-year young child anything of the topics related to animals – Vertebrates, Ocean Life, Desert Animals – you name it!
Thank you!
I think they would enjoy molecules are everywhere.
Shared on facebook
My daughter is 9, and she would love Discovering DNA.
My kids are 7. 4, and (almost) 2. They would definitely love the butterflies!
Ashley @ twentysixcats’s latest post: Give Your Child the World: Week 4 – North America
These look great!
I have a 1, 3 and 5 year old (starting kindergarten) who would really love the Freddie and his Oven Friends! We just made shadow puppets today- and they just HAD to be ocean animals 🙂
My daughter is 7 years old. The adventures of Carbon would be our choice.
My kids are 11 and 8 and they love all things science but molecules are fascinating them right now. Thank you for the great giveaway!
My kids are 3 and 7. I know they would enjoy Amazing Animal Migrations. They love learning about geography, habitats, and animals.
I shared the giveaway on Facebook.
son 12, d 10, s 6, d 2
Mighty Magnets or Discovering DNA
7 and 3
Mighty magnets!
My boys are 9 and 6. I think they would like Discovering DNA.
My two are 6 and 3 (nearly 4) yrs old and the See With Your Ears one sounds fascinating, their interested in dolphins and I’ve just no idea how to explain echo-location to them!
My boys are 7 and 2, and would be most interested in Life in the Desert.
Just shared link on Facebook!
3 and 5. Airplane science but really each one!
7,6,5 oh my! So many awesome choices. I love the carbon, ocean and moon themes for my crew.
My kids are 2 and 5 and I think the desert one would be of interest since we live in the desert!
My kids are 17, 14, 13, 11, 9, 7, 6, 4, and 2. The molecules mini-course looks great for most of my kids, but my 4 yr old would be most interested in learning more about life in the desert.
These look amazing! Thank you! My kids are 9 and 5 and I know they would love Takeoff with Airplane Science or Molecules Are Everywhere.
My daughter is about to start kindergarten and my son is 2. My daughter would love the butterflies and the moon unit.
The kids I homeschool are 9 and 5. Airplanes!
Shared too!
My kids are 3, 5, 7 and 9 and they would love Our neighbor, the moon. They are obsessed with the moon, the stars and planets
My kids are 10, 8 and 5. The girls love butterflies and I think the airplanes, magnets and astronomy related topics would interest them all.
My little ones are 7, 5 and 2 and would love molecules are everywhere.
4 & 6
“Take off with Planes” sounds like a blast!
Thanks for hosting!
Shared on: Home School On a Dime facebook page.
Homeschool On A Dime Mom’s latest post: Clean Your Entire Home in Under One Hour
My girls are 8 and 10. They would love the one on the moon!
My 8 year old says Freddie’s Ocean Friends would be her first choice!
My boys are 3 and 5 they would love the Freddy and his ocean friends
My children are 5, 3, and 3 months old. My 5 year old would LOVE Our Neighbor, The Moon. He’s fascinated by all things space-related including planets, rocket ships, and of course — the moon!!
I have a 4, 6, 7 and 12 year olds they would love, the airplane one, the ocean one, moon one and the DNA one thnx
My five and one year old would love the airplane or magnets one!
6 and 10. Moon! As we love each other to the moon and back. Anything moon related they find amazing. Thanks for including international readers….:-)
I have one little girl who is 5. I’m sure she would love the unit about butterflies and also probably the one about invertebrates as she is nuts about all animals.
My kids are 9, 7, 5, and 4, and they would love any of these but especially Butterflies, magnets, Animal migration, and airplanes!
Our kids are 9, 7, 4, and 10 months. They would probably be most interested in the “Freddie and His Ocean Friends” and the “Life in the Desert” sets. Be Naturally Curious sounds like a wonderful learning resource for science and nature. Thanks for the chance to win!
Butterflies and Animal Migration would be my kids chooses. They are 10, 7, 5, 4, 3, 2.
I have a 12, 9, 5 & 2 yr old. Each of them are interested in different things. I think my oldest would really like to explore DNA. My 9 yr old would love to study airplanes, and my 5 yr old would enjoy Freddie & His Ocean Friends.
I believe we would touch on the DNA course 🙂
Ages 10 & 12!
My kids are 16,14,12,9,6, and 2.
For the younger ones, I’m sure they’d love just about all of them. They have a wide variety of interests!
My homeschooled kids are 6 and 8. They would love the animal migration course — shoot though, they all sound awesome. thanks for the chance.
Kids are: 18, 17, 15, 13, 12, 10, 8, 6
My younger kids are learning about the great wide world right now and they would love: Amazing Animal Migrations…
se7en’s latest post: What We Are Reading Right Now: The Easy Chapter Book Version…
My children are 9,12and 14. They would enjoy all if the lessons actually, but Meet the Moon lesson would be greatly enjoyed by my 12 year old especially . Thank you for giving us this chance, I’m so excited to see the results!!
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My boys are ages 6 ands 8, they would love animal migrations and airplane science!
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My 8-year old would love Mighty Magnets!
I have a very curious and inquisitive 3yo daughter.
I’m pretty sure she’d love the one about butterflies (and moths!). She could ‘read’ Eric Carle’s The Very Hungry Caterpillar from the heart and loves the very end of the book. She also mimics the caterpillar’s chomping sounds while eating the leaves. Would really be awesome if we could get some books and activities as we are running out of things to do! We’re slowly trying out preschool homeschool now. 🙂
My 5 yr old would love the ocean adventure lessons. shared on Facebook
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Seuss Metivier’s latest post: Bill Nye: Is he actually a real scientist man? On our same planet?
My girls are 11 & 8. I think they would love many of these, but Our Neighbor, the Moon sounds particularly interesting.
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Dachelle’s latest post: Reading Bug Box Subscription Review
Mine are 9 and down. I think magnets and animal migrations are the best fits right now. Thanks!
My kids are 8,6,4 and 3 and they really love anything science but their favorites would be magnets and butterflies.
Butterfly’s Evening Adventure with my first grader, as we are right now watching the metamorphosis of 5 painted lady caterpillars in our home!
My kiddos are 7 and 5 and they are both voting for Our Neighbor The Moon!
They are really into the night sky right now and learning about our universe.
My kids are 8, 6,4, and 7 months old. We live in Shanghai, so our landscape is skyscrapers. I bet they’d love to study about the desert just because it’s so drastically different than what they’re use to!
8 and 5
I have all girls. Their ages are 4, 5, 9, 11, 14, and 16. I love all of the mini courses but I think the one called Freddie and his ocean friends sound awesome.
My kids are 5, 3, and 18month twins. My kindergartener would love the mighty magnets! Thanks!!
My kids are 16, 14, 11, 9, 3, and 9 months.
They would enjoy amazing animal migrations!
My 2 girls are 12 and 9 – these sets look so beautiful and wonderful!
9 and 11
definitely the MOON!!!
My daughter is five, and would love all of these, but especially the butterflies right now!
I’m going to guess that they would really enjoy Discovering DNA for my 10, 8, and 7 year olds.
My kids are 4 and 1.5 and my older kid is space obsessed, so he would definitely like Our Neighbor, the Moon!
We’ve got a four year old and an almost three year old that would love to do Our Neighbor, the Moon! and Life in the Desert! The 9 month old would love to watch 🙂
My boys are 4 and 9. My youngest son is obsessed with anything that flies in the sky so Take Off with Airplane Science would be brilliant.
My kids are 23, 20, 16, 14, 12, 10, 8, 6, 4, and 2. I think my littles would like the one about the moon.
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My children are 13, 10 and 6.
We’d love Molecules are Everywhere and Life in the Desert!
My kids are 7, 5, 3, 1, and t minus 7 months. We’d probably just want to do all. My kids love science so much!
My youngest is 8, and we would love Discovering DNA.
2,4, and 6 year old little boys. They LOVE all science. But I’m sure they would love the Discovering DNA
My kids are 9,7,5 and 4. They would love the one on magnets and the one on butterflies.
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My kids are 4, 8 and 10. Hard to choose but I think Freddie and his Ocean Friends would be a hit right now! 🙂
My 8 y/o guy would love the take off with Airplane Book. They all look fun!
My children’s ages are 26, 24, 22, 20, 18, 15, 12, 10, 4………I would love to do the DNA and molecules units with the younger ones!
My kiddos are 11, 8, and 5. All boys ~ I know they’d love the airplane unit!!
My girls are 5 & 2, they’d love to learn about butterflies and the moon!
My boys are 12, 10, 7, and 5. I think they would like The Adventures of Carbon.
Molecules are everywhere. My 7yo especially would love it!
Wow fun! My kids are really into science: My 6 year old would most enjoy “Our Neighbor the Moon” and my almost 4 year old would like “Freddie and the Ocean friends”
7 years old, Mighty Magnets
My kids are 4 and 2 and they would be into the moon and anything animals.
My kids are 8, 6, & 3. I think they would love to learn about DNA as they all seem to love codes, puzzles and biology. I would also really love to check out the molecules and carbon courses.
Thank you!
Thanks for opening this one internationally — we’re in Poland!
I think Our Neighbor, the Moon would appeal to my 6-yo and 4-yo, as they recently asked if we could go there for our next summer vacation. 🙂
12, 9, & 2.5 yr olds. Discovering DNA.
our neighbour the moon and take off with airplane science
M my son is 3 and he is a sponge. He’s a lways wanting to learn something new. While I know he would be thrilled to learn about all of the topics, if I had to pick one it would be the moon.
My children are 12,10,8,6,4 and we would love life in the desert.
My girls are 4 & 6
They would thoroughly enjoy “Our neighbor the moon”
G is 8 and would live the Butterfly lesson.
6 year old
Discovering DNA and Our neighbor, the Moon
Thank you!
My girls are 6 and 2 and they would love to learn about Freddie and His Ocean Friends!
My children are 11 and 14. We would love “Discovering DNA”.
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Stacey’s latest post: a sister’s love
My kids are really into butterflies
Amazing Animal Migrations
See with your ears! We have been listening to our surroundings for a week to go along with our science lesson, my twins love how much they hear if you really listen!!
My 5 year old and 3 year old would love Ocean Friends or Mighty Magnets. Thank you for your helpful blog…it is a great resource! I hope you and yours are having a great summer.
My daughters are 6.5 and 1.5. They would love the butterfly unit!
My kids would enjoy Ocean Friends or the magnet unit. Thank you for your blog; it is such a helpful resource!
Karin’s latest post: Giveaway: $120 K-5 science package from Be Naturally Curious
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My boys are 8,6,&5, and they absolutely adore birds. I think they would really like the animal migration.
Ages 13,8
Discovering DNA
A Butterfly’s evening adventure
My girls 6 & 4 would love a butterfly’s evening adventure!
My kiddos are 6 and 10, and I think Molecules would be perfect!
My littlest girl is nine and going into fourth grade. She’s getting ready to be weaned from a medicine that’s going to impact her immune system and I’m thinking seriously about homeschooling her this year. She would absolutely love the butterfly and ocean friend units. She goes crazy for anything about animals!
My boys are 12, 8, and 6. Airplanes, Animals and Migration, and Magnets would all be a big hit. Discovering DNA would be on my list 😉
My daughter is 12 years old. It is hard to say which one she would want to do first. Since we have watching and sketching birds the migration study might attract her eye but these all look fun and informative.
My kids are 4 and 6. They’d love “See With Your Ears”!
I have 2 kids, 8 & 12. Would love life in the desert since we just returned from AZ!
My kids are 5 and 8. They would enjoy Our Neighbor, the Moon!
My kids are 5 and 8. They would enjoy Our Neighbor, The Moon.
Ronnie’s latest post: Giveaway: $120 K-5 science package from Be Naturally Curious
My kids are 10, 8, 6, 3. Discovering DNA sounds cool!
My son is 5. Freddie and His Ocean Friends!
My daughter is 7 and is most interested in Discovering DNA.
My 9 and 5 yr old boys would love Discovering DNA, Adventures of Carbon, and magnets. Really, we would be excited about any of these mini units. Kids are natural scientists. They barely teach any science in school despite the fact that most kids love it. As my 9 yr old said when telling my why he wanted to stop his 3rd public school experience, “Mom! How are we ever supposed to get to Mars if they won’t teach us science!”
13. 10. 3 and 1.I think the butterflies would be of great interest.
My children are 7, 5 and 3 years old and I think they would love the magnet course! (That would be one we would pick to start with, they would likely love all of them.) Science is a favorite subject around here.
These look fantastic! My children are 7,5,3, and infant. This will be our 3rd year of homeschooling and I know my dear would love me to include science in a more formal, regular way. I think the units on Molecules and Animal Migration would be of special interest.
*my oldest, not my dear…haha! Though they are dear to me, too 😉
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Pamela Naugler’s latest post: books we have loved this year
Hi, we have 5 kids, 9,6,4,2,1, and we would love these! We are currently into animals, butterflies and space!!
2, 3, and 7. They would LOVE Butterflies and Vertebrates.
Thank you for offering this! My kids are 9 1/2 and almost 8. They have made their top choices – Life in the Desert, See with Our Ears, and Molecules are Everywhere. It was really hard for them to make their top choices as it all looks wonderful.
My children are ages 9&10. My son is extremely interested in the airplane program. My daughters interest is in the molecule program. Crossing our fingers that wr win this one!!
My girls are 6 & 8. I think they’d both love the airplane lesson!
My children are 4, 8 and 11. I would love to try Discovering DNA or Ocean Friends. Thanks!
I have a 4, 2, and newborn. They would love the Ocean Friends
My daughter will turn 6 in October, and though we’ve already done a unit study on butterflies the last two years, I have no doubt that A Butterfly’s Evening Adventure would be her go-to favorite. However, I would be most excited to explore Life in the Desert with her.
My kids are 4 (Our Neighbor the Moon!) and 5 3/4 (A Butterfly’s Evening Adventure).
Thank you for the chance to win!
My twins are 16 months and my other daughter 3 months. Planning to pursue homeschooling for them too.
They’d be interested in the butterflies and magnets course:)
My kids are 7,6,5 and 2.
They’d love the animal migrations course.
Our kids are 8, 6, and 3. The butterfly one or the moon one would be exciting.
My kids are 57 and nine. My middle child would probably be all about the airplanes and magnets and my older child would probably love the animal migrations and my youngest just kind of follows along with whatever every one else is doing .
^^The above comment shows the importance of commas. I do not have a 57-year-old and a nine-year-old!!! It should read a five-year-old, a seven-year-old, and a nine-year-old.
Children are 5,3,1. They would love Freddie and the underwater creatures. As they are loving watching Octonauts. Thanks for the opportunity for international readers to enter
Our kids are 7, 6, 4, and 3. They would love the butterfly unit. Thank you for the chance to win.
My kids are 8, 6, 3, and 1. I think they would love all these mini-courses, but I think they’d love the Take Off With Airplane Science one the most! Thanks! These sound so cool!
Mighty magnets for my 5 year old. We’re always discussing science around here but it would be nice to have materials that help her answer her questions.
I have 3 boys, ages 8, 6, and 2. They would love the session on seeing with the ears!
Amanda’s latest post: Winn-Dixie, Dreams, and Extreme Compassion
My kids are 7, 10, 11 and 13. The younger two would love the airplane science lessons to go along with what their middle-school siblings are learning.
Our kids are 1, 3, and 6. The older two would love Amazing Animal Migrations or A Butterfly’s Evening Adventure!
They love ocean animals right now, so Freddy and his friends, for sure!
These look great!!! We’ve barely scratched the surface of molecules with my 6 year old son. He would love to go deeper! Thanks for the chance to win!!
My kids are 7, 3, and 1.5. I think they 7 year old daughter would love the butterfly or moon course.
My boys are 5 and 7. We would the molecules are everywhere!
My kids are 2, 4, 12 and 15. We live on a hill close to a small airport in our city and our kids love airplanes. They get so excited when they see them and when the airshows come. The Airplane science course would be great to help them explore more of this wonderful invention.
7, 6, 4, and 5 months.
They all look so great, but I think my kids would love the animal migration one right now.
Mr Nearly-3 would love “Freddie and his Ocean Friends” 🙂
My kids are 9 and 5, and they would go crazy for magnets and airplane science!
My girls, 11and 4 would enjoy magnets and molecules.