I had no idea one sleepless night would change the direction of my family’s life forever. But that’s exactly what happened.
Years ago, having recently become a mom, I woke at 2 am. Nothing unusual, except this time there was no baby screaming. I couldn’t go back to sleep, though, so I took out my journal and started writing. Suddenly a thought came into my mind:
“Go work with Love146.”
It sounded important, but I hadn’t anticipated finding my life’s calling in the middle of the night. So I just wrote the thought down and went on with life, never mentioning it to anyone.
A few weeks later, my husband Steve came home from work. “Guess who’s coming to dinner?” he said.
“Rob Morris.”
Rob Morris–as in the president and co-founder of Love146? We had met him once before and Steve just happened to “run into him.”
Within a few months we were moving cross-country to start the work of our lives.
Those who think it’s been abolished are often surprised to hear that there are more slaves on the planet now than ever before.
My husband serves as CEO of this organization, whose vision is “the abolition of child trafficking and exploitation. Nothing less.”
The trafficking and rape of children for profit is one of the darkest stories on the planet. This physical, mental, and emotional trauma leaves kids broken and scarred for life.
Interventions for these children are critical to their survival. This is why Love146 exists. Since 2002, the organization has been responding with prevention and aftercare solutions throughout Asia, Europe, and the United States.
Transformation happens when the issue becomes personal. So I invite you to watch this two-minute story of how Love146 got its start. It began with a girl–one girl. We’ll never know her name, but we’ll never forget her number.
It was 146.
Love146 History from LOVE146 on Vimeo.
What we do
Love146 approaches this dark issue from many angles, including prevention education, professional training, and empowering a movement of modern-day abolitionists.
In the Philippines Love146 also works in survivor care, providing an exceptional facility for girls to come to for healing after being rescued from exploitation–the Love146 Round Home.
Why is it Round?
This inspiring four minute clip explains the heart and philosophy behind the Round Home.
Love146 Round Home from Love146 on Vimeo.
What can we do
It’s normal to feel overwhelmed, or to turn off, when we hear tragic stories. After years deeply involved in this work as a family, I’ve learned that the ability to keep going long-term is to focus on what I can do, not on what I can’t.
Join us and find out how you can help abolish child trafficking and exploitation here. On behalf of the children we serve, thank you!
“Thou shalt not be a victim, thou shalt not be a perpetrator, but above all, thou shalt not be a bystander.” ~ Yehuda Bauer
Honestly, I was so scared to watch that video. I can hardly handle this stuff, but I know I can’t just blissfully ignore it. How do you deal with being so deeply involved in this with your kids? My kids hardly know what sex is, much less sex slavery. I feel like exposure to this reality would take away their innocence, yet someone has to do something and how can we not be a part of stopping this?One child is worth saving. Wow.
I know what you mean, Stephanie. Actually, our children (ages 8, 7, & 6) don’t know about that aspect of what we do yet. They know that “Daddy’s work helps children who need someone to take care of them” and they know that it has something to do with slavery, which we describe in vague terms.
Thanks for being willing to be disturbed.
Thank you for sharing this! In a time when we insulate ourselves with all that is “good,” we need this realization that there are others who don’t have it so good that need us to stand up and step out.
That’s so awesome, Jamie! My church recently started a task force with Love146. Rob came to speak and showed a video. It was life-changing, heart-breaking, eye-opening, and awesome all that the same time. I wrote about it here: http://readwhatiwishicouldsay.blogspot.com/2011/09/wake-up-and-save-children.html
I have not personally joined the task force yet, but mostly because I have a bunch of other ministry hats I’m wearing right now. I’m hoping to get involved in the future, though. And, after reading your post, becoming a monthly partner seems to be the way for me to go right now.
I’m so psyched to know that you and your husband serve with this amazing ministry!
Mandy’s latest post: Sick And Sorrowful
So glad to hear that, Mandy! Thanks for your involvement.
Jamie, I remember you telling me about that night, and I remember Steve sitting me down in your dining room to watch this video (and bawling through it, I might add). Thank you for your heart and faithfulness. Thank you for sacrificing so that children can be restored. Thank you for sharing Love 146’s story with the world.
Caroline Starr Rose’s latest post: MAY B. Gift Ideas for Cyber Monday
Thanks for sharing this, hard to watch.
I would always prefer giving to a charity in honor of someone. We have we too much, and often give the “wrong” thing anyway.
Emily’s latest post: Does Extra Calcium REALLY Prevent Osteoporosis?
Tears streaming down my face. Thank you for sharing this, and thank you to your whole family for standing for these children. I empathize with the other woman who commented above that I was scared to watch it, but know I can’t ignore that this is real and happening right now. This is an issue that feels incredibly overwhelming to me – it’s so huge. But I appreciate you helping me to find a starting step. God bless you.
Thank you for being invovled with this issue and sharing it with others. I taught health/marriage and family in high school for 5 years and had too many students scarred by this type of abuse. I have felt very disconnected lately and have been spending time seeking out a way to get involved in helping youth again. Thanks!
Dawn Suzette’s latest post: Borax Crystals
Thank you so much for all you and your family are doing. I think you need to change your name from Simple Homeschool to Life Changing, Compassion Building, Miraculous Homeschool. What an amazing gift you and your husband are sharing with your own children and those of our world.
Thanks for such kind words, Diane. Blessings to you and yours, too!
Wow — those statistics are absolutely staggering, and Rob’s story pierces the heart! Like others, I was afraid of what I might learn watching that video, but I am glad I did because we all need to be reminded that this is REALITY and praise God that organizations like Love146 are actively doing something about it! May God bless you and your husband’s commitment to this cause and spreading much-needed awareness about this issue and Love146. Until today I had not heard of the organization, but now that I know, I can turn my awareness into action and help spread the word about the vital work you are doing. I pray that the Lord continue to bless you and your family, and make miracles happen through the work of your organization!
Renee Gotcher’s latest post: Rethinking Our Holiday Session
That was so hard to watch and I’m having a hard time not crying. Actually, now I am crying.
I don’t know what to say, but I know I am so proud to know people who are working towards a solution and giving us a way to help.
Thank you.
Hillary’s latest post: Losing My Mother’s Mother
Now I’m crying at your crying! Thanks, friend.
Jamie ~ Simple Homeschool’s latest post: Home for the Holidays: Love146
You and Steve are inspiring in so many ways, and your connection with Love 146 is truly one of them. Thanks for reminding us all of the devastating needs in the world.
Thanks so much, Lori. Ditto to you and yours!
thanks for sharing it jamie…its always hard to hear about , but so important. love…
Hi Jesse–so nice to see you here! Thanks so much for taking time to comment.
oh jamie – your timing is amazing me right now. this has been a topic on adam’s heart for some time (through his work he’s learned of a very high level of trafficking right here in our state), and then, emily recently mentioned reading an article about this on another teenager’s blog. she was naturally upset and confused. the article focused on an organization that works to abolish this so that gave her hope…
in the background, we’ve been planning our holiday charitable contribution for this year and were thinking of adopting a family again to provide christmas for them. we really enjoy doing that, but then i read this post and shared it with emily and adam and she was so excited, “mom – THAT’S the organization i read about, love 146!”
your timing was perfect, it brought it all full circle for her and she feels like she can actually do something to help. (and how amazing for her to feel the “small world” of it all – reading about love 146 on a random blog and learning your husband is the CEO… love that)
we all decided (rather immediately) that our donation should be placed with love 146 this year. thank you so much for sharing, caring and being so involved. xo
heather’s latest post: grace notes
Wow, Heather–that brings tears to my eyes. That’s so special and send my thanks to Emily and Adam as well.
Thank you for posting this, Jamie. I had no idea you and your husband were involved in this field. As a young teenager (in the U.S.) I was raped by a boy I knew. This went on for years; I was later gang-raped by him and his friends. Some of them paid him. I will never forget what I was “worth.”
I cannot imagine what this would be like without familial support. I was lucky. All I can say is that my husband and I will be putting some of our charitable dollars toward Love146 in the future.
(I am also happy to hear that Love146 isn’t explicitly faith-based. My husband and I are atheists and while we aren’t against religious charities by any means, we feel that many non-faith-based charities often don’t get the attention they deserve).
Wow, Cate. Thanks so much for sharing your experience. I cannot even imagine what you’ve been through, but I do know your worth is absolutely limitless.
Speechless and in tears.
I am just now finding this article, and I see it was written over a year ago. There is an amazing new novel that was released January 2012, “A Walk Across the Sun” by Corban Addison who shares your passion with ending sex trafficking. You may want to check it out.
Thanks so much for informing and for the work you and your family does. I would actually love to talk about this further because we live in Marseille, France and with a friend we reach out to local prostitutes, just to show them love. H
Sorry, my message cut off.
However, we know there is a serious problem with trafficking here but we don’t even know where to start.
I’m participating in a 21 day prayer and fast in preparation for working on a book (fictional) on this subject so I was quite surprised to see this post today. I had not realized you were a part of Love146!