Written by Jamie Martin, editor of Simple Homeschool and founder of Steady Mom
You don’t find many half-hearted homeschoolers. Some of us stumble into this educational choice for a variety of reasons, true, but those who continue this lifestyle long-term are generally people of conviction, purpose, and belief.
And yet.
Have you ever felt like something is holding you back? Have you ever found yourself homeschooling (or parenting) through fear–that you don’t have enough resources, that you aren’t good enough, that your children aren’t learning enough?
Personally, I have been blessed with a beautiful family–three children that my husband and I added to our ranks in less than three years. I wanted to be a mother, and eventually, a homeschooler; I believed this was an important part of my mission in life.
But I also felt a huge burden of insecurity–of not being up to the task.
We all know these insecurities, having fought them a little or a lot over the course of our parenting journey.
They arise from limiting beliefs–messages we subconsciously run in our minds, which form the framework for what we think we can or can’t do. Messages that often pass on to our kids, forming the framework for what they think they can or can’t do. And on the cycle goes.
What holds us back ends up holding our kids back, too.
But we’re not stuck. We’re never stuck.
By becoming aware, we become free.
Because just as bad mental programming starts with one thought, it’s also true that new beliefs and mindsets start with one thought.
Just one.
With this conviction in mind, and having seen my own life revolutionized one thought at a time, I’ve spent the past six months working on a manual of freedom–not just for homeschoolers, but for moms (& parents) in general.
My new e-book, Mindset for Moms: From Mundane to Marvelous Thinking in Just 30 Days, contains an overview of all I’ve discovered about letting go of what holds us back so that we can boldly move forward.
Lessons that have taken me years to learn, you can learn in days. 30 days–to be exact.
I’ve consolidated these concepts into short entries–perfect for busy parents. For less than $5, you can download and begin reading in a matter of seconds.
Mindset for Moms is available for $4.99 in four formats: for your Kindle, for your Nook, on iTunes, or as a printable PDF. To buy the PDF you can just click ‘add to cart’ here:
Check out the table of contents and read a sample to find out more!
I’m thrilled, humbled, and excited to share this book with you. I hope you’ll read it and find that it brings you one step closer to the life you’ve always wanted–a life with nothing holding you back.
What do you feel holds you back from being the best parent, and homeschooler, you can be?
Hi Jamie
I just bought my copy via amazon.co.uk, looking forward to reading it this week! I already have a copy of Steady Days, but thanks for the great offer anyway, it is so generous of you to share your work with others like that.
Natalia’s latest post: Our new learning year – why we are doing it this way, and structure
I just bought it on iTunes and just sent you the email. I’m excited to start reading it!!
Just purchased the book for my kindle. looking forward to reading it today!
Thank you for the Steady Days offer, can’t wait to read that one too 🙂
I am constantly questioning whether I am making the right decision re: homeschooling. I never thought about it much before this year though. My oldest is just 3 1/2, but all the little girls she plays with are all in the same pre-school program this year, and they are all going to the public school 4 year old program in the fall. I wonder if I am holding her back. I know I am not, but it is something that looms in the back of my mind, especially seeing all of her friends going in another direction.
Heather’s latest post: where do you school?
I understand about having a preschooler and it seems as if all their friends are going to preschool. I have dealt with this with three children. Even though for now, I have my oldest 2 in public school (you can read that below in my too long post 🙂 I never did preschool. I am not putting it down at all but I don’t think it’s necessary even if they go to public school unless you have to work or other circumstances. My big reasons were cost. Now where we live, it’s free and I have heard how wonderful it is but I just never felt compelled to go in that direction. The main thing I feel is lots of reading to your children which you are doing. I also keep the tv viewing to a minimal although there are days 🙂 it’s amazing what they learn just through play. We have playdates sometimes and of course they have each other to play with.
That is a time, Heather, when I think it’s easy to feel different as you and your friends go in different directions. We do have a few posts about preschool on the blog if they would be helpful:
Take care!
You must have known I was feeling discouraged this AM. I ordered the book through Pay Pal.
I’m so glad, Debi! I hope it is an encouragement to you.
I can’t wait to order this! I have been wanting the other book too-thanks! I homeschooled my oldest in Kindergarten and then tried to homeschool my oldest and next oldest (I have 4 kids) a couple of years ago–I tried a virtual program through the state-don’t get me wrong, I think it’s a really neat program but it was way too much stress at the time. I had a 8, 6, 2 and 9 mo old. at the time. But the biggest problem was how I felt about myself-I had no confidence. We were new to the area and had already attended the public school and had a great experience. However, times are changing and my oldest will be in middle school and we feel it’s time to home school due to various reasons. Anyway, not to ramble, but looking forward to reading these books and preparing myself for next fall. My third child would attend kindergarten next year and I too, have many commenting on that. I feel guilty because I know she would love it and I can even do half day but I feel if I’m going to home school, then they all need to be home schooled b/c we do travel a lot. One of the many reasons of choosing home school. Thanks for “listening” 🙂 I feel a little alone in this journey. But I have been praying for years about this and this time, the timing feels right!
Sounds like you are following your intuition, Angie. You will know what’s best for your little people!
I just found “Steady Days” and simply implementing the Mommy Binder idea has made such a big difference, I can’t wait to read this book. As someone new to your blog and books, thank you.
Amanda’s latest post: Our Family Story Book
You’re so welcome, Amanda. Thanks for the encouragement!
Jamie ~ Simple Homeschool’s latest post: What holds you back?
I just bought the pdf version and am looking forward to getting Steady Days as well. Finding your blog (and these simple living blogs) have helped me realize I’m not alone in the hardships of transitioning to motherhood and have given me great practical ways of being a more intentional mom. Thanks.
Steph’s latest post: A Story on Transitioning to Motherhood
Thanks for this. I just bought your book on iTunes and can’t wait to get your other one. I have been doing a lot of research on homeschooling, especially because I have a special needs child, and I guess the biggest thing holding me back is people. I have my own business which I am busy with so I know people will think I am crazy for slowing down or even giving that up to teach my kids, but I feel like I have missed so much of their lives already that I really just want to be a mom, which is hard coming from a materialistic and workaholic family , they def won’t get it, but I need to focus on being a God pleaser, not a people pleaser, easier said than done lol thanks for the encouragement 🙂
You’re so welcome, Tina. Sounds like you’re headed in the right direction for you, so go for it!
Jamie ~ Simple Homeschool’s latest post: What holds you back?
I am very excited about both books…your encouragement on motherhood, adoption, etc. are all so helpful in all the transitions in my family right now! I can’t wait to read them and implement them at home! PS. I keep getting emails sent to your steadymom(dot)com address back…maybe you are just super popular and your email overloaded 🙂
Hi Jamie,
Do you offer your book in EPUB format? I don’t have a Kindle or Nook or use iTunes but use a Kobo (being in Canada).
Congratulations, Jamie, on the publication of your new book! Well deserved recognition by Amazon!
Sarah Baldwin’s latest post: A New Year at Bella Luna Toys
I have been worrying about my mothering just this very week. Sometimes, I fear that I was a better mother when I was working outside the home. I made the moments count then. Now, I am home full time, and I think I have less fun and interesting moments with my older daughter. It makes me very sad.
I love the quote from Tsh on your book’s site. I’m heading off to read more. I think there are a lot of things I can and should do differently, but changing my mindset is probably #1 on the list.
Tara’s latest post: How to Decorate Around Radiators
Fear and frustration hold me back! I find that I push my kids when I am afraid. I see someone else that is doing better or I see they are not living up to their potential and I am frustrated. I think then that maybe it is me!!
Martha Artyomenko’s latest post: Grocery Shopping and Menu for the week