Secrets of a Successful Homeschool Mom ~
Written by Jamie C. Martin, editor of Simple Homeschool
I‘m so excited to introduce you to my ebook, Secrets of a Successful Homeschool Mom: A Manifesto of Freedom and Joy in Home Learning.
It’s a FREE resource for all those on my email list!
Here’s a description:
“Most of us have at least a few insecurities hidden inside about whether or not we can actually do this homeschooling thing.
It makes sense that we would feel this way–after all, we’ve been taught that education is complicated. We’ve been told that education requires experts, and we don’t always feel like one.
But what if some of what we’ve been taught is not true? What if there is another way—a simpler, more natural way to learn?
What if there are secrets of a successful homeschool mom—secrets we can tap into and use to order our days and our lives? I believe there are, and I wrote this book in the hope that they’ll inspire you the way they’ve inspired me.”
I would have loved this short, uplifting read years ago when I first started considering this educational path. Instead I felt, like many of you, that I was stumbling my way in the dark–learning by trial and error.
At around 30 pages, this ebook is the perfect length to print out, hole punch, and place in a binder to read when discouragement strikes.
Table of Contents
- The evolution of an educational philosophy
- Homeschool doesn’t have to mean school at home.
- It’s not about the curriculum you buy.
- It’s as much about your education as it is about theirs.
- Go back to basics; keep school simple.
- Burnout is inevitable, so plan for it.
- The most important thing you’ll ever do for the success of your homeschool.
- You are a good enough teacher.
- 1 – 10 questions to ask and answer about your family
- 2 – Educational philosophies defined
How to get your copy
1. Sign up for my email list using the form below.
2. Check your email!
Within 24 hours you’ll receive an email from me that includes the download link for the ebook.
Make sure you check your Promotions/Spam folder if you don’t see it come through and mark it as “Not Promotions/Not Spam” so you won’t miss hearing from me!
You’ll also receive 2-3 emails a week with further homeschool inspiration and resources to help you on your journey. Of course you can unsubscribe at any time.
Spread the Word
If you have other friends who are also interesting in homeschooling, would you please let them know about this freebie?
Share via Facebook, Twitter, or Pinterest–just use the buttons below!
Home education can be overwhelming, exhausting, and scary. Or it can be freeing, exciting, and joyful. What makes the difference? A few simple secrets! Sign up today to get your free copy of this ebook. Enjoy!
Yeah! So excited about this as we are just beginning! I’m already a subscriber (my favorite homeshool blog!) so I am off to download it.
Thanks, Jamie, for inspiring us!
Johanna @ My Home Tableau’s latest post: Happy Monday {and some benefits of simplifying}
Thanks so much for your encouragement, Johanna!
Oh no…I can not find how to download it or the email for it. I am already a subscriber and LOVE everything that you share…
I can’t find the download link either…
I can’t find it either. I was already a subscriber, but resubscribed just in case, but it’s still not there.
Sheilla, Amy, Lauren, and anyone else having trouble seeing it – scroll to the bottom of today’s post, either in your email or in your RSS reader (depending on how you subscribe). You should see a little thumbnail image of the e-book’s cover. The download link is right next to that. 🙂
What she said. 😉
Wow! Thanks so much for your generosity! Can’t wait to read it!
Wendy’s latest post: break it down
Awesome, I can’t wait to read this.
Teresa Reed’s latest post: ~This Moment~
This comes at a perfect time. Tonight I am meeting with a woman who feels that it is time to pull her 7th grader out of school and bring him home. How nice I can hand her this little bit of encouragment. Thanks!
Sammy’s latest post: Going gray…
Thanks for sharing your book. I’ve already started it (my kids slept in this morning) and it looks like my education philosophy is close to yours. I’ve already gone back to some of your leadership education posts and started taking notes. I appreciate the inspiration!
Natalie’s latest post: Earthweb by Marc Steigler
I have followed you on FB for a long time and LOVE your writing! Thank you for this offer, as it will be very helpful as we begin our journey into homeschooling our LO.
I can’t wait to read this! I’ve been reading this blog and your Steady Mom blog for the past year now but have never subscribed (prefer to just keep a blog roll that I check regularly). I did subscribe just now though so I can read this! Your writing has been very inspirational for me and I’ve actually been going through your archives on Steady Mom for the past couple of weeks to read more. Thanks! Cheryl
Very excited to go download it…
Steph’s latest post: Guest Post: How Simplifying Has Enriched My Life
Looking forward to reading this and sharing it with a friend that is contemplating homeschooling.
I am thrilled to get my hands on this! Thank you! I am considering homeschooling with our newly adopted 2 1/2 year old and am feeling very overwhelmed with the idea, so hoping you will inspire me to jump in!
Susan’s latest post: Maximizing Your Energy
Thank you for this resource! As I began our second year of homeschooling, I felt the pull to think more deeply about why I do what I do. I’m sure your book will be helpful on my personal journey of discovery. Thank you for making this book available.
Just downloaded your new book! Can’t wait to read it! Thanks so much for being so kind to your readers. I so appreciate both your encouragement, inspiration, and your generosity too!
I do feel like I’m going at this with my eyes closed some days. This is our fourth year and I still feel new. Thanks for your generosity. I know this book will be helpful and uplifting. I am already a subscriber and appreciate your wonderful posts. Thank you.
Thank you Jamie! I am so excited for you and to read this new addition to your list of encouraging books! It couldn’t have come at a better time!
Congrats on your latest, O Prolific One!
Caroline Starr Rose’s latest post: On Writing
I just previewed your book. So great. Can’t wait to send more people your way!
renee @ FIMBY’s latest post: An Emerging High Schooler, Interest-led, Learner-Specific Homeschool Curriculum
Thanks so much for your wonderful materials, insight and inspiration.
I still can’t find where to download the book on my rss feed.
Thanks Jamie for this book of treasure-truths.
I can’t find the link anywhere? Any other way that I can download it?
I’m still trying to find the download link in my email, too. Don’t see a thumbnail pic of the book in my email. Help?
Congratulations, Jamie, on the new book! I’m super excited to read it. I’ve been following your blog for a while now, you helped give me the encouragement to take on this journey. Thank you!
Thanks for sharing! 😀
I’m with Jen…dying to read this – need it DESPERATELY yet there is no thumbnail at the bottom of my email!!!! HEEELLLLP!!!!!!!!!
To JoAnna and others having trouble finding the link, I’ve added a screenshot to this post to show you where it is and what it looks like!
Jamie ~ Simple Homeschool’s latest post: Get your (FREE!) ebook: Secrets of a Successful Homeschool Mom
I am still having problems downloading the pdf. When I click on the link it just takes me to another site showing the book again. Any suggestions? Thanks and can’t wait to read it!
I printed it out and stayed up late underlining and finishing it last night! Way to go! We are in our 5th year of HSing and it feels like the 2nd year. I am trying so hard to find what “our” way of doing things is. It has prompted some great discussion with my husband and some deep relaxing breaths for me. In fact, I said “yes” to an impromptu field trip today because we needed to be outside and inspired rather than inside pushing papers.
The whole “atmosphere of inspiration” has really stuck with me. I’m wondering what an atmosphere of inspiration looks like for me, personally, not just the kiddos.
Your book dovetails nicely with Todd Wilson’s “Lies Homeschooling Moms Believe” which I was reviewing this week.
So glad you enjoyed it, Kimberly!
Jamie ~ Simple Homeschool’s latest post: Get your (FREE!) ebook: Secrets of a Successful Homeschool Mom
Hi Jamie! I love your blogs and am not only a FB fan, but have been a Steady Mom subscriber for some time! I tried subscribing to your Simple Homeschool site to receive email posts and get yoir new book (appreciate One bite at a Time SOOOO much). I received verification, but have not received any emails and therefore no link to download! Help! 🙂
Same here!
If you’re a new subscriber, then the link will come when you receive your first email update or blog update via RSS–we post on Mon, Wed, & Fri – so that should be today!
Jamie ~ Simple Homeschool’s latest post: Finding your inner calm
I subscribed but still haven’t figured out where to find the link to download. Can anyone help? All I keep getting is this page with no additional thumbnail of the book that has a download link next to it. Thanks! =)
When you receive your first blog update, it will be there–promise!! =)
Jamie ~ Simple Homeschool’s latest post: Finding your inner calm
Jamie ~ I just looked over your new e-book, and I think it’s great. If I ever hear “Oh I could never homeschool,” I’m going to pass them your book.
shelli : mamaofletters’s latest post: Ladybug Pupa
Oh thank you, Shelli! Please do!!
Jamie ~ Simple Homeschool’s latest post: Finding your inner calm
Just a note that might be helpful to others – I have been a subscriber here for a while on Google Reader, but I added the subscription originally through their “add subscription” – not through a link from here. I wasn’t seeing the link, so I went through and resubscribed through the link for RSS here. Suddenly now I have the link on my posts. So very easy to fix! 🙂
Downloaded and read today. LOVED it. So inspiring and encouraging. Definitely one I’ll keep around to reread on a regular basis.
Thanks so much for writing and sharing.
I also appreciated that you were very encouraging to all methods of homeschooling and not just pushing one way to do it.
I’m having trouble using the link next to the thumbnail – it opens a new tab with the “” but then stops loading and says “about:blank” in the web address and “” on the tab with a totally blank page. Help? Thanks!
I am a new subscriber and I got a confirmation email but I can not find any thumbnail link to your ebook. I am excited to get a copy and start reading.
The link to the download is not working. Help. I just see a one page info sheet
I can’ t figure out how to download the book either. I have subscribed by email and confirmed it, but I still can’t figure it out. Help!
I love your site, thanks for all you do!
I got the link on my email this morning. Thanks!
Already a subscriber but haven’t been getting you emails and don’t see the link
I get all of the other simple media emails
Hi I also cannot figure out how to get the book. I have subscribed by email and confirmed it but I don’t see any link to the book.
Deeply grateful for your book.
Thank you so much, Rey!
I, too, am eager to read this, but I’m having trouble finding it. I’ve even used to comments to troubleshoot to no avail. What am I doing wrong?
hi jaime!..i finally got to read this little treasure!… this helped me wrap my thoughts into words and trully understand how God made my homeschool momma brain!…. so wonderful after five years of homeschooling to know where i fit in and that others resemble these qualities……..So, as i lean towards child-led learning and definitely UNschooling i have been deeply struggling with documentation issues….i was hoping you could help: how do you keep records for the government??…..i know that not all states do it the same…..we live in So. California….how do you write up what your doing and store away??….please and thank you Jaime!!
love your ministry the Lord has given you!..its brought me joy..:)
“We walk this homeschool road together, and make it ours alone.”
Beautiful. Yours is a truly beautiful and honest story. Thank you for sharing your story with all of us.
Cait Fitz @ My Little Poppies’s latest post: Perfectionism, Fear of Failure, and the Gifted Child
my kids are 6, 4, and 2. We live in China and in a city full of 20 million people and tall skyscrapers everywhere, but we have this refuge of a park just around the corner. Full of trees, ponds, and fun paths to explore.
My daughter is 3 and our favorite nature based activities are gardening and playing in the creek.
I like Oak Meadow and Simple Homeschool on FB.
I love how simple and quick this book was to read in all the business of Homeschooling! It was all great applicable ideas! Thank you!
Hi. I just signed up for your emails and I am trying to find the download for your free ebook. I don’t see a link anywhere and I didn’t receive an email to download. I’m not sure what I’m doing wrong? Thank you!!
Lori, it will be in the footer/bottom of the first email you receive when the blog updates, so just hang tight!
Its really nice to read your article.I appreciate it.The information you have mentioned in your article are very beneficial.When I use the word “secrets,” I don’t mean they are necessarily earth-shattering ideas or principles you’ve never heard of before. In many areas of life, often the most profound truths are also the most simple.
Keep posting such innovative article.
Have a great day !!
Tyler Lubben’s latest post: Tableau Mapping Home Offices & Client Offices
I’m looking into homeschool this year for my 5 yr old. She will be 6 in November but I know she isn’t ready to go to school. I want to try a year of homeschooling kindergarten and see how it goes. In my state they don’t HAVE to start formal education (public, homeschooling or private) until age 7. So I’m using this as a buffer year. But I’m overwhelmed in all the different options. I like Sonlight Curriculum. But open to any other suggestions. Serious guidance would be so appreciated!
I love your book on the introverted mom. I have a radio/podcast and would love to have you as a guest.
Please check out my website: