- Why the Ritalin Debate is Asking the Wrong Question :: Huffington Post
- How I’m Teaching My Daughter to Read :: Stretching into Blue
- My review of Seth Godin’s new book, Stop Stealing Dreams :: Penelope Trunk Blog
- Finding Our Way–As Parents, As Kids :: Simplicity Parenting
- Spring Time Flower Garland :: Wee Folk Art
The winner of the Oak Meadow giveaway from yesterday is Jennifer Tuminaro. Congratulations! If you didn’t win, take time to check out Oak Meadow’s creative homeschooling curricula. We have really enjoyed their inspiring resources in our home.
“Education is one of the chief obstacles to intelligence and freedom of thought.”
~ Bertrand Russell
I was pretty shocked by some of the comments (ok most of the comments) left on Penelope’s blog, some of the attitudes are very aggressive and unpleasant and it upset me quite a bit to read. I’m glad this is not something I have to deal with day to day, but I am now going to limit some of my internet reading as I’m getting a bit saturated with internet unpleasantness. I thought her response was a good one, well articulated and from her own perspective, I can’t understand the outcry on the comments.
Emmalina’s latest post: today in pictures