Weekend homeschool links: Why you should keep playing games with teens (and how to make it work!) Do you ever feel guilty about how you serve others? Celebrate National Poetry Month! 5 no-stress ways to engage your kids Motivation to Read: 10 tips for preschoolers Why do kids have …
Search Results for: little house
Weekend homeschool links: Nov 13th
If you're reading the Little House series this year, check out this new companion! (afflink) I wish it had been around years ago! Weekend homeschool links: Picture books for Thanksgiving (with a downloadable list!) Help! My gifted child is worried all the time The best advice I can …
Weekend homeschool links
New York residents: Will I see you at Great Homeschool Conventions next weekend in Rochester? Find me at Booth 317 and the Mom to Mom panel Friday night - can't wait! Weekend homeschool links: Dear mom of "that" kid (New on Today Parenting! If you could vote it up with the share buttons at …
Weekend homeschool links
On Monday our book club will be starting our two-week unit study on Laura Ingalls Wilder! If you're a Little House fan you can join us by ordering Introverted Mom, then filling out this form! Weekend homeschool links: That's not your thing - on planning the year ahead Does your child …
The simple productivity hack I learned from Caroline Ingalls
Written by Jamie Erickson of The Unlikely Homeschool As a self-professed word nerd, all of my conversations somehow start and end with, “I read in a book once...” Well-written stories have shaped nearly every second of my thirty-nine years, giving me examples of both the personal and the practical …
The simple productivity hack I learned from Caroline IngallsRead More