This giveaway has ended; thanks for your interest!
Welcome to this weekend’s giveaway, brought to you by a resource that has completely changed the way my family home educates for the better–A Thomas Jefferson Education (also known as TJEd).
“TJEd” or “Leadership Education” is a philosophy and methodology that supports personalizing education for each child’s age, gifts and learning style.
Its focus on the 7 Keys of Great Teaching and the Phases of Learning really reduce stress and magnify inspiration.
One of the tools we provide is This Week in History–a daily resource that brings your homeschool or classroom to life!
Whatever you want to learn, whatever there is to teach, it starts with history…
With a subscription to This Week in History, recently named by as one of the top curricula of 2013, each day’s resources are an adventure in math, science, language skills, geography, current events, the arts and so on – all tied to events in history.
For just $9.99 per month, you have the world of learning available to help you lead and inspire your students to explore, learn and excel!
This Week in History is provided as a weekly online bundle of resources that you can access in either of two ways:
- On the dedicated blog feed at
- Via an email sent directly to your inbox
The content is searchable by date, topic and key word, and the whole year’s archive can be accessed by subscribers at any time.
Of all the things you’ll spend $10 on each month, This Week in History is not only a great value, but a time saver and a worry eliminator.
This Week in History:
- relieves fear, stress and burnout
- energizes your homeschool
- fills in the gaps
- cultivates cultural literacy
- facilitates state or provincial compliance
- correlates resources for co-ops, classrooms and family learning
- harnesses the power of technology in a classical leadership education
- harmonizes with Unschooling, Charlotte Mason, Montessori, Trivium/Quadrivium, IEW, eclectic, etc.
- delivers new ideas and areas of learning to you and your child
- instigates discussions and projects that expand wisdom and understanding
- connects the subject areas–from music to math, from geography to world religions, from hobbies to science projects, etc.
- motivates you and your students to greater excellence
- empowers you to mentor your students in the classics
- enlivens the 7 Keys of Great Teaching
- activates the Phases of Learning
…so you can “Inspire, not Require.”
Today’s giveaway:
One Simple Homeschool reader will win the following:
a full year’s subscription to This Week in History (a $120 value); PLUS the following books (valued at over $50) shipped to you:
- A Thomas Jefferson Education: Teaching a Generation of Leaders for the Twenty-first Century
- Leadership Education: The Phases of Learning
- Thomas Jefferson Education for Teens (and every adult who wants to change the world)
How to Win
This giveaway has ended; thanks for your interest!
To be entered for a chance to win, leave a comment on this post, answering this question: How old are your children, and why would you like to win this package?
(If you’re reading this via email or reader, you must click over to the blog to leave your comment!)
For an extra entry, “Like” Thomas Jefferson Education and Simple Homeschool on Facebook. Then leave another comment here letting me know you’ve done so!
Special Offer
The Simple Homeschool Bundle is your best way to get off the educational Conveyor Belt and bring the principles of Leadership Education into your heart and home.
This bundle includes the following:
- 7 Keys Certification Complete 4 Levels
- 7 Keys Introduction and Overview
- (4) Study Guides (1 for each level)
- (8) Audio Trainings (12 hours audio content)
- (5) PDF e-books
- A Thomas Jefferson Education (PDF, 208 pages)
- Leadership Education: The Phases of Learning (PDF, 317 pages)
- Thomas Jefferson Education for Teens (PDF, 162 pages)
- The Student Whisperer (PDF, 156 pages)
- A Thomas Jefferson Education Home Companion (PDF, 251 pages)
- “Core and Love of Learning Seminar Highlights” (zip file, mp3 content ~4 hours)
Normally priced at $199, you can get the entire bundle for just $42 with the coupon code “SIMPLEBONUS13”
This giveaway has ended; thanks for your interest!
I have never heard of any this stuff before! Our children are 16, 14, 12, 10, 8 and 6 years old. This is our 12th year of homeschooling and I would love some new things to add in with our current curriculum. History is a subject we LOVE…we are diehard Sonlighters 🙂
Information gathering about homeschooling at his point, and I absolutely love your blog! Kids are 5, 3 and 5 months. Thank you for such great courage and inspiration, I love reading about your family.
My kids are almost 9, almost 6, 3 and a newborn (6 weeks). I have been reading more and more about TJEd and I think it is a perfect fit for our homeschool!
I liked Simple Homeschool and Thomas Jefferson Education on FB.
My daughter is 5 and this would be an awesome resource for our slowly evolving homeschooling life.
Just starting out here with a 7, 5, and 2 year old. VERY interested in information from and about Thomas Jefferson Ed. I think we would LOVE it!
I have three boys. Ages 10, 7 and 10 months. I want something that is exciting and really inspires then boys to learn on their own. Thanks for the chance to win such a great giveaway.
Rosemarie’s latest post: in the front yard
Children- 13 and 10
I am suffering from major homeschool burn out and need to revive my desire to continue!
My kids are 13, 11, 11, 10, 6, 4, and 2. We already have the first book on the list, but not the others and I’m really in need of inspiration for my teen and soon-to-be-teens. And $10/month is a lot of money in our budget, so it would be a real treat to get to use This Week in History when I’ve never been able to afford it.
Anne’s latest post: Thoughts of Faith
I have a 6 yr old boy and 9 yr old daughter. Both love history! It would be great to read these and have some new exciting materials.
I have am 11 y old boy, 9 y old girl and a 3 y old boy. I have been looking at this, but just do not have the extra funds. We would love to win this!
My kids are 14 and 11. I am looking for something they can do together for middle school and high school. Have been interested in TJEd, but had no idea how to get started.
I liked TJEd and Simple Homeschool on FB!
My kids are 8 months, 2, 4, 5, 6, 8, 9, 12, 14, 13, & 20. This would be a great resource for us, as they’re all great at covering science with their interest-led learning, but history is another story. I think this would be a great way to get them excited about history.
We have triplet soon to be 7 year old boys, a four year old boy and an almost two year old girl. We have just embarked on our homeschooling journey and admittedly feel a little like we’re navigating through stormy seas at times. Having a dedicated resource to assist us in this journey would be a blessing to say the least. Thank you for offering this giveaway and your blog has been an inspiration giving us the courage to start this adventure.
Boys! 5, 7 and 10! I would love to be able to instill a love of history. This would help me provide something to look forward to!
My kids are ages 4 and 5. I am not using any formal curriculum for them this year (they’re technically pre-k and kindergarten) and using The Chronicles of Narnia as a sort of textbook for vocabulary lessons and more. I supplement with workbooks. This would be a fun and easy way to add in just a little more backbone to our schoolday!
Amber DeGrace’s latest post: Dinner Ideas
My children are 7, 5, 3, and 1 and I would love to have some inspiration on homeschooling that’s not “school at home”.
I just started homeschooling our 9 yr old, 8 yr old and 5 yr old sons (plus we have a 4 month old daughter!) My 3 sons have very different interests and learning styles. In order to address that, we have pieced together free resources to create a curriculum since cost is an issue for buying one. I’ve read about TJEd and think it would be an awesome way to reach all of their interests and learning styles, and allow me to avoid burnout. Thank you!
I “liked” Thomas Jefferson Education” and “Simple Homeschool” on Facebook.
Amber DeGrace’s latest post: Dinner Ideas
I have a 11 year old I currently homeschool, a 2.5 year old and a 14 year old in public school. I would like to win this package as I believe this method would be perfect for my 14 year old and a great persuader to win him over for homeschooling! I have read many great things about TJed here at Simple Homeschool.
Good morning! My children are 5 and 11. We will start Home Schooling next fall and just a few months ago I came across information on TJ Ed and shared with my husband. We both loved it and thought what a wonderful way to start our home school experience-to have our kids embark on an awesome journey!! We would be beyond blessed to receive this gift. Thank you 🙂
I have a 12, 9, 4 & 3 year old. Our favorite subject is history so this seems like a great supplement!
Kiddos are 3,5,&6. Would LOVE to win this so that I can have a great history curriculum as we are just moving into studying more and more of the past with the 6 year old and right now I’m wingin’ it.
I follow SH on FB.
My children (that are still at home) are 16, 13, 12, and 8. My husband and I are teaching our children to be entrepreneurs and know that this method is a great fit for that direction.
Kela Nellums’s latest post: No Longer For Yourself
My children are 12 and 10, and I am still looking for the best “spine” to use to tie in all of our learning. Wondering if this might be the one!
Laura’s latest post: gifts
Liked TJed on FB already like Simple Homeschool on FB have done for nearly a year
My kiddos are 14, 12, 8, and 8. This looks like an amazing resource. My kids are getting bored with what we’re using, so I would love to shake things up a bit. 🙂
My girls are 8 and 13. Learning more about TJEd has been on my list for a while, and I think my children would really enjoy this resource.
My children are ages 8 and 10. I have just recently found TJEd and am so inspired by the message. I want my children to be inspired and love to learn. If I accomplish that then we will have been successful. So hoping to win this wonderful bundle! Thank you for the generous giveaway.
My children are ages 12, 9, 7 and 18 months. I would love to win this because History is not my strongest subject and I like that the material would be delivered weekly.
I would love to win this for my 8 year old daughter, Haley. She loves our countries history! I want her to have a wonderful foundation so she too can be a leader. To spark more interest in studies is always my passion for her. Thank you so much for this opportunity.
My kids are ages 8, 5, and 3. We love learning about history. And we are missionaries in the West Indies, so I feel like the would be a great addition to learning about their homeland.
I liked Thomas Jefferson Education. I’d already like Simple Homeschool.
10,7,and 2.
We love history!!! And love the empowering ideas of TJed.
Plus we’re about the head to Montecello…how cool would that be as an intro to TJed?!?!?!?
My children are 8, 6 and 5. We currently follow a Classical curriculum (Well Trained Mind) and I read Leadership Education over the summer and would love to try this!
I liked Thomas Jefferson Education on fb. I already like Simple Homeschool!
Homeschooling 11 year old twin boys who love history!
This would be a great addition to our week, we always need more, more, more when it comes to history.
My last child at home is 12, but I have grandchildren starting to homeschool also. We have homeschooled for 16 years. I would love to have this for teaching History and learning things myself. Thanks for the giveaway.
liked you both on facebook! Thanks
Our children range in age from 3-16, and they love history. The budget is tight, so I’d love to win.
We are looking for a change in history for my 3 elementary age kids. This looks interesting…
My children are 6 1/2 and 5, and the reason I want to win is because I’ve never heard a negative thing about TJed, only positive, so I’m very curious. I bought Leadership Education to read this year. Although my kids are quite young, I think *I* would love to hear the “This Week In History”! I love learning alongside them.
Sarah M
Sarah M’s latest post: DPP // 16-25
My kids are 8,4 &2. I’m in my first year of homeschooling and seeing the gaps, trying to fill and trying to engage a very visual autistic! This program sounds wonderful 🙂
my son is 9 and he is a huge history buff. this program would be great for us! we are studying the war of 1812 now and i know there is so much history my education never covered.
I first looked into TJED a few days ago when a post here on Simple Homeschool linked me to it 🙂 This is only my second year of homeschooling – and I still feel like such a novice…and a bit clueless. I’m currently looking at budget-friendly curriculum and such – because my oldest will be finishing up his current course work this spring. I would LOVE to win this. Yes! My babes are 7, 4, and 2 🙂
Kate 🙂
Kate’s latest post: The New Year….and some Animals
Also, I already liked Simple Homeschool on Facebook 🙂 Glad I did!
Kate’s latest post: The New Year….and some Animals
My sweet girls are 4, 2, and 1. I would love to win this giveaway because I’m going to start Kindergarten in the fall with my oldest and would love to get her off the ground with a great, well rounded curriculum.
We homeschool 3 of ours aged 10, 7 and 5. This would be a wonderful addition to our studies, esp. for the 7 y.o. since he is very much into reading/interest-lead ed.
I liked Simple Homeschool and TJed on Facebook 🙂
My daughter is 13. I would love to win as this would enhance her history experience which sometimes gets boring for her. Thank you for all the info you share and for the chance to win.
Already liked on FB!
Our children are 7, 5, 3, and 10 months. We would love to win as we have just started working to move to a leadership model of education.
Mine are 5 and 2, this would be great when we ‘start’ homeschooling more officially 🙂
anastasia b’s latest post: Boba 4G Baby Carrier Giveaway
We home school our 10 y.o. girl and 7 y.o. boy, with a 2 y.o. girl in the mix as well. 🙂 We love History and would love to see what this curriculum has to offer since I have heard so much about it. I have already liked Simple Homeschool on FB and love reading your posts! Thanks for what you share!
I have two boys– nearly four and nine. Their favorite subject is hiistory! I’ve been using Konos unit studies, which are great, but this would fit perfectly in the gaps. Thanks for a great giveaway!
This is my first year to homeschool my 7, 9, and 11 year old. Your blog has been a great resource for me this year. We would live to try out this curriculum.
My son is 7 years old, this is our 2nd year homeschooling. I’ve studied TJEd and love the ideas, just haven’t bit the bullet and started it. Would love to do so, though!
my daughter is 4 and my husband is homeschooling her. history is a favorite topic of his.
Liked TJEd on Facebook. Been a fan of (have “liked”) Simple Homeschool for a long time! 🙂
My boys are 12, 10, 8, 6, and 5. I need more ideas with History. I’d love these books!
I like both on Facebook. My fb name is Iamsaving Heath.
My children are 6 and 12. I would LOVE to win this package, as we are completely changing our homeschool system and would love to use this as our new foundation. Thanks!
I have 5 love bugs in our home ages 10, 8, 7, 2, 8 mths. Had the opportunity to read TJED a few years ago and would love to have the curriculum. Liked on Facebook
My children are 5 (almost 6), 4, and 4 months. I would love to win this package because I would love to unschool my children. We live in New York and they require that you submit your intended curriculum at the beginning of the school year and what you expect to accomplish quarterly. I have been learning more about this teaching style since you mention it in your blog often (I never miss a post!!! I love it.) and I have been interested in doing this. It is a way for me to unschool, and give the state the information they “need.”
This would come at SUCH a great time for our family! My kids are Sadie: 8 and Jack:7 and I just finished this book and have really been trying to figure out how to implement the amazing advice it gives! I would LOVE LOVE LOVE to win this!
Amy Schaffner’s latest post: Confessions of a Homeschooler
I “liked” both on Facebook! Thank you for the giveaway!!!
Amy Schaffner’s latest post: Confessions of a Homeschooler
My kids are 4.5 and 2.5. I will start homeschooling Kindergarten in the fall and I really like the ideas behind Thomas Jefferson Education.
My children are 17, 14, 12 and 9. We love the TJEd approach to leadership education and have been practicing the philosophy for a few years now. Practicing is a good word for us because we seem to fall back onto bad habits occasionally. Having this package would provide us a full spectrum of tools and inspiration to keep on track with our leadership education (mine and my husbands, too – oh, I’m 44 years old and he’s 45 :o).
My children are ages 5, 7 & 8. I would love for them to have the opportunity to experience TJED so they might have this education in their background to help them build the characteristics of a good leader and learner.
Liked both on Facebook! Thanks so much!!!
Hi I have a 7 year old daughter and a 4 year old son. I just recently ( 3 days ago)found info on the Thomas Jefferson education and it had inspired me. Our homeschool journey had started off perfect little class room, daily schedule pleasing everyone around us who thinks I’m crazy for homeschooling. Well we were not pleasing ourselves the only ones who really matter. In my town of Pueblo Co there isn’t a ton of support or groups maybe that’s a good thing? Since I’m learning I need to inspire not require! I’m burning my children and myself out trying to be something I’m not. I’m afraid I’m failing them already and they are just 7 & 4. I’m the kind of person who wants needs something to help guide me but thd daily schedule and purchased curiculums have not been doing good for us as a whole. I want my kids to love to learn and I like the ideas I’ve read about with the Thomas Jefferson Education. Local library does not carry the book, would be sweet to win , hope to get out of the rutt we are in soon! I need insperation to help me help my kids.
Good day to you all and rock on for taking control of your child’s education!
This is my first year home schooling my older children ages 11 and 9. I also have two little ones ages 1 and 2. We also have a single mom with a 5-year-old who would LOVE to begin home schooling living with us. My sister and brother are both watching our family launch this new home schooling adventure in our lives and are inspired to want better for their children too. I would love to win the TJed package because I am in a position of motivating and inspiring leaders not only in my own children, but also in those around us. From the small amount of research I’ve done on TJed it seems like the program is exceptional and geared toward my teaching style. We are still experimenting with how to “do home school” and I believe these resources would be beneficial to that end.
Our children are ages 10, 8, 7, 4, and 1. We strongly feel that reading the classics with our children is an essential part of their education, although I would say that THE classic, the Bible, should be the basis of all learning and thought – the standard by which all things are measured. I would appreciate the subscription because I struggle to really trust in the process of allowing my children to develop their own interests. I was raised with a very systematic education based on the memorization of facts, which isn’t entirely without its uses. I derive comfort from teaching them in that way. Yet, I also know that I lacked discipline and motivation as a young adult, perhaps because of my early training, so I want their paths to diverge from my own. Passion, joy, and self-discipline cannot be taught. I think this subscription would help to move us in that direction by introducing an element of surprise and whimsy into our day. Perhaps even this old dog could learn some new tricks.
My kids are 17, 10, 8, 6. I’d love to use this resource to enhance our history lessons.
I have two children, 7 and 5. I would LOVE to win this package, as I have recently discovered TJEd and am reading ‘Leadership Education: The Phases of Learning’. We’re busy beginning to implement the principles and this would be a great resource to work in!
We have 3 boys – 8, 6, and 3. We homeschool and I’m always interested in what curriculum would be the best fit for our family.
P.S. I am already a ‘liker’ of Simple Homeschool on Facebook, and have just ‘liked’ Thomas Jefferson Education 🙂
Dene’s latest post: Memories to remember
I like Simple Homeschool and Thomas Jefferson Education on FB.
Liked TJ Ed and Simple Homeschool on Facebook
My kids are 13, 11, 9 & 8. I would love to win this package because I am completely on the fence about homeschooling through highschool right now. I have looked at so many different curricula out there and I just cannot decide if I can do it and if I did, how. We looked into TJ Education years ago and loved the idea, but drifted away. My oldest will be in 9th grade next year, where it counts. Yikes. Anyhow, we will see. Thanks for the chance to win!
My children are 9 & 11. Having another resource that I’m excited about will spark their curiousity as well. Different perspectives always make discussions more interesting. So happy to have found Tjed.
My girls are two and seven, and I’d love to win this package because I’m currently researching methods and curricula and working out our family’s philosophy for schooling.
I already like Simple Homeschool on FB. Thank you for the give-away.
I liked TJ Education and Simple Homeschool on facebook. Thanks!
16 yr old daughter, 15 yr daughter, two 6 yr boys (twins), 4 yr boy, and 2 yr boy. I love Thomas Jefferson education and would love to win to simplify our lives even more. Thanks for this opportunity.
I already liked Thomas Jefferson education and now just liked Simple Homeschool, thanks again
We have 8 kids from 16 to 20 mo. I have always been intrigued with Thomas Jefferson education and would love this package for my homeschool history!!! Thanks!
My kids are ages 13, 11, 9, & 7. I’d love to win this as we are just getting into TJED as a family. I read a Thomas Jefferson Education last year and it resonated with me big time. Thiis resource would help us tremendously.
our kids are 17 and 7 and we would like to win this because we like history!
I liked both on Facebook.
I just liked Thomas Jefferson Education and Simple Homeschool, thanks!!
“liked” on FB- both of them !!
Our kids are 10, 9, 7, 4, and 3 months. This past year, the history curriculum we had been using lost its appeal to the kids, and so we’ve been winging it for the last few months as I’ve been looking for a replacement. This sounds fabulous for our multi-age family!
My children are 7 and 4. I love history and I think this is a great resource to give them either a quick glance or in-depth view of the past.
I liked Thomas Jefferson Education and Simple Homeschool on Facebook!!
Kela Nellums’s latest post: No Longer For Yourself
I have a 5 year old boy and a 2 1/2 year old girl and we all LOVE to study history. This would be a great way to introduce them to many aspects of history. Thanks!
I have 4 girls ( 12, 9, and 7 yr old twins. I have borrowed some of the books often from friends and would love our own. I have tried on/off to learn more about TJEd and would be thrilled to receive this package
Follow simple homeschool and TJEd 🙂
I “liked” on FB for both (Simple Homeschool has been a like already for months).
My children are 10, 6, 3. I’d never heard of this curriculum before, I’m intrigued by it because I see the importance of centering education around history…and my oldest and I are history lovers!
My kids are 5, 3 and 1. We’d love to win as I have recently learned about TJEd, and it sounds fantastic to me!
I also liked both on Facebook!
My boys are 8, 5 and 2. I’ve always been curious about the TJ method, but haven’t been able to find any of the books at our library. My older boys love history, so I think they’d really enjoy the This Week in History series.
Oh I’m already a SH Facebook fan! Thanks!
We have four children ages 6, 5, 3 and 17 months. I’d love to win this entry as we’re just getting started homeschooling and are very drawn toward the philosophy and methods of TJEd, but still have so much to learn.
My kids range in ages 26 – 7. I have homeschooled all of them over the course of the last 21 years. Currently, I am homeschooling 4 of the children. I need a change from our curriculum and have been considering the TJED for sometime now. This offer is perfect! TY!
My kids are (12, 10, 8, 6, 3 & 2). My husband and I pulled our kids out of public school, this year, for many reasons, one of which, that they no longer teach history in our district. I would love, love, love to win this, so that my children’s education can be even further enriched at home by this awesome history curriculum!
I just “Liked” both pages on Facebook. Thank you again!
I homeschool 5, ages 18 (special needs), 17, 10, 8, 4 & my 8 month baby girl ~ this looks very interesting & something we would love to try~Thanks for the chance!
My children are ages 14, 11, 8, 5 and. Almost 2. I am especially interested in This Week in History. I think it would be a good addition to our read alouds. I am new to TJE and am interested in learning more about it.
Liked both pages on FB. 🙂
My children are 5, 7, & 9. I would love to win This Week In History, because I have had the opportunity to listen to Oliver DeMille speak a few times. I also own several of his leadership books. He truly is passionate about this country and our freedom. I would really love to use TJed to educate my children next year. I have liked both Facebook pages.
Liked both Thomas Jefferson Education and Simple Homeschool on Facebook!
My girls are 7 and 3 and next year we’re learning American History! Perfect timing for my oldest…
Tori’s latest post: Summer Learning- the real scoop
My children are 6, 4 and 1. I would love to win this as I love the idea of a history enriched curriculum!
My children are 3 and 5. My 5 year old has an insatiable appetite for information, history included. I always found history boring and I DO NOT want to pass that opinion on to my children! I am hoping that this curriculum will make it exciting for everyone (including me!)
I already LOVE you on FB. 😉
Tori’s latest post: Summer Learning- the real scoop
My kiddos are 11 & 12. I recently found TJE but haven’t had the budget to purchase anything yet. We currently use story of the world. My children LOVE history and I think would thoroughly enjoy this. I don’t have FB or I would “like” you 🙂 I know, I’m probably the only one, but I found it to be too distracting years ago and jumped the FB ship! But I am liking you both here “like” “like”!!! 🙂
Our last child at home is 6, and he loves learning all sorts of things. The daily history program would greatly help with decision making in his schoolwork, plus we enjoy learning from history.
Thank you for offering such a great program!
I also ‘liked’ both pages on FB! 🙂
My children are 16, 14, 12 and 5. I would love to win and start pur homeschool journey off to a great start with the Thomas Jefferson Education program. We just withdrew our middle 2 from school this week and are continuing their education from home. The youngest will continue to learn from home and is ready for an actual curriculum. I love history and was exposed to enrichment through tracel and reading as a child by my public educator parents. This would be a fun and easy transition for me and my children. Thank you for this opportunity!!
My children are 5 1/2 and 2 1/2 and I already get the Thomas Jefferson Education emails but I would especially love the This Week in History program.
I am already a fan of Simple Homeschool on FB
My boys are 5 and 3 years old. We read pictures books, literature, poems, National Geographic and just about anything we are interested in. We’d love have a go at this online history magazine. Have a beautiful day!
Oh, Simple Homeschool is already on my list of “likes”. Thomas Jefferson Education is a closed group, shall we join if we’re not using it right now?
My kids are 11, 8, 6 and 3. History is one of those subjects that I’m not strong in so I’m always looking for good ways for all of us to learn together and retain the information!
I have one 9 year old daughter and would like to get off the hamster wheel of fulfulling grade level requirements and actually ENJOY learning together!
My children are 9 and 13. Teaching real history has never been more important than it is today.
I’ve liked both TJE and Simple Homeschool on FB. Thanks for the giveaway. Hope I win!
Oooh, I would love this! Very interested in TJEd and considering making the switch from a more classical approach. My kids are almost 13 and 8.
Also, I “liked” both on facebook.
My children are 6 and 4 and I’m looking for a good history foundation to support our interest-led homeschooling philosophy.
Laura’s latest post: Real Life | To Have Priorities
I like Simple Homeschool and TJed on FB.
My kids are 5 and 7. We are new to homeschooling so we would love to try this curriculum.
My kids are 3and 6 and I am reading the TJed education now and would love to start applying these resources for our home school.
We would LOVE this!
Liked on facebook.
I just liked TJEd on FB!!
Oh my gosh, oh my gosh! I really, really want to win this. My kiddos are 10, 9, 6, 4 and I am really terrible with history and dates. As a kid, it never interested me, so I never retained any of the information. I really want history to come alive for my kids because there is really so much fascinating information!
My kids are 7, 5, 18 mo and arriving in April :). We are starting our homeschooling journey next school year as I will get to stay home for the first time. I have found your site to be an amazing source of information and inspiration as I get ready to teach my own…I have been a public school teacher for 18 years – strong displeasure with the direction education has moved is a strong motivator. I can’t wait to get started. In looking at different educational models, the Thomas Jefferson model has strong appeal for me, so I’m thrilled to see this information about it. Thanks so much for all you do!
My children are ages 8, 6 and 4. I would love to win this package because my kids love any kind of online learning! I have also had A Thomas Jefferson Education on my “to read” list for a long time now — I think it would help clarify what we already do in our home.
My kids are 14, 12, 9 and 6. I’ve checked this book out from the library and it looks very interesting!
I’ve liked Simple Homeschool for awhile now, just liked TJed too!
12,10, and 7. I would like to win because it sounds like a great resource!
I have two boys 7 & 4. What little bit I know about TJED and have applied has helped us in our homeschool a great deal. Scheduling time and not content has been a life saver for us and has facilitated structure with all the freedom in learning that we desire. I would love to learn more about TJED’s methods and apply them to our lives!
My kids are 7, 6, 4 and almost 1. I was recently introduced to TJE and love it! It would be such a blessing to win this giveaway! Thanks for the chance 🙂
Well, I would love to win this because I’ve read TJEd, and we have incorporated as much as we can into our homeschool. My husband loves the idea of leadership education. Our kids are 18, 10, 6, and 17 months. Unfortunately, the eldest has missed some of the benefits of Leadership Ed., but we hope to be able to help all four kids become what God has created them to be: good thinkers and leaders who will be life-long learners. Our homeschool runs more smoothly this year, because of TJEd, and we would love to be able to do more.
I liked TJE and simple homeschool on FB!!
Thanks again for this wonderful opportunity!
My kids are 10 and 12. I think they would love reading this information daily and it would encourage them to dig a little deeper!
Mine are 6, 5, 3, almost 2 and 5 months. I am always looking for ways to stimulate my kids intellectually and I would love to see if tje is a good fit for my independent thinkers.
My kids are 17, 13, and 8. I’d love to win this package because I have just started reading about TJEd and am very excited to incorporate the principles into our homeschool. Thank you!
My girls are 13 and 15 (plus a 20 year old in college!). I would love to give this a try to see if would be good for my kids…I am looking for new ways to expand!
My children are 19, 16, 13, 6, 4, and 2 and 6 months. I’d love to win because it looks awesome.
The two I have left are 15 and 17. I also have grandchildren, ages 2, 4 (three who are 4), 5, 6, and 8. We love history, love learning the lessons it provides, and I’m always looking for things like this to spark more discussion about historical events.
Alyce-Kay Hanush’s latest post: How to Teach Children to Complete A Chore
My children are 8, 7, 6, 5, 3, 2, and 5 months, and I have been looking into TJEd for a long time but haven’t been able to get into it. I love the ideals behind TJEd and I think it would really well for my children!
My children are 7 & 8. We have just begun our homeschooling journey this month. I am looking for a way to help keep my girls excited.
My kids are 8 and 10 years old. We’ve been homeschooling for several years and have tried online curriculum, public-homeschool options, and lots of different resources, but I still haven’t found a curriculum that really “fits” us. My kids and I all love history, and we love learning about life through history. In fact, my eight year old hated to read until I gave her this year’s history books on Native Americans. Suddenly, she was hooked, both on the subject matter and on reading!
I have three children, ages 6, 4 and 1. We would love to win this prize because we are officially starting our homeschool in June. It would be lovely to add this to our curriculum!
I have a six year old and two little ones. I’ve been hearing about TJed recently and I’m very intrigued. I would love a chance to try it out.
My kids are 3, nearly 2, and prospective 🙂 I would really love the books. I have looked into them several times as we are deciding how to approach education in our home. The free subscription would probably mainly be for my benefit at this point.
My Children are 8, 6, 4, 2 and 3 months. I love making school fun and if our children and think about history in their own time, like on this same day only so many years ago, such ans such happened than they are more likely to remember and be intrigued. I am always looking for more fun material! Thanks for this opportunity to win.
Oh how completely wonderful! My son is 7 years old and has been a huge history buff since our first reading of Usborne’s Encyclopedia of World History when he was about 5 1/2 (since then I think we’ve read through it at least 10 times!). We have just left public school and are spending the month of January sorting our our plans for “school” at home. I mentioned doing a “through history” approach to him and he really liked that idea (as do I). This Week in History would be the perfect start to our homeschool journey. Thank you!
Rain’s latest post: Happy
I liked both on facebook
My children are ages 8 and 6. My son is especially interested in US history and I think he would respond so well to this! Thank you for sharing, and for the opportunity to win.
I have a 10 year-old daughter, a 6 year-old son and a 2 and a half year-old daughter. I would love to win this because I need all the help available from reliable and great resources.
My son is 12 & in 6th grade. I would like to win because it sounds like a great program & a fun way to learn history while practicing other skills as well. I am always looking for new things to add to our homeschool!
I added Simple Homeschool and TJEd to my “likes” on Facebook! I’m looking forward to seeing them in my daily newsfeed!
My children are 13, 9, and 6. My children are such independent thinkers and learners. This would be awesome!! I liked both pages on facebook, too 🙂
My kids are 10 and 12. I think they would love receiving these emails daily!
My kids are 5 and 8. I would really love to win this package because I am at a crossroads in homeschooling. I feel like I am being led away from the curriculum we have been using due to the massive time it requires to complete. I am wanting something that allows them to explore their interests more and meets their unique learning styles. I spent most of the night reading and trying to discern, and this need for change has been weighing on me for some time now. Yet, I have no idea where to go.
My son will be 4 soon. I am trying to gather the resources I can use for homeschooling and making it fun! I’ve liked both Facebook pages as well.
My girls are 4 and 8 and I looked at this once before and liked it but found that it was out of my budget winning is a great option!
I have 6 children 13, 11, 9,7, 4, 2 yrs and we would love to have this package and enjoy a daily lesson provided by people who’s philosophies I’ve appreciated since my younger brothers and sisters did TJ ed.
My daughter is 11. She is quite intelligent, but she finds the programs we use boring. Maybe a fresh curriculum and perspective could assist her in finding the joys of learning again. It sounds wonderful, and I think she could really benefit from this particular curriculum.
I just bought the TJE guide because I think that this the way that we are leaning in regards to homeschooling, but would LOVE to have the rest of the bundle to start us along.
Oops, my kids ages are 7, 5, and 2.
This is so exciting! I’m on my way to TJED! At least I think I am. I’ve been looking at where to start first to really get things rolling.
Hi, I have one son who is 7. I would love to win this giveaway because we have just started this homeschool venture. I would love to try things that are a little out of the box and find something that might spark my son’s interest, as I am still looking for a way to light that desire to learn. I have also liked (actually if there was a love, I would click that) Simple Homeschool and I also liked Thomas Jefferson Education. Thank you!
My children are 9, 10, & 12. They love true & factual History. This would be great for us because I teach them history together rather than by grade. We have no formal history program at this time so adding this to our studies would be a blessing!
My boys are 13, almost 11, and 9. I would love to win this because we struggle with history – making it relevant. I think the activities linked to each historical person/event are awesome!
Also added “Simple Homeschool” to my likes. I had TJED on my likes arleady. P.S. My kids are 3, 5, 9, 10, & 11.
My kids are 6 and 8. I would like to win because I think my kids would love this program.
I liked TJEd and Simple Homeschool on Facebook. 🙂
Mine are 5,7 & 9. I am so intrigued by This program and would love to add a little variety to our curriculum!
My kids are 3 and 6. I would like to win this package as we like to base our homeschool on historical events. My husband and son love history. So it helps me get him to read and write when it relates back to something in history.
My children are 7 and 8 years old. I would love to win this package for several reasons:
1) We are brand new to homeschool (will start next yr.) and this program seems easy to follow.
2) I love that it is geared toward each child’s abilities! Our boys are both in advanced classes at their charter already and so I would like to keep challenging them!
3) I am searching and reading about every program out there and fretting over what would be the best for us. Winning this would drop a program right into my lap that I would be sure to use, not to mention the great book package that is coming with it!
Thanks for the opportunity to win!
I liked simply homeschool and TJED on Facebook.
I had already “liked” Simple Homeschool. However, I have now “liked” Thomas Jefferson Education.
I have like both the facebook pages.
My kiddos are 8 and 6. My 8 year old loves digging I to history and my 6 year old just tags along so I think this might help satiate that craving that she has for the knowledge!
My children are 8, 6, 4, 2 and 1 yr old. We home school our children. We are working on developing avid readers of the classics. We have heard Oliver speak a few times and would love to have this stimulating and informative information to help further our children’s learning.
Hi….my kids are 13 and 10, and I would love to win this package for them to help inspire them, to show them that learning can be fun and interesting. We have tried so many different packages that, I think, they have come to think that everything is just boring. I believe this may do the trick, to show them that learning CAN be fun and interesting!
I have liked both on Facebook! Thanks!
My one and only is 8 and in 3rd grade! We have homeschooled since she was in 1st. History is always a big part of our curriculum no matter what I choose. I would love this because I’m always looking for more teaching opportunities and ideas! I want her to be excited about it! I liked both pages as well 🙂
I have liked both the TJEd and your page on FB! Thank you! 🙂
My kids are 6, 4, and 2. We start homeschooling in the fall. My daughter is already an excellent reader and we are planning to use the Charlotte mason method. This will be a wonderful contribution to our curriculum!
My daughter is 14. Her favorite subject is History. We are currently planning her high school curriculum, and this would be a great help. Thank you for offering this! I have liked both TJE and SH. 🙂
I have one child, a daughter age 9. This is our first year homeschooling. I have been hearing about TJed in many different forums and would love to amp up our history studies! I like how it incorporates other disciplines for a full circle learning experience!
My children are ages 8 years and 7 months. I would love to win this package for my 8 year old and see if it’s a good fit for her. I believe in a tailored learning approach and this would be a great addition to our “school”. 🙂
I also liked tje and simple homeschool on FB!
My children are ages 11 and 4. We are new to unschooling and this would be helpful to tie other subjects in and keep our stress levels down 🙂
I liked Thomas Jefferson Education and I was already following you.
I also “like” Thomas Jefferson Education AND Simple Homeschool on facebook 🙂
My kids are 7, almost 4, and 1. I am always on the lookout for materials that will connect us to the greater story always going on in the world and this looks excellent! And I am a history fanatic and I want to know more and more and more history.
Taylor’s latest post: Recipe: Tropical Gelatin Salad
Already liked both on Facebook and left comments there as well! Thanks!
My kids are 3, 7, and 10. I think history is fascinating and I’m always looking for great ways to get my kids into it. This looks like a winner!
My kids are 10, 8, 5 and 4. I have looked into TJed and think that it sounds like an excellent scaffold for our homeschool. This package seems like a great way to incorporate it into our home.
My son is 8 and we are just getting ready to homeschool next fall. So excited to get him home and learn together. Looking for any good resources for our new venture.
I’ve liked you for a long time now and I just liked TJed. 🙂
I have a 9 year old and he loves, loves, loves history and just can’t get enough of it! This would be a great addition to our lessons.
I have 2 older children and an 8 year old whom I am homeschooling. We just got started this year. I’d love to win this giveaway, because I see that my two older children love history, but don’t even really know it, because they’ve been in public school all their lives. In discussions, while reading commentary or watching documentaries, they light up and ask astute questions, but say they hate history because of the way it’s taught in school. I’d live to confidently teach my youngest daughter history in an intriguing way that would solidify a love for the pursuit of truth!
I’ve liked the Simple Homeschool page and the Thomas Jefferson Education page.
Thank you,
Vannessa Burson
Our children are 11, 9 and 6 years old. I think this curriculum would suit our family’s varied learning styles while allowing us all to learn together.
My daughter is 5 years old. I am always looking for more ways to challenge her mind and inspire her curiosity. A new website to explore/curriculum makes our time together even more exciting!
I liked both facebook pages!
Liked both of you on Facebook 🙂
I have 6 kids aged 3-19 and I have never heard about TJEd, excited to learn more.
My kids are 4,7,10, and 11. We have had a very stressful run of years, and structure is what has suffered the most. I am moving towards injecting some new life and rhythm to our days. This Week in History seems like it would be an anchor resource towards that end.
My kids are 1, 4, 6, 9, 11, &14. I’d love to win this subscription. The book “A Thomas Jefferson Education” was what inspired me to go ahead and take that first step (8 years ago) and homeschool my son as I had always felt drawn to do. My life turned upside down for a couple of years and I had to take a break from homeschooling. Now I am getting started again, and I’m SO excited to have discovered this new curriculum in the Simple Homeschool post in my newsfeed!
My children are 10, 9, 6 and 3. I would love to win this to read more about Thomas Jefferson education thoughts and to support what we are currently doing in homeschooling which is more or less Charlotte Mason inspired.
My children are 11, 8, and 7! This program would be a wonderful new history lesson for our day!
My children are ages 13,11,4,2. I am very new to multi level teaching (of course only some subjects) and am finding to overwhelming pairing each kid with the righ curriculum on top of teaching all 4 kids making sure they all get what attention they deserve on top of extra curricular activities for my older kids, training my daughters service dog and managing her disease. I need help! Lol overwhelmed trying to plan next years curriculum but excited at the same time. I would love to use this!
I also like TJEd and Simple Homeschool on Facebook. 🙂
My child is 5 and this sounds wonderful! I’m always looking for great resources to use in my homechooling.
I have 4 children, ages 8, 7, 7, and 3. I have been praying if homeschooling is the right choice for our family. I just stumbled upon this blog a few days ago, so I am excited to continue researching. Winning this will help solidify that I am making the right decision!
I liked both Thomas Jefferson Education and Simple Homeschool on Facebook.
I am always looking for curriculums for my 6 the grader. He loves history and absorbs anything I can teach him. He has struggled som in the past with other curriculums and is finally learning to love to learn. I would love to know more about this curriculum!!!
My children are 8 and 12. We have decided to pull them out of traditional school and will start homeschooling in 2 weeks. I am overwhelmed with all the curricula out there and would like to find something that would make our new adventure fun, exciting and less stressful!
My children are 8 and 5. I’m a new homeschooling mom…we cybered last year and decided it wasn’t for us, so made the homeschool plunge this year. I’m still testing out the waters so to speak in regard to what works for us. Winning this package would be a great way to expose us to another resource as we continue to settle in to a new school philosophy.
My kids are 15, 12, 9, and 4. I think TJE is a great educational philosophy and these resources would be great in our homeschool.
I would love to win this for my family! My kids are 16, 13, 10 & 6, we love history and I would like to be farther from doing school at home, and closer to homeschooling, if you know what I mean!
I like Simple Homeschool on Facebook!
My children are 2, 4 & 6. I have loved TJEd for the last nine months and have especially loved this blog as it makes TJEd come alive!
My kids are 13, 11 & 8. We are new unschoolers and all three of my kids love History. This sounds like a great addition that would fit our family well 🙂
7, 4, 1.5. My kids love history!
I “like” Thomas Jefferson Education too!
I already “like” Simple Homeschool!
My girls are 8 and 10. We are just learning about TJE and cannot wait to change the way we school! This giveaway would be a wonderful incentive 🙂
Already “liked” Simple Homeschool on FB….just “liked” TJEd.
For an extra entry, I have “liked” TJE and I had already liked your page.
Our kids are 5, 4, 2, and 9 months. We are just getting started with homeschooling and have been intrigued by TJed. We want to use it for our kids and this would really help us get into it! Thanks for doing this giveaway!
I have 3 boys ages 11, 10, and 9.
I would love to win this package as I started researched The Thomas Jefferson Education about a year ago and I know that the 7 Keys of a TJED are EXACTLY the direction I want to take my boys in. We are planning on incorporating it into our Homeschool Journey in the next year.
Kendra Neal’s latest post: Simple Woman’s Daybook: 1/2/14
My children are 21 months, 5 and 9. We love history and I have always wanted to subscribe to this week in history but my husband being in his Dr. program in music education has rendered us living on very little income. So I would look forward to using this.
My children are 15, 11, 9, & 4…
I would love to be able to incorporate more history everyday!!! I am a lover of History and I am really hoping my kids can discover the joys and surprises of History too!
My two girls are 5 1/2 and 4 years old. We just started Homeschooling this year and I am taking this year to navigate sources via the internet and blogs (like this one :)). We have a very tight budget; so spending money on curriculum is limited. I am very interested in trying this curricula out to diversify and explore other styles and methods of learning. Mama is in a rut and the kiddos are losing interest!
Thank you for your blog! Yadi
I have already liked both Simple Homeschool and Thomas Jefferson Education on Facebook.
Kendra Neal’s latest post: Simple Woman’s Daybook: 1/2/14
I have two boys 6 & 9 and we are beginning our homeschool journey this month. Both of my boys love history and this would be such a helpful asset for all of us! I have liked both “Thomas Jefferson Education” and “Simple Homeschool” on facebook!
My children are 9 and 11. This would be a perfect win! I have been planning to order the TJed books from Amazon and have been wanting to change our homeschool to a more classical unschooling (read ~ Leadership/TJed) atmosphere. Thank you so much for the opportunity.
I already “like” both TJed and Simple HOmeschool on Facebook!
Hi! I have an almost 6 year old (next week) and a 4 year old. I think they are both “out of the box” thinkers (like their mama), and would really benefit from materials like these!
I also liked both pages on FB 🙂
Okay I like the Thomas Jefferson FB page. I already Liked yours a long time ago! 🙂
My oldest is five and in first grade and I am really looking forward to putting more of our focus into TJEd this coming school year! This package would enable us to do it even sooner. 🙂
My son is 3 1/2 years old. We are alowlybatarting this homeschooling journey. That said, he is already showing an interest in history and maps. TJE would just be a great tool to start all of those conversations.
*slowly starting
Proud momma of a 7 year old, an almost 6 year old and a 7 month old!
My children are only 2 1/2 and 4 but I am already trying to learn as much as I can about homeschooling. I can not wait to make lessons in history fun and interesting so they will have a solid foundation for lifelong learning. This looks like something to put on my wishlist for sure!
I like Simple homeschool on Facebook
My children are 17, 15, 9, 7, 4 and 2. The program looks interesting and fun.
I liked a Thomas Jefferson Education on Facebook.
“Liked” the Thomas Jefferson Education fb page and have already liked the Simple Homeschool page! Thanks!
Sara Schuurman’s latest post: Frosty Days
Our children are ages 16, 14, 12, 8, and 6. I would love this package because we are departing for nearly a year of sailing as a family and must limit the number of physical books that go with us. History, Literature, and experience have been our foundation of our homeschool. We would enjoy having fresh materials meted out electronically which we could download during intermittent Internet access.
I liked the Thomas Jefferson Education on Facebook.
This is our First year Homeschooling I have a 12 year old a 11 year old and an 8 year old. I am currently a owner of A Thomas Jefferson Education and reference it often. It’s inspiring and helps keep me focused on the end goal I want to accomplish with my 3 kiddos. I would love to win this and implement it into our homeschool. Pick Me Pick Me … Oh and I like TJ ED On face book and belong to the discussion group.
This is our first year homeschooling, we have 7, 9 and 11 year old boys. They love history and Thomas Jefferson both. This looks like a great all in one package to use for us. I think it will be a great addition to an eclectic curriculum. Thanks!
FB liked TJEd and Simple Homeschool
Emily’s latest post: I Don’t Want to Be More Awesome
I like your page and liked TJ page on FB . My children are 17, 16, 13. My 13 yo loves history so this would be fantastic for him. Thanks.
Our children are 10, 8, and 4 years old. TJE has been an absolute blessing to our homeschool in so many ways. When my kiddos are begging for computer time, I would love to open up This Week in History with them and dive in!
I am a proud mom of 6 great kids. I have 3 left in school, and am currently homeschooling my 9 and 111 year old girls. I am just starting out. Over the last few months we have just been winging it. So many people have recommended your curriculum to follow. I love what I have seen/heard! Thomas Jefferson – couldn’t ask for a better foundation for education!
I have liked both pages on Facebook as well.
I have a 6 yr old girl and an 8 yr old boy. This year is our first year homeshooling and it has been crazy! We started out with K12, but soon found it was not the one for us. Currently we’re doing Easy Peasy, but I’m finding I have to supplement the math and history. I would like to focus more on what their interests are. I’ve heard of this program and it would be nice to try and seems that it would fit our homeschool goals.
I have 6 children ages 10,9,7,5,3,1 and a new one who will make his appearance in March!
I would love to win this package mostly for this week In history. It is something I have wanted for a long time but haven’t had the resources to afford it. (Sad I know ). Hoping I will find that I can’t live without it :0) I would love to books as well to share as I already have a few of them!
I would LOVE to win this! We are just starting our homeschool journey and I love the TJed method and plan on studying the classics with my oldest. This would definitely help us on our journey!
I also have liked your FB page and the TJed FB page.
I’ve liked both pages 🙂
My son is 12 years old. Would love to have this as History is one of his favorite subjects and haven’t found just the right curriculum yet! Sheila
My kiddos are 10 & 8. I would love to win this! My husband and I are constantly working to instill leadership traits into our children and I believe this could be a wonderful asset for our whole family.
Lora @ my blessed life’s latest post: Boundaries for Leaders {a review}
I already “like” Simple Homeschool and TJE on FB 🙂
Lora @ my blessed life’s latest post: Boundaries for Leaders {a review}
My daughter is 5 years old and we are new to homeschooling. I was recently introducted to TJEd and find it amazing. TJEd along with reading the awesome Simple Homeschool blog gives me the confidence to stick with this homeschooling journey no matter how challenging it might seem.
My children are 12 and 16. I love the idea of tying all subjects together, this package would help so very much to unify what my boys learn daily.
Love this ! Always looking for great curriculum for my 9 th grader , 5 th grader , 3 rd grader , and 4 year old . I think anything that gives a love of learning is worth it !
I have 6 boys, ages 8-15 that I homeschool. My boys love history!
I follow simple homeschooling on fb
Kd Blackburn’s latest post: Summer’s ending
I follow Thomas Jefferson education on fb
Kd Blackburn’s latest post: Summer’s ending
My children are 8 and 10 years old. I would like to win this package because my son loves history. Right now our curriculum doesn’t tie to each other and sometimes feels like a waste of time. It is more hoop jumping and not meaningful.
I have liked the Simple Homeschool FB page for a while and now have liked the Thomas Jefferson FB page.
My son is 7 and this program looks like the perfect supplement to our eclectic program.
We have 5 children. Their ages are 17, 15, 13, 8, and 6. We have been homeschooling for 12 years with the mission to raise Godly, independent, self motivated, high level thinking leaders of tomorrow. And while that is, thankfully, mostly the case, we see areas where we need to make changes. I was first drawn to your blog by articles about leadership education and have since done more research and shared these views with my husband. Although we have decided that we are going to implement the TJEd principles into our home, we were not sure how we were going to afford to buy the needed resources. We would like to win the TJEd giveaway to get us started on our new path in home educating our children. Thank you both for this opportunity.
This is our first year homeschooling and this looks like a fabulous and fun resource! I have 2 boys 8 and 12 and I’m always looking for interesting new ways to present history.
I have 7th grade girls, and they struggle with finding history interesting. They Re great students, so maybe this would help.
I liked A Thomas Jefferson Education on FB. I already follow Simple Homeschool. I enjoy your posts & have shared it with many other homeschool families.
I’ve liked Thomas Jefferson FB page and I liked Simple homeschooling awhile ago. 🙂
Jason already liked Simple Homeschool and liked A Thomas Jefferson Education on facebook. Jen doesn’t have facebook, but pinned this article.
My children are 9, 7, and 4. What a fabulous resource!! My family loves history and we are finding joy in this homeschooling journey.
Looks like a great curriculum! I’d love to learn more!
Thank you.
I have a 13 and 15 year old and I have been trying to raise thinkers, not followers. I am especially interested in the book for teens.
I ‘like’ tjed and simple homeschool on facebook, of course!!
My children are 12, 9 and 4 and I would definitely use this curriculum. It covers alot of important info. that young men/boys need to learn.
My children are 7 and 11. I would love to win this to show them that learning can be exciting and to dispel the myth that one must be a teacher and thousands of dollars to educate a child well.
I have a 12 year old, 5 year old twins and a 1 year old. All Boys. We LOVE History!
Would love to read the books to find out more.
I have four boys ages 14,12,9, and 3 years old. We enjoy history around here!
Stepchildren ages 15 and 14. And children ages 5 and 3. Would love to win because I love teaching history, my husband was a history major in college, and I believe that we can learn from past successes and failures so that we repeat the good and not the bad (hopefully).
Our children at home are 10, 8, 6, and 2. We’ve been homeschooling for 5 years. It works great for our family as my husband has a crazy work schedule as well as the fact that our family does EVERYTHING together!
My daughter’s are 11 and 3. I have always LOVED History and even got my bachelors degree in History. Nothing makes me happier than passing on my love of history to my girls!
7 and 10 year olds. I would love to win this. We are still new to homeschooling and are finding our way! I have liked both pages!
I am homeschooling my 8 year old son. This is our first year homeschooling and it’s going better than I could ever imagine. I would like to win this as I am looking for a great curriculum that will keep my son enjoying homeschool for years to come.
My kids are 7, 5, and 4; we are still “finding our way” with homeschooling, and this looks like a fabulous resource to help us out!
My last child at home now is 14 and we are anticipating our study of American History next year. We are wrapping up World History this year and would love to have the guidance of these materials- thanks so much for the offering!
My son is 5 and has autism. I want to win this because I haven’t even started teaching history to him.He does seem interested. I know this isn’t about the giveaway but since I don’t know any other homeschoolers where I live if you could give me advice on the best affordable curriculum for first graders…I would be very thankful. We are looking for real physical books…not online. here is my email
like both on FB as rachel Crisman
I have a 9 year old boy. My hope is to open his heart up to a love of history and teach him if we learn about our true past we can avoid making past mistakes in the future! I am trying to educate him with a Charollete Mason Education and deeply desire for him to understand the Christian faith of our founding fathers and how this impacted the formation of America. I want him to recognize a lie verses the truth, having both wisdom and sound judgement.
I would LOVE to win this for my family! I had never even hear of Thomas Jefferson Education until I started reading this blog. It seems totally up my alley! My kids are 10, 8, and 5!
I liked the facebook pages too! 🙂
My kids are 8, 6, 4, 3, and 1 and we live in a small town with very limited resources, this looks great for helping us along where our library lacking.
We’ve got a 7, 5 and 3year old. I’ve been wanting to revamp our homeschool and I’m loving the looks of TJEd. I feel like it would fit very well with our style of homeschool and give me the organization I lack on my own. Thanks so much for the opportunity and for the discount on the package.
I liked TJed on facebook
Hi! My children are 14 and 13 and we have been homeschooling for 3 years. My oldest is in high school now and it’s not always easy to keep him challenged. I think that this program would give both my children the structure they need, but still the freedom to learn at their own pace. My husband is also a huge history buff so he would love to have the children discovering more of our countries past. Thanks!
Liked TJE on facebook, and I already “like” Simple Homeschool!
11, 9, 8, and 5. The books have been on my wish list for a while!
My children are 10, 13, and 15. We have been homeschooling for 7 years. I would love to learn more about a Thomas Jefferson education. I am really feeling like I am in a rut right now. My oldest has just been pulled from a public cyber charter school and I am worried about homeschooling him for the remainder of his freshman year. Thank you so much for this opportunity.
Melissa, you might really enjoy Thomas Jefferson Education for Teens. It’s designed to inspire and empower to really own their education, and follow a path of excellence. It’s one of the books in the offer – so good luck with that! xoxo rd
Rachel DeMille’s latest post: Changing Education Paradigms
Thank you, Rachel. I will look into it.
My kids are 5 and 4. I’d love to win this so! My husband was a history major and I want my kids to know and understand the history of our nation and world.
I like Simple Homeschool on facebook.
My kids are 8, 6 and 18 months. My husband and I would love this as we have grown to love history more since being out of school and we hope that our kids can grow to love and appreciate history at a younger age than we did.
My kids are 2, 6 and 7, so we are just getting into real curriculum. We live overseas and I love history and am looking forward to sharing my love for it with my kids.
My children are 3 and 1. So this wouldn’t really be for them yet, but I help homeschool my 14 year old nephew and this would be a fabulous resource for his schooling! Thanks so much!
We are a fairly new homeschooling family (year #2). I have six kids… a 16 yo junior, 14 yo Freshman, 12 yo in 7th, 10 yo in 4th, 6 yo in 1st and 3 yo. We are still trying to “find” the best approach for our family. I lean more toward Charlotte Mason, but our homeschooling is a very eclectic mix. I am extremely interested in learning about TJeD as I just learned about it through your blog. It seems to be a mix of everything that I am striving towards in our homeschool. Thank you so much for offering this curriculum/philosophy. More importantly, thank you of ripening my eyes to a new resource from which to learn.
I also just liked both pages! Woo-hoo, can’t wait!!!
My kids are 14 and 9 and I love TJED
My children are 22,21,19,18 and the last one 12. Wheeew. Why would I like to win this package? Wel for my daughter. The one I’m homeschooling now. She didn’t want to be homeschooled and I went ahead and let her go through the system . Anytime I could I would try to hel her understand things they just didn’t teach her ….. The word is TEACH ….. Her and allowed her to learn. So anyhow jump to now. Now she is homeschooled YEAH this is her 1st year and I’m not a stranger to it having other kids being homeschooled – she didn’t get the whole teachings I thought she s
Did. So I went back to fill in the gaps and holes PS left. Challenging? Oh yes. But still young enough to research her what she needs to know. And still enough time to try to help her love learning again. The right resources and materials is what she needs to succeed in school…….in life. This is why I would love to win this package.
For my daughter who was overlooked on how bright she was (tested high) and cheated out of a great education. Now it’s my turn to help her learn through homeschooling and give her what every child deserves which isn’t just materials to learn but within the right materials is to teach her to love to learn again. That’s what is all about ……… Enspire them and find the love of learning.
I have a 10 & 6 yr old sons. I would love to teach my boys a good history.
My kids are 7 & 6. We would love this package because we have just begun our simple HSing journey and could really see this adding great conversations to our day.
I liked both pages on FB!
My kids are 12, 10 and 8. We are new to homeschooling and still looking for a great fit. We are definitely looking for a history curriculum and very excited to check out this resource! I have liked both FB pages 🙂
My precious homeschoolers are Marcus, 10, Emma, 8, Liam, 4, and we have a new baby Owen. My husband studied history in college and I studied Anthropology. We each have a deep rooted love of history, the history of our nation in particular, as my husband serves in the military. I need help with a method of passing this on to our kids!
My boys are 30 months and 2 months so I’m gearing up for homeschooling and as a history major myself this looks super exciting.
I’ve begun following your posts fairly recently and feel encouraged by your mood and inspired by your approach. Thank you! I also like what I know of TJEd and would love to learn and apply more of it in our homeschool life and amongst our friends. I know we would make valuable use of both the Week in History resources and various TJEd books. My daughter is an enthusiastic 8 year old. Thank you, again.
My kids are 7 and 9. We love trying different curricula.
My children are 4 and 3. I grew up with a strong dislike for anything the fell into the Social Studies classes. Mostly because it felt like just a bunch of random dates to be memorized, and the connections were never made very clear to me. My husband has a history degree and I have come to love the subject. I want to be able to present topics in history in an interesting and connected way so that my daughters can love it at a young age, and not have to feel as though they are playing catch-up as adults. I love that TJEd aims to do exactly that!
I have liked both FB pages. 🙂
My children are ages 12,10,8,and6. We would love to win this package because I’m always looking for different things for my kids. Always trying to accommodate their different learn styles.
My girls are 13, 14 and 15. This looks like a great way to spark a TON of interest and opening up other areas of study!
I have also like both other Facebook pages for two extra chances 🙂
My children are 15, 13 And 11. I would love to incorporate more history in our home school, and this seems like a wonderful start!
My kids are 6.5 and 4. We are big history fans here, and I think you can teach pretty much everything else with history as the backbone.
I have liked both pages on face book for extra entry 🙂 thanks for the opportunity!
This seems like a great place to start!
Liked both pages on fb:)
My baby girl is about 8 1/2 months old and we want to start the learning/understanding process of homeschooling/education for the near future. This package would GREATLY help us!
My children are 11, 11, 8, 4 and 2. I have been really re-thinking a lot of what we are doing with homeschooling with my oldest being in 6th grade and this just seems like such an intriguing way to be educated!
Like both pages!
My daughter is two and I would like to win this to use with my niece and nephew who are being homeschooled.
I liked both pages on Facebook.
I have a 9 year old daughter, a 7 year old daughter and a 5 year old son. I would love to use this curriculum with all 3 of my kids! I love curricula that can be used for multiple ages. Anything that simplifies our school day is welcome in our homeschool!
My children are 4, 2 and 3 months. I was just talking with my husband the other night about specializing our son’s kindergarten to fit his learning style. This sounds like a great place to start!
Our children are 7, 5, 4, 2, and 3 months. What we are doing is not working, and I’m starting to compile a list of curriculum/websites to explore over the next few months. I’d love to learn more about this.
I have just started homeschooling by daughter who is 9 years old and in the 4th grade. She loves History and is dyslexic. It has been difficult for me to find a curriculum that would work with her different learning style. She has a passion to learn and is very inquisitive — I am amazed at her deep thinking skills. She had a rough time in school and we are hoping that homeschooling will help her heal a bit and foster a love of learning. This curriculum sounds wonderful and would be a huge blessing!
I “liked” both of the pages for this entry — have been following the Simple Homeschool for a while and enjoy it.
My daughter is 11 and I will be homeschooling her for the first time this fall. I am new to everything. There are so many options out there! I would love to win this and start off on the right foot. What a great philosophy! (if all goes well, my other 2 children will join her at home. They are 5 and 9)
8, 6, 3, baby. I have always been interested in TJEd and would love this chance to learn more!
My school age children are 11, 8, and 6, along with a 9 month old. I would love to win this because though we have been on this homeschooling journey for a while now, I still do not feel that we have found a good fit for our family with curriculum. Every year we try to school a little different from the year before, building on what went right and removing what didn’t work.
I have been following Simple Homeschool on FB for a long time now and love it.
I liked TJEd on FB.
My sweet babes are 4 and 6. I am a former science/math teacher and I tend to focus on those subjects most, and we pull inspiration from many educational/life philosophies. I would love this to supplement and energize our days.
I like them both on fb! 🙂
My son is 10. We are new to homeschooling and are always looking for ways to do better. We are big supporters of our founding fathers and their philosophy. Would love this to help my son on his journey to be a well rounded adult.
Three bouncing boys 7,5,1. The older two love history & geography to the point our encyclopedias are a favorite. This would be another great resource for them to soak up information from while they are still excited about learning.
Liked both pages on FB
I have a 6yr old first grader and a 13yr old 8th grader. We would really enjoy having a new series for them in history to excell in. They both love history and curriculum can get extremely pricey.
Our children are ages 10, 9 and 6. We are really just starting out. While we have several curriculums we pull from, we often wind up veering off. We recently visited Monticello and are finding several ways not only to incorporate what we saw, but to make that the center of a large project, building it using minecraft while journaling their project and seeing how we can use that project to spawn to different subjects. This curriculum seems to fit right in and help us a great deal !
My kids are ages 4 and 6 and we have just discovered TJed. I would love to have these resources!
My children are 7, 4 and 1. As a former history major I love quality history curriculum and books and these look like exactly what I need!
Jocelyn’s latest post: A Weekend of Devastation
My children are 9yrs, 7yrs, 7yrs, 4yrs, 2yrs, & 3months. We are just starting our homeschool adventures & having these would help our whole family make this the best adventure ever!
I am already a “liker” of both pages on Facebook!
My boys are age 7 and 4. I think they would really enjoy the variety of things included in the weekly history tidbits. I like that they are quick-hits, but can inspire more in-depth learning for those things/people that spark greater interest. And there is no way I could prepare such a varied wealth of knowledge each week!
Mine are 10, 7, and 7. I had read about Thomas Jefferson education on your blog before and had written it down to research more. Sounds like a lot of the things I believe are important about homeschooling, so I’d love to try it out.
My children are 2, 5, 8, 10 and 12. We’ve been homeschooling for 7 years and I’m struggling to find the right balance between our bent towards unschooling and my desire to make sure the kids are getting a well rounded education. I think this would be the perfect combination.
I like you both on Facebook.
My kids are 5, 4, 2, 1. We’re just starting out with homeschooling and I’m searching for great materials to latch on to!!
Wow. I have two boys, ages 10 and 14. This sounds absolutely perfect for what I am trying to accomplish with our homeschooling. I keep trying to piece things together without success and have be one increasingly discouraged and frustrated. The fact that American History sells to be the only subject my boys take interest in, as well as everything else this curriculum has to offer… Well, I think this is the one for us!
I like both pages on Facebook!
Just liked TJE on FB and had already liked you!:)
My children are 7, 5, 3, 1, and one on the way. My wife and I are only 2 years into our homeschooling. This looks to be a vital piece as we develop our homeschooling philosophy. Thanks
My kids are 6, 3, and in-utero. It sounds like a fun program that could save me a lot of work!
My children are 9, 8, 6, 4, 2, and one on the way. I love TJEd! It has completely transformed my educational philosophy. I would live to win this bundle and have access to the valuable resources it contains. I own the first book, but have a good friend who needs a copy.
My kids are 13 and 10. We are in middle of a move and really need some curriculum help. I’ve been researching history and this looks interesting. Would love to use this with my kids.
I like TJEd and Simple Homeschool on facebook
My kids are 15, 11, and 9. We’ve been homeschooling for 6 years, and I’m looking for a way to get back some love of learning.
I like both pages on Facebook!
Miranda’s latest post: Krav Maga level 3! And some thoughts on the mommy body
Hi there. I have three kids – ages 8, 6, and 4. All three love History, but my oldest in particular, follows it intensely. We are missionaries in Mazatlan, Mexico working with Back2Back Ministries, serving the orphan child. Because we live in a foreign country, I am always looking for quality materials that can be done online or via ebook. This Week in History looks like a great fit (and of course, it would be beneficial to win it for free :)! I have not studied much regarding the Thomas Jefferson style of learning, but just the brief amount I read here seems very appealing and fitting for my family. We follow a Charlotte Mason style of learning, but I am always tweaking to fit my kids individually and personally. I love to learn and I love to teach, so researching more of the Thomas Jefferson style sounds great. What an awesome opportunity!
Oh, and I “liked” both groups on FaceBook 🙂
This is my second year as a homeschool mom teaching my 11 year old son. Some things we’ve tried are great, and in other areas I’d like some new ideas. The basics of a Thomas Jefferson Education listed in this post make me want to know more.
My daughter is 6 years old and this is our second year homeschooling. I would love to win this giveaway because it is difficult to find a curriculum that understands that each child is different and learns in a different way, and it would be nice to have a curriculum that can be catered to my daughter’s learning style and needs. Plus, my masters was in history, so any curriculum that is based on learning through history gets me very excited!
I just “liked” Thomas Jefferson Education on FB and have been following Simple Homeschool on FB for quite a while. Thanks for this offer!
My kids are 19, 11, 6, 3. I would enjoy using this with my children. 🙂
I liked both on fb.
My kids are 9, 8, 6, 4, and 1. This week in history sounds very interesting and I would love to win a subscription.
My children are 44 and 36 and were homeschooled in the rainforest of PNG. Now they are homeschooling all my Grandchildren ages 4 months, and 2, 4, 5, 7, 10, and 12 years. Had this been available way back then, we’d have been interested and I know my grandchildren would benefit from this now.
I have a 6 year old boy and an 18 month old girl. I have wanted to homeschool and keep being pulled to it, but I have been overwhelmed by our recent move and other big changes. When I research curricula I end up feeling lost and confused. This curriculum, though, feels like it might be what we are looking for. Thank you for this opportunity!
I have liked Simple Homeschool on FB for a while; have now “liked” Thomas Jefferson Education also. Thanks again!
We have 6 children. 2 have graduated, but are still learning with children 17, 12, 10, and 7 years old. I think this curriculum would fit with our Charlotte Mason stlye!
The kids are 7 and almost 5. We’re moving overseas in 6 months, so I’m accumulating resources to make sure that we stay on top of our American History while overseas since the kids will be attending an international school.
My kids are 10, 8, 6, 4, 2 and 6 months. I’ve heard great things about this and am always interested in adding new resources to our homeschooling routine.
My three boys are 11,7 and 20 months. I have read about this method of schooling before and it appeals to me, although i have been trying to get similar results on my own for for years now, with no luck..we are seriously considering throwing in the towel.
My children are 12, 10, and 3. We loveTJE, but have not purchased info. Beyond the book. These would be great resources for us.
My kiddos are age 9 and 6. I also have a 10 month old baby. I would LOVE to win this giveaway as this is our third year of home school and I am ready to embark on the online world of curriculum. I feel overwhelmed with all the choices. I love and trust this blog (thanks Jaime!!) and have learned a lot recently about TJE and Charlotte Mason. I would love to also find a curriculum that is broad versus just math or science. but one that holds a full picture. Because life is about all of it all at once. =)
My kids are 9, 7, 4, & 2. I love TJEd but have not purchased this week in history. I think my kids would love it.
My kids are 9 and 2. I’m curious about this education model. I’ve heard about it and read about it, but don’t know a whole lot. So the books would be helpful to me. Plus, my 9 year old LOVES history.
My daughter is 14 and loves history. New material is always appreciated.
My boys are 6 and 4. I am still in the “I don’t know what I am doing or if I should continue homeschooling” phase. This would be great to boost my confidence and add some excitement and organization to our homeschool.
I have a 5 1/2 year old, 3 and 2 year old. This has been our first year homeschooling. It’s been an amazing adventure. No one in my family was ever homeschooled so it’s been a big time of learning. I have been interested in Thomas Jefferson Leadership Education for some time now. I have read every post you have written on it and I would like to learn more. I have not read the book but I would love to! Our homeschooling style is evolving as we discover how we want to encourage the love for learning in our home. Thank you!
I have a 3, 7, & 8 year old. I have been very intrigued with thomas jefferson education. We knew some people who did it, and ever since then I have been interested. I would love to know more. This would be a great opportunity to learn more! Thanks!!
My boys are 9 and 12 years old. The oldest is at the gateway of manhood, and his little brother is very enthusiastic about American history. They would benefit greatly, and our family has difficulty paying for special educational items since both parents got sick and Mom can’t work outside the home anymore. However, Mom and Dad are very capable of giving these kids our all, and raising a couple Patriots.
Hi my kids are 17, 14, 10, 6, 3 and expecting baby 8/2014. I have been recently introduced to Thomas Jefferson Education and absolutely love it. I am so excited to train my children to be leaders. This Week in Hostory has all the work done for me. It would benefit our homeschool greatly.
My children are 10 and 11 months. We have just recently started homeschooling and I am OVERWHELMED by all the material/curriculums available. This would be a huge help in getting off in the right foot!!
Our daughter is 8 and our son is 6. We’ve just completed our first week of homeschooling. I would love to win because we do not have American history curriculum or readers
My kids are 2 and 4. I really like the way TJEd approaches educating young children. Finding mentors/glaze killers, personalizing education, instead of memorizing things based on a standard time line. I am planning to use TJEd anyway but it would be great to win this.
My boys are 3, 6, & 8. I have read the book, A Thomas Jefferson Education, and really want to instill leadership in their education, as well as make education come more alive and interesting for them.
I’m reading Leadership Education right now . . . and I would love to add the other books to our collection!
It’s a year now since we started homeschooling and also follow Simple Homeschool, Santiago is ten now , Diego is 8 and I’m years, decades a better mum. We left England this year and move to New Zealand, the first months in our new home facing the new challenges I thought I won’t be able to continue homeschool I even put a deadline to proof my failure, like life for learning wouldn’t have bad, slow and lazy days. Came back to my senses and we are full charge again. We are ready to commit ourselves not to a never ending home education and that is why we need this opportunity, we would do the most of it. Thank you.
I have an 18, 11, 9, and 4 year old. This would be great to just diversify what we do. I’m always looking for different curriculums.
My kids are 4 and 2. I would love to win this package. I have read a few TJed books and truly believe in their philosophy of educating the next generation of leaders. I hope i win!
I like TJed and simple homeschool on fb
I have 4 children, son 21yo, son 12yo, daughter 9yo, son 7yo. Our 21 yo went through the public school system and was unable to handle college, and is underemployed. We have started homeschooling the other three as of the 2013-2014 school year. I did a lot of praying and research before accepting that I could do this, and that homeschooling was God’s will for my life and our family. Since, August when we sent in our letter of intent, we have jumped around a bit from one freebie/sample to the next trying to find what works and what’s really important for our kids to know. So far we seem to be unschooling, using library books as our curriculum, and following the kids wherever their questions take us. We are coming to the conclusion that we need to prepare them for the future they will face, not the one we faced, but we also need to make sure that they understand the past and how we got to where we are, and that they will be able to adapt and thrive no matter what curve balls their future may throw at them. Our ancestors fought beside many of our forefathers, having something for me to follow to teach my children more clearly the past instead of just stories handed down would be a welcome, if not relieving, addition. We would be very grateful to be awarded this curriculum
My kids are 6, 3, and 2. I’m a fairly relaxed homeschooler, and would love something that connects all the subjects & helps me “fill in the gaps,” while leaving time for the younger kids as well.
My daughter is 10 and we’ve been homeschooling for three years. I receive the TJed newsletter and know we would both greatly benefit from any aspect of this program. We would love to be able to incorporate TJed in our daily learning. We love history and would find the This Week in HIstory, which we have already sampled, truly enriching, as well.
Thank you for having this opportunity.
My kids are 7, 5, 3, and 1 and I’m and English Major who LOVES classical reading…I love TJED’s way of inspiring not requiring, and I need to learn more about how to do it with my kiddos. Thanks!!
I have a 10 year old daughter, 8 yo son and 6 yo daughter. The oldest is homeschooled and I’ve been looking into the TJed method but haven’t really committed to it yet.
Erin’s latest post: November, Radiation, Pneumonia, Endless Antibiotics and Oh yeah it’s almost Christmas!
My children are 16, 14, 10, and 17 months. My 10 year old son is obsessed with history and with T.Jeff (that’s what we call him).
My kids are 17, 11 and 13. I currently homeschool my 13 year old daughter who LOVES history. We are currently learning about Washington State History, but she craves more. We would absolutely love this gift.
My children are 5 and 3. You can never be over prepared, but possibly over applies.
Kelli’s latest post: Hello world!
My daughter, Ruby, who turned 16 last month just started home schooling for the first time this past week. She was born in China and didn’t come home until 10 1/2. She has a personal understanding of how important freedom really is, which has led to her interest in American History and government. She is particularly likes the open mindedness and philosophies of Thomas Jefferson and the founding fathers. This stems form listening to the Thomas Jefferson Hour on NPR. Last week, we found the Thomas Jefferson Education website while searching for a classic book read list and she was interested in the resources offered. Ruby would really benefit from all three books, but especially understanding the phases of learning and This Week In History. She hopes to catch up with her peers and merge into college. Proudly, Ruby will be taking her first Jr. College course of yoga next week.
Already like simple homeschool, liked TJed.
Kelli’s latest post: Hello world!
Tara Skubella liked both Simple Homeschooling and the Thomas Jefferson Education facebook pages.
Tara Skubella’s latest post: Needed Change and Three Valuable Lessons
We are just starting out on our homeschooling journey. My sons are 7 (almost 8), 6 and 16 months. My oldest absolutely loves history and reading about presidents. So far, Abraham Lincoln is his favorite. We would love to win this wonderful package!
What a lovely resource! My kids are 7, 4 and 5mths and this would add a bit more fun into our learning. Nevermind the kids, I want to read it all!
Wow, how wonderful! Thanks for the opportunity! My kids are 9, 7, 5, 3, 1, & 3 wks. I would love to round out their home education a bit more – and learn more myself! 🙂
I have a 6 year old and I have been meaning to check out TJed for…well, probably at least a year! It sounds like such a great resource.
My kids are 5, 3, and 2. I am intrigued by this philosophy and want to explore it some more.
I have three children ages 6 and a half, three, and a 19 month old. I am currently homeschooling and this package is a tremendous and great asset. I would truly love to win it so I could use it with my boys and not only with them but we could learn a lot from it. Thank you so much… God bless…
I have three children ages 13, 10, and 7. I loath the Common Core curriculum from which the kids’ schools’ are teaching. I would like to homeschool my children but find myself searching in a sea of information and not knowing what or which programs would be best. However, I am familiar with you (Mr. Oliver DeMille), read your books and have heard you speak (with Orrin Woodward at a couple seminars). I would be very grateful for the material you offer to teach my three children and get of this crazy conveyer belt society is forcing families to stay on.
My kids are aged 11, 8, and 3. I would love to win this because we are new to our homeschooling journey and new to the philosophy and principles presented in Thomas Jefferson Education. I actually just bought the book and got it in the mail today! But if I won I have a friend I would give my book to who would love to read it as well. A Thomas Jefferson Education really resonates with me because I, like many others, are raising kids in a world that desperately needs a new generation of leaders to take the helm and TJEd is the way to prepare them for the role they will need to take on!
Also, I already “like” both pages on Facebook. 🙂
My kids are 12,7 and 6 and this is our second year of home schooling! We are still learning so much! I am really finding myself being drawn to the un-schooling style and this curriculum fits perfectly! We would so love to win this and my kids would enjoy it!!
Oh! And I “liked” both Facebook pages:-)
Hi Jamie, our kids are 10, 7 and 7. Thanks for offering this give away. What I love most is the ability to integrate all the subjects as well as increase our children’s cultural awareness all while using our IEW curriculum and the Charlotte Mason style. Did I read right that we can purchase all of it for $42? How long will thus be offered? Is it for a full year? Many blessings and thanks!
Hi Jamie!
My jaw dropped when I saw this give-away! I need this so badly! I have been meaning to purchase The Thomas Jefferson Education as well as the teen version all year! I have home educated with the Charlotte Mason approach, the eclectic approach, and most recently the classical approach. I believe each has valuable aspects and would LOVE to find an approach that encompasses these strengths! As a mom of four special needs children, the above-mentioned “relieves fear, stress and burnout” sounds amazing and beautiful as well! My kiddos are 10, 12, 14, & 16. Thanks for offering this, Jamie! 🙂
In Christ, Michele
I also liked this on facebook. 🙂
……….and I like Simple Homeschool on Facebook. 🙂
I would love to win this! Our library doesn’t have a copy of Leadership education. I have read a lot on the web but would love to read the book. My kids are 11, 7, 4 and 11 months.
I liked both on Facebook too!
We have 5 and 3 year Los boys. This is our first year fully homeschoolimg. We did a hybrid homeschooling approach last year with both boys going to morning preschool and participating in coop and field trips in the afternoons. We do Classical Conversations and have been amazed at their love of history at such a young age. Would love to add this to our curriculum and review it on our blog.
my children are 5,6,10,12,15, and two out of school.I would love to try a new way of teaching without spending extra money
I would LOVE to win this because it would be a great addition to our homeschool I love all thing Thomas Jefferson! My son is 12 (6th grade) my daughter is 6.5 (1st grade)
Thank you for offering this!
I have liked Thomas Jefferson Education and Simple Homeschool on Facebook.
would love to win
my kids are 8, 6, 4, and 2
2 and 5 months. I’m very interested in homeschooling both.
My kids are 5,6 and 7 and I am reading TJEd from te library and realized I need to buy it so I would be so greatf to win it! We love this method!
My son is 11 he will be 12 in May and we would love to win because we are trying to start a new curriculum and he loves history
I’d love to win because I’m always looking for new resources to try. My kids are 10, 9, and 4.
Our kids are 9,7,5 and 2. I’ve read a couple of the TJEd books but have failed to implement it. I need a refresher!
I have liked both pages on Facebook!
Our boys are 3 & 1. I would love to win this curriculum as it seems to fit the approach we have decided to take … it fits an interdisciplinary project work approach which is exciting! Thanks!
My kids are 7, 4, and 1. I am still discovering what each of their learning styles are, but I do know they learn differently. Being able to learn more about it through TJeD would be wonderful and rewarding.
Thank you for sharing. Blessings.
Ann’s latest post: Cryoow doll winner
Thank you – our boys are 11 & 13. We would love to win this package — I really believe in the TjEd 7 Keys to Great Teaching — it helped me get started with homeschooling 3 years ago! We would love the “This Week in History” as we read a small daily calendar each day from the History Channel right now and it would be great to expand on that.
I also “Liked” both Thomas Jefferson Education and Simple Homeschool Facebook pages!
My children are 9, 8, & 6. I just brought my 9 year old home to school and this would be a great start to learning at home!
Liked TJE & SH on FB
I have a son, 9 and daughter, 7 years old. They are both curious and fascinated by the world around them. Sometimes, I feel like I squash that intrinsic curiosity to “do school”. TJ Ed seems like the perfect solution to fostering curiosity and “breaking up” with curriculum bound education. I’m right on the brink and this would be the perfect push 🙂
I’ve liked both links…
My kids are 14, 12, 9, and 7. I’m always looking for help integrating subjects. This sounds fantastic!
My kids are 2, 4, 8, and 11. We love learning and home and TJed!
I liked simple homeschool and TJed on FB 🙂
My children, eps my oldest, loves history. This would be a wonderful way to integrate subjects!
My children are 16, 13, 12 and almost 10. I already had Thomas Jefferson Education open on Amazon on a different tab when I saw this. I have seen you and Renee from fimby talk about this book. I am ready to check it out! Thanks!
My kids are 18, 15, 8, and 6. Huge history fans here. I personally love history so much I married an Archaeologist..ha! We are always looking for some new materials to keep things interesting.
liked both pages!
Tiffiney’s latest post: Not a Creature is Stirring, Not Even a Mouse
My kids are 6, 4, and 18 months. I love TJED and am ready to start homeschooling. I have been trying to buy all the books but it is so expensive. I would love the help. 🙂
I also liked both pages on facebook
My kids are 12 & 8. I’ve read some great posts on the TJEd blog — so I’d love to have the materials. And history is our favorite way to approach most homeschooling topics — seems like a great fit for us! Thank you for the giveaway.
Oh my gosh sounds great! 4,8,10. First year of homeschool and we would love to have this in our lives!
My oldest is only 4.5, but I’ve already heard great things about TJ Education and would love to start here!
I like Simple Homeschool and TJ Education on fb!
I have a 10 yrs old. We have heard great things about TJ Education.
Liked TJ Education & Simple School on FB.
8, 7, and 3. I think returning to a more classical approach for schooling is where our homeschool is heading. This would be great for us!
Liked both!!!
daughter age nine. we just started home schooling, this sounds great and would be fun!
I have twin girls, age 8, and a son, age 6. I’ve been searching for ways to inspire learning in our home. This sounds doable.
I also “liked” both fb pages!
I have four year old twins, so we will begin official kindergarten in the fall. In exploring different philosophies and methods, I’ve become very interested in TJ Ed and would love this!
Liked both on FB!
My children are 9, 7, 4, 1. I would love to find out more about this method.
WOW! My children are 13 yrs, 4 yrs and 18 months.
My 13 year old is very interested in just this! We would LOVE -LOVE- LOVE to win this!
Thank you
My kids are 13, 9 and 3. This is a wonderful giveaway !!!
Mine are 6, 4, and 1, and I’d love to read more about TJEd.
My kids are 6, 3, and 18 months. And this would be great for us because we could use some inspiring instead of requiring right about now!
my oldest is 7 and youngest is 1…we have benefited from tjed and would like to learn more.
liked both sm + tjed on facebook too : )
kortney’s latest post: learning all the time :: 10 january 2014
My children are 11,10,8,6 and 4 and I would love to win this for them it fits are home education and my children love history. Thank you for a chance to win!
Krista B.’s latest post: Ringing in the New Year!!! **Books to Read in 2014**
Our kids are 16, 7 and 3.
I would love to win this so we can “inspire, not require.”
My children are 4, 15 months, and another due at the end of January! I am part of LIFE Leadership and I have been exposed to some of Oliver & Rachel DeMille’s wisdom, and it has truly revolutionized the path of mine and my husbands lives already! And we want to raise our children in this same direction as well, so we have decided to homeschool! We want to raise our children to be thinkers & leaders, and we are personally discovering the radical difference of the teaching style that a TJed uses…so this will be the style we use for our children. Teachings in the classics and mentor ship has been a completely different way than how I was raised, so I know that I will be learning as much as my children along this journey. Homeschooling was never apart of my agenda, nor teaching of any kind really. But God has other plans, and the material in the package will give me the wisdom and knowledge I need in not only what to teach, but how. The much deeper dynamics of teaching/learning, along with amazing material that will not only be enriching for my children…but me as well. The material in these books is worth WAY more than the price, much less to get it in a giveaway!! We are raising the next generation, and we must be diligent in doing it with excellence and in a way that is going to prepare our children to THINK not just do, and to stand up for what they know is true…and to lead by character and principle. This material is the perfect stepping stone for our family to do just that. Thank you for this opportunity.
Also, I liked both Facebook pages. Just saw you guys today and I am blessed to have found your site!
My girls are 8, 6 and 3. I would love to win this as this is the kind of history that would have appealed to me and is more like what I want to teach my kids.
Already like Simple Homeschool on Facebook!
Liked Thomas Jefferson Education on Facebook tonight! Thanks for bringing this curriculum to my attention.
I currently have two kids. They are two and one. I love the principles found in TJed but I’ve never really understood exactly how to implement them in my home. I’ve always wanted to homeschool and have read many different methods. A classical education is what I want for my kids.
I also liked the two facebook pages. 🙂
My boys are 8, 5 and 6 months.
So excited to be focusing on this type of learning that creates leaders!
Also Liked both Facebook pages.
My kids are 6,4&2. I love history and I would love a way to share that love with my children. This would be perfect.
My children are 7, 5, 4 and 8 months. We have just started home educating and have been inspired by tJed and your wonderful blog. This would be a great chance to get us started. Thanks 🙂
My boys are 9 and 6. Just discovered Thomas Jefferson Education recently and are becoming BIG fans! 🙂 It would be so great to win these books and This Week in History and continue our learning from them! Also, liked both facebook pages.
Thanks so much for a great giveaway!!
My boys are 10, 6, 5, & 3. This looks like a great curriculum especially for raising boys to be men and leaders. I like how it connects all the subjects together too.
I “liked” Thomas Jefferson Education & Simple Homeschool on Facebook.
🙂 I have four kiddo’s, ages 9, 8, 6, 4. I love homeschooling and learning about good material. For history we’ve been listening to “Story of the World,” but other than that I’m always struggling with getting history and science into our week. This would be helpful, and appreciated :). As my mamma says, “if it’s free, it’s for me.” 😉 I hope you get my humor in that :). I pray The Lord guides you to give it to whomever needs it the most, and I’m perfectly content if that’s not me :). I think it’s great that you’re doing this, and I get encouraged by the emails you send out.
My kids are 17, 13 and 7. I have just recently started looking into this and completely fell in love with it! Plus my children and I have been doing Today In History for about a year and a half now. We just read and talk about some of the things that happened but I’ve been trying to add some meat to it
I have a 6 and a half yr old boy, 4 yr old boy, 20 month old girl and a 3 week old boy.
This program sounds amazing and would benefit our education as a family. We do classical conversations and next year will be our first year to repeat the cycles. Because of that, it’s time to go a bit deeper in each subject and this sounds like a great way to do that!! I hope we win! 🙂
lana wilkens’s latest post: Right where I want to be
My girls are 8 and 2. I’m intrigued by this method of teaching/learning and would love these resources.
My girls are 5 (alllllmost 6) and 4. Both of them have loved learning about ancient history, and I think this would be a great resource for our continued history studies. 🙂
Kimberly’s latest post: Teaching U.S. Geography with a simple board game
I need this, hoping to start the home school journey if I can get my hubby on board, it has been on my heart for two years. I have a 6 and 3 year old.
My munchkins are 7, 5, 3 and 4 months. We are at the beginning of out home school education. I would love to make this a part of our journey. I have been struggling to find a way to broaden the horizon of our learning and to make history interesting, but to connect it to people through this curriculum is the answer to a goal I had set for our family at the beginning of the year.
My kids are 16, 14, 12, and 10. We have a variety of needs and challenges, but we adore history. I would love to work this into our curriculum.
My children are ages 12, 10, 7, 6
We are starting our homeschool adventure this Monday, January 13th. Our family has been especially motivated to homeschool by reading Simple Homeschool and the TJed website. My husband and I are excited to begin our children’s educational adventure with the TJed approach. Having access to the full TJed content would relieve a lot of my initial anxiety and provide a more exciting school experience. It would be a tremendous blessing to win this giveaway.
My children are 17 and 10 (homeschool only the 10 year old).
My daughter struggles to enjoy history. I feel this different direction may be what she needs.
(I liked TJE and Simple Homeschool on facebook)
My kiddos are 12, 10, & 8. This is a great opportunity for me and my family to be introduced to the Thomas Jefferson Education! Thanks for the opportunity & info! I had not heard of “This Week In History” & it looks like it would be a good fit for us. I like both pages on facebook.
My kids are 12, 11, 8, 6, and almost 2. I’ve heard great things about TJE, and this seems like a great intro package. Thank you for sharing this great opportunity. I think we all work hard to raise leaders and not robots. I liked both pages.
I have been looking for a great history curriculum that I can use with all of my kids together and this just might be it. My kids are 15, 11, 9 and 5.
I have liked Simple Homeschool on Facebook for awhile but I just liked Thomas Jefferson Education.
Thank you for this chance! My kiddos are 14, 12, 9, 7, 3, 1. This curriculum looks easy to follow and maintain and with many ages to teach, I think this would be a great option for our homeschool.
Kristy’s latest post: Remember the FLUFF!
I’m a facebook fan of both pages. Thanks again!
Kristy’s latest post: Remember the FLUFF!
My boys are 7,7, 9 and 11. We all enjoy learning about History. This would be a great resource and blessing to our brood.
My kids are 7,6, and 3. I would love to win this. I’m just learning more about tJed, and this is our first year of homeschooling. This would be great to get the kids into history.
I’m a simple homeschool follower on Facebook.
Liked both on FB!
My son is 9. I would love to win this so I can play a larger role in helping him understand history. I don’t have much faith in the public school system to educate him properly in this area. Thanks for the chance!
I have 2 sons, 10 and 13 with one on the way. We would love to win this because it looks like a great resource for us! We love devouring new study materials!
8 , 5 , and wee. we have just moved here from australia and want to learn more american history!
Ages 10 and 12. We struggle with History because there is little interest in having something fun and interesting would be helpful! 🙂
Liked Facebook page.
I am homeschooling my 8 year old and my 11 year old.
We have become interested in the Thomas Jefferson education model because we have some friends who use it. I would love to win this curriculum to help take the worry out of our homeschool. It seems like it would be a good fit. Thank you!
I would love to have this type of material for my 6 and 7 year olds. Thank you for the chance to win!!
My kiddos are 7, 6, 4, 2, 2, & 4 months! I would love to win! My six year old is a little history buff! He can not get enough of it! Unfortunately, the program we choose this year is not working for us, in the history department! This program would be an unbelievable blessing! Will be using it next year for sure! Wish I would have known about it sooner.
My children are 6, 4, and 2. Our country needs a generation of wise leaders with a moral code and that is not what is being taught to most children in the public schools.
My children are 8 yrs, 5 yrs, and 1.5. I would love this because it’s basis and philosophy appear to be in line with our approach to homeschooling.
I’d like my child to be better informed and more curious – 11
My kids are 2, 4, 14, & 18. I am homeschooling my 14 year old and I think the TJ ED would. Make a fun addition.
My children are 15, 13, and 10. We’d love this curriculum because it seems like we just can’t find a decent history course.
Liked both on Facebook.
I like Thomas Jefferson Education and Simple Homeschool on Facebook.
My kids are 9, 8, 8, & 5…..
We are in our 3rd year of homeschooling and we have settled into the Thomas Jefferson leadership model & philosophy of education. It would be a big blessing to win this give away. We just moved across the country (from Texas to Michigan) and as we navigate our way in this new town it would be awesome to have some materials like this to keep us focused!
My kids are 6, 5, 5 and 3. I would love to win this because I have been dying to read those 3 books that are part of the giveaway… I’ve been trying to learn more about the TJed approach. I already like Simple Homeschool and TJed on FB! Thanks.
Brooke’s latest post: The Bookworm!
My kids are 15, 12, 10, 7, 3 and a beautiful 2 year old we’re in the process of adopting! This sounds like the perfect fit for our family and I’d be thrilled to learn more about this philosophy with these resources.
My boys are 15, 11, and 10. This sounds like an amazing resource! I have followed SH on fb for a long time and just liked TJE. Thanks.
My little ones are 5 and 7. I would love to win this because it’s such a refreshing way to look at homeschooling. So far the curriculums I have checked out don’t seem to be a good fit for us, but this one does!
My daughters are 6, 4, & 2 months. We have been trying different homeschooling styles out and I would love to explore TJED! I think it would really fit our family well! Thanks for the great resources!
My children’s ages are 16, 14, 13, 10, 8 and 5. We have been doing Classical Conversations for 4 years, next year being our 5th where we will be doing the cycle on American history again. I have been searching for something to “beef” up our history. I would LOVE this curriculum. Thank you so much for the opportunity to win this.
We are FB fans to both pages!
Our boys are… 9, 7, 5, 4, and 2. We are new to homeschooling and this would help us to build an amazing library for our little men. Our older boys love history and we want to encourage that same interest with our younger boys as well. Thanks!
My kiddos are 5 & 12. This is the first time I’ve seen this curriculum. I think the online bundles is a great concept. I would love to try it out.
I have a 6 yr old, 4 yr old, and 2 yr old. My oldest loves anything to do with history or the military. This would be an amazing tool for me to use with him.
My son will be 5 next month and my daughter is 3.5. I am a big fan of this education philosophy. This would be a blessing to have access to when the time is appropriate.
My son is 13, today. The education system has failed in many ways. I do not want to squash or tame his ability to think outside the box so am seeking alternative ways to add to his education experience at home.
We homeschooled our first two for a total of 18 years! Loved it;) Now homeschooling our last two (our fifth and sixth – both boys, ages 9 and 11). They are adopted and have some minor learning difficulties and this mom is experiencing some burn out. Could use some new ideas! Thanks for the chance to win!
Liked the pages.
I have 2 girls, 14 & 10, and have always been intrigued by the TJed approach! Would love to try these products! Love your blog, too! 🙂 Thanks!
My boys are 11 and 5, we need a new school approach. Our current one isn’t working so well.
My kids are 19 (and graduated),13 and 6. I am excited to find something that motivates with History! My 13 year old is a History buff and I am NOT. It would be great if I could aquire more teaching tools/skills to help both my schoolage kiddos that make History a starting point.
My kids are 9, 6 and 4. We are in our second year homeschooling and are still figuring things out. This program sounds like it would help anchor our history studies which would be so helpful. Liked both on FB too!
My kids are 2,4,6,8,&10 with another on the way! My oldest could be a poster child for TJEd but I’m needing some direction for my next two who are very different personalities, learning interests, and styles!!
I am a friend of TJ education & Simple Homeschool.
My kids ages are 3,8,14. I would love to win this bundle becasue I have heard really great things about this style of educating and I would love to really get into it and try it for myself in our homeschooling.
My son is 6, and I want to raise him to be a confident, knowledgeable leader.
My kids are 14, 12, 11, and 9. We could use a little something different in our homeschool. Maybe this will fit the bill!
I have 3 boys(ages 7,5,4) and am expecting baby #4. Why do I want this for my boys? My boys love history. I spend countless evenings searching for additional history information to feed my boys curious minds and to find answers to their previous days questions. When I was growing up I did not share their enthusiasm towards history so I am learning right with them. They have fueled my energy to learn history. Thank you so much for the opportunity to increase their history knowledge in their favorite subject.
My son, Zack, is 15. This is our first year homeschooling. He is fascinated by Civil War Time History as well as ther war times in our history. I believe these books will help him get a true understanding of those times instead of only what the government wants him to learn of our proud history.
I like Simple Homeschool on fb
Liked on FB as well 🙂
What a wonderful generous thing you are doing! My children are 3,5 and 7 (just 2 weeks shy of 8!) I also have foster children and while I don’t home school them I think it would be very useful. I also team
Up with my DS whom home educates her three boys so I’m thinking this would be a wonderful experience to shair in with them as we support one another!
Bless you, Shelley
I like TJed on fb
never heard of this before , my kids are 10-12-14 i bet they would love this
My children are 10, 6, 4 & 3! I would love to win, because I think this is exactly what my oldest would love. I need all the books too! I love the idea of “inspire not require”. I could use some help with implementation!
I have a almost 4 year-old and an 18 month-old. I will be starting homeschooling in the fall and I’m currently reviewing curriculum options. Great reviews for this! Thanks for the chance!
I have two wonderful children 10 & 7. I would like to read these books.
My boys are 5 and 3. Is Luke to win because we are new to homeschooling. My boys, especially my 5 year old has a LOVE for history. He is always wanting to learn more about things that have happened. I have also liked both pages. Thank you!
My son is 5 and we are just beginning our homeschool journey. He tried public school for the first part of the year & assured ourselves it just wasn’t for us. He is fascinated by history & this would be a great addition to our small yet eagerly growing homeschooling library.
My girls are 7 and 5, we would LOVE to win this to infuse some more enthusiasm into our school day!
I really want to win this!!!
Liked both!
Carrie Reger’s latest post: What I want him to know, before August.
I also like TJED and SimpleHomeschool on Facebook.
My school aged kids are 7&5. I would love this because we are looking for a new curriculum and my kids are huge history fans. It looks like an amazing thing to use
My daughter is 10. She loves to learn and is both motivated and driven. We get by on a shoestring budget, and these materials would be a blessing.
My kids are 11,9, and7. I think this would be a great way for them to learn history.
I also liked Simple Homeschooling and TJEd on Facebook. Thank you!
My kiddos are 9, 7, 6, and 3. We have used classical, Charlotte Mason, and unit-based homeschooling materials and I always feel I could learn more. I feel my kids are getting to a more independent stage I life with their learning, and I would like to be able to inspire them with the joy and love of learning and discovery.
I have two kids, 8 and 14. I’d love to learn more about this educational approach. My son, 8, loves history and we use it plus science as the center of our school day to keep him interested. I’d love to try something new!
My children are 5, 4, and 7 months. This curriculum sounds very interesting! Would love to give it a try!
my son is 12 yrs old and this is the first I have heard of A Thomas Jefferson Education and it looks really well written and interactive for both parent and child to learn together. Would love to win this.
My kids at home now are 16, 14, 12, 10, 7 and 4. We have had a rough year with a traumatic event that has affected everyone. Trying to do a re-boot in January and salvage our year while inspiring people as they are stressed and struggling. Love TJ education stuff.
I liked Thomas Jefferson Education on Facebook
I liked simple homeschool on Facebook
My children are ages 12, 10 and 6. We have been going through American History this year, and keep taking rabbit trails (interest-led). TJed would help us delve deeper and give us a solid foundation of exploration and leadership!! Thanks!
I operate a boarding school for girls ages 10-18 with emotional and behavioral issues…12 girls and we could definately use this material
have “liked” Simple Homeschool but now have also “liked” Thomas Jefferson Education.
My granddaughter is 10 yrs old & I have just begun homeschooling her two months ago. We are so interested in the history of our country & this would be an awesome prize for her to win ^ for us to learn more about our forefathers!
My children 10,14,16 would really enjoy this.
I had already liked Simple Homeschool on FB. I also liked TJed today! Thanks!!
My kiddos are 18, 14, and 7. I have been looking for something that will inspire them instead of boring them to death with the same old desk work. My boys, especially the youngest, need something less “traditional”.
I love reading your facebook posts and the resources and info you provide on the blog!
My boys are 6 and 10. We would love to use the Thomas Jefferson education materials! My 10 year old who has a rare chromosomal anomaly and many learning challenges and my 6 year old both LOVE history! This would be a great addition to our home education ❤ thank you and be blessed!
We have liked both Thomas Jefferson Education & Simple Home School on FB.
My children are 8 and 5.
We homeschool and I would say American history is my weak subject so in turn it’s my children’s weak subject. I have only lived in America a few years and so my American history is lacking. If I were to win this I could learn, American history, right along side my children.
My children are 11, 7 and 3. I love the concet of TJED! History has always been so interesting to me & I love teaching it to the kiddos.
I have one son, 8. Moms of boys know you gotta keep them interested and you gotta stay on your toes ready to answer the next question. This sounds like it is engaging and the ability to search everything sounds like it could answer all their questions as well.
My kids are 5 and 3. I’m looking for a way to diversify their education through a strong foundation of history. Right now, we use unit studies pulled from literature (which is my background). I think Thomas Jefferson Education could provide me an opportunity to strengthen their (and my) knowledge of social studies and science, while allowing the development of leadership skills, independence, and awareness of their impact on the world.
My oldest kiddos are 5 1/2 and 3 1/2. We are moving to a new state for my husbands job, and I plan to homeschool. I would love any help getting started!
My kids are 5, 4, and 3 months. I knew when I had them that public school was not an option for us, and I want to explore as many options as I can for teaching them. I know little about this bundle, but has always been a big fan of Thomas Jefferson!
My girls are 12 and 9. This looks amazing! We’d be so interested in studying this together.
Hi, thanks for the giveaway. My daughter is 9 and I’ve been interested in TJEd because I believe in the validity of the phases of learning, because we use history as a starting point for all our homeschooling, and because I appreciate that it can be tailored to accommodate my child’s learning style.
My kids are 9,10&11. I’ve got to start by saying, thank you. Your blog and links to others have helped given me the courage and confidence to teach my children. Our family is striving. This new and innovative curriculum would be helpful:-)
My boys are 5 and 7 – I bookmarked the TJEd website months ago after looking through your blog and researching the method a bit. The philosophy really resonates with me and I think it would be a wonderful resource for our homeschool adventure.
We are brand new to homeschool and we are in need of something inspiring to keep us going. Winter in Maine is long and I realize I am very much in love with the idea of home school but the practical application is more complicated. Thank you so much for offering this oppertunity!
I “liked” TJE on FB and “liked” SH a while back. Thank you for offering this. I’m floundering a bit this year and could really benefit from a program like this. What a blessing!
Already a fan of Simple Homeschool on FB – have added TJE as well
My children are 12, 10, 7, & 6. Right now I feel we are just going round in circles with our history curriculum. I would love some new and interesting material. I never had a love for history growing up, but now homeschooling my children for the past 7yrs has sparked an interest and desire to learn more. I want to share that love for history with them and having some new snd exciting curriculum I think would only help.
I am a fan of simple homeschool and have added TJE as well.
My children are 12 and 6 and we are just beginning our home school journey. I would love to win this because history is not my strength and it would be fun to have a new and fresh approach to guide them.
My children are 8,4 and one on the way.
I’ve only lived in America a few years and my American history is lacking . I don’t want American history to be my kids weak subject because it’s mine. If we were to win I cod learn AH right along with my kids!
My kids are 13, 7, 4, and 1. I’ve been eyeing TJed for some time now, and this package would be a wonderful jumping in place!
My daughter is 6. We are homeschooling her but she is resistant to any “formal lessons”. She would be in kindergarten this year but can read at a beginning first grade level, she just doesn’t want to. I love to read and would really like her to enjoy it too. I need to learn how to inspire her and that is why I would like to win this giveaway. Thank you!
We want to homeschool our children beginning next school year. They are 4, 6, 8, 10, 12 and 14. I think this would help us as we are starting to browse curriculum.
And I like both on Facebook!
Kids’ ages are 11, 9, 7, 3 & 1. I have already read “Thomas Jefferson Education” and found it such an encouragement (and daunting honestly). I would LOVE to win this package so it could help me to continue to “inspire, rather than require” while I educate my precious children.
This giveaway looks amazing! My children are 12, 10, and 4. I would love to have history content that’s engaging and ready to go. I think it’s our weakest subject.
My kids are 5 and 7. TJ Ed has inspired my husband and I to continue our own education with classics and read classics to our kids. My oldest is so excited about learning. This history curriculum is right up her alley. She loves history…through Little House books and Story of the World. I would love to make connections with her to other subjects! Thanks!!
Already liked Simple Homeschool and just liked Thomas Jefferson 🙂
We would love to win this! We are huge proponents of classical education at our home and this would definitely enhance our learning! I have a few read ATJE publications and am excited about implementing it.
Already a fan of Simple Homeschool and A Thomas Jefferson Education on Facebook.
Thanks for the chance to win!
Both Simple Homeschool and Thomas Jefferson Education have been “liked.”
10 and 10, TWINS!
I’m a grandma homeschooler! We have been looking into this way of teaching, and we would love to try it out! My granddaughters are my joy…
I have three children ages 13, 9, 1. This is the first time I have seen this program and would love to give it a try. I liked the Thomas Jefferson Education and Simple Homeschool on Facebook.
Hello I have a 5 year old daughter and a son on the way. We love history and the idea of linking all the subjects together to inspire independent thought instead of just dates and facts. Anything to reduce the stress of planning and finding resources is always helpful.
My children are 15, 11, and 5. History is their favorite subject, and if we were to win this, they would be thrilled. We would use it to dig deeper into this era in history.
I liked both Simple Homeschool and Thomas Jefferson Education on Facebook.
My children are 12, 10, 8, and 6. I have been homeschooling for 3 years now. I am needing to change things up as I feel we are dragging through learning, I want my kids to love learning. A friend just introduced me to TJed! And I am looking into it for next year and it would be perfect if we could win this. Also we are in the midst of planting a church our funds for homeschool are low so it would be a great time to win this as well not only because it’s the direction I want to head into but also timing of our finances! Thanks for having this giveaway! Very exciting!
I already like Simple Homeschool, and I just liked A Thomas Jefferson Education on Facebook.
Our children are ages 15, 12, 10. We love history and are fascinated with well-written, teachable history. I’m discouraged with the way history is being re-written and love teaching our kids about our Founding Fathers so they can establish a secure understanding of our the past. Moreover, I prefer to teach history in a way that overlaps the other subjects rather than set it in a box. It seems like the curriculum offered would be a great addition to our homeschool.
I teach my 8 year old grandson while his mom works. I would love to win this because after using “curriculum in a box” for our first semester of homeschooling, we need and desire a much different approach. I want him to actually look forward to and want to learn. From everything I’ve read about TJEd it looks like it would be a perfect fit for us! I have already liked Thomas Jefferson Education and Simple Homeschool on Facebook. Hope we win this, we desperately need a different approach to education!
Hi! Our boys are 2 and 3.5 and we are just starting to dabble into classical education now but have mostly been “unschooling” them. I was a teacher for a classical education hybrid school (and hope to return to that model, as we certainly plan to homeschool our children) and loved these methodologies before I had children. Now I love them even more but I have had some trouble wading through the information. This set would be perfect for us! Thanks for the giveaway!
My children are 9, 7, and 6 month old twins. I started homeschooling a few months ago because their school had become more of a military school where they were not learning. I am new to this and would love some resources to help with our journey. I am very nervous that I will not be able to teach them what they need to know.
I also liked both Thomas Jefferson Education and Simple Homeschool on Facebook.
I have seven children. Four boys: 16, 11,9, 1 1/2. Three girls: 14, 6, 3. I homeschool my 9 year old and 6 year old for their medical reasons and most of my kids love learning about history, so this would be very helpful for me.
I already like simple homeschool on FB but just liked TJed now!
I also liked Thomas Jefferson Education and Simple Homeschool on Facebook.
My sons are ages 10, 7, and 1. I’d love to win this as it sounds like a fantastic way to teach and learn history, not as a “subject” but as an important, applicable, and relatable part of life.
We have a 3 and 5 year old children. History is a subject we all love!
Would love to win the TJEd. My husband teaches our daughter because of a disability and he has such a love for history that he wants to instill in our daughter. This would really be a great jumping off point.
My children are 9 & 12. This looks like a great curriculum and I love the philosophy it’s based on!
My children are 8, 6, & 4, and we have been studying Early American History. We love it! I would love to learn more amount Jefferson’s amazing, revolutionary perspectives. My stepmom is a senator, and she has been enamored with Jeffersonian ideals, so this curriculum would help us understand more about her hero. I hope it would shape my own children into people who are well-equipped to lead.
My daughter is almost 13…son is almost 6! We have recently started homeschool and would love to add this to our curriculum!!
My children are 6,5,2 and one on the way! I would love this program if only to keep to use when they turn appropriate ages!
I liked SH and TJE on Facebook 🙂
My son is 9 years old.
I want this to enhance our education experience. We need to kick it up a notch and this is just what we need.
My children are 11 & 8 (plus I have a two month old) I am just starting my journey into homeschooling and any resources would be great! I am a HUGE history buff and hope to raise my children to be the same 🙂
Liked and liked.
My daughter will turn 11 this month. We recently began our homeschooling adventure and are loving it! We have been mainly focused on math, l/a, and reading, but are getting ready to add in history. Thomas Jefferson curriculum sounds like an amazing place to start! Thank you! 🙂
My daughter is seven and we are trying to teach her in a more classical manner and TJE would fit the criteria we seek.
I have a 9 yr old boy & a 6 yr old boy. I would love to win this b/c I think it would really enhance our history lessons.
Liked TJE and Simple Homeschooling and shared.
My children are 10, 7 and 18 months, all boys! I’d love to have this to add to our currents studies! This is our first year homeschooling and anything to help and actually make my boys want to learn would be great!!
I like Thomas Jefferson Education and Simple Homeschool on Facebook. 🙂
My girls are 9 & 5. This year is my first to venture outside of my box curriculum and we are looking for other resources to help us in our history. We are currently reading about this time period using books and literature. We would greatly benefit from this I think.
I homeschool my son who is 7 years old. I would love to win this package because my son is very sensitive, and history is very hard for him. Our current curriculum is too harsh, so I am looking for something else. This just might be what we are looking for. Thanks!
Our homeschooling girls are 6 and 8. We’d love to add this to our learning!
My girls are 5, 3 and 6 months. I would love to win, as I am homeschooling and my Kindergartner is VERY interested in history! I have wanted to learn more about Leadership Education as well.
Pamela’s latest post: thoughts on three
My children are 6, 5, 3, and 2. I have just finished reading “A Thomas Jefferson Education” and would be grateful to receive this bundle for our homeschool! Thank you for the giveaway!
Stephanie B’s latest post: Real Food Pop Tarts
I like both “Simple Homeschool” and “A Thomas Jefferson Education” on FB.
Stephanie B’s latest post: Real Food Pop Tarts
Liked both sites. Thanks!
My kids are 6 and 5 and I’m looking for ways to add to my unschooling curriculum as we continue our homeschooling journey.
TJED was one of the first homeschooling programs that really resonated with me and I would love to use it for my kiddos. This is our first year homeschooling my 3 (5, 12 and 13) and I think this would be a great program to move into this coming year.
And I “like” Simple Homeschool and TJED on Facebook!
My kids are ages 8, 5, 3, and 10 months. I am trying to break out of the “school” mentality and have been eyeing many of these books for quite a while, and would love to own them; thank you!
Rebecca Cross’s latest post: Baked Zucchini Fries
I have. 6, 8, and 11 year old. TSS curriculum would be great for us since we are looking to transition to something fuller for our history and overall leadership learning at home!
I also like TJE and Simple Mom on Facebook!
Rebecca Cross’s latest post: Baked Zucchini Fries
Adi 9, Noah 6, Arwen 4, and willow 1
We would love this to help incorporate adventure into our curriculum
My son Adam, will be 11 years old next month. We have recently started homeschooling. This would be a great addition to our curriculum (if that’s what you want to call it). We are still trying to find the “right fit” in our new journey!! We would be really excited to have this!
s. sealey
Freedom Homeschool Academy
My kids are 9, 7, 6, & 2. I would like to win thisnoackage because I work fill time and homeschool and sometimes feel as if I could use some extra help. This could help us make sure that we stay on track and reach our goals. Also my kids deserve this for there education. I wouldn’t be able to afford this :'(
I homeschool my 12 year old, twin 7 year olds, and my 4 yr old. This looks like a great program! This is our first yeara nd Ive been searching for something that works- this looks great!
oh- and I liked both on facebook! 🙂
I have a very bright 5 1/2 year old. She picks up things so quickly that she has pretty much completed her Kindergarten curriculum in 4 months. Adding this would be an amazing opportunity to supplement the history portion of our curriculum (which is sadly lacking). I use a classical/Charlotte Mason style for my teaching style. My husband does the bulk of the homeschooling and I can see this as something he could really get into as well!
Thank you!
My son is 16 and we are still new on our homeschooling journey. This is exactly what I’ve been looking for to use as a jumping-off point for our history and language arts this year. Would love to win!
My children are 10, 6 and 2. This would really be a blessing to our homeschooling. We are going to be traditionally homeschooling starting next school year (currently we cyber school) and to have a resource such as this would be fantastic! I’m not a huge history buff so to have something like this that links it to so many other things might make history more interesting for my kids! Thanks for the giveaway!
This is our second year of homeschooling. Our kids are 5, 9 and 11, and 14. I’d love to have this curriculum so we could all learn together.
My children are 6 & 11. We are just beginning our home schooling adventures and this would be a wonderful addition to our existing routine. It would energize and inspire these history-loving kiddos, AND their teacher, your’s truly. Thank you!
Second year homeschooling my girls and would love the chance to try this type of curriculum. Thanks.
My own home schooled children are 11 and 13, but I also work with home learners from ages 5-14 in a small program called The Home Learning Community (HLC) . I’d love to win this package to use with my own kids as well as to demo for my HLC group. We are a SelfDesigning ( family and the TJE ideas of developing a love of learning by honoring the Phases of Learning has always resonated with me.
My girls are ages 9, 7, & 3. We have been homeschooling since 2011. I was initially inspired to homeschool by reading excerpts from A Thomas Jefferson Education. I would love to incorporate more materials that would help me teach in that style, especially where history is concerned.
Liked your page on FB a while ago (that’s how I found this contest) and Liked TJE today as well! 🙂
I have “liked” both FB pages!
I have an 8 yr old and 5 yr old. This is our first year of homeschooling and we are so happy with our decision. I just recently joined your Facebook page and have been loving your posts. I’m really interested in learning more about Leadership Education…it seems to resonate with my approach thus far.
I’m homeschooling my 6 yr old. I love the philosophy behind the TJE idea/curriculum. We would love to win!
This is our first year homeschooling our 13, 8, and 5 yr old boys with 3 yr old and 22 month old girls this would be a great resource to have and something that all the kiddos could use.
I will be homeschooling my 5-year-old this year and like the TJE philosophy!
I six children, a daughter, 14, and five boys 13, 13, 6, 5, & 3. I would love to have this curriculum, especially for my teens. I think that it would help them to develop better leadership skills and an deeper understanding of our history.
My kids are 14, 8, and 5, and I need HELP!! This is our 3rd year homeschooling, but I feel like I’m not doing it right! Like I’m not doing enough, like I’m not inspiring them!! I would SOOOOOO appreciate and utilize these materials!!
LOVE and appreciate your blog!
What a wonderful giveaway thank you for the offer! I have three boys all special needs ages 13, 9, and 7. I would love to win this because it fits in with our learning style which is history based, but it is online and already pulled together which is something that I crucially need!!! My second son just had his third heart surgery in October and trying to find the time to pull together all the resources for those extras is really difficult if not impossible at times. So winning this would be wonderful!!!! Thanks for the opprortunity to try!!! I also have liked both on FB!
I have a 12yo, 8yo, and 5yo. I haven’t found a history curriculum I love yet, but this one sounds very promising.
My kids are 1,3,6,8,11,13,14,& 18. I’ve been looking for something to mix up our approach to homeschooling & this looks great. I’m definitely heading to the website to read more…
Liked both 🙂
My children are ages 7, 5 and 3. I have been looking into TJEd and I am really interested and this would probably help me make my decision!
My kids are 22,18,17,15,11,8,2 I am homeschooling the youngest 5 still and would love to get the year in History and the TJed books because I have been trying with my limited income to get these little by little. If I could get them all I would be over the moon.
This would help inspire my children! I would love to win this as it would help ignite their passion for learning. At 13yrs, 11yrs & 10yrs my kiddos need more inspiration & less tedious education. What a blessing this would be on our family’s homeschooling adventure!
My children are 2, 3, 5, 8, & 10. I’d love to win this for them, as we’re homeschooling them and I love a child-led philosophy. Also, I’m a public school teacher, trying to make a difference in education in America. I’d love to find ways to incorporate it into school.
I have three crazy boys 6, 4and 9 months.
I recently borrowed A Thomas Jefferson Education from a friend. It makes so much sence. I find myself agreeing with it out loud as I read “yes, yes, of course”! It would be such a blessing to our family to have such great resources in our home.
Our boys are 2 & 5. Our 5 year old can’t get enough when it comes to learning. I’m just trying to keep up :-).
Liked and liked!!!
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My daughter is my only child she is 4 and we have been schooling at home since she was 18mths old we started simple but as she advances we are looming to spice up our schooling and add in new things and winning this package would allow us to do that.
My kids are 9 and 12. I would enjoy learning more about the Thomas Jefferson philosophy, and more history resources are a plus! We finished all of the current Mystery of History books, so we are without a great history course this year.
I have 2 girls 10 and 12 who just love history . We have been homeschooling since they were born. Love it.
Our daughter is 3, our family LOVES history!
My kids are 10 and 12 and I would love to learn more about Thomas Jefferson Education.
I like Simple homeschool on Facebook.
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My children are:
I would love to win this package to support me in reaching each child at their individual stage and giving us a weekly inspiration boost with the This Week in History. So excited about this giveaway!
Tristan’s latest post: Everyday Miracles – God is Aware
We have four children ages 17, 16, 11, and 9. I have been reading alot about this curriculum and would like to try it but have not made the change due to the cost. We have been using the same curriculum from the start and I have all the books, so to make such a change at this time is not necessarily cost effect for us. But if we won, it would be a great opportunity to try something new. Thank you for offering.
I liked TJEd on Facebook today! Thank you!
Tristan’s latest post: Everyday Miracles – God is Aware
I already liked Simple Homeschool on Facebook. Thanks again!
Tristan’s latest post: Everyday Miracles – God is Aware
“Liked”your page and have always been on Simple Homeschool’s page. Would love to use this package with my four boys!
Great offer! I just finished reading TJ Ed (borrowed) & am reading a classic for myself 🙂 I have a 15yo, soon to be 11yo & 9yo. We have settled on Saxon Math, but have been searching for what fits us for the rest. I have started with reading for myself so I can inspire my children. This offer would be an amazing blessing!
I liked both sites on fb…very excited to go back to them and look around more ! My children are 16,8,6,2 and 2. I had been thinking of doing a “this day in history” but hadn’t pulled it together, so your “week in history would be perfect!” I love the idea of the 7 keys and want to further investigate that. I struggle as an adult because my public education was such a structured environment that I crave that now..and that is not real life!!! The phases would be very timely. We enjoy learning about the inspirational leaders of this nation! Thanks!
I have 3 kids, 2 girls ages 8 & 6 and a boy age 3.5. I would love to have this subscription to continue to encourage a love for history. We use Story of the World in our homeschool and I love how it brings the narrative of history to life. I am always looking for resources to help with that!
My boys are 16, 14, 12 & 7. This would mesh beautifully with what we do in general with our other subjects. Hope to win!
I also like TJED and SH on facebook!
I have “liked” both TJEd & Simple Homeschool on FB. Oh my! This would be such an answer to prayer 😉 Thanks for offering!
I have three kids, ages 12,11, and 9. I’d love to win this because I’ve been looking at these items/philosophy for a while but haven’t bought them bc of our missionary salary! 😉
My children are 14, 11, 9, and 6. I love history and I’m always looking for ways to keep it alive, exciting, and relevant for my kids.
My kids are 4, 2 and 1 month. I would love to learn more about this type of education as we are going to start kindergarten at home next year.
My boys are 24, 15, and 10. I’ve read the book and loved it. I’ve used many of its principles and think it’s one of the reasons my oldest son has done so well and is in law school now.
My kids are 8 and 5 and this sounds very interesting to use in our homeschool.
Liked Thomas Jefferson Education on Facebook.
Liked Simple Homeschool on Facebook.
I have liked Thomas Jefferson Education and Simple Homeschool.
My kids are 16, 14, 10, and 8. I’d love to win this because I’ve been looking into TJed recently and these resources are right up my alley!
I have seven children, ages 2, 4, 5, 8, 9, 10, and 15. I have just recently been introduced to TJED and am really wanting to learn more about the specifics, as well as to continue to learn with my children.
15, 12, 9, 7, 5, 4. Would love to have more TJEd resources to learn from and implement here. THey are so cool! 🙂
Liked and liked!
My children are 3, 6, 7.
I would appreciate this package in our homeschool as a way to organize our history lessons and get the kids excited…it sounds like an exciting approach to teaching history to children. And they would look forward to it every week, to see what history lesson was the “this week in history”. Thanks for the opportunity.
Hi, I have three boys, ages 7, 4, and 1 and would love to win this curriculum. I have always loved history but have done little with my boys as I am so busy! Having a curriculum as rich as this one is and one that is already put together would be a dream come true! Thank you for this generous give away!
I have three kids ages 7, 3, and 1. I have just recently discovered the concept of TJED and would love to own their materials as I’m sure I’ll be referencing them frequently! I also liked TJed and Simple Homeschool on facebook!
I have 4 girls, ages 15, 12, 8, and 6. I would love to have this product! We love TJED!
My kids are ages 11, 9 and 7. I’d love to win this bundle as I have some experience with TJED and think it is an inspiring philosophy. This bundle would help me put it into practice. Thanks for the offer.
I just liked the TJED page on FB. 🙂
Like Thomas Jefferson and simple homeschool.
I have 5 kids, ages 9, 7, 5, 3 and 2. TJEd makes a lot of sense for a large and growing family and learning more is on my to-do list!
I just liked the Simple Homeschool page of FB. 🙂
I’ve liked TJed and SimpleHomeschool on Facebook
I have two boys 9, 13 and a daughter 8..I would love to try this with them, heard alot of good feedback about this.
I LOVE Tjed. I have ds 11, ds, 7, dd 5 and dd5. I would love to have hard copies of these books for my shelf.
I liked Thomas Jefferson Education and Simple Homeschool on Facebook!
My 6 children range in age from 2 to 14. This package would be great because I think it would help inspire *me* so I could better inspire them. I am still learning so much….
I am mama to 6 & 9 year old girls 🙂 We are in the midst of changing the way we “do school”…would love these valuable resources! Liked both TJEd and Simple Homeschool on FB 🙂
My son is 2 and my daughter is 5. This would be a wonderful way to introduce my 5 year old to a variety of history lessons. She gets bored easily so I am always looking for new things to keep her interested.
I liked both Thomas Jefferson and Simple Homeschool on Facebook as well 🙂
I “liked” Simple Homeschool on FB
My children at home and in school are 13, 12, and 11. We would love this giveaway because they adore history and finding out the why not just the how and who.
Both Facebook pages have been liked.
I “liked” Thomas Jefferson Education on FB
I have six boistrous boys, aged 11, 9, 7, 5, 3, and 1. My life’s mission is their leadership education and mine . . . and the the edification of all those individuals whom our education will touch and bless. I am always on the look-out for powerful resources, and I believe this to be among them.
We have 4 boys, 13, 10, 8, and 4. We are still fairly new to TJEd and live abroad on a very tight budget, so this would be awesome!
My daughters and ages 8 and 6. We are just being to homeschool and this looks like a great program that I am interested in! Winning would be a great start for us!
I’m so interested in this! Just starting on the homeschool journey and keep running across these resources. Thanks for the opportunity to check them out further.
Kelly’s latest post: This Moment
My children are 17, 15, 11 and 9. History is our favorite subject and creates the most dialogue concerning life, character and current events. We have used the sample curriculum of This Week in History and loved it!
We are currently planting a church, and therefore are on a very tight budget. We’ve made the best with the curriculum we’ve acquired, but infusing fresh and inspiring curriculum such as this would truly be a blessing to our children. Thank you for such an amazing offer!
My son is almost four and we are gearing up for homeschool. This would be a tremendous blessing to get us started!
I am not fortunate enough to be a mom but I have nieces and nephews ranging from ages 18mo to 18 yrs. I enjoy participating in their home studies and learning as well! I’ve enjoyed the Demilles work and would love this opportunity to explore more and share with my family.
My children are eight, six and four. I would love to use this in our days because this fits our learning and living style. Thank you!
I liked both Facebook pages!
Sheralee Hardy’s latest post: Heaven’s Windows
Just liked the 2 facebook pages. Already had liked TJEd but Simple Homeschool looks great.
I’m currently homeschooling my 16 year old daughter. I would like to win this package because I like the idea of getting more energy into the subjects that would be intertwined with history.
I have three children, ages 9, 6 and 3. I love the TJEd materials and am currently doing two programs for myself to develop as a mentor. This would be a great addition to our home school!
I also liked Simple Homeschool & TJEd on fb – thanks so much! 🙂
Rebekah’s latest post: Schooling at home – relaxed and fun!
I have an 8, 6, and 4 year old. I love TJEd and have been wanting to try This Week in History for some time! I think it would give us some much needed “fresh meat” in our homeschool. The TJEd books are the best, would love to get those copies. I haven’t read TJEd for teens yet. Thanks for the chance to win!
P.S. Liked and liked on Facebook! 🙂
I have a daughter (4) and a son (2) and I’ve started researching TJed because I want my kids to grow to love learning rather than just move through a conveyor belt system, and potentially extinguish that love. I am trying to learn all I can now to decide how we are going to approach the future!
I would like to win this for my grandaughters and daughter. The family is planning a long term mission trip to Kenya, and will need home school materials for the girls, who are 4 and 7. They (my daughter, her husband, and the 2 girls) went on a short term mission trip to Kenya last June.
I liked both facebook groups/pages
Christine Owens’s latest post: Stan Hywet Hall and Gardens, A bit of Goodyear History.
My children are 6 and 3. We would love this package because our survey of history so far has produced girls that get in their princess dresses and prance around as “Queen
Elinor of Aquitaine” and “Joan of Arc” rather than random disney princesses. We Christmas shopped at a local outdoor adventure store called Lewis & Clark and their eyes lit up because they recognized those names in a historical context. I see fruit already and would love to raise children who know history, can analyze current happenings through that lense, and make good decisions for themselves and those around them.
My children are 8, 7, 6, 4, and 3 months. I would love to win because I think This Week in History looks awesome!
Our children are 9, 7 and 5. We would love to win this package because, from what I’ve read, I agree with your educational philosophy and I’d like to read more. I also adore the way This Week in History is set up and would enjoy using it with my children!
We have four kids ages 10, 8, 6 and 1. We moved from an area where we had abundant Tjed support to a small town in texas where we are pretty well on our own. That has been fine but with two kids pretty well into love of learning phase I have been recognizing the need for something more lately. “This Week in History” seems like the perfect fit. I think it could help inspire us all out of our (my) current slump.
Thanks for all you do to help with the inspiration part
I would LOVE to win this bundle as I am just starting out on the homeschooling journey. My son is just about to turn four (and I have a 2 month old boy!). He has a natural love for learning and I want to make sure this does not die as it does for so many who are forced to learn. I keep thinking what amazing potential he will reach if all the hours of learning are directed for him and his passions. I look back on my education and think about where I would be today if I had been taught to discover and pursue my passions. I have reviewed so many curricular and the TJED philosophy rings true to me and my beliefs. I want to read these books and delve deeper into this philosophy so that I can help my children discover a love for learning that will keep burning throughout their lives. I want to better understand how to inspire them to find the great potential that lies within each of them and I know a Thomas Jefferson education is the way to do this!
We like Thomas Jefferson Education on fb.
I have liked Simple Homeschool and TJEd on FB
We just liked Simple Homeschool on fb.
My son is 12 (my daughters are in college) and I am most interested in liberty and scholarship. I would like to insure that my children are stout thinkers. I would like to win this package to learn better how to prepare my kids for their lives in a quickly changing world.
I would love to win this package! I have an almost 14 year old boy, a 10 year old girl, and an almost 6 year old girl. We’ve been homeschooling for a few years but lately I feel like I’m floundering. As we look at high school for next year, I’m slightly terrified. I realize that this is the last step before he’s independent, and I worry that he’s not going to be ready. I love the idea of TJed’s leadership mentoring. It sounds like exactly what I’ve been looking for!
Oh, and I have liked both Facebook pages. 🙂
My kids are 9, 6, and 2, and I am just starting to learn about TJEd. I’d love to own these resources so that I can learn more about how to bring out the best in my children. Thank you!
I have 4 kids, 13, 11, 7, and 3. I would love to have to have the history curriculum, it would be an easy and fun way to learn history. Most kids I know enjoy learning history through stories, and this seems to be just that. I know my kids would really enjoy it.
We have 3 fantastic children aged 10 11 and 13. We are just getting into TJed and certainly keen to learn more. We would so love to win this package. My 13 year old daughter is mad keen on history and would love the history subscription. Thanks so much.
Vicki from New Zealand
I have a 13 yr old daughter and we’d love to try the TJed. Expense has always been an issue for me. Hope I win – it would help both of us tremendously!
My children are 11, 14, and 21. I would like to win this package to have and use “This Week in History” with my children and share the books with others who are interested in learning more about TJEd. I am fairly new to homeschooling (2nd year) and TJEd (1st year). I have all three books and have read them all 1-2 times. I would like to be able to lend the books to others without giving up my personal copies. Being new, I like to refer back to them to make sure I’m staying on track.
I “liked” Thomas Jefferson Education and Simple Homeschool on Facebook!
My children at home still are 8 and 16. They both love history and any thing added to their enjoyment is always a bonus.
This looks like a great program to use, and would fit the learning style of my child, age 13.
I have 5 boys, ages 9,8,6,5 and 2. I just discovered TJEd recently and am excited to use more classics in my home school. Already my 9 year old and I are reading classics together and discussing them. I would love to be able to have a guide on how to do this with all of my children better.
I liked both Thomas Jefferson and Simple School on Facebook.
We have 4 boys (13, 10, 8, 4). We are new to TJed, but we love it. We are still learning how to do everything and would love additional help.
My kids are ages 10 and 7. I would like to win this package because we have always wanted to try THIS and this is the first year both my kids would benefit. But, we had to make a budget choice between THIS and Oliver’s new monthly mentoring classics. How cool this would be to have both.
How old are your children, and why would you like to win this package? My son is five. I have been studying this philosophy and it ROCKS! I’d LOVE for my son to begin his education with these products!
Our children at home are ages 12 and 16. We have older children and one grandchild. Although I’ve been homeschooling for many years, and I’ve taught in a school and in homeschool cooperatives, I have found that the book, A Thomas Jefferson Education, has given me inspiration and new ideas for learning and teaching. I am interested in exploring more of these TJEd materials. I’ve passed along the book, A Thomas Jefferson Education, to my son-in-law, a Latin teacher in a public school, and to his wife, my daughter. They hope to homeschool their son (and future children!) when he is older. I have even contemplated the idea of having my own small school one day, and I would love to incorporation these ideas into that future school, if the dream ever becomes a reality.
I have 5 children ages 12 down to 3. I would love to use This Week in History with my children. I have my own home business which keeps me very busy and a resource like This Week in History would be an incredible help to have some prepared lessons from someone I know is amazing (Rachel DeMille).
I liked Thomas Jefferson Education and Simple Homeschool on Facebook.
We have two children a 7 year old and a 3 year old. I’ve read two TJeD books and love the philosophy. I would love to have this week in history added to our week.
My kids are 4-1/2, almost 9, and 6. I have homeschooled for the last few years using curriculum here and there that has seemed to be a good fit for our family and with the fear of the state testing every odd year with their standardized tests. However, I am done with it. I want to change my schooling with the kids to an unschooling and/or TJED style and I think I am ready to do it with confidence. I want my kids to have a real education and love of learning, not a “forget everything you just memorized because the test is now over” education that I feel I got.
I just liked TJEd and Simple Homeschool. Thanks
My boys are 14 and 1! I’d love to have this set as my older boy loves history and this would be a great way for him to work on areas he doesn’t like as well.
I liked both on FB!
My kids are 3 and 8, we are hoping to give them a world class education and these will help us do that!!!
I have six daughters; all being homeschooled. They are 14, 11, 8, 6, 4, 2.
I have been interested in This Week in History for some time; it would be great to win it.
Liked both Facebook pages.
Our kids are 11, 10, 7, 4, and 2 reason we need this? Help help help help help!!!! Love homeschooling !! Want to love a new curriculum!!!
I “Like” both on facebook!
I also liked Thomas Jefferson Education on Facebook. I’m already a fan of Simple Homeschool!
I have two children 5 and 3 and expecting our third any day now. Our first year of homeschooling has been such a joy but I am getting nervous moving forward into this new year wondering if I am making the right choice. I would love to have these resources to inspire me to continue to in share my passion for learning with my children and to help me do the very best that I can.
Thank you,
My boys are 10 & 7 and I think these wonderful resources would help immensely in learning how to foster leadership in my children (and in my own life!).
My children are almost 8, 6 and 4. My oldest is eager and advanced. I’ve struggled with boxed curriculum because I spend so much time supplementing. Boxed plus supplementing means that we have been overextended and frustrated and the lack of sensible flow is holding us back. This method looks like the solution for us to get back to the core of education, not from a perspective of missionaries or government experts spouting what’s important for our children to learn.
I liked both sites on fb too!
Alyssa is six-years-old. I am homeschooling an only child, but this resource would be used quite often throughout the year if we won. We would love to win because I appreciate how it integrates several other subjects and ties history into everything taught. I need more help with regards to teaching history, because it wasn’t always my best subject. “This Week in History” does a wonderful job of supporting children love and learning of history and more. I want my daughter to see things from a different perspective and to love history and understand how it impacts our life on a daily basis. I am very interested in learning more about the TJED philosophy and method. My daughter loves learning new things. I try to personalize her education as much as possible. I definitely believe that her education should be individualized based on her abilities, age, talents, and learning style. We also LOVE high quality literature and reading the classics and have found them to be very valuable in her education. I like that the philosophy gears parents towards being facilitators that help guide children into developing their talents and skills rather than dictating what they are expected to learn. I am hoping to learn more about the seven keys and learning phases related to this method. We need to simplify things this year and incorporating the TJED methods into our homeschool may be the answer. This bundle giveaway looks outstanding and it would truly be a blessing to win it. Thank you for the chance.
I help my daughter homeschool her children and I’m excited about the way this cirriculum is laid out.
TJED and Simple Homeschool both “liked” on Facebook ! 🙂
I like Thomas Jefferson Education and Simple Homeschool on Facebook. Thank you for the extra entries.
I have two children, ages 15 and 10. I really like the Thomas Jefferson teaching technique. They have some great information.
Our kids are ages 7, 8, and 13. This would be awesome as a history Curriculum. We currently do little or no history with our youngest children because of the cost of history curriculum. Right now we just utilize the library for our history. This would allow me to teach them history at a whole new level.
My kids are 24, 21, 18, 15, 13 and 9.
I do not have any TJ resources but I would love to read and learn from you all.
It seems like a great curriculum with lots of options.
My kids are 12 and 7. Both of them are really starting to enjoy learning about history and I think this would be great for them.
My children are 13, 11, and 6. I would like to win because while I am very familiar with TJed I haven’t done a good job implementing it in our home. I hadn’t considered signing up until reading this. I think that May be exactly what I need to make the jump from it being a concept to putting it into everyday practice. With my son coming into scholar age I realize how important it is.
I have a 10yo and 13 to and I need to freshen up our homeschooling, especially history.
I have a 4-year-old and a 2-year-old and one on the way! I’m preparing to homeschool this year, and I’ve loved the TJEd approach ever since I stumbled upon it in college. We, like many others here, are also on a very tight budget, so it would be wonderful to have these resources for free. History is so important. I truly believe it is the foundation for everything else. Oh, and I liked both TJEd and Simple Homeschool on Facebook. Thanks to both of you for offering this!
I liked both on Facebook. Thanks!
15, 10, 6, pre-school, I have all different levels of learning happening here! My education paradigm has been rocked by TJed, and I am always eager to see how we can implement these appoaches to best fit our varied needs.
Hi I am a homeschool mom of 7. We have been at it for 12 years now and the past few have been quite a challenge. With my last two pregnancies taxing my health so that we have been barely able to get the minimum accomplished, and our sixth child born with downs and a variety of communication and development challenges I am at my witty end. I read your book several years ago and it certainly gave me some hope, but I am struggling. By the looks of it both your mentoring in classics and this week in history is an answer to prayers. I look forward to possibly starting our with them both next month.
My boys are 8, 10, and 12. I know they would enjoy exploring this resource with me, and it would be nice to have a daily lesson plan ready-made, since I do a mom lesson with them each morning.
My kids are 12, 10, and 4. My 10-year-old is in a rut and needs something different, something new right now. I’d like to try This Week in History with him to see if that ignites a spark and inspires him.
I liked the tjed page and simple homeschool page.
Oops my children are aged 17, 15, 14, 11, 8, 6, and 2 1/2.
Liked both! 🙂
My kids are 7, 6, 1, and newborn. Just reading “Leadership Education” and would love to get started.
Liked both sites.
I am homeschooling my 15 year son, who has Aspergers. It’s hard to get him engaged sometimes, but This Week in History seems like it would be a wonderful way to help him connect to history! I’m curious what TJEd can offer families with special needs students.
My children are 16, 12, 6 and 3 and they love to learn about history! we lived overseas for many years and miss the cultural depth of learning that we had over there. There was history all around us and we could touch it and feel it- we lived history! I am trying to integrate more of it into our school here so this would be a great addition to teach my children leadership too!
My children are 15,14 & 10 years old. I love TE Education! I would love to win to add these books to my library…
My children are 4 1/2 and 3. I have already read all of the books and we love everything the Demilles teach! I want to win so I can share the materials with my recently widowed and displaced friend. She has two children and is trying to work nights find them a new home and is still
dedicated to homeschooling!
My kids are 13, 11, 10, 8, 6, 3 and we are in our 4th year of homeschooling. I actually subscribed to “This week in history” the first year I homeschooled; however, I had so many other things to learn; philosphies to acquire and develop, that I ended up cancelling after a few months because I didn’t use it-mainly because I didn’t know HOW to use it. Now, many years and TJED books later, I understand it’s great value and potential. I’d love to give it a “try” again.
My children are 2, 5, and 7. I would love to win this give away! We are new to homeschooling and have been overwhelmed with all of the options out there. We ran across TJED through a leadership development group we are involved with. We highly respect Oliver DeMille and the learning system they have created. We have been saving up money to afford buying whatever we can to build up our curriculum for our children. TJED’s this wk in history was next on our list!
We homeschool our 13 & 11 year old boys and are striving to deprogram our conveyer belt mindset. We have five older, out of the home, children as well that we hope to inspire towards TJED.
My kids are 15, 13, 9, 7, 6, 4, and 3. We’ve been homeschooling for 10 years. I am very interested in TJED. We love reading and would love to pursue TJED for our homeschooling. Thanks!
Just liked Simple Homseschool, and liked TJED homeschool, though I am pretty sure I liked that page some time ago. 🙂
liked ’em both on FB. 🙂
My children range from 15-27. I learned about TJed last year when my daughter decided she wanted to homeschool. Now my oldest daughter has a boy about to enter K and I would love to share this info with her as well as finish reading all the books myself. I would like to learn myself 🙂
My children are ages 12, 14 and 17. They are all getting to the age that regular history is not as interesting as it used to be. I subscribed to This Day in History to peak their interest in the people and lessons from history, rather than the dates and hows of history. My oldest son came right out and told me that he found history boring. I told him that history helps us understand our present and helps us avoid the mistakes others made. So I think This Day in History will be very beneficial for all my children.
Carrie Gillispie’s latest post: Changing Education Paradigms
My kids are 12, 7 and 5. I am looking in to using TJed and would love to win the package!
Our five children are all boys (ages 10, almost 9, 6, 4 and a newborn). We have been trying to implement a Thomas Jefferson Education in our home for some time now. I would like to win this package because we use This Week in History and getting it for a whole year would help our limited school budget stretch even further. As for the book package, we already own them, but would most likely give them away to a family who is interested in TJED.
My kids are 10 & 11. History is such an important subject to teach, these books will help!
My children are 13 & 15 & 5. My husband and I consider history and leadership as vital parts of our children’s education. I am also thoroughly enjoying finally learning significant history myself after being in the government run school system growing up.
I help my daughter home school her 9 year old daughter. I also homeschooled my own children. My daughter is recently divorced and has very little financially. I would love to surprise her with this. Thank you for the opportunity to enter.
I just”liked” both pages on face book.
Already “liked” Tjed…now I have “liked” Simple Homeschool. Thanks!
Liked TJEd and Simple Homeschool.
My children are 10, 8 and 5. I would love to win this because I love the TJEd approach to education, and I also love it when someone who has mastered it creates a product that makes things a little bit easier for me. I like being able to guide my children through their education process, but I also like a little help doing it. This would be a great tool for our family.
I am homeschooling a 7, 8,and 9 year old. I like the TJ educational philosophy, and have tried to implement based on the books I’ve read, but it is sometimes difficult because I was never taught in this style and I slip back to the way I was taught. I’d love to be able to use “This Week in History” to add some excitement to our school days.
I have liked them both on Facebook.
My daughter is age 6, almost 7. I have a 14 yr old son in public school but am deciding if I should homeschool him or not. I would love to have a program like this because my daughter is very interested in history and so am I but I piece together a lot of things for school because I can’t afford to purchase anything like this or curriculum wise so this would be a huge blessing to our family. Thanks!
My children are 6, 3, and 8 months. I’d love to learn more about TJed and use it in our homeschool.
I “liked” Thomas Jefferson education and simple homeschooling.
My children are 14, 12, 10, 8, 6,3 & 1. I am raising a house full of leaders, & will use these resources to help them gain an education equal to who & what they are.
And I liked Simple HS and Thomas Jefferson Education!
Kids : 7, 11, 14, 17, 19, 21.
I absolutely love and have already been blessed by this method of homeschooling. I would be so blessed to enjoy the weekly ‘This Week in History’ material with my kids.
There is so much rich material in the other resources as well to fill the heart and mind of parents which then flows over into the lives of their children.
I already own some of these resources and would use it as an opportunity to pass along the blessing to a homeschool family in need.
Thank you for hosting this terrific giveaway.
My children range from 7-25, I love TJED and I love freebies!
Wow! So glad to know about the TJEd. Thanks Jamie! My twin boys are 8 and we are always looking for easy to use, engaging additions to our homeschool days. I have lately been trying to incorporate more history into our ” curriculum”. My grandpa was a history major and he would
have loved this!
I have a daughter who is 14 and just starting scholar phase. History is her favorite subject, and I’d like to find more ways to keep her inspired to keep learning
My children are 15 and 9. I would like to win this because I love the TJEd approach and am learning line upon line how to overcome my conveyor-belt upbringing. It has been making a difference in my kids’ lives that others notice and ask me how I homeschool. I always lead them to TJED…every time! Since I currently am not subscribed to TWIH, I would love that addition to our school. As for the books, I have them, but since I loan them out or am constantly recommending them, I would love to gift them to somebody who would appreciate them. Thank you!
I just “liked” both Facebook pages.
I would love to get the free TJEd material, not just for my kids, but for myself as well. The 7th Key of Great Teaching is “You, not Them.” I find many parents think they’ll get to their own continuing education after they’ve taken care of their kids; however I have found with TJEd that if I take care of MY education, it provides answers and ideas on how to better support my kids’ education. We started our homeschool journey when my kids were 7 and 4 years old (so, now 16 & 13) ; last week my eldest came to me requesting permission to look at Community College classes in order to pursue some of his interests – he’s ready! – really a thrilling homeschool moment.
I’d like to win because simply doing it all myself is too much and too narrow an education for any genius child.
I have just finished reading Thomas Jefferson Education and love it. I have been homeschooling for 8 years my kids are 13,12,11,9,3. This would be a great wim for us.
Thanks and God bless your day.
I “liked” TJEd and Simple Homeschool. Thanks!
My children are 12 and 8. I love all materials that are TJED based and also love to share them with others.
my two boys are ages 5 and 6.
TJED has already transformed how I study and how I teach my children and I would love to have the monthly resources.
thank you!
My children are 3 years old and 11 months old.
We plan to homeschool with the Thomas Jefferson Model. We are already taking a homeschooling approach with our eldest. We don’t own any of the books yet and have been making do with free resources and using the library.
My children are 12, 8, 5 & 2. We are classical and CharlotteMason homeschoolers who love our way of family and life! Thank you!
I’m hoping to mentor a young single mother to use her expertise on her brilliant children to help them obtain a superb leadership education.
PS My kids are 16, 19, 21 and 23.
I liked Thomas Jefferson Education and Simple Homeschool on Facebook.
I have liked both pages on facebook!
My kids are 4, 5, 10, 13, and 15. I’ve been intrigued by TJed ever since reading about it on this blog!
My kids are 8, 6, 4, &2. I would love to win this giveaway, because it would be such an amazing tool for our homeschooling!
My kids are 2 and 6, we homeschool and are interested in learning more about self government 🙂 I liked TJ ED and Simple Homeschool on FB 🙂
I liked both pages on Facebook.
Our homeschool children range in age from 16, 14, 13, 11, 9, and 2. We have been homeschooling for approximately 15 years. So grateful for a TJED system that focuses on allowing the child to be who they really are rather than transformed into something they are not. Assisting each child to discover and build upon their mission has been a great treasure. Your TJED materials would be a great additional resource to their education. Thank you.
My kids are 10, 9, 6 and 2. I would love to win this bundle to keep implementing TJEd in our schooling and raise thinkers and leaders in my home.
Ages of my kids are 9 months, 3, 5,6, and 12. I would like a little extra something to help me educate my kids at home. A little encouragement that we are learning and growing. A little help along the way
I am following tied and simple homeschool
I love TJED! I am hoomeschooling my 13, 12, 10, 6, 4, and almost 2 year old kids. I have thought about getting This Week in HIstory a couple of times, but have not yet found a way to pay for it. It sounds like a wonderful program that we would love to add to what we are already doing. Thanks for your website!!!
Not sure if this counts, but I have already like BOTH on Facebook earlier this year! My boys are 5 and 9 years old, and so far what I have been able to implement of the TJEd philosophy has literally saved us. We started homeschooling just this year using a prepared curriculum that simply did not work for my boys–it was discouraging and frustrating. I learned about TJEd from your (this) blog and am so very grateful!! I really didn’t know such an alternate educational option was even possible before learning of it from you (so thank you!). Since moving into the TJEd model (baby steps so far), it has made a world of difference and my boys and I are enjoying the learning process so much more! Winning this package would be a huge blessing and enhance their homeschooling experience tremendously! Thank you!!
Norma Maxwell’s latest post: Get a FREE Website Success Evaluation
I am sorry it seems to have automatically posted a link to my blog – this is not spam and I am sorry about that (I didn’t add the link…only my website as it asked. I guess I didn’t notice the uncheck box as I see it now below. Sorry about that!).
My kids are 16, 14, 12, 7 and 3 years old. I woud love to get this so that we could have more fun 🙂
My kids are 13 and 6 and I would like this TJ package because I’ve been intrigued by the TJ books for a while on the Classical Conversations book tables and believe that it’s a quality book that I could gain a lot from. I like that it integrates the subjects and teaches me how. Thanks!
Great giveaway! My kids are ages 10,8,6,4, and 6 months. We would love this package to help us better implement leadership education strategies in our home, and for lending out to friends who’ve begun to ask about what it is we do…
My daughter is 12. She has Autism. This sounds like a great way to cover history without ” missing” anything
I just liked the TJ page and already liked SH :))
The ages of my kiddos are: 13, 11, 9, 7, 5, & 2.
I’d love to win because I used to have those books, but I loaned them out and they got lost… I’d love to have them again to refer back to.
Also, my son has a love of history and I’d love to be able to offer him TWIH!
Thank you!
I have liked TJE on facebook for a while I just liked SH today. My son is 6 and is struggling a little. I love the approach that TJE has with learning the classics. I love to listen to Oliver talk and all the knowledge he has on life. I have not gotten to the book yet but my husband also loved the Leadershift book that Oliver wrote with Orrin Woodward as well. Thanks for the change to win
My kids are 4,6 and 9 and we love history! This would be a wonderful addition to our curriculum. We have been getting bored and could certainly use something to spice things up.
My children are 7, 5, 3 and 2. I would love to win this because it was reading Oliver’s book Thomas Jefferson Education that first led me to even consider homeschooling and I reread it whenever I get caught up in curriculum.
Just “liked” you on facebook:)
Already like TJED and now “like” Simple Homeschool”. Sounds like a wonderful resource.