This giveaway has ended; thanks for your interest!
Welcome to the third giveaway in this week’s Back to Homeschool Giveaway Week, sponsored by A Thomas Jefferson Education (also known as TJEd).
From Rachel DeMille of TJEd:
“TJEd” or “Leadership Education” is a philosophy and methodology that supports personalizing education for each child’s age, gifts and learning style.
Its focus on the 7 Keys of Great Teaching and the Phases of Learning really reduce stress and magnify inspiration.
One of the tools we provide is This Week in History–a daily resource that brings your homeschool or classroom to life!”
“Whatever you want to learn, whatever there is to teach, it starts with history…
With a subscription to This Week in History, recently named by as one of the top curricula of 2013, each day’s resources are an adventure in math, science, language skills, geography, current events, the arts and so on – all tied to events in history.
For just $9.99 per month, you have the world of learning available to help you lead and inspire your students to explore, learn and excel! This Week in History is provided as a weekly online bundle of resources that you can access in either of two ways:
- On the dedicated blog feed at
- Via an email sent directly to your inbox”
“The content is searchable by date, topic and key word, and the whole year’s archive can be accessed by subscribers at any time.
Of all the things you’ll spend $10 on each month, This Week in History is not only a great value, but a time saver and a worry eliminator. This Week in History:
- relieves fear, stress and burnout
- energizes your homeschool
- fills in the gaps
- cultivates cultural literacy
- facilitates state or provincial compliance
- correlates resources for co-ops, classrooms and family learning
- harnesses the power of technology in a classical leadership education
- harmonizes with Unschooling, Charlotte Mason, Montessori, Trivium/Quadrivium, IEW, eclectic, etc.
- delivers new ideas and areas of learning to you and your child
- instigates discussions and projects that expand wisdom and understanding
- connects the subject areas–from music to math, from geography to world religions, from hobbies to science projects, etc.
- motivates you and your students to greater excellence
- empowers you to mentor your students in the classics
- enlivens the 7 Keys of Great Teaching
- activates the Phases of Learning
…so you can “Inspire, not Require.”

One Simple Homeschool reader will win – their choice – one of the following:
Option 1: A full year’s dual subscription to This Week in History and Mentoring in the Classics (a $360 value)
Option 2: The Deluxe Homeschool Bundle (over $300 worth of product), which includes:
The Simple Homeschool Bundle (Click a title for a sample download)
- 7 Keys Certification Complete 4 Levels
- 7 Keys Introduction and Overview
- (4) Study Guides (1 for each level)
- (8) Audio Trainings (12 hours audio content)
- (5) PDF e-books
- A Thomas Jefferson Education (paperback, 208 pages)
- Leadership Education: The Phases of Learning (paperback, 317 pages)
- Thomas Jefferson Education for Teens (paperback, 162 pages)
- The Student Whisperer (paperback, 156 pages)
- A Thomas Jefferson Education Home Companion (paperback, 251 pages)
- “Core and Love of Learning Seminar Highlights” (zip file, mp3 content ~4 hours)
The Homeschooling for Dads Bundle
- Homeschooling for Dads Audio Seminar, sessions 1-4 (approx 5 hours of audio mp3 content)
- Homeschooling for Dads e-book (97-page PDF)
- Homeschooling for Dads Audio Book (2 hour audio mp3)
- The Family Reading e-book
- The Future of American Education: 8 Trends Every Parent Should Know by Oliver DeMille
- Plus several unadvertised additional pdf and audio downloads
How to Win
This giveaway has ended; thanks for your interest!
To be entered for a chance to win, leave a comment on this post, answering this question: How old are your children and why would you like to win this package?
(Note: This giveaway IS open internationally–yay overseas readers!)
(If you’re reading this via email or reader, you must click here to leave your comment on this post at Simple Homeschool. Comments or emails left elsewhere don’t count as entries.)
For an extra entry, “Like” Thomas Jefferson Education and Simple Homeschool on Facebook. Then leave another comment here letting me know you’ve done so!
Special Offers
* Simple Homeschool Bundle
The Simple Homeschool Bundle is your best way to get off the educational Conveyor Belt and bring the principles of Leadership Education into your heart and home.
Normally priced at $199, you can get the entire bundle for just $42 with the coupon code “SIMPLEBONUS13”
* Mentoring in the Classics with Oliver DeMille
This new offering is ideal for adults, youth, parents, book groups, Commonwealths, teacher training – anyone who’s ready to experience the classics with master mentor Oliver DeMille as your guide!
Our goal with this product is to help as many people as possible to get into the classics. And for a limited time, our friends from Simple Homeschool have arranged for you to get this subscription at 1/2 the regular rate – for as long as you subscribe.
Normally $20 per month, subscribe now and get this amazing content for just $10 per month!
This giveaway has ended; thanks for your interest!
My kids are 5, 3, and 1. I would like this bundle because I am very interested in implementing principles of TJEd in our homeschool. However, I have only just begun reading about it, and this bundle would help me continue to develop my ideas.
My children are 7, 6 and 2. I would love to win because I just love the resources. Love the idea of this week in History, what a great way to learn!
Hey! My kids are 9, 6, and 3. Why do we want this? I’m particularly interested in unpacking history in a relational, discussion oriented way, so the “this week in history” fits that goal. Thanks for the entry!!
My boys are 4 and 9, and we would love to try one of these bundles. Last year was our first year homeschooling and I am still learning about styles and trying to figure it all out!
My kids are 5 and 2. I would love to win this giveaway because I am very interested in applying the TJed principles in our home. These resources look like a great start!
My sons are 5 and 3. I would like to win this as I am a Brit and it is difficult to get hold of home educating resources over here!
We would love the #1 bundle. Love tj education!
I want my boys to be leaders. This would be great.
I liked both pages.
My kids are 10, 6 and almost 2. I would love to get the this week in history subscription. thanks!
Wow! What a wonderful give away! I would love bundle number 2! My children are ages five, almost six in October, three, and 11 months. I appreciate the opportunity to enter the give away! I would be so grateful to win this and start homeschooling with such great information!
Also already liked both pages on Facebook 🙂
My children are 7, 5, 3 and 4 months. I would like to win this package because I want to learn how to inspire, not require.
I would like package number 2. 🙂
My kids are 7 &1, and I have been interested in this at your recommendation (in previous posts), it sounds like a wonderful program.
I like both pages! 🙂
My kids are 7, 5, and 3 and we would like to learn more about this particular homeschooling style.
I would love to win the second choice homeschool pack of TJED, because I love this approach of education, and here in Belgium, we don’t have lots of opportunities to hear, speak, learn about homeschooling, as we are a few families choosing this way of educating our children, in a State where homeschooling is highly controlled. We are blessed to have 6 children ages: 16, 15, 13, 11, 7 and 2! Thanks a lot for all your work for us, homeschoolers! Jo
My boys are ages 7 and 10. I love the idea of relating topics to each other.
My kids are 6, 4 and a baby. We would love to win. We have been wanting to learn more about this approach! Liked both pages too.
I am so thankful for the timing of this give away! I have just been searching for TJed books to buy, but here in the UK they are very hard to get hold of. My kids are 5 and 8, and we are fairly new TJed converts. I love the theory and am thirsty to study more and learn how best to help my children become generational leaders and community examples. I would love to win this package to help us reach these goals!
P.S. I have already ‘liked’ TJed and Simple Homeschool on Facebook 🙂
My kids are 8, 6, 3, 2, and 7mo. I love the simplocity of this, all together for me so that i can inspire more even with so many little ones to care for.
My daughters are 5 & 3! We are starting homeschooling for the first time this school year and I’ve read a lot about this curriculum. As a teacher myself I agree to my core about the philosophy of Thomas Jefferson Education! I’m looking for resources to ensure a successful first year!!
My kids are 11, 8, and 4. I’d like to win because This Week in History looks awesome!
Our children are going on 5 and 7. We would love to win this collection as we have been practicing many of Leadership Education’s suggestions and they fit right in with our families’ mission.
I have liked both on FB
My children range from preschool to high school. I want to win because I don’t have a very big school budget.
My kids are 9, 5, 5, and 1. We are just starting to use TJED in our home this year and I would love the extra support that bundle # 2 would provide us. We are really excited to use TJED. LOVE OF LEARNING!
My kids are 8, 6, and 3. I would love to learn how to inspire, not require! Thank you for this giveaway!
Hello! My daughter is 7-years-old and we will begin our homeschool journey tomorrow! I think this package will help guide us in a wise and inspirational manner.
My four youngest are 16, 12, 12, and 6. This Week in History spans the ages I will be teaching, and suggests activities for one, or all, of them. A wealth of information!
My kids are 5,3, and 1.
I would love to win and try this program because I like the historic correlation!
my children are 7, 6, 5, 3, 2, and 2 mos. We would enjoy this as it fits well with our educational philosophy, inspire not require! Thanks!
My boys are 4 and 8. I have just been reading about Tjed and am very interested in implementing it into our homeschool.
My kids are 5 and 2. I’ve been very interested in checking out the TJEd materials, since I love their basic philosophy. I liked both of the Facebook pages, as well. 🙂
My daughter is 5 and son 3. I would be grateful for the guidance in teaching history and culture through classic works!
I love the leadership values taught in TJE – I would be thrilled to win this for our homeschool!
My kids are 12, 10 and 4. I have been looking at TJED and would like to implement it in our homeschooling journey. THIS WEEK IN HISTORY looks WONDERFUL!! Wow!
7,5,2,4m. I think I need some extra inspiration as we get close to mastering the 3 R’s.
The three daughters whom I homeschool are aged as follows: 16, 14, and 11. I would love to win this curriculum package because it is inter-curricular with other core subjects.
My children are 17, 12, and 8. We’ve homeschooled “eclectically” over the past 17 years and for the most part it has worked well for us. But while I don’t know much about Thomas Jefferson Education, I’m really drawn to the “inspire, not require” motto. I would love to learn more and implement it in our learning day!
I liked both on FB. 🙂
Our children are 14, 6 and nearly 3. This would be a great supplement to our current curriculum.
12, 9, 6. I would like to learn more about TJed Education!
My daughter is 12. I would love to win as we are new to homeschooling and would love to include these works in our daily learning schedule.
I have also liked both Facebook pages.
My girls are 10,8,6, and 2. I would love to win this because I would love to learn more about TJED and how it could fit in with my family
I have liked both pages on FB!
Our kids are 11, 9, and 5 and last year was our first year homeschooling. Our older 2 kids attended public school until then. I am interested in this to hopefully reconnect their love of learning, and break out of the “school at home” mentality. I like TJED’s philosophy and am interested in learning more about how I can help inspire our kids.
I LOVE TJED! This is the way that I wish I had been taught. I have the first book and have learned lots. Would love to have the entire bundle. My kids are 11, 9, 7, 5, 3, 1, and one on the way.
Perfect timing! My kids are 8 and 4. I have purchased the homeschool bundle with digital copies of the TJED books but am dying to get my hands on the paperbacks. There is just so much information to digest. I’d love to highlight and write in these books to refer back to on our homeschooling journey!
I have also liked both Facebook pages! 🙂
My children are 9, 7, 4 and 1. I’d love to win this to learn more about Thomas Jefferson Education and implement it in our homeschool! The This Week in History and Mentoring in the Classics look like wonderful tools as well!
I have two boys, ages 11 and 1. We are starting year two of our homeschooling adventure and it has been a wild ride! I keep reading about Thomas Jefferson education and am intrigued, but haven’t had the budget available to buy the resources yet so I can dig deeper into this homeschool philosophy. This bundle sounds awesome!
I already “like” both on Facebook. 🙂
I’ve “liked” Thomas Jefferson Education
and Simple Homeschool on Facebook!
My goodness, this is awesome! My daughter is four, and I’ve been searching the internet and local libraries for tjed information lately. Our libraries have proved unhelpful on this topic, so we are at a stand still. I would love to get to read and share the books in the bundle!
My children are ten and five. My daughter learns differently and my both learns differently and is autistic. My daughter loves history. When someone sakes her what her favorite topic in school is, she immediately replies history. This mean that I have managed through the chaos to instill a curiosity of learning. I would love to use this bundle to continue growing this seed in my daughter. We switch from different methods in the school year based on he lath problems (I am recovering from brain aneurysms and subsequent surgeries). I have learned the a curriculum has to be flexible because life is not static. Finally, I LOVE the homeschool materials for Dads. Homeschooling is a family operation and the Dad is just as important to success as the Moms, the kids, and special tutors. This is a great bundle. We would be honored and so lucky to win.
My sons are 8 and 14. We have been using the classical method of education and I think the “This week in History” would be a fun way to learn history.
I’m homeschooling two 8 year olds and a 6 year old. I’d love to try out some new ideas for our school!
My children are 15, 12, 10 (tomorrow), 7, 5, 2, and 8 months. I have had A Thomas Jefferson Education on my wish list for a long time, after hearing so many good things about it through this website! Also, we love learning through history.
My little girl is 5 but the family member who would love the week in history most is my husband the history buff. This would be a great resource for the whole family.
8 & 10. We’re traveling abroad soon and it would be so helpful to have guidance while we homeschool overseas!
~Heather’s latest post: Week: somewhere around 23
I have “Liked” A “Thomas Jefferson Education” on Facebook. I have liked your site for a very long time, do not what I would do without you!
Hello! We would love any resources that you recommend and this looks amazing. Thank you! Jessica
My children are 13, 12, 9, and 4. I’d love to win this giveaway because it sounds like a great way to fill in the gaps in my Charlotte Mason/Thomas Jefferson homeschool.
Domini Hedderman’s latest post: Live for the Epitaph
My children are 7, 5, and 2. I love the sound of This Week in History–we really get into history, and having a resource like this would be fantastic!
I have one son, he’s 13. I decided to homeschool just last year after he was falling through the cracks in our public school system. He loves homeschooling! It’s been stuck a blessing to see him actually smile as he’s learning. I would love to win this giveaway, to share the excitement of winning with him and to open his heart and mind to new ways of learning. He’s a hard guy to win over, but winning this fantastic deal, just might do the trick!
Our daughter is age 11. We love history and the Thomas Jefferson Education would enrich our lives enormously.
I have three boys ages 11,7 and 2. I am looking for a great programme to help me mold them into strong young men.
We have 3 boys — ages 8.5, 6.5, and 3.5. As a homeschooling mom, I want to create a love of learning in my children so that they will grow into life-long learners. I want to have materials that inspire them to learn so that they are eager to explore the next topic.
Thanks for the opportunity to win!
I like both Thomas Jefferson Education and Simple Homeschool on FB.
My children are 18, 15, 11, 8 and 3. I’ve been intrigued by the snippets of the Thomas Jefferson Education philosophy from the time I began to follow Simple Homeschool but I haven’t yet taken that plunge. Having the whole bundle bestowed upon me would be a sure sign of the direction we should go next.
My kids are 15, 14, 12, 9 and I want to win this because I’m so excited about Mentoring the Classics and especially This Week in History. My teens would love this. Thanks!
My kids are 6 and 4 and we have been looking for a quality homeschool curriculum that fits our budget and lifestyle
My kids are 2 & 5. I have a read a few TJed books and am totally on board with this lifestyle of teaching. I could really benefit from this prize!
Already like both on fb!
My daughter is going into first grade. We would love to win This Week In History. I have been intrigued by Thomas Jefferson Education for a while and am excited at the opportunity to win!
I liked both sites on Facebook.
I liked TJ Education on Facebook and liked Simple Homeschool already in the past. I would like it again if I could!
My kids are 11, 9, 7 and 4. I I love you the TJED way of teaching. I would I love you more resources to help my children.
Ages 11, 7, and 3. As a graduate of the University of Virginia, former interpreter at Monticello, and one-time history professor, I would love to have Thomas Jefferson ed!
I have twin boys, age 12. I am interested in the JTED style and this is a great opportunity for us to check it out. Thanks!
liked jTED on fb and liked Simple Homeschool too
My son is almost 13 – going into 8th grade. I would love for him to be able to use these study materials for us to learn more about history and I am very interested in this style of teaching.
I have previously liked both pages on Facebook.
My children are 2 and 6 I would love to start teaching the JTED way. And already liked both pages
Kids ages 16, 14, 12, 10, 10, 8, 6, 4, 3, and baby due this Sept. I recently ran across the TJed website while searching curriculum and immediately checked out Thomas Jefferson Education from the library and loved it. I would love to learn more though. I have also been debating on trying the week in history for this year wondering if it would make things simpler.
My children are 5, 6, and 18 months. I’ve been interested in TJE for a long time, but haven’t been sure about where to begin. This would help tremendously in that.
I’ve liked Thomas Jefferson Education and Simple Homeschool on FB.
My children are ages 6, 9, 10, & 13. This would be great to win for my family. I have always heard about these materials and would love to learn more about them.
My children are 8, 10, 12 and 14. I would love to win!
My children are ages 5 & 7 and I’d love to learn more about TJEd to inspire an environment of learning in our homeschool.
We’ve got 4 kiddies ages 12,10,6 and 5. Living in South Africa for the last 5 years and getting soo challenged by the rigid school system. Our kiddies just don’t fit in. Sooo homeschooling – here we go. I love your blog and the resources. They help us big time :-).
I’ve had my eye on This Week in History for a year now. My children are 10, 8, and 4. We love history, and this looks like an incredible resource to have at your fingertips each day.
My boys are 7 & 4 and are growing into young men who refuse to live inside a box. They instead reply: You mean there’s a box? Tjed resources are exactly what we need to continue their learning journey.
My kids are 7, 5, 3, and 1. I recently started the 7 keys certification and love everything about it so far! I would love to add This Week in History to my resources for our first year of homeschooling.
I like both pages on Facebook, as well.
My kids are 5 & 7 and I am always so intrigued when I see blog posts (especially jamie’s!) on TJED. I would lOVE to know more about it!
Sarah M
Sarah M’s latest post: July Reads
My kids are five and three. I would love to win this prize and use it to encourage and reassure my husband, their Dad, that he is also an important part of homeschooling.
I also “liked” both on facebook 🙂
Sarah M
Sarah M’s latest post: July Reads
My sons are 10.5, 7.5 and 5. We would love learning more about Thomas Jefferson education and putting some tools in our box. 🙂 My husband and I are also graduates of Mr. Jefferson’s University of Virginia, so TJed would dovetail nicely. Thanks for this opportunity!
I’ve liked Simple Homeschool and Thomas Jefferson Education on Facebook 🙂
My name is Lekethia I homeschool my 4 children ages: 5, 9, 12, & 15 i think this would be an excellent opportunity for all four of my children if I win the sweepstakes!
Thank you for your time!
My children are 13, 11, 3, and 1 and I’d love option two! We haven’t liked some of the curriculums we’ve used in the past and are doing more of an un-schooling approach this year. However, we’d love to use these resources! Thanks for the opportunity!
Daughter is age 12. I really want to try TJE because I believe it will fit well with our lifestyle and values. Thanks for the offering!
I have a 3 yr., 6 yr. and a 7yr.
I just discovered the website last night and am inspired by what I’ve read so far. I would love to have the materials to take my kids in the direction of peace and inspire a love of learning. I have felt overwhelmed and “behind” with my seven year old boy but last night as I read several post I felt I could breathe and have already experienced differences this morning! I’m excited to start this path! Thank you.
My kids are Sadie: 9, Jack:7, and Walt: 5 days! We love this educational philosophy and would love to win this!!! I already “like” both of you on facebook!
Amy Schaffner’s latest post: Ahh….. Pregnancy
My kids are 11, 8, and 18 months. I’d love to try out This Week in History; it looks so helpful and informative. Thank you!
I have a 15, 11, 9, and 3 year old. I would love to win this bundle because I am a fairly new homeschooler (3 years) and am really interested in learning all types of teaching methods that are available. I am learning to break myself out of the public school mold that is the only thing I have ever known. I am very excited about a curriculum that offers opportunity to customize the learning to the individual child!
Thank you for this giveaway!
We have already been blessed by the TJed philosophy and I would LOVE to receive the “History” portion of this amazing program.
My kids are 14, 12, 8, and 5… We are entering into this public school year with some reservations regarding my 12 and 5 year olds. I have been researching TJEd for a while now, and I would LOVE to have the curriculum in our home.
Liked both on FB!
I just liked simple homeschool on face book. Thank for the chance to win!
My kids are 6 (girl) and 3 (boy). I am interested in this package because my son in particular doesn’t fit in any of the other methodology “boxes” that I have learned about. I would like to learn more about TJed.
My kiddos are 5, 8, 12. This week in history would be great to try. Thanks for the chance.
I’d love to win this curriculum for my 8 and 10 year olds.
I liked both on facebook. My children are 14 and 9 years old. The reason I would like to win these products is because this is my first year homeschooling and I have been wanting to try these products for a long time plus I think they would learn more with this way of teaching.
My children are 3 and 1. I would like this bundle because I’m interested in learning more about TJED and my husband would like to be more involved in homeschooling but isn’t sure how to.
My kids are 7, 3, and 18 months and this package is awesome! We’ve been reading into TJed for a few months now and are just starting to implement it. This would be an awesome way to help with that!
My husband & I homeschool our 7 year old daughter & 9 year old son. This bundle would be a huge blessing to us because: 1: I am very interested in TJEd/Leadership based Ed., but haven’t had the resources to REALLY understand it. 2: it is something that we couldn’t afford being on a missionary budget. From what I have seen this style is similar to what we have grooved into over the past 2 years, but it would be wonderful to put a little more method to the madness;)
My kids are 7, 6 and 4.
I would like to try a different kind of education.
My daughters are 15 and 12. My son is 8. I have been following the TJEd blog for a while and am very interested in including their philosophy in their education.
My children are five, three, and an adopted child on the way. Thomas Jefferson Education was one of the first curriculums I heard of years ago when I made the decision to homeschool. I would LOVE the opportunity to use it to educate our three children!
My kids ages: daughter 9, my son will be 7 at end of August. I’d love to win this for my kids, I think it would be a great boost to any home; especially for home schooling. :)♡ ☆
My kids are 7 and 5. My daughter loves history and told me she wants to be a history teacher, so I would love to continue to cultivate that interest.
My kiddos are 12, 10, & 6. This seems like such a wonderful program. Thank you for the opportunity!
Just liked TJEd & I have already liked Simple Homeschool:) Fingers crossed!
I have three children; ages 3, 5, and 7.
I have heard great things about this curriculum but haven’t been able to afford it. I would love to have this opportunity to give my children. Thank you for the chance to win.
Kids are 1, 2, 4, 6, & 7 – we’d love this packet because it would help us towards the history curriculum we’re still in need of for the new year!
I liked both the Thomas Jefferson education & Simple Homeschool, as well as others. 🙂 never hurts to have more feedback from other sources.
My kids are 7 and 4. From my research, we most closely align our homeschool with TJEd, and I have been looking into finding out more about it. This year in particular, we are starting to adapt our schooling to fit our children’s interests. Plus, my husband has shown interest in being involved for the first time, and I would love to have a resource to help incorporate, inspire, and encourage him!
My kids are 4, 9, and 11 and I think the audio trainings would be fun.
I like both pages on fb.
I have liked both pages on Facebook 🙂
My children are four, six, eight, and ten. I would love to win this bundle for the wonderful resources that I couldn’t buy right now, but especially for the homeschool dad’s bundle. My husband would love it but would not buy it for himself. Thank you for doing this!
TJE sounds like something we would really appreciate in our family and I’d love to learn more about it. My 4 kids range in age from 11 to 3.
Liked Thomas Jefferson on FB as well!
My kids are 8, 10, and 13. I want to win this TJed package because my kids have to hate school and I need to find a new method to help them love learning..
My kids are 6, 4, and 4 months. I love the idea of incorporating history with the other disciplines.
So excited about diving into full-time homeschooling this year. My kids are 13, 11, and 9. I have been reading about interest based and self-directed learning for about 6 months now and I long to rekindle my kids’ love of learning and curiosity. I am still unsure of how to lead them down this path and I believe that these Thomas Jefferson Education resources will be a huge help and guide for our family. Thanks!
I have liked and follow both facebook pages:)
Lovvvvvvvvvvennnn this, i neeeeeeeeeeed this, it seems so interesting,like where was i in public school when this was being taught ,,,oh wait,,,,it probably wasn’t!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!☻
Please pick me!☺
Would love the Simple Homeschool Bundle to use with my 10 year old & my two 15 year olds. We need to stretch our homeschool to experience more independent & interest-led home education.
Heather’s latest post: Our Charlotte Mason Education with Middle School & High School
My kids are 6 and 3. I’ve been exploring various paths in homeschooling. But since we are at the beginning of our journey, I’ve felt little pressure thus far. TJE keeps popping up and I think I’m ready to explore it now–I have been dragging my feet on it until now. If I don’t win this package I will buy the first book, but it would be incredible to jump in feet first and just be able to give it 100%!! Thanks for the giveaway!
I liked Thomas Jefferson Education and Simple Homeschool on Facebook.
I like TJE and Simple Homeschool on FB.
Heather’s latest post: Our Charlotte Mason Education with Middle School & High School
My children are 14, 10 and 3. We are always interested in new curriculum and resources. Thank you.
My kids are 9, 7, 5, 3 & 1. We are a TJEd family and would love to be subscribed to the Week in History! We love the principles that Leadership Education offer!
My daughter is 8. She is talented, bright, assertive-a born leader. We are on our 3rd year of homeschooling. TJed is important for her, as well as for us parents. Thank you Jamie Martin for introducing this to us!
My children are 12 and 6 3/4. I’ve been eyeing the TJED bundle for a while, and trying to finagle it into my monthly budget; winning would mean no more trying to finagle. Thank you for the opportunity!
7 and 11. I would love a curriculum that matches my childrens’ excitement, curiosity and creativity.
My kids are 5 and 7 and one on the way. I would love to win because new materials (especially ones aligned with tjed) are inspiring and helpful and keep me refreshed in mentoring my children. Also the weekly history emails would an amazing tool with a newborn on the way this year.
My children are 5, (almost) 4, 2, and 9 months. We are just starting our homeschooling (officially, kids are always learning!). As a former public school teacher I am determined that my kids will get a different education. I have the book “Leadership Education” and so far it sings to me and how I want my children to learn.
I liked them both on Facebook!
My kids are 13, 4, and twin 2. A Thomas Jefferson Education is an amazing way to homeschool. I would love to implement This Week in History!
Liked Both on Facebook.
My kiddos are 11, 9, and 3. I would love to engage more with the Thomas Jefferson Education materials as I had the privilege to listen to snippets of one of their books on CD and it was RIGHT ON. Love the educational philosophy! Thanks for opening up this giveaway.
My three children are ages 4 and under, and TJEd is definitely the method I feel most drawn to for our family!
My kids are 11, 9, 7, and 5. I’d love to win this because I’ve followed TJE for a long time and even the free newsletters I’ve received have impacted my philosophy and homeschool approach. I’d love to be able to go deeper with TJE using these resources!
Children are 6, 4, and 15 months.
We are new to homeschooling and so enjoy your emails and blogs, thank you! We do not yet have history curriculum and I am not the best with history so the TJ curriculum sounds amazing and definitely inspiring!
My kids are 9, 6 and 3. Tjed would be an awesome fit for our family and I’d love to give it a try!
My children are 14 and 11. I thought it was too late to implement TH ED, but after chatting with Rachel DeMille a bit, I realize I can make this work for myselfand my children!! I am dying to get my hands on as much material as possible so winning this would be an amazing blessing!! Thanks for the opportunity:)
Howdy! I have a 6 year-old, 4-year-old, 2-year-old, and 2 month-old. I am so excited about getting THEM excited about lifelong learning. TJed seems to encapsulate everything I want for my family, and I can’t wait to get “off the conveyor belt”! Thanks for taking the time to make a difference with your blog, I know it has increased my peace immensely. 🙂
My kids are 3, 5 & 7. I discovered TJEd through your blog about 18 months ago and it has changed our life in all of the best ways. Today I am a confident and exciting homeschool mom in a home that is thriving in the TJEd culture. I am a subscriber to MIC and am nearly done with my 7 Keys Certification. I have all of the TJEd books but most of them are in ebook format and I would really love the spines. If I were to win, I already how I would use these books to help encourage friends to consider TJEd.
I have also liked the FB pages; didn’t have to ask me twice! 🙂
I like and TJEd on facebook!
My children are 18 and 10. I would love the bundle because I want training on being a better example, leader, parent and educator. I have homeschooled my son to college and have homeschooled my daughter for three years. I have followed for a few years and have not yet been able to afford the program.
I have four children that learn at home. They are ages 14, 8, 6, and 3. We attend a TJED commonwealth school. If I won this bundle it would help me as well as the group of mentors that I work with.
I have already liked the Thomas Jefferson page as well as the Simple Homeschool page.
T.J.ED and simple homeschooling bith “liked” 🙂 Thanks again!
My kids are 11, 10, 8, 7, 4, 2 & the baby’s coming soon! I could REALLY use the subscriptions to mentoring in the classics & This week in history to help me in my scholar phase & have more resources for inspiring my kids!
I have liked both pages
My kids are 8, 6, and 3. I’ve really wanted to read a Thomas Jefferson Education for a while so I’d love to win.
I have 3 kiddos (12, 10, and 8). I’d love to win. I already have the bundle, and would love the mentoring in the classics and this week in history to help me inspire learning and growth.
I have 3 kids. My oldest will be 5 in three weeks, and then I have a 2.5-year-old and a 5-month-old. I would love to win the Bundle because it would help me get my homeschool started off right, and I could use the materials to help my well-meaning family members understand why I am choosing to do what I am doing with educating my children.
I also liked both on Facebook!
I have 10DD, 7DS, 5DS, 4DS, 2DS, and we would love to win in an effort to continue to ‘inspire not require’!
I am beginning our homeschool journey and this would be the prefect start! I have two boys 4 and 1! I have been inspired to start homeschooling them starting with my oldest and have been looking for places to start, and this is it! I am a former school counselor, my husband is a high schoolteacher and we feel strongly homeschool will be the right fit for our family.
My kids are 3 and almost 1. I’ve been so intrigued by the Thomas Jefferson/Leadership Education homeschool model since I started reading your blog and see what an impact it has had for your family! I also really love the “Homeschool for Dads” that this package offers–with our non-traditional set up, both myself and my husband will likely be overseeing the day-to-day in our homeschool. Thanks for the giveaway!
I’ve ‘liked’ both FB pages 🙂
My twin boys are 8 and we are just beginning our adventure in homeschooling. Their dad is a fan of traditional school and I am a fan of emergent curriculum and following the lead of the children. TJ Ed seems to be the perfect blend of these styles to learning and the boys love to hear about what happened “today a long time ago”!
I already like TJEd on Facebook, and I hopped over and liked Simple Homeschool as well. I’ll be following you from now on. 🙂
Kathryn’s latest post: Miracle, Part 5: Wednesday
Good Afternoon,
My children are 8 and 10, and not only do they love learning through History…I DO TOO!
We are constantly reading historical books, going to historical places. We are about to leave traditional schooling and begin our homeschooling journey. This give away would be such an amazing gift to us. Thank you for the possible opportunity!
My boys are 6 & 3 and this homeschool curriculum sounds very intriguing from the posts that you have done about it and I’ve been really curious to try it out.
Liked both on Facebook!
I liked both FB pages :]
I have six kiddos ages 13, 9, 7, 4, 3, and 5 mo. I think this week in history would be a great addition to our homeschool resources. Thanks.
My name is Shyla not Shula
3,6,18,20,&24 years old are my children. This will be our first year homeschooling. Picking a curriculum can be overwhelming.
Liked both on FB
I liked both groups on Facebook.
My daughters are 16 and 9. I would love This Week in History, particularly for my little one who is just entering the LoL phase.
My kids are 5 and 7. I would like to win this bundle because I loved reading TJed and would love to implement more of this philosophy into our homeschool.
My kids are 7, 5, and 3. I love learning how to help inspire them to be life long learners.
My kids are 8,6,4,2, and a baby due today! I would love to have all of the information in the bundle. (I already own Thomas Jefferson Ed and Phases of Learning, but I know so many people who I would love to give those to.) I have been following the TJed philosophy since we started homeschooling and it has been such a blessing to our family.
My kids are 5.5, 2.5, and 7 months. I’m trying to figure out exactly what we are doing for homeschooling my oldest and am interested in winning this as it seems like it could be a good fit!
This is our first year homeschooling and I love the idea of a week in history.
I don’t have any kids yet, but I listen to and read stuff by Oliver and want to homeschool my kids when I do have some. It’s never too early to get ready! 🙂
My kids are 7, 6, 4, 2, and 9 months. I have been learning about TJEd and really would love the “this day in history” membership. It sounds wonderful.
I Liked Both Simple Homeschool and Thomas Jefferson Education on Facebook.
My children are 7, 5, 3, and 7 months. It would be great to win because I am really new to homeschooling this will be my first year in homeschooling and the TJED homeschooling bundle with help give me insight into how to teach my children, and being able to read all the books without waiting for the library will lessen the overwhelming stress that I am beginning to feel, I love the TJED book that I have now but I want to read more and teach my children more
My kids are 12, 10, 8, and 5… we started homeschooling in January, and I can use all the help I can get! I especially love the TJE paradigm.
Bonnie Stone’s latest post: When I Used to Blog
I homeschool a 3,7 & 9 year old. I have always loved TJED philosophy, and would love to win this to use with my three kiddos! Thanks!
Our kids are 7, 4, 2, and newborn. We are working on a TJEd atmosphere in our home and getting there! I have borrowed the books more than once from a friend, but would love to own them so I can actually write in them. 😉
I’ve “liked” both TJEd and Simple Homeschool on FB.
I have liked both Simple Homeschool and TJed on Facebook
I would love to win the prize package! I have a 17 year old, 15 year old and 11 year old. We have homeschooled for 11 years now and I love all I can learn from tjed 🙂
My kiddos are just 7months and 2 1/2! But I organize a homeschool pre-school group that meets weekly at my house and am
Excited to start “school” back up in a couple weeks! I would choose option 2 because I am still learning about all the homeschool models/philosophies and the leadership education model is really resonating with me right now. I’d love to read up on it and get some more training as we begin this homeschooling adventure!
My children are 10, 8, 4 and 1. We would love to win this package because this is our second year in our homeschooling adventure and I am so intrigued by every post about this ‘method’ that I have read on Simple Homeschool- it just seems to make so much more sense to me. We are just at least grateful to have the opportunity to win and just to be aware of these resources in general- thank you!!!!
I have 3 children; 13, 11 & 8 and have been homeschooling them from the beginning. When my husband and I were first presented with this lifestyle as an option Thomas Jefferson Education was the first book we read and both of us were excited by the idea we could educate at home. I am still working on improving how we educate and love the resources I have. I would love “This Week in History” to add to the inspirment in our home.
We would love to win the “This week in History” and “Mentoring in the classics” because we are kinda burned out of our current history curriculum and are ready to try something new. I have always been curious about the TJEd program and this would be a perfect time to start. Thanks!
My boys are 6 and 12. We would love this package! I am a single mom homeschooling and working without support from their dad, so money is tight. We are also helping to open a new Commonwealth school this year!
My kids range from 16-5 years old. I’d love hard copies of all of these books!
I would love to win this package that included today in History. It is so inspiring to be the change that will help my son. I am trying hard to overcome the stereotype of a single child parent and homeschooling. It is exciting to see what we can do with the TJed principals. It would be wonderful for me to use today in history and the mentoring in the classics… or… the wonderful set of books.. it is amazing how much we can gain by learning.
I would like to win this bundle to help bring a cohesiveness to our days. My children are 6, 4, 2 and 11 mos. thanks!
I like both TJEd and Simple homeschool on FB.
My kids are 9 and 13. I’d love to win this awesome resource since it is our first year homeschooling and we are excited about TJEd’s methods!
I would love to win because I’m interested in Thomas Jefferson education ! My kids are 9 & 6 🙂
I have a 3.5 y/o and an 8 m/o. My husband and I are very interested in learning more about TJED, but it is not within our means right now to purchase all of the reading materials. This is a crazy awesome giveaway bundle, and I would love to win it!
I’ve liked both TJED and SH on Facebook!
My 6 kids range in age from 10 to 3 months. I would love option 2 so that I could get my husband more involved and passionate about TJEd.
Oliver DeMille’s book Thomas Jefferson Education should be a must read for everyone and this is a great package. We have a 5 year old, 2 1/2 year old with Autism, and a 10 month old. We found that our oldest gets board with traditional education programs but loves classical education approach. Our middle son is a book addict even though he can’t read or speak to us yet. But when we read a book, his attention is focused on every word.
I have been liked TJED for quite some time and now like SH on Facebook.
I’d love to win this package because I’m CONSTANTLY lending out my copies of all these books! I would have my own lending library so I could find my own copies of the books when I need them!!! They are wonderful resources and I’m grateful for the DeMilles for all they do to inspire people and change the face of education. Truth be told, I’m lending out one this afternoon 🙂
My girls are 5 and 3. They could benefit greatly from this bundle because I would be able to direct them better with what is learn from it.
We have 14, 13, 8 DD and 4, 10 month DS. Our 8 year old needs a new way of learning, this would help us get her on track! I have liked both TJED and SH on Facebook! Love all the information and tips I find on both pages. Thank you!
We like Simple Homeschool on Facebook
I have a 2-year-old daughter and an 8-month-old son. I have been curious for a while now about the Thomas Jefferson method, and this would put all the information in one place! Thank you for the opportunity!
I liked TJEd and simple homeschool on fb!
My children are 8, 6, 5. I would like this because I struggle with the cookie cutter mindset….the conveyor belt style of understanding teaching. I want to empower them to want to learn and develop as opposed to teaching them simply to file information away in their heads and nothing more. My husband and I both agree that this would be very helpful to our home. Here’s hoping! :o)
I would love this package for my kids. I homeschool 4 out the 7 kids I have. 3 are not school age. My children are 15, 11,8,3 and I could use these resources get my family off the conveyor belt but to help me especially.
I would be very grateful to win this giveaway. My children are 5, 3, and 1. We are in the beginnings of our homeschool adventure and have decided to take a classical approach to education. The ‘simple homeschool bundle’ option would be a great help to getting us started right! Thank you, Simple Homeschool, for all you offer for us through your wonderful posts!
My children are 9, 7, and 3. Although no method of teaching is perfect, TJED truly resonates with our core values and educational goals. I appreciate the philosophy of “inspiring” our children versus just “requiring” them to do whatever we think is necessary. Thank you for the opportunity to win this prize.
I’d love Option 1 since we already own several of the books in Option 2 and I think This Week in History could be fun for our whole family during mealtimes. My kids are 6 and 10. Thanks!
I have a 5.5 and a 7.5 year old and I would love to win this package because we are always looking for learning opportunities, even though the kiddos are in a Waldorf school full time. Learning happens all the time 🙂
My sons are 11, 5, and 1. I would like to win this so we can try out TJED.
I would love to win this! I have an 8 year old daughter and a 10 year old son. We are also preparing to foster/adopt…still waiting to see who will join our family next! This would be a huge help to get us started. 🙂
Sarah’s latest post: The post I almost didn’t write…
13,11,7 . I have heard good things about this particular style. Hope I win.
I like TJED and Simple Homeschool on facebook.
Our children are 9, 7, 4 and 1. I would love to win because I am just now learning bout TJEd because I am reading the book! 🙂
My girls are 5 and 2 and we would love this! I’m especially interested in the homeschooling for dads portion of the giveaway. Thank you so much!!
My kids are 6, 5, 3 (triplets), 2, & 4 months. I’m very nervous about starting homeschooling and need all the help I can get!
My kiddos are 5, 3, 2, and 3 months. My oldest is school age this fall, and I’d love to start him on TJed. Also, the dad pack would be a great bonus, since part way through the year I may have to start work and he would be home with the kids.
Also, I “liked” simple homeschooling and TJEd on facebook 🙂
My kids are 10 and 1 1/2. I would like a way to expand my family’s horizons and learn new things.
We have a 20 month old and one on the way. We love TJed and are planning on homeschooling our children. This would be and incredible help!
My kids are 19,13 and 4. I’d love to use this week in history with my middle schooler. I love TJed and have a subscription to mentoring the classics as well as some of the Demille’s books. Good stuff!
Additionally, I like Simple Homeschool and TJed on Facebook. Thanks
My children are 7 and 3. I love the idea of inspiring my kids rather than dictating to them! This method seems very intriguing.
I have also liked TJE and Simple Homeschool on Facebook.
I have children soon to be 6, 4, and 1 year old. Would love to start them right in leadership. Both my two older ones seem to lean towards this personality. I keep looking into this curriculum , but my time is stretched these days. This package would help a lot.
My 5 year old is what my husband and I affectionately (and, to be perfectly honest, sometimes exasperatedly) call “our bottomless pit.” She is a deep cavern for knowledge and art and nature and language and new foods…and all that her name implies (Eva, meaning “life.”) She is HUNGRY. It is both a tremendous strength of Eva’s, and a great draw on this weary mama to keep up with her seemingly endless capacity for MORE. To be gifted the Deluxe Homeschool Bundle would be both a life raft of hope and a rudder of direction for me as I begin this noble task of home schooling. I also have a 3 and 2 year old waiting at my side (ok, tugging at my shirt, climbing all over me, screaming for my attention – that is a more accurate picture) to start their own education journey, but this mama is taking baby steps for year one of homeschool!
What has captured my attention about TJEd is the underlying heartbeat of leadership, to acquire knowledge not for our own sake, but to give it away. I believe we will all be held accountable one day for all that we have received – did we use all of those educational resources and financial blessings to better ourselves? Or did we pour it back out, understanding that we are truly alive when we are dying to self and living for the glory of our God who created all men equal? I want my Eva to be a leader, to use her strengths, and by God’s grace even her weaknesses, to bless others, to build them up. I am reminded of Paul’s words in I Cor. 8, that “knowledge puffs up, but love build up.” I don’t want to fill her head with facts and figures and dates and theories, so that she becomes arrogant and elitist and uses her knowledge to promote self and fill bank accounts and climb social ladders. I want to fill her heart with passion and compassion, that she would possess both the knowledge and the character to better her world, a reckless giver and a wild pioneer. I want her to use her life to bring others life. For what good is it if a man profits the whole world, but forfeits his soul? (Mat. 16:26)
My children are 7, 6, 4, and 1 year old. I would love to win this package because I believe in the TJEd philosophy, stages of child development and the phases for educating a child. The books would help greatly with having a deeper understanding of TJEd (and I wouldn’t have to purchase the titles for my mothers’ book club 🙂
Really appreciate the international consideration!
We would love to win: my 10,8,6,4,2 year olds need their momma to be exposed to great homeschooling ideas. . .
I also “liked” SH & TJEd on FB via my husband’s account (Robert McMillan) as I am no longer on FB. Thanks!
We have 7 children ages 13-2 with #8 in 3 no. I like Tjed so much cause they gave/ give me ideas to thinking outside the conveyor box when I knew there is a “better” way,but didn’t have an association,etc for that way. This coming year will be my 1st nontraditional year n I am looking forward to it.~Judith
I would love the opportunity to incorporate more of TJed in my homeschool for my five children. The more I read about it, the more it just makes sense!!
TJed has a common-sense approach to homeschooling that would fit well into educating our 4 children ages 2-12.
Already “liked” TJed and Simple Homeschool on Facebook
I have 3 little ones, ages 4 years, 2 years, and 7 months. I’d love to receive this set as we begin our homeschool journey in the way I’ve always imagined education should go-to individualized for each student, and inspiring then to fulfill their great potential. I grew up thinking I always wanted to be a teacher, but after I graduated with my teaching certificate, I felt like it (being a teacher in a public school) wasn’t what I really wanted and feeling utterly lost in giving up what I felt was my life’s mission. 4 years later I heard about tjed on a blog, started long into it, checking out the books from the library, and it completely changed my perspective. Teaching can be and is still my life’s mission, but it is to inspire my children to learn instead of teaching in a factory school system. I would love so very much to own this collection, but checking it out from the library has done winners for me do far until I can afford it myself, or win this bundle. Thank you so much for the opportunity, Jamie Martin and the DeMille’s!
Liked TJEd on Facebook!
Our children are 12, 10, 7, 5 and we would like this TJed package because it would make homeschooling so much nicer. We are trying to scrap together whatever homeschooling package we are able to give our children the best education possible and while hopefully teaching them to be free thinkers while they start building their lives. Thank you.
My children are 4 and 2 yrs old. I love TJEd for the approach which inspires a love of the classics in children and which also re-ignites the love of learning in the adult too, reminding me that I am not neglecting them by taking time for myself :). I think it would give us a brilliant start to our homeschool journey.
I have a nearly 5, a 3, and a 1. The oldest is starting homeschool this fall, and I think the This Week in History sounds like a fun way to learn about the past and current events as well.
We homeschool 3 children ages 9, 7, & 3. We are new to TJED and LOVIN it and need ALL the help we can get! We are trying to encourage others in our family and local area to jump on the TJED wagon as well. Already LiKE TJED and Simple Homeschool.
We would love this! My kids are almost 11, 9, 6, and 1. We have been homeschooling since the beginning (going on our 8th-ish year (we are very laid back in the early years)), and I just stumbled upon the idea of tjed on your blog… it sounds like exactly what we have been aspiring to in our homeschooling! It would be great to have more resources to guide us in this direction.
My son is 6 and this would be great for homeschooling.
Liked Simple Homeschool on Facebook!
I liked both pages on fb
My children are ages 6 and 4. We are excited to start our homeschooling journey. We love TJ education and would love to have a chance to learn and grow with this great curriculum. Thank you!
My kids are 4, 3, and 18 months and I have been researching TJED. I would love to win because I have been wanting to get these products for a long time but have been able to spend the money on it. We are working on setting a plan for a future homeschool and I love reading TJED books!
I also like both groups on FB!:)
My kids are 13, 8, 4 and 17 months. We are new to homeschooling, so I would love the chance to explore a new curriculum option.
I liked both on facebook. Thanks!
I have a 8 and 6 year old the 8yr old is moving into love of learning and this could facilitate the inspiration.
My kids are 13 & 9. We LOVE history and new resources would be wonderful. Thanks for the giveaway.
Children are aged 7,8,10,11,11,12.. as we enter our 3rd year of homeschooling I know how important learning history is. I think this would be great addition to their curriculum. I have my oldest reading Thomas Jefferson Education book for Teens (we received through our Life organization) and through that she is diving into the great classics I would love to add to her enthusiasm for reading and learning and I believe this is a great opportunity for her and the other children as they get older.
My kids are 8, 5, 3 and 1. I work with many homeschool families as a support for homeschool parents. I would like to win this giveaway because I like the concepts presented here but would like to get my hands on a copy so that I can see for myself what it is all about. Thanks!
I have a 5, 4 (in 3 weeks), almost 2 year old and one due next week! I would love this to jump start into homeschooling. This is our first year and I don’t fully know what I’m doing! This would be a huge help!!
I like both on Facebook
We would love to win because I am finally starting to understand what TJEd will look like in our family and would love these resources to learn and grow more while my kids are still young (8,6,3,2, and new).
10, 8, 7, 5…I have no experience with learning the classics nor teaching them. Would appreciate the mentorship provided in the bundle.
So thankful I found Simple Homeschool and thence TJ Ed, you are changing my thinking, and for that I’m very grateful. My kiddies are nearly 9, 7, 5, 3, and 7m.
Like both on Fb.
My kids are 13, 11 and 6. I love TJEd and would love to have the weekly subscription it would greatly add to our homeschool!
I already have liked and follow TJEd and Simple Homeshool. I am continually inspired and uplifted in my efforts to homeschool by these pages. Thank you!!
I liked simple homeschool on facebook and had already liked TJEd. Thank you for this opportunity.
My girls are 9, 7, 5, and 17 months. This package would be of amazing help to our family. We’ve been lurking in the background of the TJed FB page for a little over a year now. We’re been struggling to break from conveyor belt homeschooling though and I just know finally having the books on hand would be the missing link. I’ve been waiting for the Thomas Jefferson Education through our library system for 3 months now with no luck. My children would really benefit from such a great program.
My kids are 21, 18, 14, 12, 10, 8, 6, 4, 2, and 6wks. I would love to win it because it sounds awesome!
My little ones are ten and eight years old. We love TJed. I have been reading through the classics on my own, but it would be fantastic to follow along with Mentoring in the Classics!
I just like both pages for an extra entry. Thanks!
My rids are almost 5 and I love the inspire and not require motto of TJ Ed!
My children are 8, 5 and 3. We have been homeschooling for one year now – just with my oldest. We are always looking at different curriculum to try and I keep hearing of this one! Sound like it could be really good for my 2 eldest children!
My children are 11, 13 and 17 and I have homeschooled for 5 years with the support of charter schools and online resources. TJ Ed is the best resource I have found against convergent thinking. I’ve had the opportunity to hear Oliver DeMille speak on a few occasions and he is passionate about teaching the art if thinking. I highly recommend his materials and would take full advantage of additional resources from TJ Ed.
My kids are 7, 5, 4 and 3. I would love to win the books because I don’t have all of them yet but the ones I do have resulted our decision to hs. And the couple that would be double I would give to friends who are stressed about hs’ing.
I “liked” TJED and Simple Homeschool on Facebook. Thank you.
My children are 7, 5, and 2 and we are going back into homeschool mode after taking one year of public school. TJEd has been a true inspiration and one of the main reasons that we have decided to go back to homeschooling again. I also work part time developing higher education curriculum for engineering students and we use TJEd principals and concepts with our college students. It’s truly one of the most useful, holistic forms of education out there.
Our children are 12, 10, 8, 6, 2, 2mo. I’d love more food for the feeding of my inspiration that keeps me excited, sharing, learning and growing!!!
I liked Simple Homeschool and TJed of FB
I have 6 kids ages, 23, 20, 18, 14, 12 and last but not least 4 ( yes, she’s the utterly adored one).
Tjed has been a part of our lives for several years although we have never had the spare change to buy up all the delicious products. My husband and I could use the re-fresher that would come from these fresh new materials. Best wishes and good luck to all!
My kids are 10, 8, 4, and 2 and they’d like to win this so their mom can be a better homeschooling mom!
My daughters are 8,7 and 5. This is our first full year of homeschool, we pulled our girls out of public at Christmas last year. I would like to be able to better have the curriculum fit my child vs. the cookie cutter ones I am using currently which do not fit them as well as it should. I know there has to be a better solution for my children.
My school age children are 12 and 14, and we want to win this bundle because we are true believes in the TJED mentality. It makes sense and is important to teach our upcoming generation how to look at the world in a more enlightened way.
Yay! I would love to win this TJed giveaway to help provide a solid foundation in our first year of learning at home with our 9, 8, 6, and 4 yr old children!
They are liked on Facebook!
My daughter is 3 but she loves to learn and is like to start planning.
My son is 9.5 and my daughter is 3.5. I would love to win this giveaway because I have been researching alternatives to public education for our son. He has had struggles in public education and although we (my husband and I) cannot homeschool him at this time (we do not have primary custody) we do recognize the need to continue to learn when we have him (weekends/breaks, etc.) Should his struggles continue this may be a possible alternative to public education that we can present to his bio-mom and step-dad. In regards to our daughter, although she is not ‘school age’ per-say, we know the time will be coming quick and want to have resources available to give her the best education we can (we WILL be homeschooling her.)
I have liked both pages on Facebook.
My children are 11 and 6. I would love to win either package. I would like to learn more about TJED and add This Week in History to our days. THANKS!
I have 6 children ranging in ages from 8mos. to 14.5 years old! I would love to win the Simple Homeschool Bundle so I can become a betters for to my children!
“Liked” both simple homeschool and TJED on Facebook!
My children are 5 and 8. I love the part about “filling in the gaps.” That’s why I’d like to win – thanks for the giveaway!
My children are 7, 4, and 2 years of age. I have been considering this product for homeschooling my children. I also like the focus on Dads.
I’m so glad this is open to your International readers! We recently moved to Japan and I worry that my 7 and 5 year old will miss out on important elements of their education that they may have received back in the States. I actually have been looking at buying the ebook of TJEd as an extra resource while we’re abroad.
My kids are 6, 4, 2, 6 mo.
We already “do” TJed and I would live to have the other books I haven’t bought yet!
I liked both pages on FB.
I liked both pages on fb.
My kids are 16, 15, 12, and 9. I would love to be able to better understand the 7 principles. I have been slowly implementing TJEd in our home for the past few years and I love it. I am convinced this is the very best way for anyone to learn. Great giveaway!
My children left at home are 17, 15, 13, 11, 9 and 7. I would love to have the materials to better teach the leadership principles.
My 2,7,11,12, and 16 year old kids and I would love the “This Week in History” package to add fun and variety to our homeschool days! We love TJEd!
This would be a wonderful resource to win. My kids are ages 12, 9, 8, 2, and another on the way.
I liked both pages on Facebook!
My children are almost 4 and almost 2. I love the This Week in History series – there’s so much information there to work with!
My kids are 13, 10, and 9. I would love the simple. Homeschooling bundle. All are such great prizes.
My kids are 7, and 9. This is an area I need a lot of help.
My kids are 7 and 9. I’m interested in winning since I haven’t done any reading about TJeD and the history program sounds like a fun extra.
Rachel at StitchedinColor’s latest post: nesting cubes: an Alternate Construction
Our kids are 5, 3, and 1. We are just getting started and don’t have any resources. My wife feels a bit overwhelmed. These resources would help her feel like she has a firm starting point.
My children are just about 6, 4 and 1 year old. (We have lots of August birthdays!) I would love to learn about about Thomas Jefferson education as we continue our homeschool journey. I think it is very interesting and potentially a very good fit for us.
I like both on FB!
Pamela’s latest post: books we have loved this year
Oh my goodness, I totally LOVE the TJed sample I just read! And all the links….I could read forever and learn so much! I am hoping my children (ages 7, 10, 12, 15, and 17) would also go on this incredible website and just learn and learn, and learn! How exciting! I love this and am passing the info along to my homeschool group.
“Liked” Thomas Jefferson Education on Facebook! (Already liked Simple Homeschool!)
My children are 11, 8, 7, and 4. I have read A Thomas Jefferson Education and loved it. I would love to learn more!
My children are 7, 6 and 1. We are taking the homeschool plunge this fall and I think this would really take a load off and smooth out some of the wrinkles in our first year. I also like the resources for dad! Thank you for this chance!
We’re adopting an 11 year old. Based on what I’ve read about TJED, it would be a GREAT fit for her when she comes home. It’ll give her time to learn how to love learning, as she’s coming from a very… well… test results based education system. 🙂
I liked both pages on Facebook!
My kiddos are 11, 8 and1 and they simple LOVE history so this would be such an awesome resource. Thanks
Rosemarie’s latest post: happy shots
My kids are 5 & 7. I have attempted 3 curricula with my 7 yo but always end up giving up. He is very resistant to formulas of learning. He’s a bright kid and does well with unit studies and creative approaches, but as he’s approaching 2nd grade, I’m really feeling a need for more guidance on my end. Everything I’ve read so far about TJEd seems like a great solution.
Someone is going to be very lucky with this giveaway!
I have 3 children : 8,6,4 years old.
And baby due in November! I am learning about TJeD in little steps and loving it, I’d love to win it for my family!
Thank you.
My daughters are 8 & 6 and I so want to win this bundle. I have one of the books, but don’t have the budget for the bundle. We are currently eclectic and classical in our homeschooling, but I have gleaned so much from reading your blog. Like everyone else, I’m just trying to do what is right for my kids and I don’t want the traditional school approach. Thank you.
My son is 12, this is our first year homeschooling and we need all the help we can get!
I like Simple Homeschool and Thomas Jefferson Ed on Facebook.
My son will be 8 years old next month. This will be our first year homeschooling and I have found this program to have some great recommendations. Looking forward to exploring the program more as the new school gets started.
My son is twelve. We are new to homeschooling and could really use the help.
My 3.5, 2 and 5 month old would love to start our homeschooling journey using this curriculum. We are still trying to find the right rhythm for us, hopefully this curriculum will provide some guidance!
I liked both on FB 🙂
My kids are ages 15, 13, 10 & 8. 3 years ago we lost everything (including all our homeschool materials) in a house fire. We have been trying to rebuild our collection of stuff and this package would be a total blessing to our family!
I have 5 boys, ages 12, 10, 7, 5, and 3, I am nervous about trying TJed with all of them, and this would be such an amazing help!!!!
My kiddos are: 6, 4, 2, and 17 day old newborn! I think this would be an amazing resource to homeschool my kids!
My children are 10, 7, & 2. I’d love to win this package because I’m passionate about teaching them history! This is our second year homeschooling.
Melissa Lopez’s latest post: CUPCAKE STAND FIASCO AVERTED
My girls are 6 and 10. I would love to have such a great resource for teaching them. I have liked both pages.
I have 3 children and this will be our first year homeschooling, therefore I need as much support as I can get!
My children are 7, 4, and 2, and I have been reading up on TJEd and think it would be a wonderful fit for our family.
I liked both on Facebook previously. Also- I forgot to mention my children’s ages- 6, 3, 1. 🙂
I also liked Simple Homeschool on fb 🙂
My daughter is 10. We are starting to implement TJEd this year. This bundle would be great.
My littles are 5, 7, and almost 9 and I’d love to win this because I’ve been very curious about this curriculum approach and would love to give it a try! Thanks for the chance 🙂
I’ve liked both Facebook pages
My girls are 10 & 7 and we are in our first year of home school. We want a path that will enrich our lives and keep our attention. We love books and want to find a way to build our education around them
I have three children, ages 12, 10 and 7. I’ve heard a lot about TJED and it sounds very appealing to me.
Hi, it will be the Great good deal if I can get this valuable price indeed! I am 47 yrs old,Thai single mom, my only daughter now is 12 yrs old. I always find the way to approach learning and abilities but Happy. As my daughter is now 12, so now I am studying for the diploma of Teaching assistant, a distanced learning from UK. As I want to open a small group of child, want to give them the alternative way of learning but effective. It is very rare in Thailand. This prize will be grateful for both my daughter and the another child in Thailand .
My kids are 10 and 7. Would love to win this to get started
My kids are 7 & 5 and I think this would be an excellent curriculum for them!
My daughter is 9 and my son is 1… We love history and are always in the market for new curriculum and ideas!
My children are 5, 3, and 1; and I am also 8 months pregnant. I along with my husband have already made the decision to home school our children. However, we have limited resources and I would really like to win this prize because I feel that it would be a great learning resource. Thanks in advance for this offer.
My kids are 10 and 6. I am currently reading “a Thomas Jefferson Education,” and the philosophy resonates with me more so than any other style of homeschooling I have researched. I would be thrilled to have more resources to begin implementing this approach.
My son is nine. I would like to win this because he loves reading and learning new things.
“Like” both on FB
Our children are 8, 6, 4 & 2.
I would love to win and be able to learn more about TJed
I am already a fan of simple homeschool. But I’ve just liked Thomas Jefferson Education.
My kids are 6, 4, 2 (and 1) and this is our first year of homeschooling! We are so excited to learn together, discover new things and become life-long learners. I am excited to learn WITH my kids. I’ve had my eye on this curriculum for a while so this would be fantastic to win! 🙂
My girls are 4 and 2.5. I am so drawn to incorporating TJED in our everyday lives. We start Kindergarten next year and this would be a great start for us!
Ginny G’s latest post: Ny’s Birth Story – Daddy’s Perspective
I am a fan of Simple Homeschool on FB.
Ginny G’s latest post: Ny’s Birth Story – Daddy’s Perspective
Hi, my only daughter now is 12 yrs old. I am studying for the diploma of Teaching assistant, a distanced learning from UK. As I want to open a small group of child, want to give them the alternative way of learning but effective. It is very rare in Thailand. This prize will be grateful for both my daughter and the another child in Thailand .
My kids are 5, 6 & 8. We all love history, my girls can never seem to get enough of it. This
week in history would be such an amazing addition to our learning year!
I liked both pages on Facebook.
My kids are 7, 4 and 3 years old and we just have volume 1 of the Thomas Jefferson Books but would love to implement more of the concepts in our home with our children. Having a sweet package like this wonderful giveaway would help so much.
My son is 9 I would love the Simply Homeschooling Bundle I have been looking for a better way to teach him and would love to learn more about TJE.
Our girls are 13, 11, 10, 7 and 3. “This week in History” has been a resource on my want list for quite some time. This seems like it would be a great match to our eclectic style of learning and take away some of the prep work for me. Win-Win!!!
I liked both on facebook
I like both TJED and Simple Homeschool on facebook.
My children are 9, 6 and 3. A week in history looks awesome! I’ve love to learn more about the Thomas Jefferson philosophy.
As an older single woman raising my niece, this resource would be great as I embark on my first year of homeschooling. Scary, but with help we will do a fabulous job!
Yes, I have Liked both pages and will read them often!
Hello, my children are 16, 13, 11, 10, 8, 7 and 2 years old. God-willing, we’d be thankful to win this giveaway because we sincerely believe that the TJEd method of educating our children is key to raising them to be leaders who are capable of thinking and making wise decisions.
My kids are 9, 7, 5, and 3. 🙂 I have loved much of what I’ve read of TJED and would like to learn more. Thanks for the great giveaway!
I like Simple Homeschool on FB!
I like TJED on FB!
I have an 8th and a 10th grader and I feel like we do need to reenergize our history.
I feel like I have been doing way to much requiring.
My kids are 4, 6, & 8. I would love the “This Week in History” package! I’ve only homeschooled one year & have much improving to do! I feel this package would he
My children are 9, 7 & 4. I would love to win this because I believe in TJed & would love to continue learning.
My kids are 4, 6, & 8. I would love the “This Week in History” package! I’ve only been homeschooling for a year & have a lot of improving to do! I feel this package would aid me in bringing variety & fun to learning.
My kids are 13, 11, 5, 3, and 16 months. I have homeschooled the oldest two for 7 years in a traditional style and it feels like something is missing. I want to try something different with my younger kids and would love to win this package!!
I’ve ‘liked’ both pages on FB
My children are 21, 17, 15, 12, & 11. I would like to win this package because of the knowledge it contains. I love the TJed model. I ALWAYS feel so inspired when I listen to, read, or implement the ideas that are shared by Rachel & Oliver. The package will help me to continue to share the ideas, especially implementing more with my husband as my kids are should be, even though they are not, closing in on scholar phase, which I think is really important for him to be involved in.
Thank you for this opportunity!!
I liked both of the facebook pages! 😉
I have 2 sons, 6 and almost 3. I am very interested in TJEd. I am drawn to the concept of interest led learning and after I read the TJEd website, I became really excited. I would love to win the complete package so I don’t have to slowly build my resource collection. I want to learn as much as possible as I start our homeschooling journey.
Thank you for this great opportunity to learn more about TJEd.
I liked Simple Homeschool and Thomas Jefferson Education.
Mine are 9 and 6. I am always looking for new, gentle, yet engaging ways for us to learn together at home. Age appropriate is also wonderful!
Anything new i can learn is just wonderful! My kids are 6 and 12.
I have a 7 year old and 5 year old twins and have just recently learned of this homeschool philosophy. I would love to read more!
My children are 4.5 years old and 19 months old. I am committed to homeschooling my children. I am interested in the TJEd style of teaching. This Week in History and Mentoring in the Classics will increase my knowledge and give me the confidence to know that I can teach my children in my home. I already like ThomAs Jefferson Education and Simple Homeschool.
Wow! I would love to win! We have been a classical homeschooling family for the past 9 8 years. I have four children ages 16, 14, 9, and 6. A Thomas Jefferson Education is a wonderful book that I go back to again and again. I would love for my children to have access to This Week in History and I would love to have access to Mentoring in the Classics. I love to learn, for not only my sake, but to better support my learners. This would be amazing!
My children are 16, 13, 11, 9, 6, 4, 1. I am admittedly frazzled and feeling inept and ineffectual at teaching such a diverse age group. My current methods seem flat and boring, for both student and me. Harnessing the power of technology; instigating discussions and projects that expands, wisdom and understanding; and motivates students to greater excellence sounds just like what I would love to give my children.
Liked both Simple Homeschool and Thomas Jefferson Education on Facebook!
Thank you!
I liked both Thomas Jefferson Education and Simple Homeschool on Facebook.
I have 5 children aged 3yo to 13yo. I’d like to win This Week in History because this is something we can do as a family. I prefer that we are learning as a family. It makes it simpler for me. Thanks for this chance.
I liked both pages on FB.
My children are 5, 4, and 2. This sounds like a fun addition to our homeschool!
My kids are 11, 8, and 4. I love the TJED book – it got me started thinking about homeschooling. I can’t imagine going back. I’d love to get more info from the DeMilles!
My kids are 7, 4 and 4. I’d love to win the Week in History to add to the timelines we are making this year in homeschool!
Our children are 9, 7, 5, 4, and 2. I would love the This Week in History because who doesn’t want the gaps filled in?
Liked them both on Facebook!
My kids are 6 1/2 and 3.
I love what TJed has to offer. Now I want to really get into the nitty gritty of it so that my family can benefit. The giveaways will definitely help! Thank you!
I liked both pages. Thank you!
My child is 7 and I would love to learn more on TJED
I am considering teaching my 6 and 4 year olds at home. I am really not sure where to start. I think either bundle would be great.
Our boys are 8,5,and 3. The bundle would be amazing to work through as this is our second year attempting to homeschool and we’ve come to understand only a little bit of what works and what doesn’t. The Dad bundle would also help him tremendously! Thanks! Liked on Facebook too!