Today’s the last day to join my mama book club for kindred spirits over at Introverted Moms as we kick off our 2nd title of 2023!
You’ll also find monthly habit help, guest speakers, and an intimate community of quiet souls cheering you on your motherhood journey. Megan recently had this to say:
“Thank you for this place you created and nurtured that sits in my laptop, tucked away from the wild world, waiting after our long days. It is such a safe, wonderful and soulful place with thoughtful and healthy ways to grow. And praise for the kind women that join.”
I’d LOVE to see you there, and partial scholarships are available if finances are tight.
Head to to learn more!
I hope you’ve enjoyed this year’s 13th Annual Homeschool Day in the Life series?! Today we’d love to hear about your homeschool days – see below for more info.
But first, have you missed any of this year’s posts? If so, now’s the perfect chance to visit them:
2023 Homeschool Day in the Life
* Jamie’s Homeschool Day in the Life Podcast – Episode #103 (Reflections with my 18-year-old son)
* Kari’s homeschool day in the life (with a 2-, 4-, 14-, & 16-year-old)
* Erin’s homeschool day in the life (with a 10- and 15-year-old)
* Melissa’s homeschool day in the life (with a 9-, 12-, 15-, & 16-year-old)
* Jessica’s homeschool day in the life (with a 10-year-old)
* Lusi’s Homeschool Day in the Life (with an 11- & 13-year-old)
* Amber’s Homeschool Day in the Life (with a 7, 9, 11, & 13-year-old)
* Colleen’s Homeschool Day in the Life (with a 10-, 13-, 15-, & 20-year-old)
Now it’s your turn! Tell us about what’s working in your homeschool, and what your family has learned so far this year.
Remember, each of us does things a little differently, and there is no ideal – we want to know what makes your family and homeschool unique!
How to take part
Please leave the link to your personal day in the life in the comment section of this post. (No official “linky” this year – If you don’t have a blog link to share, feel free to write the details of your day in the comments for us to read!)
In your comment, feel free to share your title/link this:
Erin’s homeschool day w/ a 10 & 15-year-old:
That will help readers find the posts that interest them most.
Thank you so much for joining us (again!) for this series. I can’t wait to hear about your day!
If you’re reading this post in an email or reader and want to check out everyone’s links or add your own, just click here to head to Simple Homeschool — enjoy!
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Katie’s day with a 10 and almost-8 year-old:
I love getting a glimpse of your very full day, Kathryn, especially how you prioritize time for your own passions and talents as well as your kids. Amazing – thanks for sharing with us!
Jamie C. Martin’s latest post: 2023 Homeschool Day in the Life Link-Up!
Day in the life with a 16, 14 yr old and 4 yr old.
Around 8ish everyone wakes. The teens get themselves off to their co-op classes ( or sleep 4 more hours lol if no class)
I get up with my 4 year old we get dressed, make breakfast and she chooses a show while I braid her hair.
Than we leave for the days outing( swim lessons,dance, library or errands)
Home for lunch
Than our days learning activity something fun and hands on.
Outside free play for the 4 yr old. While I am available to help the teens with anything they might need.
Story and a snack
Than more free play before dinner.
Teens head off for job for one and the theatre the other.
The rest of us clean up and walk the dogs.
Bath and bedtime routine for 4yr old.
Teens drag themselves back home by 10 and we have snacks and watch TV together.
Bex thank you for sharing your day! It sounds like you have established beautiful rhythms in your homeschool day!!
-Katie Rude Community Assistant
Thanks for sharing your day, Bex! I love that you take the time to braid your daughter’s hair each morning.
Jamie C. Martin’s latest post: 2023 Homeschool Day in the Life Link-Up!
Thank you so much, Jamie! And thank you for your faithfulness in sharing resources and wisdom with other homeschooling families for so many years!
You’re so welcome, Kathryn, and I appreciate the kind words! xo
Jamie C. Martin’s latest post: 2023 Homeschool Day in the Life Link-Up!
Kathryn thank you so much for sharing such a beautifully written and picturesque post! I enjoyed getting snapshots of your day.
-Katie Rude, Community Assistant
Amy’s Homeschool Day in the Life 2023 (with a 17, 15, 12, 10, and 7-year-old):
What a beautiful day, Amy! I adore that Granddad is teaching about stocks and investing – that is just the best thing ever! xo
Jamie C. Martin’s latest post: 2023 Homeschool Day in the Life Link-Up!
It’s been such a great way to keep connected even long-distance!
Amy I think it is so awesome that you jog with your daughter! Thank you sharing your day and those Bible study resources.
-Katie Rude, Community Assistant
Heidi’s Day in the Life with a 7, 5 and 3 year old:
Lovely day, Heidi – I can relate to the tears coming from an activity that was supposed to be fun, oh dear. It happens to all of us!! You’re doing a beautiful job; thanks for sharing!
Jamie C. Martin’s latest post: 2023 Homeschool Day in the Life Link-Up!
Heidi thank you for sharing your day! How fun that your children are learning rope climbing!
-Katie Rude, Community Assistant
Juls’ Homeschool Day with a 12, 10, 7, and 3 year old in Central Asia
7:30- I roll out of bed, start coffee… I am fasting my 2nd and 3rd cups of coffee for Lent, which definitely feels like a sacrifice as a homeschooling mom. 😉
7:45- I read a psalm, a chapter in a gospel and a chapter in an epistle.
8:00- I write a quick meal plan for the week.
8:15- Family Worship: This is new this year. We begin our mornings with a “soft start”: a cup of tea or coffee, cuddling on the couch, singing a worship song, a hymn, reading in the Old Testament, a little YouTube Central Asian language practice, and watching “World Watch.”
9:00- I fry up pancakes with my 7-year-old daughter. My kids rotate doing a Math lesson with Dad before he heads out for work each morning.
9:15- We eat breakfast.
9:30- I bathe my 3-year-old. He already needs a bath, but the pancakes put him over the edge! My older kids do their morning routine and their morning chores: make beds, get dressed, take vitamins, and brush their teeth; their chores include feeding cats, washing breakfast dishes, toilet duty, and sweeping our front entry.
9:45- My 3-year-old leaves for preschool. He attends most Mondays and Wednesdays.
10:00- I brew a cup of tea and sit down with my older kids for school. We begin by reciting Psalm 51 together, read some Robert Frost poems, and get started on our Gather ‘Round Chemistry unit. We discuss the Chemistry of Tooth Decay today.
11:15- We head upstairs to do our “Periodic Periodical” where we introduce the day’s elements and add them to our giant wall Periodic Table that I found on We take turns using a pencil, a marker, or whatever we find as a microphone… this is one of their favorite times of the school day.
11:30- The kids begin working on their Gather ‘Round notebook pages that are at their individual level. I work part-time (about 2 days/week), so generally, we do 2 lessons/week and do experiments on days when I am home. They complete the notebook pages they have not yet completed on the alternate days when I have to work, in addition to other daily work.
11:50- I start lunch while listening to my 7-year-old daughter read “Felicity’s Surprise” aloud to me.
12:15- We “partner read” – when my daughter gets tired of reading, I take over and read a few pages or to the end of the chapter.
12:30- I clean up cooking dishes. I’m making chicken and rice with a side of green beans. This is typically a dinner for us, but today we are flipping the menu.
12:45- I hang laundry on the line. Dryers are not considered a necessity where we live.
12:55- I go through a couple lessons in First Language Lessons with my 7-year-old.
1:10- I sit down to plan my week and call my coworker to discuss our work plans while the kids are finishing up their individual work and lunch is in the oven.
1:35- We finally eat a delicious late lunch! 🙂
1:50- We read aloud about William Carey. Up to this point, we have only read fiction books this school year. This is our first biography. After reading aloud I check with my 12- and 10-year-old sons to make sure that they have completed Math, IEW, 1 chapter of “A History of US”, their individual reader, and their Gather ‘Round work (about 2-3 pages).
2:15- Afternoon chores include washing lunch dishes, wiping down the table, and vacuuming. After chores, my kids are usually finished with their school day. On Wednesdays they have Latin and Biologos with Dad.
2:30- I have an unusually free afternoon ahead of me so I start a batch of bread dough. My daughter runs up the hill to the neighbors’ house to play. My boys head upstairs to listen to an Adventures in Odyssey episode and play Lego.
3:00- While the dough rises, I clean the kitchen… I finally get around to mopping my kitchen floor! My daughter is still with friends and my boys go outside to jump on the trampoline.
3:45- I put the bread in to bake.
4:00- I hang a new load of laundry. My 3-year-old returns from preschool. By this time our yard is full of neighbor kids, playing with our kids… on the swings, jumping on the trampoline, or any other number of games they come up with.
4:15- I walk down the hill with my 3-year-old to the neighbor’s house with our scraps that they use to feed their sheep.
5:30- We’re keeping it simple with sandwiches, raw veggies, and chips for supper.
6:00- We jump in the car for a quick trip to the park as a family.
7:15- Monday Night Musical! A friend joins us to watch “Oklahoma.”
9:30- Bedtime for the kids; I tuck in my older kids and cuddle with my 3-year-old until he falls asleep.
10:30- I head back downstairs to fold my big pile of laundry.
11:00- I chat with my husband and lights out.
We start our Morning Time routine with WorldWatch as well! 🙂 And this is my last year using First Language Lessons. My youngest is 7 and we’re using the same copy I used with his older brother…who is graduating from our homeschool this spring!
Oh wow, congratulations Amy on your upcoming homeschool graduate!!!
-Katie Rude Community Assistant
Juls thank you sharing! I really enjoyed reading about the full, connected day you have with your family. I love that you have a Monday night musical. That makes Mondays so much fun. Also kudos to you for giving up extra coffee for lent!
-Katie Rude Community Assistant
Hi Juls! I can appreciate the sacrifice of caffeine you are making for Lent, LOL! And I LOVE the idea of “Monday Night Musical” – my theatre-loving son would definitely be up for that – thanks for sharing your day with us!
Jamie C. Martin’s latest post: 2023 Homeschool Day in the Life Link-Up!
What are some of your family/son’s favorite musicals?
He loves a lot of the new ones like Hamilton and Hadestown, as well as classics like Aladdin and Phantom!
I love this – we lived in Turkey until last year so it’s lovely to see someone sharing from Central Asia!
Yes, I saw that! That’s great. We appreciate the opportunity to live here.
Thanks Katie! As an “on the line” extrovert/introvert, some days feel too full or too connected, but where we live, there aren’t a lot of outside support options like co-ops and programs. When I begin to feel the overwhelm, I try to remind myself how quickly the years go and to enjoy these sweet moments.
How many years later and I still love this time of the year?! Thank you to everyone who shared their day. I think the diversity in everyone’s days/lives is part of the draw for me. I love to the different homeschooling styles and to relive those days with little ones!
Here’s our day:
I feel exactly the same, Sharon! Thanks for sharing your day with us!
This has always been one of my favorite things on this blog, bc seeing other families’ DITL give fresh inspiration for this journey we are on. 🙂
Here’s ours:
I know this is quite late. I’ve so enjoyed all the day in the life posts since first discovering the Simple Homeschool blog. For the past two years I’ve been wanting to add my own day into the mix, but I was already at my limit just with being pregnant and then homeschooling with a newborn.
This year I decided to embrace late versus never.
So here is my homeschool day in the life (with an eight, five and almost-two year old)