Written by Anne Bogel of Modern Mrs. Darcy. For your holiday enjoyment, I present to you the best Christmas scenes in children's literature. (I shared the best Christmas scenes in English literature last week.) It was painful to choose just a snippet to share because the extended scenes—and …
Search Results for: little house
20 favorite Christmas books for kids
Written by Jamie Martin, editor of Simple Homeschool Last Friday, the day after Thanksgiving, we followed our usual tradition of chopping down our Christmas tree. But there's another tradition we always follow on that day as well, and I was reminded of it when one of my children asked: "When …
Curricula bliss: 12 products we couldn’t live (or learn) without
This post contains affiliate links. Jamie C. Martin, editor of Simple Homeschool, also blogs about motherhood at Steady Mom Our family spent the first part of September on vacation--something we've made a tradition of the past few years. When most people head back to the grind of school and …
Curricula bliss: 12 products we couldn’t live (or learn) withoutRead More
Homeschooling an angry child: The hardest part of Jamie’s homeschool year
Homeschooling an Angry Child ~ Written by Jamie C. Martin of Simple Homeschool, with the permission of my angry child, who "hopes this story will help others" A note from Jamie: Find an update to this post, written five years later, here! The whining starts before breakfast. It rapidly …
Homeschooling an angry child: The hardest part of Jamie’s homeschool yearRead More
Inspiring homeschool links
This post contains affiliate links. Just another quick reminder that if you want to make sure you see my status updates on Facebook, now you can! Here's how to do so: Head to Simple Homeschool's Facebook page (or other favorite page) Hover over the "Liked" section. Then click "See …