Written by Jamie C. Martin of Simple Homeschool
and Introverted Moms (which reopens to new members tomorrow!)
Our 12th annual day in the life series is wrapping up, and if you’ve missed any of the posts thus far, you can catch up with them here:
- Kari’s homeschool day in the life (with a newborn, 2-, 11- and 14-year-old)
- Shawna’s homeschool day in the life (with a 15- and 18-year-old)
- Melissa’s homeschool day in the life (with a 7-, 10-, 13-, 14-, 17-, and 20-year-old)
- Purva’s day (with an 8-, 11-, and 12-year-old)
- Cait’s gameschool day (with a 9-, 11-, and 12-year-old)
- Colleen’s homeschool day (with an 8-, 11-, 13-, and 18-year-old)
- Jamie’s homeschool day (with a 15-, 16-, and 17-year-old)
- Kari’s homeschool day (with a 1-, 3-, 13-, and 15-year-old)
- Erin’s homeschool day (with a 9- and 14-year-old)
Now it’s your turn! Tell us about what’s working in your homeschool, and what your family has learned so far this year.
Remember, each of us does things a little differently, and there is no one perfect way – we want to know what makes your family and homeschool unique!
How to take part
Please leave the link to your personal day in the life in the comment section of this post. (No official “linky” this year – If you don’t have a blog link to share, feel free to write the details of your day in the comments for us to read!)
In your comment, feel free to share your title/link this:
Jamie’s homeschool day w/ a 16, 17, & 18-year-old: https://simplehomeschool.net/jamie2022
That will help readers find the posts that interest them most.
Thank you so much for joining us (again!) for this series. I can’t wait to hear about your day!
If you’re reading this post in an email or reader and want to check out everyone’s links or add your own, just click here to head to Simple Homeschool — enjoy!
Dominique’s homeschool day with a 16, 14, 12, and 8 year old
Love your beautifully busy day, Dominque, and your beautiful boot blog header, too! Thanks so much for sharing your day with us!
Debbie’s Day in the Life of with a 12 and 11-year-old:
Love this peek into your day, Debbie – that bowling machine is amazing! And your new site design is stunning!
Jen’s Homeschool Day with Ages 11, 10, 7, 3, and 1
Jen’s latest post: Homeschool Day with Ages 11, 10, 7, 3, and 1
Thanks for sharing your day with us, Jen! It’s obvious that you’re doing such an incredible job with your kids.
Katie’s Homeschool Day with a 9 and a 6.5-year old (with chemistry and color wheels!):
Hi Kathryn! Thank you for sharing your homeschool day in the life with us! Your blog is beautiful. I love how you have Books and Breakfast followed by Cozy Up Reading. Reading your day gives me all the warm and fuzzies about motherhood. 🙂
Thank you again!
Community Assistant
Amy’s Day in the Life 2022 (with a 16, 14, 11, 9, and 6-year-old)
Hi Amy!
Thank you for continuing to share your day in the life with us. I love the vulnerability you shared with regards to the importance of postpartum health. You have a beautiful family and appreciate you taking the time to share with us.
Thank you!
Community Assistant
Thank you, Katie! It’s been a joy to share our family’s adventures over the years and read everyone else’s!
My day today begins with my daughter and son in law dropping off my 4 year old granddaughter, and her two dogs. Unusual day. They are driving to another state to pick up a car they are buying. So I have a 4 year old, two dogs, in addition to my four cats.
Around 9:30, I put on an episode of Reading Rainbow.
At 10:00 we switch to an interview my son wants to watch and my granddaughter gets my big fluffy bathmat out of my bathroom and sits on it with one of her books. The big dog lies down with her.
She enjoys doing this for an hour. I give her a snack of dry roasted peanuts.
At 11:15, she’s changed into her Princess dress, complete with crown and dancing shoes. We will shortly read another chapter in her chapter book, from A to Z Mysteries. I try to read to her several times a week. Chapter books instead of picture books. She loves being read to.
Between 12 and 12:30 we will have a nutritious lunch, after which she still takes a substantial nap.
If the weather is nice, after nap we go to one of our local parks and she gets some exercise. Then home for another snack. Usually mom and dad pick her up between 5:30 and 6, but today will be different. They may return quite late so she’ll have supper with us, and put on her pyjamas.
Her uncle still lives at home because he is disabled like I am so he is my helper. My husband lives in another city during the week and only comes home on the weekends.
So far its working for us!
Hi Lucy!
Thank you so much for sharing with us your day in the life! I grew up on Reading Rainbow and I love that the television program is still going strong! You are doing a wonderful job. We appreciate you taking the time to share with us!
Thank you again!
Community Assistant
Erin’s Day in the Life with a 16 year old … Rounding the Bend to Young Adulthood
Hi Erin!
Thank you so much for sharing your day in the life with us! I love your photography, such beautiful pictures. Your son’s woodworking is also very well done. I love your daughter’s drawings, she is very talented. I can imagine the adjustment of everyone working in the same space is difficult, but it seems that you and your family are treasuring this time together. :). I also am apart of the Introvert Moms community, and it is so fun to hear you have been enjoying are latest read. I appreciate you taking the time to share with us.
Thank you again!
Community Assistant
Thank you for sharing your day! I only have one child (15) at home at the moment. It is interesting how the days have changed. I still haven’t written my day in the life yet this as it has seemed so boring compared to years past. However, you have inspired me to do it. 🙂
Sharon’s Homeschool Day in the Life with one 15 year old at home and two other teens away from home this year.
I forgot to add the link!
This is my very first time sharing our day!
Thanks for joining in!